Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2087: Imprint

The isolated island hospital is very large, the architectural pattern is like a small town, living facilities and research facilities are available, but all the materials needed for food, clothing, housing and transportation depend on external supplies. Docks and warehouses are built in the deep water area on the side of the isolated island, but generally, people in the hospital regard it as "outside the hospital". The so-called "inside the hospital" is a circle of high walls and strong current barbed wire. The range within the fence, even within this area, few people can tell exactly how big it is. First of all, there are many buildings in the hospital that have been built and are being renovated and continue to be built. No one except the person with the relevant authority can know the function of all the buildings. The daily interaction between most patients and researchers Understanding is limited to the range of their general needs, just as patients do not need to know where the theoretical research institute is, and people with different theoretical studies do not need to know buildings that are not related to their research field, even if it will involve some, but as long as It is not within the professional scope, and generally needs to be given to other related professionals to take care of it.

Focus on your own needs, focus on your subjects, focus on a daily life within constraints, this is most of the life in the isolated hospital-the rest is something that many people can't understand, those who peep at the technology of others , Those who seek to benefit, those who try to avoid the hospital's leading policy, and use their own policies to make plans ... All people who are unwilling to live in the hospital's daily life and leading direction have their own reasons to avoid surveillance on the table and end. Formed into their own teams, and there is a connection between the teams, and close contacts with funds outside the isolated island hospital. As a killer, he is now working as a researcher in this isolated hospital, and has a lot of knowledge about these areas that will not be exposed in the light of day.

His past work needs to understand the life in these shadows, but his current work needs to use this knowledge to find a role hidden in the depths of the shadows-perhaps the deepest-that is even peculiar, The big role that the elusive principal all respects, even if the principal or he is not a husband, if he wants to survive in today's hospital, he has to deal with each other.

The hospital environment has become mysterious, abnormal and terrible, but judging from the attitude of the principal, this big character hidden in the deepest shadow is probably not the same as the identity of the victim, and the changes in the hospital are more or less The main purpose of this character is rarely known, and its main purpose is unknown. Although logically, everyone has the same goal, that is, "virus", but "what is the benefit of others such as themselves" is the meeting. The key point-what can be brought out without being a husband, in his imagination, the chip that should be able to be seen by the other party is the chip that the principal delivered to him.

The battle between the master and the monster gave a great psychological impact to the husband, and the various strange phenomena that occurred afterwards made the husband feel that his spirit could not be alleviated. As long as he recalled the wonderful shuttle journey, there was a A common saying that "the soul is flying away". Every time I try to think, I do n’t always have a strong feeling that the uncomfortable feeling is eroding my brain, and even the memory is worn out in pain, turning into pieces that ca n’t be connected.

Such a cruel, grand, or rather, battle that I do n’t know how to describe correctly, and I did n’t intend to cast a credible aura on the master ’s “great race” background. Even so, I ca n’t trust this kind of thing completely without a husband. But he can do nothing about these things he does not trust, and can only pray that there is enough valuable information in the chip-compared with the trust in the master, he feels that he believes in the big man who has been hiding behind the scenes, to find a reason. There are many, but, because there are too many reasons, this feeling of "shouldn't have seen it, but inexplicably trust" actually makes him feel a little weird.

Walking through the building according to the route given by the master, the gray mist floats everywhere visible, but even the same gray mist is also layered. It seems that the lighter mist floats upwards, forming a slight wind, almost at a height of about ten meters, it is all this kind of light gray mist, even if it is very thin, but if you look at anything, it seems to be modified. same. In the past, familiar, clean, lively, and bright colors often relieved mental depression and stress, but after becoming the dull tone of today, it only makes people feel more like the haunted places in the horror film. .

In fact, "haunted" in the hospital is not a rare case, not to mention that it is not a normal hospital, it is also a mental hospital in a strict sense. No one on weekdays knows what the truth of those horror stories will be, whether normal people or patients are making trouble, or if there are any abnormalities happening, and no one has the intention to investigate, because everyone is very busy. However, the horror faced by everyone in the hospital today is much cruel than the rumor of "haunting".

Some heavy fog, like a stream that flooded your knees, followed every road, through the gap between doors and windows, and I didn't know where to flow. Their flow is so weird, it doesn't make people feel that they are blown by the wind, nor does it feel simple. The whole sense of flow brings a very strong sense of ritual, it seems to be admonishing people that there is something unusual When things happen, no one can learn more from this experience.

Although he is not just a errand, he still has to do the necessary combat preparations, even if he does n’t feel that his preparations can overcome the enemies beyond people ’s imagination, but if it is just something similar to “human beings”, Probably resistant. When classifying these weird and dangerous things in his imagination, he was used to treating all the survivors who had chased the world up and down, and the replicas of Takakawa who had almost nowhere to hide were regarded as "non-human", even in his own intelligence, These so-called "Gaochuan replicas" are indeed the result of a human experiment on patients.

The facts have well proved the intractability and aggressiveness of these Gaochuan replicas. In the judgment of professional qualities without husbands, these seemingly humans have actually undergone some kind of mutation. They have no thinking ability at all, but Use instinct to fight. Combined with the rumors of these Gaochuan replicas, it is not difficult to imagine that their fighting instincts came from the collapsed experimental body "Gaochuan", and if there is enough in-depth understanding of Dr. Ander's research direction, it can be guessed how much, this A large part of the research lies in a theory called "Human Completion Plan".

The experimental body "Gaochuan" that was seen in the past everyday does not possess such an appreciable weird fighting instinct. Conversely, there is a non-daily "Gaochuan" that is not known by most people. Related information has also been circulated in his channels, but in the past it was difficult to obtain specific information anyway. After these copies of Gaochuan have proved the correctness of the information, it is too late to do anything.

In the eyes of a husband, these good fights are not afraid of casualties. Whether their physical characteristics and physical characteristics are similar to "human" is a humanoid weapon that is open to question. It is a bit more powerful than most of the anomalies he has seen before. If there are enough numbers, then there is probably a chance of winning in the battle intensity between the master and the monster. On the other hand, if you are on the blood moon, because the "Takagawa replica" seems to have no thinking ability, So it may not be affected?

It ’s hard to continue to speculate without being a husband. He thinks of Blood Moon and he does n’t consciously look at the sky. For him, this is already a neurotic reaction. However, the effect of Blood Moon on him is too profound and remains. Until now it is lingering. Today's sky is not the same as the sky I saw before on the rooftop. The huge and heavy moon is still suspended in the mist, still hanging on the far side of the sky, and sometimes it is covered by heavy clouds. In addition to the gray fog, this is a very normal night sky. However, if you do n’t make a fuss, you have such a sensitivity. Compared to the scene of the blood moon, this normal sky is false at this time-because it is too It was normal, so he felt false, but he also had no ability to prove it.

He can only be cautious and cautious, and shows his 100% instinct when he was a killer. The ability of the researcher for many days has caused his ability to decline again and again. He is very clear that until the abnormality of the hospital caused the death of most people, he failed to return to the peak level of the past. After experiencing the tragic face of the blood moon, he inexplicably has a confidence that he will become stronger-he has not found a change in himself that can build this confidence.

Even so, he is still very familiar with the hospital, as well as all the areas in the hospital that involve "violence", "greedy", "cruel", "control" and "killing". He was able to get the weapons he needed in areas not known to most researchers, and even if these areas have been swept away by Gaochuan replicas, the strength of those Gaochuan replicas is so abnormal, so they simply wo n’t Take away these "ordinary" weapons.

In the light and cat-like steps, the husband did not walk through the buildings, and there were buildings inside the buildings. The places that looked like dead ends actually had unremarkable exits. Once they went out, they were a remote corner. There are all kinds of buildings, some are for normal use, there are unknown research facilities, and there are all kinds of underground spaces.

Make full use of all perceptual blind spots, including visual blind spots, and various misunderstandings, as well as cumbersome permission bans, any means that can be ignored, ignored, and not actively used in these constructions-even Dr. Ande, who nominally controls the entire hospital, is impossible to know everything here, because he is not the designer, builder or funding provider of Gudao Hospital, he is just using this company I don't know how big the area is as a research base.

However, the route given by the master went halfway through the place where even the husband did not know for the first time, and the path on the ground was hidden in a place that even the killer who was used to finding the road was difficult to realize. It ’s hard to tell if I ’m not a husband. The first time I knew about this path, what was my idea? It ’s okay to say that it ’s his own blind spot, but it ’s just that he ca n’t be relieved because, in terms of feeling , That is almost the place where he would never have noticed without this route-the stair itself, rather said that although it looks like an upward staircase, but because of the building structure, you can find the secret road from a certain class, However, it is difficult to perceive the existence of this pathway, whether it is using body sensation or instruments.

This is "a secret passage that is difficult to detect structurally if it is not for the architect himself". In the face of such a passage, there is always a feeling of unforgettable without being a husband, but this does not mean that he can find out "Why is this path so difficult to detect" other reasons. In fact, when he noticed that there was a secret passage here, he only noticed that there was a pattern that could be faintly noticed in the night surrounded by such fog on the corner of the wall next to the entrance.

It was a circle like a hand-drawn graffiti embedded with a pentagram. The lines of the pentagram are not straight, but curvilinear, so that the pattern of the pentagram seems to have a strange movement, and within the pentagram There is some kind of figure like fire and eyes. When the husband did not see this pattern, he wondered why he had not noticed it before, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen this pattern-just in front of the last door to the rooftop ~ ~ In the glove cabinet full of ancient monster pieces, it was a pattern on an equally weird pendant.

All in all, he began to feel it, and he could always feel it, but now he feels more clearly: everything he encountered, the abnormalities that occurred in this hospital, all have a clear source, and all kinds of looks It's not a key event. It's the drowning of the unusual disaster, and the small actions that seem insignificant are the real focus. However, this feeling does not have enough logic or obvious evidence to make people unable to think about the real context from the intelligence they have.

In any case, the existence of such a ceremonial thing proves that there must be some kind of ritual-no matter in what state of mind, ceremoniality means that the whole process has a certain degree of rigor, caused by its internal thoughts and Theory, and the executors may be said to be crazy or stupid, but they absolutely have a stubborn and profound approach and perspective on the rhythm and process of the ritual.

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