Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2003: Card Two

In the humble ward, the body was so thin that it was impossible to tell whether a junior high school student or a high school student sat at the table. Their eyes were dull and their movements were dull. Every time they breathed, the pale pale skin did not rise and fall slightly. And the air seems to stop flowing. The appearance of the three girls has a strong sense of sickness and weakness, but at the same time has some special flavors, which can make people feel strange but unclear. Do they really have awareness activities? Isn't it entirely the instinct of the body that is in motion? Relying solely on the images observed by the monitor, no conclusion can be drawn at all. How to judge the existence of this process from consciousness to behavior? Modern science has its own set of relatively clear standards, but Dr. Ander, like most researchers in hospitals, does not think that this set of standards can be placed on these three girls.

As men with anti-chemical suits say, the influence of "viruses" is unknown but strong, and the behaviors and seemingly conscious activities of patients with doomsday syndrome cannot rule out the interference of "viruses"-if "viruses" The factor of "occupies the main part, then, its behavior reflects more the needs of" viruses "than the needs of the original human individual.

Observation of patients with doomsday syndrome begins when they arrive at the hospital. Observation of human behavior and consciousness activities can come from many aspects, and which one to choose to make a breakthrough, or that is, it is better to have a breakthrough, this is the Researchers have the highest priority and most important judgment. In any scientific research activity, there are many subjects to be studied, and the direction of the same subject is also many. There are mistakes in the selection. Although it can not be said that it is a waste, it certainly cannot win the race.

In any time-bound research—whether the time limit is brought by subjective consciousness or objective environment—quickly obtaining trustworthy results is the most important.

The hospital's research on "viruses" and patients with doomsday syndrome also faced many directional problems. The direction chosen by Dr. Ande brought him an advantage, but although this advantage can allow him to overcome other researchers, let him stay in the hospital In the study, it occupied the dominant position, but failed to overcome the speed of the expansion of the influence of the "virus" and the rate of deterioration of the patient's own condition. From this perspective, Dr. Ander believes that the direction he chose is indeed still wrong. Moreover, from the point of view of the hospital so far, in this important research, there is no researcher who chooses the right direction. The man in the chemical protective suit in front of him does bring a new direction that makes people shine. However, in the research environment that has become more demanding now, can he catch up with the "virus" at the speed he can reach in this direction? "How about the speed of further changes?

This is a question that can only be answered by time. Dr. Ende is unwilling to make a conclusion on this. The heat surging in his body was temporarily suppressed by the effect of the special medicine. He began to reflect on his previous impulse, but still did not feel that his choice was wrong, no, rather, he said that at the time, he really only had this I have chosen, and are the new choices given by men in protective clothing really better than the choices I made under that urge? Dr. Ande was also unable to give a positive answer.

He stared at the thin girls on the monitor, and after the impulse passed, his heart could not help showing mercy again. He glanced at the weapon that the man in the chemical protective clothing pinned around his waist, and suddenly felt that it was not so difficult for him to be threatened with violence by the other party. It ’s okay to say that this is an excuse. It ’s going to be something that you will regret later. At least for now, he feels that his heart is indeed more inclined to the choices made by men in chemical protective clothing-not in these three The girl exerted too intense stimulation.

Dr. Ande couldn't help but think of "Gao Chuan". This voluntary experiment was also the first voluntary experiment in the true sense. In the days of the hospital, the time with him was so long that almost every researcher was with it. There have been exchanges, and in terms of the number of trials, it is also the patient with the most trials. Even if he always loses his personality memory in the experiment, this complex relationship and close communication life still form extremely complicated and intimate emotions between each other.

Dr. Ande does not deny this emotion based on patients and doctors, experimental subjects and researchers, and even more complex relationships. He never ignores that he actually has such emotions. After "Gaochuan" really turned into LCL, he knew very well that he often sighed deeply, but it wasn't just that he lost the relationship with an excellent experimental body.

However, those who have left have left, and the experiment still needs to be continued. Dr. Ande thought, how long has he been consciously ignoring this emotion? When was this last mood, how many hours ago?

After the impulse disappeared, the appearance of the three girls once again awakened Dr. Ander's memories of "Gao Chuan", and the agreement with "Gao Chuan" came to his mind clearly. Although he did not feel that the choice he made under impulse was wrong, now that he is "threatened by a man in a chemical suit", he is still relieved that he has not had time to stimulate the three girls. Tone. At the same time, he knew very well that when the next choice came, he would probably still make that fierce choice because no one would ever convince him like a man in a protective suit.

So, before the next choice ... Dr. Ander rubbed his dry eyes, turned his eyes away from the monitor, and buried himself in the data report again.

"When did you start monitoring them?" He asked the man in the chemical suit.

The man in the chemical suit knows why he asked this question. The making of cards by Saki Ye, Bajing and Marceau is not a recent thing, but has started since their personality was broken. If they really want to start from the cards After analyzing the useful data, then from the initial card, each card needs to collect data. However, because the preparations were not fully prepared, the cards with clear records no longer know how many times they have been replaced.

"Unfortunately, it started a month ago." The man in the protective suit sighed. "It's too long. It's impossible to determine how many cards they did and how many card games they played. The original The data can no longer be collected. "

"You said before that they have been making cards, and have never stopped card games." Dr. Ander said as if casually, asking: "I hope to know more details. They make cards. The cycle, the cycle of the game, and the specific content of the game mode. "

"According to the data collected so far, almost every day a new card will be made, and the pattern of each card is completely different." The man in the chemical suit said.

"More specifically, how much is made each day? How long does it last? How many cards? How are life problems handled on the way." Dr. Ande said: "If there is a clearer and more detailed behavior rule, just fine. Specific It ’s better for everyone. "

"It can only be said that it is natural that it does not show too unusual mechanical properties. If you compare the workers of the piece factory, they are even more free than these workers." The man in the chemical suit said: "Although every day There will be new cards, but not everyone will make new cards every day. According to statistics, one person will make seven cards at most, and zero cards at least, but, 'Seven' is the most common periodic number. "

"Seven? What time is a week?" The first thing Dr. Ander thought about from "Seven" was the calendar week. "Have you counted data in a week?"

"Yes. This is the easiest factor to associate." The man in the chemical suit nodded and found a part of the table height from the file at hand, and said to Dr. Ande: "Although I tried to summarize some, but There is still a lot of information that cannot be summarized, so so many documents are needed just for the initial organization. "

Dr. Ande glanced at it, and the newly ignited interest fell back again. The pile of reports in front of him was really a headache. In the past, the special responsible personnel conducted many statistics and overall results, and finally only one report with a fist was submitted to Dr. Ander. Now, Dr. Ander needs to complete this part of the boring and necessary data collation.

The reports stacked in this secret room are generated in large quantities every minute. The speed of human review, analysis, thinking, and induction depends entirely on the number of people in front of you. It is basically an endless job, let alone further work. No wonder men in chemical suits want to increase available manpower anyway.

"Let's talk about it first, what rules have you summed up, there shouldn't be any gains?" Dr. Ander stopped his fingers and looked at the other side of the man in chemically protective suits.

"Um ... how to say? Although it is not without a little bit of harvest, but the harvested part, even the research of accelerated special effects medicine can not be done." I feel that my direction is not wrong. First of all, I have made a digital comparison of the card patterns that have been collected so as to try to find out the rules. However, because a large number of samples are missing, I cannot complete a complete puzzle. " He said, he called up several complex three-dimensional graphics from the computer port, "This is the overlapping graphics structure completed by the simplest card stacking. Surprisingly, they have a certain regularity at a glance, and if used To describe it mathematically, you will find that this model is not only three-dimensional, but also not limited to three-dimensional, and has a broader extensibility. "

Dr. Ande counted. These people ’s previous studies constituted more than 30 visual stereoscopic pattern models, and there are more mathematical models expressed only by numbers and formulas. However, there is no obvious difference between each model. Relevance, which means that a large amount of intermediate data is lost, just like the puzzle pieces are incomplete.

"The missing part is just the part that was lost before?"

"Yes, the cards collected this month are very complete, and the cards one month ago, I could not find the complete one after I rummaged through the garbage dump. You know how to deal with the garbage on the island." The man in the chemical suit pressed the temple. This topic made him feel tired, as if he had a good idea, but when it was executed, he found that it suddenly became an impossible task, but he could not give up. I just think that even if the current idea has various difficulties in implementation, there is no other idea better than that.

"Among these four models ... is it closer than the other models?" Dr. Ander suddenly pointed to the model on the screen and asked.

"... Yes." The man in the chemical protective clothing glanced back and replied: "It can be said that these are the four models most likely to be spliced ​​with each other at present. However, I still cannot find the missing parts. I have been searching for information in this area recently and found some more specific situations. "

"How?" Dr. Ander asked.

"The missing part of the card data was roughly lost some time after" Gaochuan "was paralyzed." The man in the chemical protective clothing paused and said uncertainly: "In my personal opinion, it should be more specific He woke up again after being paralyzed, until his condition deteriorated again, during the time when he had to be re-conditioned ... he had a big trouble in the hospital at the time, and it was also recorded. The last time and these three The girls had contact, and we lost his whereabouts three times during his madness. "

"... Do you think it was Gao Chuan who took the card?" Dr. Ande made it clear that although the men in chemical protective clothing did not have sufficient evidence, but it was somewhat a logical and logical way of thinking, But starting from this guess, he could not help asking himself: "Why did he take the cards? Did he know anything? I always think that if Gao Chuan knows or thinks of some clues, he will not hide it from us. He has more people to communicate with in the hospital, as well as people he can trust completely. "

"For example, Dr. Ruan Li?" Said the man in a chemical protective suit.

"Yes, such as Dr. Ruan Li." Dr. Ande said.

"However, Dr. Ruan Li also died." The man in chemical protective clothing said, "We have thoroughly checked the information she left behind and found nothing related."

"So, we have no way of knowing why Gao Chuan did that, we can only say that he should have his own reasons, and the first thing we have to do is to analyze where he will hide the cards. If he really took this Part of the card ... this part of the card may be very special. "Dr. Ander said so.

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