Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1938: Gao Chuan's Strategy

The prosthetic body Gaochuan is sinking. It is not his body that sinks, but his consciousness. ┡E 』Ω novel www * W. Ω1XIAOOSHUO. Com from the bridge to the spherical core, from the suspended platform to the twelve totem poles rising in the abyss around the platform, all filled with tentacles of varying thickness, these tentacles are full of inorganic sense, but also as vivid as the limbs of living creatures. Each tentacle is entangled with countless small pipelines, each of which shows grayish-white color, just like ashes and ashes. These lines or tentacles are all very different in appearance from those originally connected to the prosthetic Gaochuan. When the prosthetic Gaochuan put all its attention on the Nazis, they had begun Gradual change, when the prosthetic body Gao Chuan noticed this change, the impact of this change can no longer be resisted.

They began to connect the prosthesis, began to urge a certain change of the prosthesis, began to produce more violent chemical reactions based on this change, and began to affect Gaochuan's nervous system through these chemical reactions. All the values ​​that monitor the changes of the prosthesis and the mental state produce large fluctuations and constitute a weird fluctuation curve. When Gao Chuan gazes at these data and curves, the changes in these data and curves seem to be an illusion, let him Consciousness is sinking, he subconsciously repels his sinking, but this kind of subconscious thought cannot even become a clear idea.

Gao Chuan doesn't know whether what is happening to him is good or bad. However, as an experienced mysterious expert, he can understand that these things have been born, and he has no other way than to accept it. There are a large number of factors that contribute to this change, and those factors are also what I have to bear at the same time-in order to defeat the enemy, in order to realize the desire, etc., as long as I want to change anything, I must accept all this.

So he sank faster.

The appearance of Sanxian Island is changing. Initially, the three islands are clearly connected by various structures, but they are not tight. The distance between the islands is enough to accommodate a huge river, but they are all surrounded by mist, even Ascending into the universe, these mists have not dissipated, so that in the hazy vision, people feel that Sanxian Island is one. And now, the three islands that are actually distinct are being united in a deeper way, the gullies become crevices, the crevices are filled with foam-like growth materials, the surface of the island becomes flat, and all the artificial creations that have not been destroyed in the fierce battle are lost Its originally normal outline is distorted to the opposite of "beauty" in human perception. It is impossible to describe how ugly this appearance is, because it is not correct to describe it as "ugly". A large number of planes and polyhedrons are actually in accordance with the normal perception of human beings. However, when they are connected in a staggered manner, When they are no longer neat and symmetrical, and when their corners are full of distortions, people can't help but have a compulsive mentality trying to correct them. Therefore, when they can't correct it, the feeling that makes people feel repulsive, Will become more intense.

Sanxian Island is becoming terrible, and it has completely lost the meaning of the "Sanxian Island" originally carrying the meaning of a good vision-in the Eastern mystics, Sanxian Island has been given a lot of human dreams The concept of, nowadays, the distortion of this Sanxian Island is like a distortion of human dreams. If the prosthetic body Gaochuan wakes up and can observe the entire Sanxian Island, it is bound to be aware of the terrible change. However, the prosthetic body Gaochuan has fallen into a deep dream and is still sinking.

At that moment, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan felt suddenly awake again, but could not tell whether he had actually woken up or was in a seemingly sober dream. Everything around them did not change much from what they were before sinking in their consciousness. Those tentacles entangled with the prosthetic body have disappeared. It was liberated from China, the prosthesis did not have any malignant changes in appearance, and the self-monitoring value was unexpectedly very stable. The only most impressive change is this "liberation" from appearance to mind.

Thinking from the experience of mysterious experts, the prosthetic body Gaochuan does not feel that he has really been liberated, but rather that all the changes observed before he was awake all mean that he cannot be liberated--and, let himself bear those Suffering is entirely a result of one's own will. He couldn't bear to see himself doing nothing when he witnessed others suffering, and he never needed others to suffer to liberate himself. He has seen too many sacrifices and pains. When those sacrifices and pains are born, he even feels that if he bears them, he can free others and he will do so without hesitation.

Whether from personal will or the end, in fact, one's own sense of liberation is either an illusion, or another deterioration in the level of consciousness, and mistakes the deterioration for nothing, or the improvement, which has never been in the mysterious phenomenon This is not uncommon. The experience of the mysterious expert has made Gao Chuan see that many people are subconsciously seeking good things, seeking self-release, and seeking things that are difficult for a person to give up, but instead fall into a trap.

There is a big difference between "making people feel beautiful and normal" and "really beautiful and normal".

Distorted the senses, allowed self to misinterpret its own will, let its heart and eyes be blinded by maliciousness, and mistakenly treat fear as joy. These phenomena are repeated in the mysterious world. As long as people cannot achieve omniscience and omnipotence, but only from a corner, with superficial eyes and understanding, when they look at the side of an event in the area, these terrible phenomena will not stop, and people ca n’t escape this. Because of its own superficiality and narrowness in cognition and understanding.

His own enemies, terrible enemies like Doomsday Truth and Nazis, etc., used the mysterious powers beyond the limits of human cognition and understanding to pull countless like-minded companions into the abyss. Gao Chuan has always been vigilant about this, because even he himself is relatively emergent and narrow, even if it is prostitute, it is impossible to achieve omniscience and omnipotence, which means that there is always a mysterious existence that he cannot understand-- The mystery has always existed and has always acted on yourself, and you probably know nothing about it and have no feeling about it.

As now, everything is normal, but is everything really normal?

Is the spherical core where he is really a spherical core? Is it true that all things present in the material state are really things in the material state that allow you to feel something in observation and touch? Or is it all just an illusion? Prostitute Gao Chuan carefully looked for flaws and clues, trying to find a trace of evidence that could prove his idea.

However, the evidence does not exist, or Gao Chuan actually understands that he cannot observe the same thing from multiple perspectives, so even if the evidence is in front of him, he is likely to be deceived-because of his observations and Comprehension is so limited, and the abnormal place has been on the other side that you cannot observe and understand. It is not hidden. It is just that you cannot observe it, and you cannot understand it if you observe it.

Gao Chuan couldn't help but think: maybe he sank too deep, and from the level of consciousness, he can no longer distinguish the spiritual world from the material world.

However, there is a strong intuition, he feels that he is still in Sanxian Island.

A huge virtual screen unfolded in front of him, and a panoramic view of Sanxian Island was shown on the screen. It looked no different than before he suddenly woke up. The three islands were covered with mist, as if they were one, and around Sanxian Island, the other ships of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet were floating like dead objects, and there was no sign that there was human activity on them. The information from Xiandao was like Shen Hai, and no feedback was received, as if all the crew were dead.

Only within Sanxian Island there is a response to human activity, although it is very weak, but it is very dense, and there are a lot of them-all of them are prepared for this battle, and in terms of the number of survivors, there are still 7 million , Is still enough to enable Sanxian Island's ultimate attack.

The people in Sanxian Island are silent except Gaochuan. Gao Chuan once felt their thoughts and even very clear conversations, but now there is only silence. Too low and deep silence made Gao Chuan's breath and heartbeat sound as if he could echo in the spherical space.

I ca n’t resolve my own state, nor my own situation. After fully understanding this, Gao Chuan decides to do the only thing he can do-because the current self, from thinking to action, is not constrained, and is the only one The only one who is not constrained. A large number of virtual screens have been unfolded, showing the surface conditions of the moon from different angles. The observation results of the universe have completely continued my cognition of the situation before the sudden wake up. From the sinking of my consciousness to the sudden awakening, how long has elapsed, I can't judge from the observed external changes, the clock of the virtual screen has stopped, and all the means to confirm and calibrate the time are also invalid.

Gao Chuan remembers the scene where the Nazi moon repeater crashed into the mayfly ruins. The scene he saw today is the successor of that scene: there was no too strong change, the impact seemed to have stopped, and the mayfly ruins were not destroyed. The moon has not been torn apart, the two stick together like a mud, and, from the data point of view, they are still more closely and deeply connected, like the merger of two muds into a bigger mud. On the contrary, the side of the earth facing the moon, from the universe, is showing a lot of shadows. The once beautiful azure outline is gradually obscured by this shadow, just like echoing the changes after the collision of the moon and the mayfly ruins.

The earth is losing the color that makes it appear to be full of vitality, turning into a dull gray. Just seeing this scene, Gao Chuan is already clear. Those lives that have experienced many hardships and still live on the earth have ushered in yet another cruel test. Too many people have been lost in the previous war, and this time, there will be more lives that are not limited to humans and will die quickly.

If everything you see is not just an illusory illusion, and even a tiny bit of symbolic meaning exists in it, it means that "the end of the world" is approaching in a more real way.

This is not the end of human common sense. Observing only from the surface, it is impossible to understand what is destroying everything. This is not a natural phenomenon, nor by any means so-called man-made, but a more complex, all-round vicious alienation from the consciousness of matter.

This change is so scary, even Gao Chuan couldn't help but hope that it was just a nightmare of his own.

At this time, the moon seems to be one of the main reasons for guiding the anomaly of the earth, but the change of the moon itself also makes people feel heavy. The outline of the Nazi repeater has disappeared from the place where the moon collided with the mayfly ruins. However, this does not mean that the Nazi repeater has been damaged. The observation data of Sanxian Island is showing another long-anticipated picture, but still more serious than expected: when the moon and the mayfly ruins become a mass, the Nazi repeater not only acts as a coagulant for the two, but also Like the fast-growing tree roots, it may continue to penetrate into the ruins of the mayfly, and may reach the ruling area.

The probability of "Nazi repeaters have been deployed in the ruins of the ruling bureau" is as high as 90%. However, it is still certain that those Nazi soldiers must still exist, and that they are still increasing, but only the direction of the attack was transferred to the ruins of the ruling bureau.

It is conceivable that all life existing in the ruins of the ruling bureau, mysterious experts and indigenous peoples, even the ubiquitous security system and powerful body life will bear the impact of the Nazis. In this inevitable expansion of war, the Nazis with a repeater will definitely not fall out of favor.

Gao Chuan understood the seriousness of the situation. Although he was worried, he was not impatient. In terms of the plan they are implementing, the Nazis' choices were still expected and "beneficial".

Yes, despite the deepening of the coming of the end, in the plan of Dorothy and others, this behavior of the Nazis was an indispensable part.

From the beginning, this time the end of the world of Doomsday Illusion was part of the plan: Although all the justice men are trying to resist the arrival of the end of the world, and in the stand against specific enemies, Dorothy and others stand with these people On the same side, but in terms of the ultimate goal, there are relative differences. Dorothy didn't fight the doomsday doctrine in order to resist the end of the world. Instead, it was the key to his plan to sit back, promote, and use this end of the world.

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