Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1991: War, plague, famine and death

Mechanical transmission, the track is rolling, and the gray fog enters the other channel, and is excited by light beams of different colors. When it changes from gray to glorious, it seems that there are many lives in it, gestating, jumping, changing, Countless phenomena occur within one second and then end, and the resulting effects activate visible and invisible sensing devices. In the bite of gears and shafts, the hard shell spewed out from the huge output tube, fell into the pale yellow lake, and deposited a dense film while sedimenting, so it had a hard primary color structure It began to soften and was shaped into a new shape by the invisible force field. In the following multiple conveyor belts, it was spliced ​​into various limbs and shells through a baptism of a constant vortex phenomenon in the air.

Every second, the number of new security guards is growing. Every minute, hundreds of security guards walk down the production line, assemble into a team, merge into a track that is not particularly obvious, and are transported to the other end of the area, where there are larger vehicles being built by the machine Completed, even the smallest vehicle is equivalent to a skyscraper in normal human society. The seemingly huge construction machine is less obtrusive in front of these larger vehicles. At the end of these vehicles, or from the perspective of a certain functional composition, at the core of the launch, the joint experimental fleet of the universe except Sanxian Island is being covered with more structures , Interspersed, connected, those appearances that still have the normal human creation style, all because of these dress-ups and transformations have become more in line with the ruling style.

The hard and huge body, the line angle does not follow the dynamics in the normal sense, nor can it be streamlined. Instead, it is irregular polygons and intricate arcs. It cuts out multiple faces in three dimensions, which makes people look at a glance. The number of observable faces only occupies less than one tenth of the total number of faces. And those who can't see clearly and can feel the outline of its existence, further give people a mysterious and strange feeling.

As the core of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet, Sanxian Island was used as the second core of "Sha", and it was independently placed somewhere in the Valpus Night, and was safely connected to the entire Valpus Night system. A relatively independent structure. Whether it is Sanxian Island being destroyed first, or the structure of Valpus Night is first damaged, it will not affect the operation of another core, so that Valpus Night will be substantially stronger in damage. Durability.

"Sha" is actually not clear. It has become the self of Valpus Night. After this special temporary data hedge space called Valpus Night is damaged, will his own consciousness also be destroyed, but In order to enhance her survivability, she has used all the things she can find and unearthed her own skills. The night of Val Pugetz is a special temporary data hedging space. From this perspective, "Sha" has a deeper understanding of the mysterious and fierce state of "data hedging". It is not enough to understand, but She can now do things that are simply impossible at other times.

Every minute and every second, she can feel that she is becoming stronger, but with this strength comes not a sense of relief. From the destruction of the ruling bureau to the moment, she has never really felt safe. This world has become very strange, people feel that there are loopholes everywhere, but from a mysterious point of view, any loopholes can be made up in an incredible way, so it is impossible to be sure that those loopholes are really Vulnerabilities, not pitfalls.

Not only in the area of ​​the ruling bureau, even in the outside world, there is no longer a safe place. Even in the depths of one's thinking, will, and self-knowledge, there are hidden bombs that do not know when they will erupt. The repeater travels in the collective subconscious of the human being, and the monster is also hidden in the collective subconscious of the human. The collective subconscious shock, because this is probably a shock that occurs from the height of "no spatial structure".

"Sha" can't understand its essence, and even can't even analyze its phenomenon. When you start thinking, you must doubt whether your thinking itself has been affected-this is the most terrible place. When thinking continues deeper and falls into this cycle, it is impossible to determine whether one's thinking is purely one's own thinking.

The terrifying force is interfering with everything. It is as if it has always existed. It has not been realized that it does not mean that it does not exist and has no effect. Instead, it is just because it has always existed and has been influencing. It became a dead end in observation and understanding.

For "Sha", the enemy is both clear and vague. The definite enemies come from the Nazis, the doomsday truth religion and the body life, while the unclear enemies are hidden behind these definite enemies and guide the actions of these definite enemies.

Digging deeper into the truth will always create a kind of resistance. Just as if you dig deeper, you will find that the truth is beyond hope and despair beyond imagination, enough to make you collapse. But his own instinct and subconsciousness have already realized the terrible truth, so he prevented the subjective subjective knowledge of this truth, so that the truth is always placed in the blind spot of observation.

The above thoughts are always hovering in Sha's mind. Even when he is so busy, he still seizes part of Sha's thinking and operation from those necessary and busy work.

When the magic girls tried to crack, connect and reconstruct the security system inside the warehouse, "Sha" had already conducted a sampling study on them, and the results it saw from it convinced it, a kind of spiritual The plague is spreading among everyone—or everything that can think. Even if it is transformed into the night of Valpus, it can not avoid being infected with this plague in the process of thinking. Unless you give up all conscious activities including surface consciousness and subconsciousness, you cannot avoid your own symptoms in the later time. Worsened.

What is happening to these magical girls will happen sooner or later among all non-humans who think about it, and there is no way to solve it until they understand what the plague is and how it works.

However, whether it is cognition, understanding or action, it takes process and time. "Sha" is not sure whether he has such time. It has tried its best to do what it can, but it is impossible to determine whether the real solution can appear in time. Everything is so dangerous and so unpredictable.

Using human beings as firewood is an important part of Sanxian Island ’s driving force. “Sha” is researching this part of the technology, but she soon noticed that there is not enough intelligent life for herself, and she can only rely on. The number of human beings saved in the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet is just that – now humans are no longer able to supplement.

Although there must be others who have envisioned mass production of humans through mystery and technology, from the perspective of "Sha", this approach is not in favor, because, "produce people in batches and use them as raw materials." In practice, the ruling bureau has used its own experience to prove its effectiveness and terrible consequences. Everything involved in gray fog and gray fog can be accelerated by this method, but conversely, this method will also cause all products related to gray fog to fall into an infinite cycle of behavior and consciousness. , Which leads to an overall collapse.

In the study of "Sha", the outsider's "human-based" technology, although there are many differences from the technology of the ruling bureau, but in some contexts, the shadow of the old road of the ruling bureau is vaguely displayed-just It seems to indicate that the technology of the ruling bureau in this respect is already perfect and correct. All similar technologies that want to be complete will eventually become the technology that the ruling bureau already has.

From this perspective, if the ruling bureau technology is directly and completely preserved, then the study of outsiders becomes unnecessary, because they are just repeating the path that some people have proved impossible. However, even "Sha" does not have a complete **** technique. In many ways, she only knows a rough idea. Therefore, there is no evidence to convince outsiders that they have paid so much effort, but they are still walking in the same line. In a dead end that has long been verified. To put it another way, everyone, including her and outsiders, has no choice. To win, you must go this way, because only this route, like drinking a dove to quench your thirst, is likely to catch up. The shortened countdown to destruction.

The more you know more, the more you can understand how deep the despair is ahead. Even "Sha" just believes in the existence of hope, and has not actually found the dawn of hope.

The more you study, the more you fight, the more you understand your situation, and the more you try to understand the changes in the world, the more you feel the inevitability of the end and the bell that is coming to an end.

"Everything I have done to resist the destruction is guiding the arrival of the destruction." The idea from outsiders is now also the idea of ​​"Sha".

Instead, "Sha" is fortunate that he has become the night of Valpus, because, if he is still human, he will be defeated by this huge despair.

Will this action be another reaction to promote the end? "Sha" thought of it more than once, but it had no other choice.

Power accumulates in silence, and the army increases in despair. More and more like-minded people are feeling like a foreboding. They have emerged from places that cannot be directly observed, and before seeing this scene with their own eyes, never One can imagine that there are still so many people who survived that still have the power of World War I. Even Dorothy and Tie Se are surprised from the perspective of "hospital reality"-even if they observe this from a different angle The world has also failed to capture the signs of survival of these people, which also means that they have a new hole in their understanding of the world.

In the final analysis, the world called "Doom Fantasy" looks logically so rigorous and full of repetitiveness, and the limitations seem to be reflected in the cornerstone of "personality consciousness of patients with doomsday syndrome" . However, when I think that I have roughly analyzed the composition of this world, there are more situations that I do n’t know. This makes people wonder. How much of what I know, occupy all the secrets?

When Dorothy and the color were distressed, Omi just smiled quietly.

"The world is very big, why don't you understand? Your experience is enough to prove that the closed system you think does not exist. All theories that can only be established in the closed system are in front of the actual unclosed system. , There will definitely be deviations. When the world is not a closed system, the unknown is always increasing, never ending. "She seemed to be talking to them ~ ~ also seemed to be talking to herself: "Quantum theory is just an emergency theory. The underlying quantum itself does not exist. All the assumptions made based on quantum existence cannot explain all phenomena even if they explain many phenomena. In the face of more and more unknown , Its own errors will be more and more manifested. All the unity of theoretical thinking based on omniscience and omnipotence is itself an error. In the mysterious unknown, unity is just a beautiful fantasy. The world is infinitely large and microscopically Infinitely small, the concept of the macro will continue to expand, and the decomposition of the micro can continue, which will look like two The hierarchical world is closely connected into a world. All the contradictions that once existed, whether it is absolute opposition or unity of opposites, will show amazing continuity and unity in the continuously extending macro and micro, and let the contradiction 'It loses its original meaning. All ideas and theories based on a' bottom line 'will eventually face collapse because this' bottom line' does not actually exist. "

Omi said silently to Dorothy and the color, just like the prophecy said: "You are too small in front of the world that is enough to expand. Your vision is limited to no more than an ant, How can you, a small and limited person, really overcome the unknown flying insects? From the beginning, what you did was just a sweet and degenerate dream, and only Achuan understood it sincerely. This point, when there was not enough time to solve the problem and faced with an unsolvable unknown, how could he survive and how was it possible to solve the problem, he had already demonstrated it for you by himself. "

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