In the shadow of structural fragments like mice, gunfire pours down from the sky like a rainstorm. Even the hard structural materials cannot resist all kinds of anomalies caused by this scrubbing fire sweep. If it's just a battle of dozens or hundreds of people, perhaps the mysterious response, assembling, influencing and interlocking with each other in the battle has not been so serious, but the war in front of her has not begun for a long time. It is also unclear how much force the two sides of the war have invested, and it is impossible to determine how many mysterious phenomena have occurred in this battlefield area that can reach the end because of too fierce fighting.

This is the battlefield of Nazi soldiers and security guards. After the materialized individuals are destroyed, they will soon be transformed into non-material resources, and they will be transformed into other forms on the spot to continue to serve the battle. Even if most of the attacks are caused by standard weapons, it is still unavoidable that they will be interspersed with some special devices and special abilities. If the probability of "special attack" is the zero point of the frequency of "normal attack" Linguo, then, in the face of the inestimable base of "normal attack", "special attack" will become commonplace.

Within the observable range, the mysterious phenomenon that can be perceived but cannot be described has occurred hundreds of times in one second. This is a terrible frequency. In this frequency, how much has happened? Phenomenon that was not observed? As an observer, I also feel incredible that I can "hide" well on this battlefield-the visible and invisible phenomena and the chain reaction are like blind people, but I have destroyed my hiding place. , But failed to seize himself. When those endless Nazi soldiers and security guards were traced and destroyed by these visible or invisible forces, they survived successfully, but only then, they hid themselves In a corner of the battlefield, you can't move at all. Instead, you can't be sure that you will act better than if you don't move.

Will the visible and invisible destructive mysterious phenomena be surrounded by contagion because of extra actions? Thinking of this possibility, Qi felt that her body seemed to be bound by invisible shackles. She was well aware that now this fully armed self might be better than some Nazi soldiers and security guards, but compared to two The strength of a special individual created by a large cardinality is not worth mentioning. In this terrible and intense battlefield, her survivability can only be considered ordinary.

I am able to live on this battlefield for a little longer than most of the two sides of the war, relying only on luck. Such thoughts are very strong in Pan's heart. Moreover, compared to the cruelty of this battlefield's survival of the individual's life, even the pressure shown by the former body life encircling circle has become less terrible.

Even if it is a body life, falling into such a battlefield, if there is no luck factor, it will not live for a minute. When he witnessed the death that was happening at high speed on the battlefield, he couldn't help thinking about it.

From this perspective, she feels that she has not seen the body life on this battlefield, in fact, it is taken for granted. Because, even the life of the body does not want to be involved in such a war.

On this battlefield, Nazi soldiers are undoubtedly enemies, and the security guards who fought against them should be their own, but even if these security guards were produced by Sha, can they prove that Sha ’s eyes are also Has it fallen on this battlefield? He cannot be sure, nor can he estimate the chances of being exposed by Sha on the battlefield, nor can he assess the possibility that once he is involved in the chain of mysterious phenomena of visible and invisible, he gets "before death" The probability of "Sa". In the same way, it is impossible to regard your surviving on this battlefield as the result of "Sha" having already provided assistance to herself. She tried to send a signal to "Sha", but the signal couldn't be sent out on the battlefield of such intensity, even if the signal also has a certain mystery, but there are too many mysteries used to destroy everything on this battlefield , There will always be some factors that will affect the signal.

In any case, Qi felt that he could not leave the battlefield in a short time, unless the Nazi soldiers and security guards who collided like a torrent began to shift. After she was separated from the teenager Gao Chuan, she was quickly involved in the war between Nazi soldiers and security guards. On this group-based battlefield with a number of advantages, she realized for the first time that a war in the ruling bureau was taking place. The battles she had encountered all the time were completely different from the wars she had imagined.

Yes, compared to the so-called "war" she imagined in the past, the war in front of her is far beyond the scope of comparison, no matter the scale or degree, it makes people feel that they are completely in the state of two different concepts. Too.

Even if the body life is not willing to be involved, it means that once the body life is involved, all the preparations they have made for their own reproduction plans will be destroyed in this war. From this perspective Say, it can be regarded as a solution to the problem. She had no choice but to start thinking about this. This war made her feel powerless to cope with it. In contrast, she was able to target and anticipate. On the contrary, only the group of body life has always been a nightmarish alien of the aboriginal people in the ruling bureau. .

So, how to involve them in this war? Just before being separated from the strange "Gao Chuan", behind his own and other people's separation, he was still only chased by the life of the element body, and crossed the door, and the imagination would continue to pursue the element body Life suddenly disappeared, I am afraid that even the strange, mysterious, somewhat incredible "Gaochuan" can not be expected. Judging from such circumstances, it is obvious that the life of the body has learned of the ongoing war on the other side of the gate. Even if it is far away from the gate of more than 300 meters, it still has to rush for a while. I am afraid that the direction is correct. Only then will they be involved in the war, but in order to ensure safety, the life of the body may regard this wide area as a buffer zone and give up activities in this area. Moreover, their decision is very firm. The strange "Gao Chuan" analyzed before, they or the promoters behind them want to use their own hands to do something, so they catch up so relentlessly, this attitude is not unsteady, but compared to being forced to be involved The attitude of the Nazi soldiers and security guards in large-scale wars, they would rather give up the important pieces they have been chasing.

I don't think that the life of the body can continue to lock its whereabouts in the intense battlefield in front of us, not only the chaos caused by too many mysterious phenomena, but also because there are some mysteries with tracking ability from time to time on this battlefield. phenomenon. Once the life of the body keeps observing itself, it means that they always have a solid and direct relationship with themselves, and among the mysterious phenomena that are visible or invisible, there may be some mysterious phenomena along This unseen relationship traces all the way back to the life of the elemental body and destroys it.

The frequency of this probability is too high and too fast, even if the probability itself is very small, but at this height of the frequency of occurrence, the small probability will accumulate within one second, forming an almost inevitable trend.

Conversely, Chi thinks that he has not been attacked, or that he has suffered some unobservable attack, but he cannot detect any harm in self-observation. It is a special case that is completely incredible in probability.

It's unbelievable, as if to say "you are special" to her.

In any case, I ca n’t think of how to get out of the battlefield. As a result, how to set traps to get the life of the body into it seems to be a false idea. All of her original plans were conceived and formulated for the "ritual of facing the life of the body alone and destroying them", but now she has to change her direction at once, and she can't come up with anything in a short time. Good idea to come.

I am forced to be trapped here like this. I can't do anything. Can I only pray for the fate? He was very reluctant, and apparently escaped his life from the pursuit of the elemental life. When he was clearly separated from the strange "Gaochuan", he already had consciousness. And those efforts and consciousness in front of this terrible war, like a bubble, will be easily broken.

It is clear that many people are already starting their own actions. "Sha" must also have a new plan and need more helpers. Even if they ca n’t directly help their plan because of where they are, they should Through the containment of the life of the body, to prevent some factors that are not conducive to her plan, but on this battlefield, you can do nothing but hide in corners and caves like mice. Once something is done, the end is more than 90% chance of death.

It's not worth it.

At this time, I felt a bit regretful. Why did I choose this direction, obviously in the vast area, I can walk everywhere-what was the reason for the direction decision at the time? According to the strange "Gao Chuan" statement, your instincts should not put yourself in such a desperate situation, it should be helpful to you.

What is the difference between what you do and the mysterious experts from outsiders? No, rather, what is the difference between your own intuition and those of those people? Shouldn't you have believed the strange "Gao Chuan"? In this battlefield full of chaos and oppression, her thinking can't help but fall into some negative, even if she consciously thinks about some good aspects, but no matter what she thinks, skepticism will always make people unable to move. The first step emerges in the actual state of the earth, and it cannot be eradicated anyway.

Squatting on the ground holding his head, hiding behind a box loaded with new equipment, the attack on the surrounding structures sometimes spattered in, but just like being attracted by a magnet, it often fell on this box and then was caught Absorb or disintegrate. It can be said that if it weren't for the special equipment sent by "Sha", she believed that her chance of survival would drop by another 50%. However, even if you can defend for a while, how long can you persist? Every destruction and every occurrence of a mysterious phenomenon may cause an "undefenseable attack", and the probability of being able to fully defend is almost impossible to never happen to yourself.

No matter how you think about it, you ca n’t come up with a solution. The terrible war in front of you is a knot. Just when Pan was overwhelmed by the despair that accumulated in the pressure every minute and every second, there was a commotion on the battlefield-Pan did not confirm it with her own eyes, but she did feel it. This feeling was subtle at first, as if just An illusion, however, soon became so intense that she could not ignore it. Although she hid and could not confirm it with her eyes, the sounds spread in the air, the wind brought by the unusual rhythm, and the factors that touched her body from invisible channels are all right. She described a change.

In the end what happened? Can't help thinking. She was like a hamster, under tremendous pressure, she pulled her head out of the box, and then she saw the figure that was long gone, but very familiar. The figure traveled so fast, even on such a terrible battlefield, it was like wearing a real armor that was invulnerable, as if entering a no man's land, walking freely, that seemingly messy track, because of the figure's trajectory The rhythm of travel is full of a vague purpose.

The figure is getting faster and faster, and so far away, the sight that can cover a large area can't catch up. Sometimes this figure will become multiple, sometimes this figure will move like an instant, and instantaneously appears in the other direction of the field of vision, or even disappears from the field of vision, but the battlefield state occurs because of this figure, and the changes that continue to occur It is strong ~ ~ which cannot be ignored. Even if it is not in view.

Obviously, in this terrible battlefield where every second produces countless possibilities, it is obviously that each of these possibilities is likely to destroy itself in an instant ... No, it should be said that it is because of this situation This is how the action of this figure is decisive, the power is so incredible, and it is as unbelievable as heaven. It was almost like the light of hope coming out of the impossible, even more intense and dazzling than the last time when the incredible "Gaochuan" was saved from the life of the body.

If it is said that the incredible "Gaochuan" is like timely rain, then the long-lost and familiar figure in front of you can make people feel more on it, just like witnessing a hero.

It was almost the first time that the idea came up: This is the real hero.

Because it is a hero, everything that is unreasonable and unbelievable can be explained. The immortality of the infinite possibilities of destroying a life is also explained.

That is another Gaochuan that is completely different from the two styles I saw before. This is the Gaochuan she is familiar with.

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