Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2031: Zhu Xian Jian Zhen III

The "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen" of the London repeater is already unfolding, however, like the doomsday Shinhwa repeater in close proximity, it seems that it is completely unaware that there is such a killer on the side of his couch, at least there is no fire at all. Find any special movements in the part where you can observe the repeater. The Doomsday Religious Repeater is really too big. When the distorted expressive power of all imagination allows the fire to watch, it is impossible to overview its existence from the overall structure. The part he can observe today is just this huge It ’s just part of the crazy mountains. Maybe it's too large a volume to cover all the movements that have occurred out of the observation range. Only those movements and movements can be found in the field of vision. The fire escape has never been thought, and the doomsday repeater will not notice it. The possibility of waiting for yourself.

In order to effectively follow the magic sun Shinhwa repeater, in the previous chase, the fire-controlled London repeater did not want to hide itself, but rather said that once it was there, it could only be pursued by feeling. Distracted, the fire did not think that he could grasp the tail of the doomsday repeater firmly. Since you have no action to hide your whereabouts, even if you didn't notice it at the beginning and you have been chased for so long, you can't be blind.

As a result, I knew that the London repeater was here, and inexplicably carried out a dangerous attack against the periphery. The Doomsday repeater still did not have any targeted response, but just moved forward to the predetermined goal. What kind of confidence does it have? Even after the launch of the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", there is no room for other preparations, and you can't help thinking about the situation in front of you.

In the initial prediction of the fire escape, all kinds of wizards, all kinds of weapons and spells beyond imagination should fall from this huge mountain range like rain, and wash away the London relay where they are with a momentum that drowned all Weapons, and even further, the critical weapons of the Doomsday Religion will also appear, and even the final weapons will come in some form, and the most threatening of them is the attack of the Doomsday Religion repeater itself in the imagination of fire. . Just as the London repeater is equipped with the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", if the Doomsday Religious Repeater does not have a comparable weapon module, it is unbelievable. According to the research data of the network ball, the Doomsday Religious Repeater even performed the performance of this weapon module even earlier than the London Repeater. Although its specific outline cannot be described, its effectiveness has been identified as targeting The blow of the "World Line", despite this thinking, feels very crazy, but there are certain clues that the "World Line" of this world has been adjusted more than once, and the unstoppable growth of Doomsday Truth is absolutely It has nothing to do with the changes in these world lines.

What kind of theory is the world line theory? What is the concept of the world line and what is its position in science? Is it true that it is placed in occultism? Ignoring these issues for the time being, I just need to understand that I just need to understand that the Doomsday Religious Repeater's attack on the world line is like turning back the roots of its disadvantages from the past and contributing to the current situation. Whether it is a scientific method or a mysterious method, this kind of operation method for the past, present and future is the first time I heard about it. Before this, no one had ever imagined that a repeater could achieve this point. . Although some people later tried to prove that in this seemingly blow to the world line based on the basis of the repeater and the theory of human collective subconsciousness, in fact, there is no change in the physical timeline, but the consciousness of "all humans" There has been a change, and when the changed consciousness observes and perceives everything externally, including all the cognitions in the sense of time, there is a corresponding change, so it has produced "the past where you are is the adjusted past." The illusion of "directed future".

However, no matter how it is explained, it is right or wrong, and the fire has found a more essential similarity: the attack of the Doomsday Religious Repeater is either effective against the scope of "the whole world" or "all humans" The range is effective, it is likely to be enough to bypass the protection of the London repeater, and have an impact on yourself and others. This is a frightening conclusion. Even when the fifty-one area repeater collided with the Las Vegas repeater, the London repeater could still protect themselves from these huge impacts caused by the collision. However, at the time, the impact caused by the collision of two repeaters did not have a clear target of attack. It was aimed at the whole and the power was divergent. In contrast, the attack on the Doomsday Religious Repeater can have a clear target: for something, for a person, for a certain concept, to trigger "changes in the world line" or "human collective consciousness" Changes ". Under such a targeted and concentrated attack, it is unknown whether the London repeater can resist it completely and effectively.

When the fire escape started "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", it was necessary to consider such attack modules of the Doomsday Religious Repeater-but, Jiang, who also led the research of "time u machine", told him that it was aimed at the world The attack of the line requires more time to start than the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", and when it is started, it must be able to be caught by today's London repeaters, because after these time adjustments, London repeaters not only In the same environment, the Doomsday repeater is also closer to this enemy in essence.

He believes Jin Jiang and believes what she said. He will put all his thoughts into this standard to reach a conclusion-the Doomsday Religious Repeater did not activate the weapon module in advance, whether it is aware of London After the tail of the relay, how much ability to start to defend and counterattack, these actions start very late. Although it may also be because the range of its movement has exceeded its own observation limit, but to some extent, it is possible to observe the position, which is the target of the London repeater, and also the closest place to the London repeater. If the Doomsday Religious Repeater really releases the means of self-defense and counterattack from other unobservable angles, it is like giving up the most efficient way and moving closer.

However, if this is the choice of the doomsday truth, then the fire must also think about it: if this is what the doomsday truth needs?

Do they want to be sturdy by the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen" of the London repeater? If it is true, then why?

No, you can't directly apply them to understand exactly what the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen" is. Maybe they underestimated the attack strength of this London repeater? However, to reiterate, this time the start of the Zhuxian sword formation is really like the empty city plan. From the change of the London repeater itself, the deformation may be exaggerated, but it does not have enough displacement and does not produce enough. The phenomenon that appeared, even those muzzles of conventional attacks have been blocked, showing a posture of autism-all this is to provide all resources to the "Zhu Xianjian formation", but, if the doomsday truth teaches Not knowing the existence of "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", but mistakenly thinking that "London Repeater did not realize that he had been perceived, but instead seemed to further eliminate his sense of existence and attach it to the Doomsday Truth Repeater", If they therefore think that "the London repeater tried to fight white-blade war and invade the doomsday truth repeater" ... that would be really grateful!

Fire escape realized some possibilities. Although these possibilities were surprising, he could not treat it as a fact. London repeaters are blooming like "flowers", and the layers of petals begin to produce high-energy reactions, and blue light arcs jump on each layer of petals, even if they can't directly observe their fire escape. Clearly feel that the accumulated energy is progressing toward a peak. Although the response produced by these changes is not strange, it is even more impossible to say that there is no sense of existence. From the perspective of fire, this level of energy accumulation It is enough to provoke the vigilance of the doomsday truth.

Even so, the mountain-like image of the Doomsday Religious Repeater has not changed at all, as if a flower with a high-energy response is appearing at the corner of its foot, but it is just a humble wildflower. Fire escape widened his eyes and concentrated all his attention. The data suspended in his field of vision has approached the final threshold. Like a London repeater like a flower, after all the "petals" are unfolded, its stamens are also It began to split and the four longest stamens stood out. These stamens are rotating, but the directions are not the same, and the four most prominent stamens are also rotating, but they are not in rhythm with other stamens.

The four stamens point straight at the extremely large body of the Doomsday Religious Transmitter. The high-energy phenomenon on the petals is like building a bridge with other stamens and converging towards these four stamens. At this time, even if you don't need to see it with your eyes, even if you don't have specific data, you can feel the sharp and fierce presence.

In the view of fire escape, the last energy bar is full, a red warning box full screen pops up, and it is swept away, leaving only the center emission confirmation window, where the virtual button is the only green.

——The third self-inspection of the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", an overrun weapon.

——Self-check is completed, all modules are in a sustainable state.

——Please authorize users for authorization.

He did n’t hesitate to put his hand on the confirmation button. He still did n’t understand why the Doomsday Religious Repeater still did n’t move. However, he had reached the end and all he could do was lift the long-planned big name. . Under his touch, the green virtual button turned red, and the new warning window and sound filled the eyes and ears of the fire like an explosion. He originally thought he was like the consciousness of a London repeater, like a ghost floating above the London repeater, like a kite that freely enters and exits, able to avoid the blind spots of the human eye, and observe 360 ​​degrees in all directions. Scenery, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of being claustrophobic.

Because these dazzling warnings have filled all the space around him. The red light is shining from every direction, almost letting fire escape feel like it is in a subterranean magma lake that is not hot, but the impervious red still brings a very aggressive taste, let fire escape It seems that you can appreciate what a terrible weapon "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen" is.

At the moment when he was a little lost, all the red warnings went out. In the landscape that suddenly broke into the sight of the fire escape, directly in front of him, a light that did not seem to be striking flashed by. However, the entire human collective subconscious world seemed to pause for a moment when the light flashed. This kind of feeling is so strong that it can't be suspected that this is an illusion.

He did n’t feel any reaction when he was in the fire of the London Repeater, but he knew very well that just now, the attack had been actually fired, and he had already hit this relatively dooming Apocalyptic religion, which was as big as a mountain. Following device. He just waited, waiting for the emergence of those very destructive and devastating phenomena, even if it was so long after 0.1 seconds ~ ~, quietly, a black spot appeared at the end of the fire escape vision. It is a black spot that cannot be described in words, and it is impossible to describe its "black" with color. It is not a matter of color, but a phenomenon that cannot even be thoroughly observed even as a mysterious expert escapes. However, he still saw this phenomenon as a "black spot", and it is still expanding rapidly, and the expanded range is definitely not the normal physical range.

What is the situation behind the black dots? The fire escape is not clear, but staring at this black spot, I feel that there is a very chaotic performance in it, like the earth is rolling like noodles, and the liquid is interspersed in the twisted earth in an inexplicable way. I do n’t know what The color, the flame of which temperature does not know burns, the hurricane formed after evaporation becomes one of the motive forces that twist the earth. It's a terrible situation, and it may seem pale in terms of words, but when you actually look at it, it is difficult to remove your eyes from it, even if you yell "This is all illusion" in your own mind.

Fire escape only felt that my soul was going to be sucked in, unable to blink or look away, just when he was in a trance, the whole "mountain part" that he could observe began to change bizarrely-even strangely And the distorted appearance is the embodiment of the Doomsday Religious Repeater, but this weird change that is happening is more terrible than the already weird and distorted appearance, which makes people feel terrified.

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