Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2010: Light behind the door

There are similarities with me, and there are also differences with me. Sometimes I think she thinks too little, but sometimes it makes me think that thinking is only right now. She did not take a positive attitude towards me because I extended my helping hand, which gave me a sense of relief, although I do n’t think any of the people I have seen so far must be right. However, in the final analysis, what I'm doing now is probably not something absolutely correct, because, I haven't seen something happen that is absolutely correct, so there is no objective evaluation standard at all. So, I am just relieved of her firm attitude expressed at this time.

In the face of a long and dark future, in the face of the despair that is visible to the eyes, no one can get an absolutely correct conclusion in any way of thinking, and it is difficult to jump out of the strange circle that has been realized anyway. When "reality" and "subjective consciousness" begin to confuse, only "attitude" can make people feel relieved.

To say what has changed in my conversation with Qian now, I think, probably nothing has changed. However, for me, this dialogue is definitely not meaningless, and I hope that is true for her.

"At this time, I really want to say: You will definitely not be my opponent-this kind of words, really it is better not to say it?" I said.

"... Don't you say that already? Mr. Gao Chuan." The corner of his mouth twitched a little.

I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"If, I say if, there are things in this world that will not change the outcome whether you do it or not. Will you choose to do it or not?" I asked.

"It may not be possible to change the results, but who can certainly not change the results? And, at least, you can change the process." Qi replied without hesitation: "And, just don't do it just because you think you can't change the results, That's too utilitarian. I don't want to be so utilitarian. "

"Even if it turns out to be irrelevant, in vain?" I asked.

"For yourself, you don't think it's a waste of effort," she replied.

"What if you feel like it's a waste of effort in the end?" I asked.

"This is your choice, you should not betray your choice." She answered so affirmatively.

"So, this is also the answer I gave you." I said to her seriously: "Even if people think that the ultimate goal is opposite, the position is not consistent at all, it is a hypocritical performance, I still did something, such as Save you from those body life. Although contradictory, it is indeed my own choice. In addition ... "

"Other than that?"

"Besides that, who can be sure that our ultimate goal is opposite? Do you think that the monster in the collective subconscious of human beings is the ultimate goal, but how do you prove that it is the ultimate goal? You see it as the ultimate The culprit that destroys the world, the strongest and worst BOSS, but what if it is not? "I asked. Because, I really doubt it. For me, no, for Dorothy and the women, this so-called "monster in the collective subconscious of humanity" is definitely not the most direct and ultimate enemy. In other words, it is most likely just a springboard for us to look for "viruses", and it is the most suitable springboard we have found so far-from this perspective, suppose today's online ball has been The color ball is in control, so the cyber ball should also be waiting for this monster to appear, so the confrontation between the cyber ball and the doomsday truth religion before it appears, is temporarily not substantive.

"So, conversely, how do you prove that it is not the culprit?" Ban retorted.

"I can't prove it, so I just want to see it." I said, "As long as I see it, I can understand whether it is."

"What if it is? How is it not?" She asked.

"Yes, it is the final battle. If not, then there must be a clue to the ultimate culprit." I replied: "These things must be seen before they can be confirmed. I can't get the answers by imagination. We Now I am just imagining its existence, but I ca n’t confirm whether it really exists, where? In what way? Existence must be locked before attacking. This is the limit of humanity, beyond which, humans cannot complete. I am also the same, even if I want to order something, save anything, if I do n’t find and lock the enemy ’s body, I ca n’t do anything. Of course, if you lock the enemy, you ca n’t really do anything, but without this Start, then, nothing can start. "

Whether it's me, other Gaochuan, or Dorothy and the women, and even the researchers in the hospital's reality, they all know this very well, and they are exhausted just to achieve this beginning. However, until now, this beginning has not been reached.

She was silent again. She seemed a little disapproved, but she did not refute. I have always believed that people have limits, and many people can't exceed their own limits when they are assembled. That is not only the limit of ability, but also the limit of thought, even the limitless. Imagination and logic, when inflated to a certain extent, will actually feel a vague barrier-thinking sometimes makes people feel smart, but as long as you continue to think and continue to find the bottom, you will definitely be more than Being smart is more stupid. The more you think, the more you can feel the existence of this barrier.

"Anyway, I still do n’t want to see that thing, and many people do n’t want it ... But that ’s what happened afterwards. Now I have to deal with the life of the body, and I also feel that I only need to pay attention to it now. The body life is enough. "Chi broke the silence and said:" Although you actually saved my life, Mr. Gao Chuan, if you really become an enemy in the actual situation, I will do my best with apology. Wipe you out. "

"... enough." I smiled, without any dissatisfaction and disappointment in my heart. On the contrary, she said exactly what I wanted her to say. I can't confirm whether I want to express it, whether she has been known to her chest, or whether the seeds I sown in her heart will germinate, but, I think her present position is enough. However, I can also imagine how arduous battle she will face. No, seriously, all battles that require life and consciousness will not be easy.

"So, I sincerely wish you alive." I sincerely wish.

"Are you going away? Mr. Gao Chuan." Ban asked. I felt that her eyes had crossed my shoulders and landed on the door that had been opened by a third. Because of her previous movements, I have turned around and turned my back to the door, but I can still feel that the light pouring in from outside the door still makes it impossible to see anything outside the door.

The midline of the light that burst into it was so huge that my field of vision was already covered by the light from the rear, and I couldn't see the scenery in the pipes farther away. The shadow of me and Qi shrank in the light of the floor.

Then, I felt a very familiar breath, standing outside the gate. This kind of familiarity is like the wind of my long-lost hometown, like the air I breathed somewhere, like the smell that is deep in my memory but not memorable, like the paralyzed hands and feet have recovered consciousness, It ’s a certain melody that I ’m listening to, it seems to hide a certain rhythm that I have always cared about-they are not exactly the same as the blurry outlines in the memory, but they can be distinguished, not both. The illusion, but really have such an experience.

My breathing stopped for a while, and my brain was caught like this familiar breath. My thoughts and body were a little stiff and I couldn't react immediately. On the contrary, he was not affected, but saw my anomaly. In the constantly intense light and the continuously thin shadow, Qi seemed to be standing on the boundary between the two. The stunned and alert expression also seemed to be divided into two parts by light and shadow. This is really a wonderful and beautiful scene, just like a painting that expresses the artistic conception only in gray scale and blank space. The rough brush and ink show the exquisiteness.

I think I can read the inner activity of Qi at this time, but I can't express it in words.

I didn't see the figure outside the door, but I already knew who it was.

"What's the matter? Mr. Gao Chuan, the enemy?" Chi seemed to feel nothing, just staring in vain at the increasingly bright place, but soon she had to squint.

It's too bright. It's too bright. How can it be so bright? What is there in the world behind the door? It's like the spotlights on the stage are all hitting here, and the midline that penetrates the door bursts in, making it hard to breathe and accelerate your heartbeat.

No, assuming that this is the spotlight on the stage, then being able to focus here means what an influential role the presenter is.

"Don't you feel it? The incomparably strong sense of being, a sense of being that perfectly matches this light." I asked him back.

"Save ... a sense of existence?" Her face was stunned, but it seemed to be strenuously illuminated by the light. She was opposite to me. I turned my back to the door, and she just faced the door. She could only reach out in front of her face, but it gradually became difficult to continue to observe with her eyes, "Is there trouble, is it? Is it an enemy? I haven't felt at all ... Is there really something over there? Also, this light is too bright Abnormal ... Mr. Gao Chuan, don't you run? "

"No, it's not an enemy." When I said this, I subconsciously paused to confirm with a positive mood: "No need to escape, not an enemy."

"So what is ... Mr. Gao Chuan's acquaintance?" As I said this, I saw that the shadows under our feet had completely disappeared, and the darkness in the visible range around me was all turned into a full-length optical drive Dispersed, in such a pure light, I feel like I am melting. Obviously do not feel hot.

"Are we melting? Mr. Gao Chuan!" Cried suddenly, as if afraid that even the voice would be swallowed by this terrible light, her face clearly showed fear, and her facial features became blurred in the light , The outline of the details seems to be distorted. Even when facing the life of the body, I have never seen her have such a strong fear. She seemed unable to move her feet.

"Beyond fear ... Quickly think about the previous conversation, and use your firmness to transcend this fear!" I shouted to her. Although I didn't feel the danger, it might just be safe for me. No one will feel fear for no reason, even if it is a sudden emotion, there must be a source to operate in her thoughts. She fell into fear at once, and may not be able to react. It was not the entity that caused her to fear, but a certain factor in her consciousness was touched.

This situation of being touched by fear directly from the level of consciousness is as simple as breathing in the person I am familiar with. Her sense of existence is so strong, so aggressive ~ ~ If you can't surpass this fear, rely on your own thinking or will to regain your sense of existence, it is likely to be directly eliminated- —No, to be more precise, it is her self that will be eroded away.

She couldn't be the one targeted. All she could say was that her luck wasn't so good and she encountered such a situation. However, as long as this is not a conscious attack, there is a chance of resistance.

"You won't forget it so soon? What I just said. Think about it, what did I say, what did you think, what kind of decision did you make! Your mood at that time, your consciousness at that time! "Yes, what I said will not directly help her, but as long as she remembers, as long as she recalls, she can definitely return to the self-consciousness at that time and improve her resistance to self-consciousness. Because, after the distress and thinking, the final decision is very clear and pure.

Just a few words, the face is still not good, but the outline of the face I can see has been restored from the twisted line. I couldn't help being relieved. Unexpectedly, her influence on Qi outside the door would be so strong and so direct.

"Oh, it's past ..." Chi said hardly, although I didn't have a head or a tail, but I understood her feelings. It was like having withstood the strongest and most dangerous shock when the torrent hit.

"Don't take it lightly, do you still feel afraid?" I am too familiar with this situation.

"Yes, it's terrible. What the **** is that? Mr. Gao Chuan, you said, isn't that an enemy? But if it's not an enemy, how could it be ..." Kan was a little surprised.

"It's just that you have bad luck. No, it should be said that in fact everyone has bad luck, so she will appear." I don't like to ridicule others. What I am talking about is indeed my sincere thoughts.

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