Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1936: Omi's Trap 2

Omi took off the stargazer, and the night sky and platform disappeared from her eyes. What she saw was just a kind of visual projection, the essence of which was the data generated during the encounter between Witch VV and Jiang. ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com's simple data is icy, but Omi, who describes these data, has a heart, temperature, imagination, reason and sensitivity, although it is not usually expressed in the way most people like. The fully enclosed helmet obtained from the ruins of the ruling bureau known as the "Stargazer" presents the icy data in a gentle manner. Omi has personally proved that for himself, the data is transformed into a visual performance Form and observe, and then go deep into its essence to interpret, this process is smoother than direct essence interpretation.

In the "Stargazers", Omi saw not only the gorgeous night light and the illusory platform, but also the whole process of the defeat of Witch VV. In the second half of the observation, she even only saw the surface of the witch VV, which produced a terrible and deep intuition. This intuition made her start to understand the situation of "Jiang" in the witch VV and the witch VV. Details of the impact.

Just as the word "Jiang" is also included in his own name, when Jin Jiang learned some information about "Jiang" from Dorothy, he naturally developed a kind of instinct for "Jiang" from the connection of this word. a feeling of. It cannot be said that it is a sense of intimacy, nor a sense of similarity. If you want to describe it, it is like seeing a stranger similar to yourself by accident, but you have no reason to feel that this stranger has a certain relationship with yourself, but carefully After inquiry, I found that the two are not related ... No, the similar appearance and sudden encounter, even from a scientific point of view, are not purely accidental. A vague but huge connection does exist, which is enough to trace back in time. The source of a long time ago. Omi liked this sentence very much: everything that seems to be accidental is inevitable, and an invisible thread connects with each other interlaced.

Omi cannot find out the connection between himself and "Jiang" in essence, but can feel and understand why Dorothy has found herself through those undisclosed situations. If you look at what is happening in yourself and what is happening around you from a wider range of possibilities, you can also vaguely find yourself born and growing up as a "Jiangjiang" and eventually become a sign of the "Jinjiang trap". Omi can gradually realize from the shadow of his self-free growth that he has a trace of macro-control from the physical composition to the spiritual composition. This trace has begun before the physical body composition and before the awakening of self-consciousness. It is shaped like this, but it is not a narrow restriction, but a very purposeful guide. The foundation and exhibition of one's existence are not "naturally promoted", but the natural trajectories of life that make yourself the way you are today are also left with the mark of artificial arrangement.

If the black hand behind the scenes is Dorothy and tie colors as he knows, Omi feels acceptable. Not accepted because of emotional factors, she is very clear that she does not have a sense of closeness to Dorothy and the color, nor does it have any relationship to induce positive or negative emotions, even if Dorothy has not concealed her extraordinary But, for Omi, her cognition still started from the nog collective research on how to start the final weapon mimicry of "Doris", when Doris was just one of her research objects, and then , She successfully launched her, and all her thoughts and emotions are based on this.

However, Omi admits Dorothy's ability, and also indirectly recognizes the ability to tie colors—although she doesn't really see the body of tie colors. The cognition of the color system comes entirely from Dorothy's narrative and long-term research on "level system". It is not clear even to Omi. The “hierarchy” came to the ins and outs of the cyber sphere. In all the data she collected, the “hierarchy” was not the creation of the cyber sphere. The origin of the "level system" in the network ball is a mystery, and it is a mystery that does not even know the two most important core characters of the fire and the Prophet Mayn. The more terrible thing is that so far, except Outside of Omi, no one would think about the origin of the "level system".

They have been using the mysterious power of the "level system" as if to describe their destiny. They are obviously full of curiosity about it, but they never seem to have the idea of ​​uncovering their doubts. The power of curiosity that was once proud of people disappeared so unclearly. Such a result has always puzzled Jin Jiang, and at the same time felt an inexplicable cold feeling. Of course, it was not fear. Omi never produced emotions such as fear.

The "level system" is the embodiment of the color. When Dorothy said so, Jin Jiang felt that she could believe it, so she believed it, based on many things that could not be proved, as if it was purely emotional trust, Jin Jiang quickly interpreted Many unknown things have been deduced, and many possibilities have been inferred that people will be more fearful than the current doomsday world. The more intelligent people, the more self-confessed people, the more they will taste the horror that is more desperate than dying from the imaginary conclusions of Omi.

Even so, Jin Jiang herself will not be afraid of it. As she said before, she feels that she knows what fear is, but she has never experienced strong emotions like fear in person. As if something terrified, crazy, and desperate in the eyes of others, in her thoughts, and in that dim feeling, it was just a calm and natural necessity. All situations, whether mysterious or non-mysterious, are really unexplainable, or seem to be unexplainable, and have a reasonable and reasonable context, but it is just that many people have difficulty distinguishing that guiding everything from the messy images and emotions In the context of the heart, he cannot accept those who have passed or rebelled against his own cognition.

At the same time, Jin Jiang is also very clear that the probabilities he has shown may be incredible for the other people who escape the fire and the netball, but for Dorothy, it is just another proof that Jin Jiang must become " The evidence of the "Jiangjiang trap" is taken for granted, is reasonable and reasonable, and is full of inevitability. Furthermore, it is full of an inevitability that must be so.

Precisely because Jin Jiang herself accepts this inevitability, and even more so, she accepts this inevitability with a happy mood, so she will work so hard to study how to turn herself into a complete "Jian Jiang" "Trap", she has a strong subjective initiative in this plan. Now let's judge whether Dorothy made Jinjiang like this, or Jinjiang made himself like this. It doesn't make much sense anymore, because the client doesn't accept it from the self-cognition for reasons of others When you change yourself, those factors that have caused a sense of self-existence and sense of contradiction will be useless.

Jin Jiang keeps thinking. When she thinks, these thoughts will also leave a clear record. When she turns back to regenerate these records, she can clearly judge her thinking and psychological context, and then complete it. A continuous self-analysis project. After that, she will find out the principles and rules of self-cognition in the development and change, and then refer to the relevant situation of the "Jiang" that has been obtained. Using these principles and rules, she will compile herself into a more detailed and strict , A solid prison cage-and this is also her initial idea of ​​completing the "Jiang River Trap".

In Omi's view, this trap against "Jiang" is already full enough to attract the other party into the urn, but the way to trap "Jiang" is still too barren. "Jiang" is not a living body in the sense of common sense, her aggressiveness to the carrier is both powerful and mysterious. Taking the situation of the Witch VV as an example, it is difficult for Omi to find out from the existing records the regularity of the erosion of the Witch VV and the details of the changes during the exhibition. However, the erosion of the Witch VV by "Jiang" was born in the collective subconsciousness of the human being, and the Witch VV also encountered "Jiang" in the depths of the collective subconsciousness of the human being. These conditions are enough for Jinjiang to understand, compared to the external body The "jiang" may be more aggressive towards the inner self.

Once "Jiang" enters the "Jinjiang trap", the priority should be given to not the abnormalities shown in the body's physiology but the changes in self-cognition. How to confirm that you are still "Jianjiang" instead of "Jiang" is the core issue. However, from the data of the erosion process of Witch VV, all the known logic-filled or imaginative consolidation of self Cognitive methods are invalid. The origin of Witch VV is special. As a unity of the existence of some unknown pieces of personality, she obviously has excellent ability in self-cognition, and eventually became an independent and single individual "Witch VV". In the process of becoming a clear individual, "Witch VV", what did you do and what changes have happened? These problems may be permanently a mystery along with the erosion of "Jiang". Perhaps, Witch VV itself is not Understanding the whole process, it is not even possible to capture the details in self-observation, but in any case, the achievements of Witch VV at the level of self-cognition and ideology exceed the common sense of everyone, which can not be denied. Looking at her achievements from another angle, it can even be said that she has introduced the miracle of material self through the achievements of spiritual consciousness and self-cognition.

Basically, all people have material carriers first, and then form thinking in the material carriers, and then self-cognize when the thinking is mature. However, the witch VV is the opposite in this process. The process of forming the material carrier is more like a by-product of consciousness.

In this way, the witch VV with extraordinary achievements in spiritual consciousness and self-cognition could not resist the erosion of "Jiang", and eventually became a human-shaped individual expression of "Jiang". Omi doesn't think he can do better than Witch VV. So, after this, Jin Jiang's erosive research on how to limit "Jiang" from the level of consciousness fell into a deadlock that seemed to be unsolvable. This is the knot that the "Omi River Trap" wants to succeed in any case.

When Dorothy informed about the existence of the "Jinjiang Trap," Jinjiang already knew that. In fact, Dorothy and the color system did not have enough confidence in this plan. These two non-human existence obviously have more "Jiang" Cognition, but these cognitions can not be used as "knowledge" and "data" to let myself go to a more detailed conclusion. So far, all descriptions of "Jiang" are superficial. This is not because the other party is not attentive, nor is the other party not enough to understand, but only that there is a problem with the communication of this information-this is a kind of The problem that Dorothy ca n’t really solve is still tied to the color. The confirmation of “Jiang” is limited to individual cognition and cannot be effectively communicated between the collectives. All the information that he has confirmed will be in The process of transforming into communicable information produces distortions and deviations. This kind of interference in the transmission of information, in science or occultism, has a variety of feasible methods, but all the corresponding solutions are either unusable with current technology or only exist in fantasy There is no practical success.

Jin Jiang had to study "Jiang" himself. Out of the possible existence, and the connection between Jiang and Jiang, her research progress has completely passed the information from Tao Le Ribbon. However, these research results are still not enough for her to make a decisive breakthrough in the river trap ~ ~ Every four hours, she needs to board 6 stargazers in the world of imaginary information visualization Find inspiration.

One of the most recent inspirations came from the long-sought counterattack on the internet ball.

The intention of the fire escape is to find the repeaters of Doomsday Truth and destroy them. However, the activation of the time machine requires these repeaters to disintegrate in a fixed order and provide energy in a progressive manner. As a crystallization of the collective subconsciousness of human beings, the repeater has made a difference in "time". Omi has always felt that this connection will inevitably reveal one of the most essential secrets of the world. Therefore, I also look forward to the time machine starting After the observation. In this way, it is ensured that the judgment and actions of the fire will not affect the survival of the Doomsday Religious Repeater, because the destruction of the Doomsday Religious Repeater is the last one.

In order to limit fire escape, but can not be expressed with great fanfare, the introduction of external force becomes inevitable, this external force should also be inevitably introduced, is a natural result-to meet the conditions, it is still Gao Chuan.

Similarly, the inspiration that activates Omi, which she considers to be an indispensable primer in the Omi trap, is also Gao Chuan.

Moreover, it is not the young Gaochuan who looks like a ghost, but the real body Gaochuan that actually exists.

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