Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1996: Miserable world

Everyone stood in the corner of this warehouse, witnessing the huge space presented after the wall fell. Their perspective was rising, rotating, zooming in or out, and they did not feel the change of their position, as if it was that huge The space moves by itself. They have a wonderful feeling that the space is not as boxy as the surface looks, but is filled with a transparent liquid, without a fixed edge contour, and the ship of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is Like being suspended in this large amount of transparent liquid, it is the refraction of light that has caused them to have all kinds of strange changes in observation.

Although the whole scene I witnessed has a feeling of spaciousness and unobstructed view, it is easy to realize that the scenes I see are not the size of the original one in terms of rational comparison. The ships of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet are connected by a large number of structures to form a huge whole, and the independence of that ship is small under the contrast of this huge whole, as if they should be like this A whole, each ship is a module of this huge whole, not something that is temporarily pieced together.

It is impossible to tell what kind of structures are associated with each other's ships. These structures are very complicated, not only bridges, pipes, hinges and gears, but also not solid things, they are like nerves, blood vessels, like The signals of nerve movement and the blood flowing in blood vessels, even the color is not fixed. These structures appear to be still at a glance, but as long as you look closely, you can see that the movement of the details is so intense that it is unpredictable like an electronic cloud.

The majestic overall structure and the vigorous movement of the details are enough to produce a strong sensory feeling. Two words are used to describe it: "beauty" and "powerful".

Each ship of the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet can bring a familiar feeling to the mysterious experts in the warehouse, but at the same time, when they stare, it brings a stronger sense of strangeness. Let them subconsciously understand that these ships have been completely different from the ships they first knew, not only in appearance, but also in essence have undergone some changes.

But what exactly happened to the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet? The answer cannot be derived from this superficial look and feel.

"Sha, why don't you come out and explain what you are saying here?" A mysterious expert shouted into the void.

The figure of "Sha" seemed to float out of the air, and it was greeted by many eyes longing for answers and full of scrutiny.

"This fleet is a transaction between NOG and us, and it is also an important part of the plan." Sha replied calmly: "This fleet and you are the focus of different stages. To enter the Nazi repeater, there is no The power of these ships is difficult to achieve. "

"Of course we can understand this, but what about the people in the fleet?" Other mysterious experts are not concerned about the role of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet in this plan. These ships were originally the main force of the Nazi battlefield. It can be taken for granted that the battlefield glows and heats up, but what exactly happens to the people on the ship has to make people worry. Although rationally speaking, even if all the people inside are dead, it is not a strange thing on this battlefield, but most people do not want this result emotionally, and there are many ways to die, From the emotional point of view, there is also a situation where "which kind of death is more acceptable".

No one wants a trading conspiracy to work behind the death.

"It has been quarantined." Sha explained: "These ships have special mechanisms to ensure that the people inside can play the greatest role in the war. To this end, it is necessary to minimize casualties when not necessary. From From a technical point of view, these people are also recyclable resources, and all isolation methods are to protect these resources as much as possible. "

The "sha" statement has an odd taste, and its tone is so calm, as if to say that what happened to this cosmic joint experimental fleet is normal. Perhaps, in this battlefield full of mystery, unknown and pain, no matter how weird and cruel the situation is, it is normal, but it is also difficult for some people to accept this purely rational statement that excludes humanity. "Don't treat people as people" is an uncomfortable thing for anyone who is full of emotions.

However, at this time, they cannot unilaterally vent their emotions. If you think about it a little deeper, you can understand that the appearance of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet today is not the result of the "Sha" unilaterally, but the NOG aspect that directly bears global responsibility is certainly not ignorant of these circumstances.

"What is the situation of the people inside now?" Xiao Xiaomei asked, "We need to know more details."

"... The ships you make are prepared with strict and sensitive safety isolation mechanisms. Once the threat of ideology and material state reaches the standard, this mechanism will start on its own. What kind of mechanism is it, in order to What kind of purpose did you design this kind of mechanism, what kind of purpose did you try to achieve, and the answers to these questions, I do n’t think I should answer them. ”Sha said this:“ If you do n’t understand what you made yourself, , Why should we seek answers to outsiders? I can only say that all the people inside are temporarily safe, but on this battlefield, death will come at any time, regardless of whether these people are isolated. Safety is always relative, The safety isolation mechanism of these ships is a link to exert their power at a critical moment. When these people are isolated, it means that they will be used at the next critical moment. I can feel By now, the people on these ships have already made this psychological preparation. "

"That is to say, they haven't died yet, but they will definitely die, and they have become the state they are today under the premise of being informed?" A mysterious expert whose surface emotions did not fluctuate too much stated calmly, " Tens of millions of crew, each one understands his situation? "

"Isn't every one, you should ask your managers, I am only responsible for evaluating the role that this fleet can play, and let it play the most role." Sha's answer made all those with strong mood swings renewed Calm down, no one on the scene can continue to ask questions, they realized how naive and meaningless their previous accountability with emotions was, they shouldn't have asked. Many people have died in this war, and more people will die. No matter the status, regardless of race or gender, there is no choice. To say that when I just waited for someone to say that because of the emotional impulse, did he really have the idea of ​​"want these ten million people to survive"? By this time, it has become Blurred.

Because the people on the ship, like themselves, have no choice in this brutal doomsday war, and no one can save them. Conversely, in the face of the power shown by the Nazis, these tens of millions of people and themselves, who can ultimately survive, no matter how they are evaluated, are only a few.

A larger number of people than these tens of millions have already died on the earth, and they have died meaninglessly. At least the tens of millions of people who can continue to fight with their lives can still be regarded as "happiness"? Even the method of fighting and the way of dying is not the same as ordinary war and death.

In terms of taking 10,000 steps back, no mysterious expert here can say: "Let's go enough, let the people in these ships retreat to the rear" and other remarks. Because they know very well that in this war, if you do n’t gamble on everything, you will never see a chance of victory.

Therefore, if these tens of millions of people are already dead, then all will be mentioned. If they are not dead, then, in the next plan, even if not 100%, at least 99% of them will die.

In the end, what kind of state are the people in the ship, in the face of the future that "will definitely be sacrificed in war", there is no need to question at all.

That cruel, desperate and painful inevitability is making everything that is important to human nature meaningless.

Now that we know that the people in the ship are still alive for a while, what can we do? Don't you want them to die? Don't they rely on their inevitable death to create a chance of victory? In the attack on the Nazi repeaters, the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet must play an important role. Without the power of this fleet that is said to be able to break the wrist with the repeater, it is impossible to imagine yourself without draining this power. Can be successful.

To put it another way, if the plan succeeds and you survived the war, then of course, it was only because of the sacrifices of these tens of millions of people.

Although I hope these tens of millions of people can survive, there is no way. There is really no way. Mysterious experts silently looked at this cosmic joint experimental fleet, and the emotions that grew were like ants eating inside.

As a result, everyone who had previously surveyed this cosmic joint experimental fleet emotionally fell into a mood of uneasiness.

"What about Sanxiandao and Gaochuan?" Xiao Xiaomei asked.

"Gao Chuan has been relieved of the authority of Sanxian Island by NOG and is engaged in special maneuver operations." Sha replied: "Sanxian Island is still being processed. It is different from other ships and has more possibilities, it should be Play a more important role. "

"In other words, do you plan to use Sanxiandao separately from other ships in this plan?" Xiao Xiaomei asked further.

"Yes, there are still millions of people in Sanxian Island. In order to achieve the rated efficiency, I will add the total number back to 10 million." Sha said: "However, the people in Sanxian Island and other ships People are also different. There is no safety isolation mechanism on Sanxian Island. These people consciously used it as a firewood salary from the beginning-in a sense, these people who made and log in Sanxian Island are as human as the Doomsday Truth. fear."

"The Central Principality ... It is the Central Principality that makes Sanxian Island, and drives Sanxian Island." Sister Xiao Aesthetics said to herself and to others, but no one knew it in her tone. What kind of emotion is full of emotions, the only thing that can be determined is that it is not a positive emotion. She didn't think that this awesome, hard and cruel kind of Sanxian Island, full of crazy creations from the perspective of human nature, is something to be proud of and moved.

If you think about it for a while, you can realize that one of the most powerful countries in the world can be forced to create such a human-free war tool, so that so many people are forced to become enlightened with consciousness. The war is so desperate. Behind this powerful technology, what kind of fear and pessimism is hidden behind this fearful driving force. And behind this huge despair, pain and sorrow, what a tiny and shaky hope.

——Too painful, too painful.

Sister Xiao Aesthetics has no tears, no matter the physiological function or the soul, the mechanisms related to "tearing" have collapsed in the destruction of battle and mutation ~ ~ But even if you ca n’t cry, the sorrow in your heart is not Nothing will decrease.

The figure of "Sha" somehow disappeared, and no one in the warehouse paid attention. The appearance of the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet in their eyes is like a hot steel needle, which makes them unbearable from the heart, but they must endure it, want numbness, but can not be numb, it is here. No matter how you shift your gaze, you cannot stop your gaze from turning in that direction from time to time.

For them, the repair in this warehouse has changed from a temporary respite to a wriggling pain. If they can, they are willing to re-enter the battle, do not think about anything, just fight to death.

And all their thoughts, emotional fluctuations, and ideological movements were transformed into data and food at the first time, and they were absorbed by the night of Valpulas where they were-"Sha" looked at coldly and calmly Writing, tasting, analyzing, thinking, just like it said, it will put everything that can be used in a position where it can be used, and ensure that these things will definitely promote the plan Effect, whether these things are material or ideological. To win this war, it has to win this war. Perhaps defeating the Nazis may not bring good results, but without defeating the Nazis, even good results cannot be imagined. Only by solving this enemy can we further solve the doomsday truth.

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