Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2012: Turn into

I don't remember how long it has been since I saw Fu Jiang. It seems that she has been there for a long time. I do n’t understand the relationship between Fu Jiang and “Jiang”. I do n’t understand the relationship between her and the final weapon. The relationship in the past doomsday illusion seems to pass through He and space, coming into this world and passing through the division of the world, are also vaguely displayed in the reality of the hospital. Fu Jiang is the person I love deeply, is my wife, is part of those intricate feelings, I ca n’t understand her completely, but, whenever I understand her more, the part I do n’t understand becomes bigger The unintelligible part swelled faster than the understood part. Eventually, even what she was became ambiguous.

In my illusions, in my imagination, in my diary, in my observations, she does not always exist, but, deep in my heart, she really never left ... Well, the problem is here : Is she really living in my reality? So, where is my reality? Was it reality when I could actually observe her, or was that ambiguous suggestion that she "does not exist"?

If ... if if ... there is a world that only I can feel and only I can see, and there are people who will only actually communicate with me in such a world, then, is this the real world? Is this a real person?

I have been unable to give an accurate answer to these questions.

Fu Jiang, in a world that has become more and more ambiguous for me, full of hints, but never gave me an accurate answer, has never disappeared. From this perspective, she is indeed one of the most frequently used references when I judge myself and the outside world.

I think this is the most difficult to understand for all people who do not admit that "Fujiang is there", just like Dr. Ruan Li's opinion ... Ah, I am getting more and more confused, what I see After that, I have given many suggestions to those doctors who continue to support me. Which are the real Dr. Ruan Li and which are the illusion Dr. Ruan Li.

After all, does Dr. Ruan Li really exist? Is she really dead?

No, I can't think anymore-I endured the pain of brain stirring, and tried not to leave any marks on my face. This is the pain of thinking. Although it is painful, you cannot but think. In thinking, things will cross the boundary between reality and illusion. Even the science that firmly believed in the past is full of suspiciousness and falsification. No matter how high-level or superficial theories seem to be, they are not "completely correct" in the end.

Pain, so painful.

A world without truth is painful, so people chase after the truth, an absolute truth that can explain everything and can be applied as long as you believe it, without thinking again. I feel that from this perspective, I can understand more and more why "doom truth" is spreading. And this understanding is making me wonder whether I have been captured by the truth of the end.

If I say anything, I still insist that I am not a believer in the doomsday truth, it must be because: the end is the world of truth and it is painful.

In the world I see the end of the truth of the end, there are symbols of "virus", all standing on the edge of the end, all in madness and despair. The people I love are suffering, and countless others are suffering too. This kind of torture has turned around and returned to the original point, making them unable to get rid of-this is the reason that makes me feel the most pain, makes me feel most sad The reason that made me deny all of this.

Ah ... yes, like now, I can't stop thinking. Even if you keep telling yourself that you can't continue thinking, you can't continue to doubt deeply, you can't stop.

The "I" named Gao Chuan is inflating. As long as I think about it in depth, I will be crazy.

Even so, it cannot stop. My plan ... my plan ... a plan to end it all ...

"Are you okay? Achuan, you look painful." Fu Jiang's voice dragged me back from the fall of the dark abyss. I should n’t have revealed any flaws. I ’ve experienced so many things, even if I ’m actually in a trance, no one should be able to see the wrong thing in my expression.

"Is Mr. Gao Chuan injured?" Pan's voice came from the other side. The lines on her face and body were distorted again, and the color of the whole person was a little fuzzy ... It should be that I had hallucinations again.

It doesn't matter, I'm used to it, and I had expected it.

"It's okay. It's just disgusting," I said.

"Disgusting? Right?" Fu Jiang asked, and Qi was also puzzled, and then he didn't know what to look out for, as if the enemy was hiding beside him.

"Well ... people will always hate everything around them. Even the most robot-like people will have an emotional side, which is human." I explained vaguely. I think, in fact, I shouldn't have said the word "disgusting" before, because that is not so simple as "disgusting".

"Well, it's okay, understandable, because Achuan is a patient." Fu Jiang said with a smile.

Qi clearly showed a stunned expression: "Mr. Gao Chuan ... is it a patient?"

"This is a sick person with a bad brain, and a person with a good brain." Fu Jiang said in a mocking tone, still holding my shoulder and pressing it on my neck, as usual. I squeezed it over with my plump figure with a smile on my face, pointing my temple, "However, if there is no such disease, we will not meet. So, don't be afraid, Achuan, don't be afraid, I will be by your side no matter what the situation, no matter what the situation, I will always be. "

"Ah ... Um ... that's what I said." I smiled bitterly, Fu Jiang's interest was always so high, his attitude was always so cheerful, and she had never seen her look lost. Her immeasurable power and unpredictability make her look like the “comfort of the strong” when I write a diary.

However, even such a rich river, in some words and phrases, there will be some suggestiveness.

"However, if Mr. Gao Chuan is really ill, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible." Qi's answer is so ordinary and simple, but in such an environment, under such conditions, it is unreasonable and impossible In the world of understanding things, it seems a bit harsh.

"It's okay, I've seen a doctor already." I said.

It's just that even doctors have nothing to do.

Fu Jiang just smiled and smiled heartily as always.

Qi raised his head sensitively and glanced at the still tall door, as if it had just reacted, and said in surprise: "Ms. Fujiang, did you open the door from outside?" Then she looked at me with suspicion.

"How?" I don't know what she wants to express.

"Huh?" Fu Jiang also had an expression that he didn't know why.

"Mr. Gao Chuan said so many strange mysterious words before, but the result is that someone opened the door outside?" Said Lou loudly: "It has nothing to do with intuition at all, Mr. Gao Chuan just felt that someone would come to open the door-and, also I did n’t feel it was Ms. Fu Jiang coming. "

"Aha ... this ..." I didn't expect that Pan would think that way, but this is a relatively normal idea. Anyway, I said so much before, and it didn't carry the idea that must be accepted by her, so At this time, I did not want to argue, "All in all, we are out, and the result is correct."

"Yes, but it's luck at all." Kan complained a little, "If Ms. Fu Jiang didn't come, Mr. Gao Chuan wouldn't be able to open the door from inside? Can you see it clearly here? The core of the route is completely On the side of the door, the door can only be opened one way. "

"..." I smiled in my heart. Is it because I feel that Fu Jiang will come, or because I hope she will come? After all, I want the door to open, so Fu Jiang came here to open the door, or did I have a hunch that Fu Jiang would appear, and open the door at this time? However, just for the moment, the result is the same-we passed this door. If you just want to get the current answer, then it is enough to accept this result.

"The same is said, we are lucky. For people like us, luck is very important." I replied deliberately with a relaxed tone.

"Ah-really, I listened to Mr. Gao Chuan's erroneous words, so my head was so chaotic. Now think about it, the mysterious things that Mr. Gao Chuan said before are not logical at all." Ban's head seems to be still Painful, she pressed her temple and grumbled.

"Then we should say goodbye." Fu Jiang and I looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then said this to Qi.

"Huh?" He responded a second or two later, showing a surprised expression, "Mr. Gao Chuan ... you ..."

"I have nothing to help you. And, regardless of position, our goal is opposite. Remember what I said to you before? That's not a lie." I mean something, but, probably Not fully understood.

"But, but ... too fast, we can walk together ..." said Kan, suddenly showing a sudden expression, looking around the scenery behind the door. "Where is this place? Where are you going?"

"I do n’t know, I ’m still in the ruling bureau anyway, I just do n’t know which area I reached in the end. And, I ca n’t tell you where our next destination is. In short, there will probably be a way different, After all, I will meet again on the same battlefield. "I smiled calmly, I know that I can only smile.

"... But, I don't know where I should go, which direction is the right direction?" Pan expressed a confused expression. After Fu Jiang and I left, if she could not reach her companion, then she would continue to fight alone. There are no clear clues about the future, there are no clear clues, the enemy is hidden somewhere, there may be a fatal pursuit at any time, and this vast, desolate and cold world ... She will face all this alone.

I sympathize with her experience, but this is a journey that every mysterious expert will inevitably experience. Although the mysterious experts will also be in droves, more often, they are always lonely ... When one faces the strangeness that he will suddenly kill himself somehow. Only by surviving the danger of cold sweat when I recalled later, arrived at the final battlefield, and defeated the culprit of the moment, can I get a little calm, but I have to imagine the temporary Calmness is just a subtle corner of a world that is already mad. A larger wave has formed outside of his own vision, and the peace he has at this time will also be destroyed by that terrible violent wave.

The temporary calm is more like an anomaly in the madness and despair that there is absolutely nothing that I haven't seen.

The so-called "victory" is an illusion, and the so-called "as usual" is an illusion. Living in such a world is unfortunate in itself.

Even so, smile.

Can only smile.

"Laugh, yeah ~ ~ I said to her," What can you do without a smile at this time? Would n’t you choose to have a bitter face or cry nose? "

"When, of course!" Chi answered loudly.

As the volume increased, she seemed to become more energetic. For me, this is the best farewell. I couldn't help but reach out and touched her head, but she avoided it cautiously, and she wasn't too happy with my movements. She never lacks vigilance in my eyes. I can understand that because I said to her before, "I want to see a monster in the collective subconscious of human beings." There is a confrontation between us. This is an indisputable fact. No matter how her attitude changes, her affirmation of this opposition has never Have never disappeared.

I can show her kindness, and she can also refuse. Compared to another me, another Gao Chuan, I am still an unfamiliar enemy to her after all-this is good, this is good.

"Goodbye." I said this, took Fu Jiang's hand, and started a quick sweep in one direction. The invisible high-speed passage passed through one dark corner after another in the range of vision, and continued to spread to the sight. Reach into the distance.

As in the past, I jumped into Fujiang with it, and then, in less than a second, the gate with a height of more than three hundred meters, and the bark standing beside it, all seemed to be fleeting. The bubble disappeared without a trace.

When I stopped, the clusters of vast, icy, cold, and hard buildings and structures didn't know where the sound of air defense alarms came from. However, I am convinced that it was not where Fu Jiang and I settled down, but somewhere else that something important happened.

"What do you plan to do next? Achuan." Fu Jiang suddenly asked me, she seemed to just come to me, never thinking about what to do after finding me.

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