Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2067: blurred

Dr. Ande stood at the door, and the crimson moon cast a crimson moonlight from the window. He just stood quietly, but saw his shadow dancing like crazy members of the tribal ceremonies on the TV. The crazy dancing book There was no sound, but with the sense of rhythm, a series of notes appeared in his mind, as if he were forming a bit of timbre. It was not the vocal music I heard, but the sound that was deep inside my heart. Everything started from myself and surged violently. It seemed to obey an invisible channel to spread to the outside world. It was a drum, a suona, a sharp flute, a low violin, a piano, a harmonica, an accordion ... he knew what he had heard, all kinds of natural and unnatural sounds followed one by one Come to mind, combine, rotate, shake, if scrape the glass with an awl, tear the kraft paper one by one.

It was muddy, clear, disordered, but full of rhythm. He suddenly wanted to dance, shaking his body like the crazy people in the tribal ritual, raising his hands, calling the ancestral gods, to the infinite The universe, shouting to the infinite ignorance, to the world that is not closed.

Dr. Ende was frightened, yearning, tempted, God knew how much energy he spent to suppress the agitation that made him feel wrong, but even if he didn't really do it, he could intuitively feel that all self-inhibition was futile . This is a ritual, this is a sacrifice, this is a person, and a lunatic. He is already a patient with Doomsday Syndrome-he is breathing hurriedly, and there is a clap of sound outside the door. It seems a little confused and worried. The familiar guy increased his voice and said, "Are you still asleep? Doctor Ander. Waking up, something went wrong, we need your help."

Dr. Ande finally put his hand on the doorknob and yanked it away. People outside seemed to want to knock on the door and raised his hand, but he couldn't shoot it anyway. There are lights outside the corridor, but against the deep red moonlight behind the window, the inorganic artificial light is so dim, so unstable, and flickering, like the atmosphere of the horror movie. Dr. Ande saw that the deep red moonlight, like substantial water, flowed out of the room and turned into a faint mist on the corridor, and the man standing at the door didn't seem to notice it at all-no, maybe it was just The hallucinations that only patients with Doomsday Syndrome have, or only I can see, Dr. Ander couldn't help thinking.

Under the attack of dim light and crimson moonlight, the principal outside the door showed a less clear outline. Dr. Ander settled down, and then the outline became clearer. It was an individual, not a monster. Doctor Ande and he looked at each other. Their eyes were extremely bright, prominent, and striking, and their mouths were closed. They seemed to say something. Dr. Ander suddenly felt the fear deep inside him. Yes, Dr. Ander thinks, this person is also afraid, no one will not be afraid of the hospital today, and everything that is coming. People should be afraid of those signs. This is not the fault of the person in front of them. Fear is normal. .

"Late, good evening, Dr. Ender." The man swallowed and Dr. Ender heard the sound of his throat rolling. It was incredible. Dr. Ender felt that his senses were more acute than ever, even if he was already sick and obviously After so many hallucinations, he heard the other party continue to say: "Something strange happened ... Everyone didn't sleep well. I think the situation is a bit dangerous. If it's convenient, it should be transferred immediately."

"What's going on?" Dr. Ande asked, his voice unexpectedly low, like a low-pitched drumming sound repeated in his mind.

"Someone saw that the three girls had movements and wanted to continue monitoring, but the cameras seemed to be broken." The man didn't seem to hear Dr. Ander's voice different from the past, only slightly nervous. : "Our people quickly went to the room to check, but found that the three girls were gone ... I don't know who did it or whether they did it themselves. We tend to do it by ourselves, although in the past No such situation. "

"What are your conclusions?" Dr. Ander ignored the man's explanation, but only asked, but the man was a little stunned, but the other party quickly reacted and said succinctly: "The three girls have personality The signs of recovery are enough to support them to do more things. Of course, even this sign must be related to the "virus" ... Maybe the "virus" has some changes. We need to retrieve the three girls to further Check to determine the situation. "

Is really a fool. Dr. Ande said in his heart that his instinct told himself that the disappearance of the three girls must be related to the change of ‘virus’, but it was certainly not because the personality had recovered. Maybe ... maybe ... he couldn't help but have such an idea: the three girls didn't leave the room, but these people had "not seen" and "can't find them". Their existence is disappearing from the perception of these people. However, although there is such a sudden idea, it is more like a delusion and speculation, and there is no evidence at all.

Even so, Dr. Ande did not intend to modify the stupid evaluation of these people. Just because they came to a conclusion, it is not how many clues they have grasped, but it is just the reason they expect: they hope that the three girls can restore their personality, so that they can start from this angle to find more answers. But after all, even if girls can really restore their personality, it does not mean that people can find the answer from the restored personality.

These people have already begun to get disoriented. What they actually know is how powerless they and others have done in the rapid and full of unsolved mysteries. They expect changes that are in line with what they know, because the huge unknown is giving them a crazily oppressive feeling.

"I'm going to the girl's room." Dr. Ande said to the man in charge. Before he was rescued, it was in any way owed to his personal feelings. Before kicking him off the core position of the research team, let him be happy. However, Dr. Ande doesn't think he can do anything if he goes to the girl's room. The pain of the Doomsday Syndrome has not been suppressed. He can see the strangeness of the scene he sees in front of him and compare the reaction of the man in front of him.

I do n’t have much time of my own. It ’s the man who is lucky to have not been infected with the virus. However, if he stays here, he will surely accelerate the infection, because the disappearance of the three girls is indeed a strange Things, and weird things also mean that this dormitory may be becoming the hardest hit by the infection, and the room where the three girls have stayed will definitely become the center of the hard hit area.

"I am with you ..." The man was about to say this, and was planned by Dr. Ande: "No, you immediately arrange for the transfer of other people, and leave as soon as possible. When I have seen the room, I will Going to you ... you, you, can't stay in this place anymore, you know in your heart, these abnormal phenomena represent the spread of 'viruses' in this building. Don't you want to become a patient with doomsday syndrome? "

"This, how is it possible ... Dr. Ander, are you serious? You really don't want to leave with us?" The man was trying to justify, but he realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately blocked his words in his throat. In the end, I just asked. Seeing his look, Dr. Ande also knew that he really wanted everyone to leave together. Whether it is really out of good intentions, or value researchers who can do things, such urgency and worry are not false.

"I think the girl is still in the room." Dr. Ander still said his feelings, "You can't find it, just because you 'wrong' with them." Of course, he couldn't explain the so-called "staggered". One thing, intuitively this seems to be a very complicated situation, and a lot of work needs to be done. However, relying on current intuition, Dr. Ander felt that he could find them. Just as this man-led research team valued Misaki, Bajing and Marceau, Dr. Ande felt that it should be taken seriously, but the research directions of the two sides were somewhat different.

The man was a little stunned. He carefully looked at Dr. Andre for a while, but he didn't say anything again. He seemed a little puzzled, but he couldn't seem to be sure of his doubts, but even so, he didn't have much attachment. And this is one of the reasons why Dr. Ander thinks that his research ability is lacking. This man ’s attitude and motivation for research are not strong, just talented enthusiasts. It is precisely because of a certain talent that it can achieve its current status only by "a little bit like", but it is also limited by this, and it is impossible to become a truly powerful professional researcher.

Dr. Ruan Li also had many private reasons to become a researcher. However, the two parties' contribution to "research" and the time consumed are the quality gap. Therefore, Dr. Ruan Li is enough to be the core of a research team to lead research in a certain direction, but this man is not good, he is still just a good logist.

Dr. Ande didn't speak. He subconsciously looked to the side of the hallway. The fog was sinking, like a stream, just over the instep, but it was still rising. After some time, he would flood his knees until the building was flooded. All spaces. The front of the line of sight is not clear, the dim light is still flashing, what attracted his attention is still a feeling-he feels the movement that can only be described by "calling", and it seems that the man in front of him does not feel To.

This is very good, which proves that this man has not been infected-perhaps a potential infection, but has not yet attacked.

"Protect yourself ... But it's too late to say that." Dr. Ander's words made the man a little nervous. From his point of view, Dr. Ander was a little mysterious and nervous tonight, a kind of mysterious It felt like it was spreading from the old man who once dominated the hospital, and there seemed to be some changes from the doctor Ande he had rescued before. But he could n’t tell whether this change was good or bad. He did n’t even have a standard for evaluation. Everything in the hospital was too dangerous and weird. He longed to solve the problem, but was unable to solve it himself, so these real needs were needed. He is a good researcher, he treats them seriously, and therefore he values ​​every sentence they say.

Especially Dr. Ander. Dr. Ande's words seemed to mean something, but he didn't really understand.

"Why is it late?" The man asked following Dr. Ande's words.

"Everyone in this hospital may be a potential infected person. You really have n’t thought about it. You ca n’t see the girl. Is it because you have n’t got symptoms, or have you got symptoms? Is it a problem with the girls, Or did you have a problem yourself? "Dr. Ander Shen Sheng asked back.

The man did not answer in silence. However, Dr. Ande doesn't need his answer. Before he can't solve the "virus", he can't know the secret of the "virus". The answers to these questions are very personal, and it's useless to say.

"What about you? Doctor Ander, how are you doing?" After a while, the man asked.

"Maybe ..." Dr. Ander wanted to deny it, but the idea passed away in a flash, but he didn't care anymore. "Even if it is infected, it doesn't matter. Sometimes, you must become a patient yourself to know the pain of the patient. Resonate with the patient. Many drugs in the hospital are the researchers ’own clinical masterpieces, do n’t they?”

"... You're crazy, Dr. Ander." The man had his answer and took a few steps back quickly, as if he was afraid of being infected by Dr. Ander, but he didn't flee immediately, nor did he move, just a little Regrettably said to Dr. Ande: "We will transfer immediately. If we can't see you again, we can still exchange information. Just grab a mobile phone, dial six zeros, we will receive, and give you a contact email again." Then he paused and said, "I don't think we will meet directly again."

"If I have a need, I will find you." Dr. Ande doesn't care, and doesn't care whether the other party believes. Having said that, he set foot on the corridor and walked in the direction that he felt guided.

The man looked at Dr. Ander ’s silent back, and there was a very heavy feeling on his heart, and he could not judge whether it was caused by the increasingly tense atmosphere at this time, or was infected by Dr. Ander ’s unusual breath ~ ~ Anyway, he is quite sure that Dr. Ander is particularly different tonight, maybe he can really do some amazing things.

He had thought about it, just in case, if he could kill this doctor who was not the same as usual, he could rescue so many researchers before because of his good fighting ability, but To Doctor Ande this evening, the strange and mysterious atmosphere of the other party made him no longer confident.

The current dormitory building makes men feel terrified, and the changes in girls also make men feel terrified. Similarly, Dr. Ande has become the object of his fear.

The man didn't want to continue to intersect with this strange old man, so he chose the opposite direction and hurried away. He still has many things to do. Moving to a relatively safe place in the hospital today is not an easy task.

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