In front of the prosperity Gaochuan, the endless battlefield was completely emptied. Nazi soldiers, security guards, bullets and rain, inexplicable mysterious phenomena, geological structures that were constantly destroyed by the raging war, all disappeared after walking in that nightmare-like consciousness, just like they never had Been to this world in general. The battlefield that suddenly became silent quietly breeds a sense of terror, entwined in the heart of "Ban", she can't understand what happened, and the scale of the disappeared things has exceeded her imagination.

"What the **** is going on? ... Mr. Gao Chuan?" He looked at Gao Chuan who was familiar with him. Compared with the young boy he faced before, Gao Chuan was full of her familiarity both in appearance and appearance. And expect something. Because this battlefield is full of incredible dangers, when a sense of common sense emerges, she can't help but think that everything will be on the right track-back to the battle she is familiar with. However, she expected to be wrong.

This seemingly normal prostitute, Gaochuan, in a blink of an eye, destroyed everything that seemed to be on the right track. Indeed, within the reach of the horizon, the war has subsided and there is no need to hide from Tibet anymore, fearing being drawn into that unpredictable and dangerous situation. However, this end is not obtained through common sense, but is itself a This kind of extreme abnormality. The things presented behind this end, in Bantu's intuition, are releasing a sense of horror and fear that makes her unable to describe, only to tremble.

It ’s hard to describe what I felt, it does mean that some terrible things have happened, but it is not limited to this. The Nazi soldiers and security guards who have completely disappeared have definitely not become "none", but have been Transformed into another kind of thing, however, oneself and others do not know what they become, and what kind of use they will produce. This battlefield is completely wiped out in a blink of an eye, and the influence will also be chained out at a terrible speed. What kind of situation will be spawned? It is the last two people on this battlefield that can not be predicted. Yes.

All these changes can be imagined, but what makes her feel the strongest and most direct is still the fact that "the entire battlefield is wiped out in a blink of an eye"-is the Gaochuan that she is familiar with really so powerful? ? No, in her cognition, no one or non-human has such terrible power and ability, otherwise, if it is not the Nazis, or if it is not on their own side, there will have been one side finished. She looked at the familiar Gao Chuan in front of her, and the shape of the human figure seemed to be deforming a little bit in her heart, becoming an indescribable, but definitely inhuman image.

What she wanted to ask most was not "what happened", but "what are you?"

However, Qi didn't ask for an exit. The question appeared in her mind in an instant, and the trembling emotion bound it to the bottom of thinking. The huge and chaotic thoughts and emotions are boiling, making Qi feel as if he has not woke up yet. He only subconsciously heard Gao Chuan replied: "... It was only a conscious walk." There is no other better explanation.

Consciousness walking, this is a call from outsiders to the conscious intervention technology. Of course, its original meaning is probably different from the definition of the ruling technology. In general, the descriptions and definitions of outsiders' own power are quite rough and vague, and there are not many technical components. It is more like directly describing its meaning rather than its essence. However, in a narrow sense, it is indeed a convenient method to understand the effects of these mysterious forces with the inherent definition of the ruling bureau. Qi has always reorganized these outsiders through the definition of the ruling bureau technology. Their power, naturally, the so-called "walk of consciousness" is naturally among them.

It is precisely because I have done analysis and sorting out that I am very sure that what is happening in front of me is definitely not something that can be done by a simple "conscious walk". Needless to say, even if "walking of consciousness" is really used, the behavior and effects of walking on consciousness only act as an introductory role in guiding the final result. The operation process that really made this battlefield completely disappear is definitely not in the category of "conscious walking". It is precisely because of the unspeakable situation after the conscious walk that eventually leads to such a terrible result, so it makes people feel so uneasy.

However, even if she wanted to follow up, Qi felt that she could not ask for more specific information from the prosthetic body Gaochuan, because she had already realized that the prosthetic body Gaochuan itself was also deeply shocked by the disappearance of the battlefield-although there were The emotions are mixed, but that is not the emotions produced after seeing everything, but the fear of the terrible conjecture, which means that no matter what conclusion this Gaochuan has reached, it can still only be regarded as his personal conjecture, Not really.

Conjecture may be close to the truth, but it cannot be obtained by conjecture alone. Qi felt that there was no point in continuing to question this matter. First of all, the two of them had to do is to accept the fact that the battlefield had disappeared, and on this premise, decide what to do next. When she straightened out her logic, she just felt like she was suddenly awake from a nightmare.

"Mr. Gao Chuan ..." Qi Zheng wanted to say something to the prostitute Gao Chuan, and a strong impulse appeared in her heart again, forcing her to look up subconsciously. She didn't know what she really wanted to see, but she had a huge sense of being and was turning her attention away from the bottom. And this huge sense of existence is like jumping out of my mind-I think I can imagine what it looks like, but I can't actually do it, obviously it is like a delusion born in my mind, but I think it will Appeared in the direction of her gaze, so she had to gaze at the past.

Prostitute Gao Chuan felt the same way, his eyes were attracted in the same direction, and the sky seemed to have nothing-at first, but like an illusion, the dark background seemed to loosen a bit, When he looked intently, he felt that he was not wrong. The dark background color was agitating slightly, as if to breed something. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan tried to feel what it was, but there was severe pain in his brain, as if something was about to dig into the brain, split the brain, and pop out of it.

He subconsciously thought of the violent "conscious walk" before. He originally planned to enter the human collective subconscious by walking consciously, restore contact with the London repeater, and twist the battlefield to a greater extent from the perspective of the London repeater, thereby changing the tragedy of the battlefield and himself. The crisis facing people. However, the "walking of consciousness" of the violent walk only stayed on the move of consciousness walking. The things he encountered in the consciousness walk gave him no extra energy to do more things, just to keep his consciousness. I'm going to drive myself crazy.

No, even now, the prosthetic body Gaochuan is not sure whether the thing he touched in the consciousness walk is the one he thinks, and the person he is in touch with is actually crazy, just thinking himself Not crazy.

If you want to say that the prostitute Gao Chuan felt that there was something wrong with his previous consciousness walk, then he can only summarize it in one sentence: dive too fast and too deep, whether it is speed or depth, it is no longer subjective consciousness that can be controlled Degree.

Now, this inexplicable attraction, which seems to be drilled out of his brain, has nothing to do with his violent consciousness walk, and he can hardly believe it.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan blinked his eyes unblinkingly, endured the convulsions and pain from his head, and finally put the thing that wriggled in the dark background like a jigsaw puzzle into a shape in his mind: it was like a A blossoming flower. When he outlined the specific outline of this shape, he suddenly knew what it was. The answer is undoubtedly, and he should know something for granted.

"London Repeater ...?" The body style Gao Chuan couldn't help mumbling. This thing he should have known of course appeared in front of himself and Qi.

If everything goes according to plan, then the London repeater, which represents the network ball, should always stay in the collective subconscious of humanity.

but now--

The body is so huge that it can roll over the entire battlefield is flooding the sky. The already gloomy and dead scene is instantly squeezed out by this huge sense of existence and oppression, but it is difficult for people to feel better. This strong sense of presence and oppression can almost suffocate. But in any case, what appeared on this abnormal battlefield did not come from the enemy, and this alone is enough to make people relax.

The battlefield was ended abnormally, and then there were new things that were equally abnormal. A series of unexpected changes made Qi feel like asking a "what is going on" over and over again like a fool. She determined that everything that happened in front of her, Gaochuan in front of her, played a crucial role in it, and this seemingly familiar prosthetic Gaochuan is definitely not the familiar prosthetic Gaochuan. The same appearance, the same characteristics, and even the same personality, do not mean that their essence is the same.

"It's a repeater of the network ball." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan comforted his own way with his faintly painful head: "No matter why it appears here, but since it appears, it means that we still There is a chance ... no, maybe the problem can be solved more easily, whether it is the problem of the body life or the Nazi problem. "

In spite of this, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan also understood that there must be some conditions that broke the original plan of himself and others. Therefore, the emergence of the London repeater certainly does not mean the arrival of the trump card, but more likely means that its own side 'S trump card is no longer valid.

The London Repeater is like moving from fantasy and nothingness to reality. After its image is formed, the materiality is constantly becoming stronger. It is just a breathing time, which is enough to make people feel that it is not just an "illusion" or " The existence of "image" is a sturdy and huge floating fortress. Even the prosthetic body Gaochuan has never seen the appearance of the London repeater when it was originally built. He only touched a part of the repeater, so he could not compare with the image of this flower-like floating fortress in front of him. However, he has a strong feeling to confirm that the image he has seen is definitely not the true and complete look of the London repeater.

Just as the prosthesis Gaochuan and Qi looked at the London repeater that covered the audience, Dorothy's information terminal was online on the retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan.

"I didn't expect it to converge in this situation, Achuan."

"What the **** happened?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, couldn't help but ask.

"The specific situation is very troublesome ~ ~ You come up first." Dorothy did not continue to explain, but informed: "In short, if we can't catch the doomsday truth before contacting the monsters in the collective subconscious of humans. If the Nazi repeaters are removed, it will be in big trouble. "

Of course, the prosperity Gaochuan wants to know more, but from the perspective of Dorothy, they have just encountered a blow and are still in the process of collating. His hunch did not go wrong. His previous consciousness walk did indeed involve the "human collective subconscious monster", and was the first to cause a series of bad conditions in the human collective subconscious. Nowadays, these bad conditions will be linked to the physical In the world.

The prostitute Gao Chuan did not continue to question him here. He looked at Qianqi and said, "It seems that we all have to join Sha."

"Really? That's fine." Qi has been disconnected from Sha for a long time, and finally got the relevant news again. The heavy and suspicious tone has finally become easier. Looking at this amazing repeater and thinking about the enemies who also have repeaters, Qi finally found a sense of balance in court resistance at this time. In the past days, she has seen enough of the enemy ’s strength, and the enemy ’s most powerful place is often centered on the core of the “repeater”, although the body life has always been the enemy of the indigenous people, But after seeing the various changes that accompanied the stupid chain of Doomsday Truth, the perception that "having a repeater is truly powerful" has quietly gained popularity.

Now, your own repeater has finally arrived. Although it is an outsider's thing, it is no longer meaningful to distinguish between outsiders and locals in this war.

There has never been a war like it is now, as if to destroy all conflicts in the flames of war.

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