Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2045: Like a blast

Jung died, and died in front of me without resistance. He shouldn't have died so easily, even if I pierced his heart, there were many ways to heal himself based on his physique and ability. I looked at this gradually cold body, the blood pool slowly expanding on the ground, my heart was full of complex emotions. Sensibility drove me to make a fatal raid on him, but also sensibility made me not carry out this raid. To say what kind of thought I have in my mind to kill Jung, I can only say that it is not simply to stop the evil ritual in front of me. Even if the torchlight deviation ritual is full of evil I imagined, I am absolutely It is not just for this reason that "old friends" are killed in this way.

Jung ’s irresistible death method made my body difficult to move for a while. I could n’t help thinking. What kind of thought did Jung die with? There is no doubt that such death was his own choice. In this choice, does he also have a contradictory mentality about this deviation ritual, and does he rebuke my actions completely from a standpoint of "justice"? His performance before and after is so out of place. If he has the heart, he should even be alert to me from beginning to end. I admit that this raid, judging by the anger he showed before, is not entirely in his Unexpected.

This means that he just put his life in my hands from the beginning.

Jung ’s so rash death is full of meanings that make me feel bitter and complex and cannot be explained one by one. Even so, I still killed him, and ... will kill everyone like this. This is my choice. The deviation ritual of the torch light gives me an unforeseen ominous hunch. I would rather make this action of my own an opportunity to promote the truth of the end, rather than this deviation ritual according to these people ’s established The plan is completed because it seems to attract other terrible things, some other sign that is definitely not less than the sign of the end that is seen in front of me.

The evil, crazy, and terrible deviation ritual does not stop because of the death of one or two mysterious experts. Although Jung gave me a certain degree of explanation, that was not the whole secret of this deviation ceremony. Based on my past experience of sacrificial ceremonies, these ceremonies are to some extent autonomous, and once they begin, they can be swallowed up even by the ceremonies themselves as sacrifices, even if the killing ritual is carried out None of the people present can stop the ceremony. I'm afraid, as Jung said, after the arrival of Fu Jiang and me, the enemies who continue to enter the battlefield will become the nutrients of the ceremony. However, it is precisely because the people of the torchlight and these old friends designed everyone, including the doomsday truth, so I chose this direct way to stop the ceremony.

I ca n’t stop the ritual by killing them. Even if I kill the people and non-humans who will enter the park afterwards, I ca n’t stop the ritual. What will really stop the ritual is the doomsday truth religion that is counted in it-since they must enter, then once they enter, they will use their own way to convert an unfinished deviation ritual into what they are I hope to see the sacrifice ceremony.

I have no doubt that the doomsday doctrines have such a ability. Their doomsday truths are real truths in the doomsday illusion. Compared with our mysterious experts, the Nazis and the body life, etc., they have the destiny, The wavers who are truly at the forefront of the wave of the world era. I also believe in my instincts, the ability of old friends, and the result of the torchlight deviation ceremonies, which must not be the result that the Doomsday Truth wants to see.

I have never underestimated the doomsday truth, but these people of torchlight may have underestimated the doomsday truth. The core of this game is not the confrontation between me and these people. I am only a key driving force. The real core is the confrontation between these people and the doomsday truth religion. The victory and defeat will only exist in these two, even if I will kill everyone here, then kill everyone who comes next, and I will not be the real winner.

Killing and death are sometimes the fastest and most direct way to solve problems, but in the illusion of apocalypse, it is not an absolute solution. In the infinitely infinite unknown, even death itself can become a mystery to promote the operation of truth. In this extremely distant and huge world and unknown that I have observed, I am just a trembling ants.

What I do is just what I can do. I squatted down and opened Jung's death, as if covering my eyes overlooking a distant shore. These eyes, which had become lifeless, didn't let me see anything unwilling. When Jung chose to die, he might be calm, he might still be contradictory, and he was really angry and desperate about everything he experienced. However, when he chose to die, he was definitely not completely desperate and crazy. Out of choice.

... This may be my illusion of Jung ’s death, or it may really be the case, and I have found that I can no longer find evidence to confirm it.

A huge collision sound came from one side, and I knew that it was Fujiang fighting, and, without seeing it, I knew that Fujiang, who had broken into the enemy camp like a downhill tiger, would never fall into the wind in front of these mysterious experts. The old friends I know, and other mystery experts I do n’t know, do have the ability to be peeped, but, under Fu Jiang ’s weird reality, the mystery they possess is still small. I know very well that even if I stand here, I will no longer blend into this battle, and these people completely ignore me and go to siege Fujiang, Fujiang and I will still win the final victory. However, my sensibility makes me unable to sit back and watch those old friends simply die in the hands of Fu Jiang. If they will die, I hope that it will be like Jung, and I will send them back to myself. I do n’t know. Whether it is temporary or permanent death.

In the huge brazier, it indicates that the unknown heat and jump are still high. Those crazy people who perform rituals seem to be in another world, ignoring the fighting around them, as always indulging in the sharp, harsh, uncoordinated Playing music. And the mysterious experts who watched this ritual, or “arched and guarded” the executors of these rituals, had recovered from the sudden battle—they seemed to be too invested in this evil ritual Deep, and thus somewhat mentally retarded, if it is of a normal level, when I pierce the blade into Jung ’s heart, they will be able to perceive the danger and immediately encircle me and Fujiang.

However, a few seconds after I killed Jung, and after Fu Jiang broke into them and flew several people, there were still people who stared at the ritual in my look around. The mysterious expert who really recovered from the raid and responded to the counterattack. There were only six or seven people in Fujiang, and only three or four people rushed towards me. I saw some old friends in it, such as The file and Billy, but both of them are against Fu Jiang, and the mysterious experts who rushed to me are guys I don't know.

It is said that six or seven people, three or four people, such vague numbers, of course, is not a problem with my eyes, can not see the number of people on the battlefield. My chain judgment has been in operation all the time. If faced with normal conditions, even the dust can be clearly distinguished, but these mysterious experts are not normal people. Their movements, defenses and attacks have been filled with mysterious colors from the beginning. What I cannot observe clearly, even the unobservable anomalies, already existed when they started to act.

In the battlefield at this moment, without killing the last person, I am not sure how many people there are in this underground hall and whether the number of people I have observed is all.

The three or four people who rushed to me turned into three people in a blink of an eye. If there is one, the number of "one" has been small, and the "next" is decreasing, whether it is witnessed or felt, It's all in an ambiguous state, and it's completely beyond my understanding. This situation itself is enough to be regarded as an anomaly caused by mysterious forces, and it is also part of the enemy's attack and defense. The part of out-of-chain observation can only be sensed by one's own intuition, if even the induction is also out, it means falling into a passive state.

Before that, there was only one thing I needed to do-kill the part of the enemy I could observe, and only use "a moment".

I felt it, and the elusive crisis suddenly appeared behind me.

Swept open, formed by invisible high channels. I drove forward as if the world seemed to stop running, and the chain judged that I had observed a crisis that suddenly appeared behind me. Some translucent silk threads stayed in the place where I was originally, if I did not enter the plunder Then, even if you feel it, it will be difficult to escape. However, since I escaped in the first place, such an attack means that the attacker has been exposed. Without chain judgment, the intuition has been pointing to the mysterious expert who uses this power along these invisible silk threads.

It was a mysterious man hiding his body in a black robe. Even in this high-altitude world, his posture was also showing signs of movement as if he was about to break free. I know that he is adding to himself. Method, because he has realized that I disappeared from his field of vision, not instantaneous movement, but high movement-I can not read his heart, but that is what intuition tells me.

However, it is too late, my degree is absolutely fast here!

Before he raised his degree enough to cope with it, I had come to his side. Just like Jung, I inserted the arm blade of the right hand into his heart, and the blade of the left hand later inserted his The head was easily cut off. His body is so fragile, and he does not have any ability to defend himself. Perhaps his strength comes from other aspects. However, since his strength is not all-round, he has not made a targeted defense against my degree. Then it is impossible to survive my attack.

Me, but very strong.

At the same moment, I divided his broken head and body into 365 parts again. Unless he possesses the ability to "recover in an instant", even if it is still alive, it should take more time to recover.

In the next moment, I came to the side of the second mysterious expert. Compared with the black robe who first attacked me, this mysterious expert was obviously dressed as a mercenary. . What is his mysterious power, has not been revealed in front of his eyes, he also accompanied this world, in front of my plunder, as if solidified, compared to the previous black robe, he did not even break away from this degree of gap sign.

So, I inserted the sharp blade into his heart, cut off his brain, and dismembered his head and body into more than three hundred parts without seeing more abnormalities.

Then came the third. The third mystery expert is also a person I do n’t know. Compared to the first two, there are some mysterious auras around me. That is the aura that can be seen with the naked eye, but I do n’t know what it does. Except for the aura, there are no abnormal phenomena around him. The invisible high channels pass by his side, but they are not affected by the aura. It seems that these auras are just a common phenomenon of light. There is no chain judgment and intuition Bring me enough tips.

I changed the trajectory of the invisible high channel. While approaching him, I shot the short crossbow arrows hidden in the armor. These crossbow arrows before they hit the aura , Inserted into the battlefield of Fujiang.

The fourth mysterious expert who might have come to sniper me still did not appear when I arrived at the battlefield of Fujiang-maybe the mysterious expert did not exist, maybe he was too slow.

But anyway, what I really want to face is the old friends of the past: files and Billy.

I stopped and the world was back in motion again. There were piercings and screams behind me, and in front of me, a mysterious expert was blown away by Fu Jiang and fell to my feet. Before he recovered from the dizziness, I pierced his head. Even so, he did not die immediately, and the human-shaped head suddenly turned into countless poisonous snakes, and he climbed the blade and rushed at me.

However, it is too slow. My thoughts flashed, the body has entered the invisible high channel again, and in the realm of degrees he cannot recognize, he cut it from the beginning to the end with the sharp blade of his hands.

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