Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1945: Fleet authority transfer

"Is it really confirmed that" Jiang "appeared independently?" The protagonist Gao Chuan emphasized again.

"... Yes." Omi said.

"So, confirm again, do you want me to come in contact with" Jiang "or another 'Gaochuan'?" The prosthetic gaochuan gazed carefully at Jinjiang as if he could pass through this virtual image and see that it was not there Dorothy in the image.

"Of course, it is a rare opportunity to contact" Jiang ". If you don't take more data at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance next. These data have a great positive effect on the improvement of the plan." Changed her original decision, she knew that the man had his own ideas, but the ideas of both parties could not be completed at the same time-if he touched the young Gaochuan, the prostitute Gaochuan would immediately trigger the progress of the super Gaochuan project. It will lack sufficient combat power to face the "jiang". It can be said that all combat power including the repeater is currently in a deadlock against Yoshiko. The only battlefield you can choose is the prostitute Takagawa himself, and even the "Cosmic Joint Test Fleet" cannot move.

"Do you want me to meet" Jiang "alone?" Gao Chuan asked.

"It must be so." Jiang "will not be polite to anyone other than Gaochuan. The death rate of any other mysterious expert in front of" Jiang "is 100%." ​​Jin Jiang replied.

The "sha" on the other side is just silent. She is not quite sure what "jiang" is in the mouth of both parties. However, even these powerful outsiders are so cautious, even to say, with a strong The pessimistic argument is enough to show how terrible that thing called "Jiang" is. Nowadays, "Sha" grows rapidly under the pressure of the situation. After becoming the "Valpujis Night" form, she really understands more than most people, and it is transformed from "Valpujis Night" How durable is the "repeater"? It is precisely because of knowing the power of the hole card that we are more afraid of enemies who are stronger than the strong hole card.

Perhaps, our own party has not yet encountered that "Jiang", but it is probably impossible to directly ask these outsiders to abandon the strategy against "Jiang" and shift their focus to the life of the Nazis and the body, and, from the situation In terms of checks and balances, it is not a good idea. "Sha" is very clear. In the ruling bureau, there are many forces that regard "all people" as enemies. Whether it is for the Doomsday Truth, or for the life of the body, and even this "Jiang" that has never met it, it is probably like this-if there is no clear opponent in front of them, they will look for another opponent.

If these outsiders from the "network ball" do not check and balance "Jiang", then "Jiang" will probably come to the door. Just listening, to understand from the side, "Sha" has also got some information, which can outline the trend of "Jiang". "Sha" doesn't think that this thing regarded as a monster by outsiders will have no background. Suppose this "Jiang" is related to the doomsday truth religion, and in a certain trend, the two sides stand on the same position, and this is the situation that "Sha" thinks is most likely.

The doomsday sacrificial ritual of the Apocalypse has been irreversible, and fighting against the life of the body and the Nazi army is an inevitable result-just this situation has already made "Sha" overwhelmed. As the most familiar opponent, Elemental Life, let ’s not mention it, those Nazis seem to have put their repeaters into the ruling bureau, which means that once they are confronted with them, they will most likely be The result of "night" on "repeater".

"Sha" has become "Valpourg's Night", but in the vision of fighting with "Repeater", she will also unconsciously produce a pessimistic argument: her odds of winning are only below 30%. The way she exists makes her even difficult to move, and can only passively defend. The mobile personnel dispatched in the past can no longer be recovered. Although there are still some hopes for "Father Xisen" and "Ban", but both have already It's been a long time since I contacted, and it's time to consider the worst.

Today, to participate in the meetings of these outsiders, the original intention of "Sha" is to find a helper. However, it seems that the other party cannot free their hands.

"What about the fleet?" Gao Chuan asked, Omi had already expressed a strong will. He did not feel that he could ignore this willingness, although in his view, it was a better decision to contact young Gao Chuan at this time. He was very sure. As long as it can converge with the young Gaochuan, the Super Gaochuan project can be carried out faithfully, but his ideas are obviously not optimistic about Dorothy and others.

In regard to the attitude towards "Jiang" and "Young Gaochuan", there is actually a considerable gap between the prostitutes Gaochuan and Dorothy. There is no need to elaborate on the details. Generally speaking, Dorothy and others' prostitute Gao Chuan's judgment on "Junior Gao Chuan" is naive, while his judgment on "Jiang" is essentially wrong. In dealing with "Gaochuan", there are two problems, Dorothy and others prefer to strictly treat the two Gaochuan as two different individuals: one is the key to their own plan, and the other is a complete obstacle. There is no ambiguity.

Prostitute Gao Chuan admitted that he couldn't convince Dorothy and others, because he also didn't actually strive to deny the basic points that Dorothy and others regarded "Jiang" and "Young Gaochuan" in this way. Prostitute Gao Chuan does not have any evidence to deal with these, and it is difficult to sort out all the clues. He tends to use the usual style of mysterious experts to draw conclusions: that is his own feelings.

Although it is supposed to be the most rational "Gaochuan", it is based on "self-sensation" to make judgments on such important things-after breaking through the emotional suppression of the brain hardware and regaining sensibility, this approach It has always been criticized by Dorothy and others as the biggest flaw of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

Therefore, even if the prosthetic body Gaochuan meticulously executes Dorothy and the color scheme, the two sides have never reached a complete tacit understanding in the way of thinking. Tools to serve plans for Dorothy and others.

Of course, in the view of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, there is nothing wrong with this. It is precisely because the young Gaochuan has taken an unusual path, that is why he, who is also "Gaochuan", is more necessary to support Dorothy and others on another path. Because, so far, there is no evidence to prove which way is correct.

The worst case is naturally: both paths are wrong, but it is impossible to predict in advance from any details. You must wait until the result of the failure occurs before you can draw a conclusion.

Therefore, despite his desire to further contact with young Gaochuan, he still has to support the decision of Dorothy and others. Although he feels that he believes that contact with young Gaochuan is the best choice, Even, after contacting with the teenager Gao Chuan, contacting Jiang again may lead to some benign development, but this feeling also has no evidence, so it will never be trusted by Dorothy and others.

Even, Dorothy and others have always regarded this feeling of Gao Chuan as a beast of misfortune, believing that this is a manifestation of further pollution and erosion by "jiang" or "virus". They do n’t believe in “Jiang”, just like they do n’t believe in “Viruses”, nor do they believe that once the situation related to the two involves “Gaochuan”, there will really be benign development-they have a lot of facts in the past to prove this a little.

Prostitute Gao Chuan does not think he is absolutely correct, nor can he deny the correctness of Dorothy and others. Judging by feelings is very thin at this meeting, so he did not get entangled and directly shifted the topic to the universe. The handling of the test fleet. Jin Jiang has made it clear that to contact Jiang, he must be alone. There is reason to believe that when contacting "Jiang", everything except "Gaochuan" itself is cumbersome, even if Sanxian Island has no less than the power of a repeater. In the illusion of doomsday, combat power can determine many things, but it has never changed anything, and it has never let anything develop in a benign direction.

However, unexpectedly, Omi reviewed him for a long time and did not follow the topic. She just said: "Achuan, you must understand that without any preparation, you will not be the opponent of the young Gaochuan. Indeed, now you have become quite strong, no matter from physical quality or from Personality will not be inferior to that of Gaochuan, and the mysterious height and nature may not be comparable. However, as far as I know the young Gaochuan, you still cannot win the frontal battle. Do you know why? Obviously, there is no gap between you and him personally. "

"... Doros think so too?" Gao Chuan paused and asked. To be honest, this is a hypothesis that is essentially untenable in his opinion, but Dorothy and others always believe that this kind of murderous confrontation must be carried out between the prostitute Gaochuan and the young Gaochuan. The reason is naturally that the two sides have different understandings of the existence of Gaochuan. Dorothy and others have always believed that they understand what "Gaochuan" is better than any Gaochuan personality, but from the perspective of the prostitute Gaochuan, this is their biggest mistake.

"Yes, I do think so." With the sound inserted, Dorothy's virtual projection appeared beside Omi, and she looked directly at the eyes of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, as if judging his thoughts and emotions on the issue , "Do you want to know why?"

Prostitute Gao Chuan remained silent. He felt that Dorothy's point of view was problematic from the foundation, but since she chose to implement Dorothy's plan, it was necessary to clarify her thinking from her words.

"We always think that the young Gaochuan is the strongest of all Gaochuan, this is not because of the emotional tendency, but a detailed comprehensive evaluation. The specific process and data can't let you know completely, but please believe me and the department Our assessment will not go wrong. Achuan, you have grown up as planned, and you are not inferior to the younger Gaochuan in terms of individual qualities, but you must be clear that the victory of the battle does not depend on Gaochuan ’s own individual qualities. . "Dorothy said this way:" You consciously evaluated the effect of 'Jiang' on 'Gaochuan', which is correct, but 'Jiang' is not the only factor. "

"That's ..." Gao Chuan, the righteous body, was puzzled.

"Critical weapon!" Dorothy said: "You should think of it, but your thinking is disturbed. You subconsciously assume that you hold a critical weapon, or that you will hold a critical weapon when necessary, but Actually, no. Achuan, you do n’t have a critical weapon. The critical weapons we can find have already been used on the London repeater. It. According to the plan, the Doomsday Religious Repeater will be destroyed last, so you ca n’t get it in advance. In the worst case, all of our critical weapons will be destroyed along with the Repeater, so You must consider operations without critical weapons at all. However, the young Gaochuan possesses critical weapons. "

The prostitute Gao Chuan frowned. Although he thought he needed a fight between him and the young Gao Chuan, he did not think of the critical weapon factor, and indeed did as Dorothy said.

"The young Gaochuan who holds the critical weapon is undoubtedly the strongest Gaochuan." Dorothy said: "Once you meet in advance, you cannot be his opponent. Instead, contact with Jiang is also full of danger, But it has a better chance of getting results. "

"..." Yichuan Gaochuan nodded calmly and replied: "I see."

Although it feels a pity, this is by far the best opportunity to be able to further contact with the teenager Gao Chuan. As long as this contact is completed, there will naturally be more opportunities to be able to contact Jiang. However, Dorothy's concept cannot be wrong. Perhaps in her opinion, she thought something she took too much for granted. Perhaps Dorothy even regarded this opportunity of contact with young Gaochuan as a "jiang". Trap it.

It is extremely rare that "Jiang" emerged independently of "Gaochuan"-there may be something wrong ~ ~ The prostitute Gaochuan thinks so.

"The Space Joint Experimental Fleet was handed over to" Sha ", even Sanxian Island, in the current state of" Sha "can be effectively used." Jin Jiang said so, looking at the virtual image of "Sha", said to her: "You The information and part of the data have been fully parsed by me. Please complete the connection with Sanxian Island as soon as possible. I will give you multiple Valpus Night data and templates that are optimized to a certain extent according to the current situation. Just There is a way to fight against the Nazi repeaters before they finish their work. "

"... Sha is the night of Val Pugetz?" The body style Gao Chuan was a little surprised. He knew what the night of Val Pugets was, but he never thought that today's "Sha" can become such an existence artificially.

"Yes. To a certain extent, Sha is now more suitable than you as the hub of the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet." Omi smiled deeply and said, "So, Achuan, let go and contact Jiang. Believe it. Me, in the details of the plan, you do n’t need to deal with the problem of young Gaochuan at this time. "

"..." Noble Gaochuan nodded silently.

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