Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1947: KAEKESA of the Pleiades

Prostitute Gao Chuan couldn't determine how he was reacting. His voice and perception of his actions were all engulfed by a turbid noise and stimulus. That strong stimulus is not completely painful, but any too strong stimulus will only put a huge load on the senses. It seems that there is red hot metal pouring into the blood vessels, just like the invisible front is sewing the nerves, and there are many things that are sometimes flexible and sometimes hard, mixed in the blood and flesh in a fragmented way. He didn't think he could withstand fainting, but he realized that he couldn't faint at all. When he was in such a state that he could only use "wake up" to describe, the physiological crisis instinct management system had completely failed. From the level of consciousness, I can no longer enter the state of lost and lost all senses.

Prostitute Gao Chuan began to think, and he had to resist this strong stimulus through extreme or chaotic thinking. This was the only thing he felt he could do in a sober state. However, it is useless. Thinking is thinking, and perception is perception. The two are becoming clearer, just as there is such a force to force yourself to experience this terrible process.

Prostitute Gao Chuan compares everything he has suffered at this time with the pain he has suffered in the past. He cannot tell which one is more painful, but what is certain is that if such painful stimulation is not necessary, then He believes that Dorothy and others definitely don't stop there. Conversely, if "the need to withstand pain in exchange for greater power" is already the limit they can achieve, then they must bear this limit.

Being "Gaochuan" is not easy at all, and it is never good. From realizing that there are always many unbearable pains in the body, the prosthetic body Gaochuan just regards these pains that he is facing as a trial. symbol of. He must force himself to believe that these pains can make him stronger and able to face a more demanding environment, otherwise his personality will collapse in pain.

Prostitute Gao Chuan thought of Father Edward in pain, and the other party ’s asceticism was imprinted on himself in a distinctive way at this moment. Even so, the prostitute Gao Chuan still felt that he was not the same as Father Edward -It's fundamentally different in the initiative to create pain and to bear it.

He also thought of more people, more things, as if everything he had experienced and encountered so far since his birth was like the sand at the bottom of the river, turning up the river of memory It was so cloudy that I couldn't see any clear places anymore, and I couldn't take the initiative to find the wonderful memories I wanted to see. All he felt was pain, only pain, only pain ...

The terrible and mysterious cuboid device was infused with huge amounts of things-it looks like energy, but it is not lacking in physical matter, it is blue and black in general, and in a violent reaction, it transitions to deep red, and the entire injection The process makes the surface of the cuboid filled with visible radiation phenomena, with fluctuations, light, and impact. If it is not locked by a thicker chamber, these forces will probably melt through all known metals in one go.

However, these radiation phenomena passed through the surrounding protective measures in the form of dense strands, spilled out from the tiny holes, and eventually led back to the close room where the cube device was installed, and so on. From the cuboid device to the secret room, a lot of visible and invisible pipe and gear structures flooded it. At the outer periphery of this structure, there were also a number of cube structures surrounding it. Regardless of its size or quality, this chamber seems to be just one of these cube structures. Only this cube structure has content, and other cube structures seem to be empty, but its existence must have its purpose and meaning, and this meaning can only be understood by Jin Jiang and "Sha" who manipulates the reform of the prosthesis.

"83% progress ... He can't bear it anymore." The voice came from the side of Jin Jiang, but there was no figure there. The body of "Sha" is not here, and as the night of Valpus, her existence and scale are destined to be impossible to be accommodated by any ship of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet. However, "Sha", who has been granted Sanxian Island permission, is indeed undergoing this transformation remotely, and Jin Jiang, who performed critical surgery with her, did not personally arrive at Sanxian Island. However, at this time, Jinjiang owns an entity-one This kind of quality projection that once existed in sci-fi works is presented in this huge operation area in a posture completely different from those of sci-fi works.

In front of Omi, a large number of seemingly loose and chaotic cube structures are presenting their full picture in the form of images, and some images show what is happening inside-more specific pictures are unnecessary, Omi is constantly in sight The flowing data can directly construct the most vivid and deeply changing model in his own mind.

"Achuan's limit is higher than what he thinks he is, and it is far beyond our limit." Omi looks expressionless, but his tone is full of satisfaction and joy. At the beginning, she used a strong and active attitude to form a relationship with Gao Chuan, precisely because she saw what she needed most from Gao Chuan-love may also exist, but that is neither the earliest reason nor the most fundamental. the reason. As a mysterious researcher, what does the other half of the most eager look like? Omi believes that the most important point is "the ultimate height of endurance."

Gao Chuan is very tenacious, and whether he is treated as an organic creature or stripped of his personal consciousness, whether physiologically or consciously, only from the purest physical structure, he possesses an extraordinary kind of patience and adaptability. At that time, only Omi realized this trait through his unique perspective, and was even surprised that he was still a "human being"-from a mysterious point of view, this extraordinary patience and adaptability had already Beyond the category of "human", or, you must look at the strength and possibility of "human" differently.

All in all, Gao Chuan is special, and this particularity is more important for Jinjiang than the sensibility of "love". To say whether Jin Jiang has "love", whether she loves Gao Chuan in the sense of common sense, she thinks there is, but these sensibilities are ultimately inferior to reason. In terms of the final result of the two people getting along with each other, Omi believes that his research has achieved important results. This is the most important and ultimate result. She believes that Gao Chuan has a large part of all her achievements. Without Gao Chuan's experimental body, or the sense of responsibility and tolerance caused by the relationship of "husband and wife", she feels that she is unlikely to achieve today's achievements.

Today's prosthetic transformation is only a trivial matter. Before that, she had completed the most important research "time machine" in her life so far. Perhaps in the eyes of others, the importance, degree of completion and The purpose is far inferior to other researches she conducted in the online ball, but for herself, the dream result is almost the meaning of completing her life-and because of this, she is accepting the "Omi trap" "After such a statement, there is no temptation, but rather accepted this" setting "very easily.

For her, such a significant "time machine" was completed. In her view, both the name and the fact have exceeded the profound meaning of the concept of "husband" Takakawa, there is no doubt that the best assistance By. She has in-depth understanding of how terrible the Gaochuan monster is in front of her in numerous ways of practice. She never feels that the transformation in front of him will make him collapse-the same and even more painful experiments in the past, He has already passed, and every time he passes, he is becoming stronger.

"He is my man." Jin Jiang said to Sha with a proud tone: "I understand his limits better than anyone. His essence is far beyond your imagination."

Let ’s just say that, as easy as a joke, Omi raised the control data in front of him without changing the color — the monitoring data that was fed back began to change drastically, and the complex intuitive structure that directly formed in the mind relying on these data is also happening. The reaction as if "melting". Incomprehensible theories, incomprehensible phenomena are played in Omi ’s mind, and she knows the meaning of all this, and she alone knows it.

In her mind, the latest prosthetic body Gao Chuan has lost the shape of a "human", but a hazy and changeable volume is huge and loose, like a cloud of fog stretching countless tentacles, but in a deeper nature, it is a This kind of indefinite and indefinite structure finally regains the appearance of "human form".

Omi murmured in his heart with a voice that only he could hear, as if facing a masterpiece like God, he could not help but rise up to praise:

Walking across the shore, through the clouds,

The twin suns sink into the dark and invincible abyss,

The invisible shadow shrouded,

That was the dim KAEKESA.

The black crow was flying in a wonderful night,

A wonderful moon is running at night,

But even more amazing is that

Invisible KAEKESA.

No one heard the singing of the Anghang group,

The queen's robe fluttered in the wind,

The song disappeared silently in the abyss,

It was in the lost KAEKESA.

This is a wonderful poem that only sounded in Omi ’s heart. Even if she could n’t make a second impromptu, even this one never made her feel a little impromptu. She knew very well that she had never had a literary cell, but at this moment, this psalm appeared so suddenly in her heart. With her voice singing, even if she could not fully understand the meaning, she could Understand that the metaphors that existed throughout the text, as well as the terrible facts revealed by these metaphors, she could not express this terrible fact completely in her own language-only the one she did n’t even know about was completely self-made The general word "KAEKESA" seems to refer to a comprehensive meaning of a specific place, thing, state, etc., but it is completely monolithic. Yes, she knows that the part of speech of this word is monolithic, that is a description of a specific thing.

KAEKESA, incredible word, but what is it and where does it exist? It is incomprehensible just to delve into this patchwork pronunciation, because when these letters are used to form pictophonetic sounds, there is a huge deviation between the true pronunciation and the true meaning of this sound. Omi suddenly understood that although she didn't know how she understood it, she just understood that KAEKESA is not a "human being", and this is definitely not a human voice.

And, more importantly, after completing this impromptu, even unexpected psalm, she understood that this was not describing the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, which she had previously portrayed in the mind based on data The mist that stretched myriad tentacles indefinitely was definitely not the prosthetic Gaochuan-it was already part of the prosthetic Gaochuan, and it had existed in the prosthetic Gaochuan since the beginning. It was very essential and basic, but absolutely Not the prosthesis Gaochuan.

If you insist on associating, only one referential term emerges in Omi ’s mind: "virus".

What I saw was the "virus" that exists in the bottom layer of the existence of the "prostitute Gaochuan", and that the visual gesture is only one side of it.

It is entirely possible to see "viruses" through "Gaochuan". Of course, if you think of it in a more shallow way ~ ~ may also be "a monster in the collective subconscious of humanity".

With the help of such associations, or these associations that Omi could not help but generate, in a moment of uncontrollable thoughts, a splicing was completed: the meanings contained in KAEKESA are all directed at "viruses". This human language cannot be correctly and completely expressed, and the words that cannot be pronounced correctly by human voice, its meaning is its name, its place, its meaning and state of existence, it is all used to describe it The most basic and direct vocabulary.

Of the clues throughout the poem, only the name "Pleiades" is the easiest to recognize and understand.

Is the "virus" KAEKESA from the Pleiades? After recognizing this psalm in a way that she can understand—she subconsciously knew that it was not a complete psalm, but she could n’t understand why, after having created such a scene in her mind, she would be so direct Obtaining this seems to contain a huge amount of significant psalms-Omi ’s impression of this psalm is dying at a terrible rate. She still remembers that she knows this psalm, but she ca n’t repeat it anymore soon. The content is, but she is quite sure that when a clue appears, she must be able to remember that at that time, the constellation in the Pleiades must be in a "correct" position, enough to use the meaning of KAEKESA with humans. The way in which the observed matter or energy is presented may be reflected in the burst of brightness of the constellation.

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