Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2090: The Unbelievable Adventure II

What kind of core meaning the Department of Color Center has in Dr. Ande ’s research team, and what important role it plays in the research system of the entire hospital, these questions are self-evident for the husband. Leaving aside the devices that looked like quantum computers before, the Center of Color is already the most powerful computing device in the hospital. Nowadays, the application of quantum theory in computer technology has just started. The so-called quantum computer is the core of the disk-like device, but it is only a part of the very superficial theory. It is definitely not a short time to want to go further. By the way, let alone achieve the theoretically expected efficiency, it is almost remotely desperate. Compared with such a simple quantum computer, the color center is likely to be superior in all aspects of performance, not to mention that it is not just a computer.

The predecessor of the "color-center" was human, and the name was "line-color". It was also a patient with apocalyptic syndrome, but during the treatment process, it produced some kind of excessive response to the first batch of special drugs, resulting in physiological state and mental state. The personality has undergone a peculiar change, which is almost an irreversible change in biology and psychology. In a sense, girls have not met the modern definition of "human". However, the researchers found that there is a mysterious connection between this variegated color and other patients with doomsday syndrome, as well as potential patients with doomsday syndrome, and even the immediate state of the "virus". The influence of the "virus" is minimal, but it is very strong for patients with doomsday syndrome.

The research team led by Dr. Ande conducted a study on the relationship between the variegated color and other patients with doomsday syndrome, and finally found that all patients with doomsday syndrome, whether before or after turning into lcl, have extremely strong and closed Information exchange. In order to obtain these flowing, constantly breeding, and constantly interacting information with each other, "color system" was transformed into "color center", using her natural influence and relevance to other patients with doomsday syndrome, Try to cut into the closed information circle between patients with doomsday syndrome.

When he did n’t know how to know more details, because he was responsible for a part of the marginal technical theory at that time, he learned that in the process of "color system" becoming "color system center", the artificial room is actually very small. After the mutation, the girl already has most of the ability to tie the color center, and most of the research done by the hospital is to repair the edges and provide more sufficient resources to make it as stable as possible. Under the state of greater effectiveness, and the research team led by Dr. Ander in this transformation, the most valuable technology is to complete the information interface, allowing the hospital to transmit information through the color center, and in this process Compiling and translating part of the information in Chinese means that, as long as it passes through the color center, the hospital has gained access to the spiritual world and information exchange of patients with doomsday syndrome and even the initiative. The influence of hospitals on patients is no longer limited to physical forms.

In the core field of hospital research, almost every kind of research can not avoid the color center, how to stabilize its state, how to improve its efficiency, there is also a dedicated team to work. The biggest gap between the underground research of the hospital and the official research of Dr. Ande and others is basically regarded by the researchers as whether there is a gap in the color center.

The color center is powerful, and even now that there are all kinds of terrible changes in the hospital, I still have great expectations for the efficiency and role of the color center, and think that I did not find the color center in the first place. It is an unforgivable mistake to rely on its position and build a line of defense. He didn't think that the hospital would give up the color center, but it seems that something went wrong. Those who he knew who might know the specific situation of the color center were either dead or disappeared. The others he joined later did not. The way to get the half-point information of the color center is related to the position of the color center and the professional connection method. It is completely impossible to know when it is realized that the danger has exceeded the degree that the hospital can cope with.

The fact that it has such a powerful auxiliary force but cannot be used is a distressing situation for most surviving researchers. I don't think that I am afraid that everyone is eagerly looking for clues about the color center, but just not expressing this urgency on the surface.

When the principal brought Dr. Ander, it was a joy to see that almost everyone was happy, no matter what their personal grievances against Dr. Ander or research conflicts were placed in the current anomaly. Things go wrong. The survivors who know the general situation of the Department of Color System are thirsty for the Department of Color Center, which is enough to make them accept Dr. Ande. Even if the other party does have some security risks, this man who is in charge of the research direction of the hospital is also the most aware of the Center However, what was surprising was that it was only to allow Dr. Ande to stabilize his spirit, so he did not ask him to inform the relevant center of the relevant information in the first time, and he completely lost his chance.

Dr. Ande left the team, the principal did not stop it. This is probably the biggest mistake he made in the eyes of others. Dr. Ande was supposed to be the first group of researchers to evacuate the building, but due to the fault of the principal, he completely disappeared while acting in the building, without much trace of recourse. As of today, if you don't think about it, even though he didn't see it with his own eyes, he can't help but feel that maybe the principal is intentional.

The master deliberately made Dr. Ander disappear, and it is possible that he still knows where and what kind of situation Dr. Ander is, but he is unwilling to let this information be known to other people. Such thoughts and behaviors may not be conducive to it. Survivors survived and fought back, but perhaps their knowledge of being a "great race" was beneficial.

At least, he has no choice at all now. He was trapped in the building when searching for Dr. Ander ’s trail, and could not find the intelligence of the color center. He completely lost his life-saving means, lost his position and counterattack in the future. Manpower can only rely on the unreliable statement of the principal. If it is said that the principal has played a role in fueling such development, it is no surprise that he is not a husband.

In any case, the Xisi Center is so wonderful that it feels very reliable, and it seems that there is something comparable to the Xisi Center in the underground facility where the husband is at this time. Although he did n’t see it, he could n’t find it. Too much evidence, but only through a certain logic and association, has produced such an idea, but he is affirmative of his own idea.

He really wanted to know what this thing is enough to compare with the color center, and also wanted to know when this thing existed. In the past research, what role did it play in today's changes. More importantly, through whether it can regain the color center, and through the connection between the two, to resist the devastating abnormal changes that are happening in the hospital and even the entire world, and finally find a way to resist the "virus".

A color center has made it impossible for people to assess the upper limit of its ability. Then, will another "color center" have the effect of one plus one greater than two? However, the husband did not realize that his own idea was not very special, and it was entirely within the range that normal people can think of, not to mention the owner of this underground facility, and the principal who obviously knew the same. So, has the owner of this underground facility begun to act? If not, what kind of trouble did you encounter? Or do you have different views on the subjective direction? And how many secrets do the principals who want to use the technical information of great races know about? Based on these secrets, what kind of idea does the principal have?

From a one-sided perspective to understand the various acts of the previous principal, it would be strange for its virgin-like behavior, but considering so many questions, the principal ’s seemingly virgin behavior also obviously brought a strange aura.

Fu Zuofu feels that his mental state is getting better, and his thinking is very clear, and, because of these thoughts, he did not feel the uncontrollable feelings before. He has to guess what he has guessed. For the reason, although the same special effect medicine can not be used for the second time for patients with the same doomsday syndrome, the special effect medicine does play a great role in patients, almost dragging the experimental body "Gaochuan" to hover around the collapse boundary.

Fufu thinks that his condition has not deteriorated to the level of "Gaochuan", so in the best case, he can still wait until the medicine gradually improves.

He tried to persuade himself as much as possible, because, if he did n’t, what had happened and was about to happen would really make him feel completely mentally broken. It might be better.

Shizuo stared at the lights in the hallway and walked for about a minute along the way it lit up. Then, what he saw made his thinking solidify the cold, disgusting and when he was thinking at this moment. The emotions that rarely appeared after the killer rolled out of his throat, turning into a subconscious moan.

Is directly in front of him. This straight corridor has not reached the end. A familiar corpse is lying there, motionless, not all corpses are complete. He was not afraid and sick because of the death of the corpse and the current situation, but it was entirely because he understood at the first time what the corpses were all called "Gaochuan replicas".

Although it still retains a part of the original outline of the experimental body in appearance, compared with the experimental body "Gaochuan" he knew, it is also six or seven points similar, and this seems to have seen the "Gaochuan" in a trance. The sense of sight, in his adventures during this time, only the "Gaochuan replica" will have. Therefore, even every corpse here has some discrepancies in specific details. However, they are all "Gaochuan replicas", and they realized it without instinct.

These people who have killed many hospitals, regardless of their identity, will invade, but still maintain a certain target law of "killing machines", almost when the abnormality of the hospital expands to the entire island, the hospital will be The defensive armaments were completely destroyed. They even falsified hospital information and tried to lure ships to the island, making people think they were plotting to leave this isolated island hospital. However, the disconnection between the isolated hospital and the outside world is so thorough that they have no signs of success.

They are intelligent, but they act more instinctively, in a sense more like a beast, and do n’t feel sick about it as a husband, not for reasons such as identity, morality, or ethics. It is because these "Gaochuan replicas" seem to be the ones that God does not allow to exist, and naturally make others feel repulsive. It is not only because these "Gaochuan replicas" have the ability and action to take people's lives, but they are a kind of biological mechanism of rejection, which is more like being written into genes.

I just feel disgusted when I see it ~ ~ Even if this "Takagawa replica" has become an ugly corpse, it can't stop this feeling of instinct. He could not help but cover his mouth, as if he would spit it out at any time. This feeling was not so strong when he saw these Gaochuan replicas before. Now, he feels that he has seen something that he should not see.

For a time, his mind was full of thoughts, and questions came up one by one, but he couldn't find the exact answer at all. He resisted nausea, carefully observed the bodies of these "Gaochuan replicas", and lost finding out what he knew. He finally confirmed that these "Gaochuan replicas" did not die naturally, but experienced a fierce battle, and the disgusting damage of the corpses was produced after their death. Even, he judged from the traces on the scene and came to the conclusion that "these Gaochuan replicas died in a fratricidal killing."

What exactly happened? Why do these Gaochuan replicas kill each other? How do they perceive themselves and act? And what is their relationship with the person behind the scene who died here? There are so many corpses in front of me. From this section of the corridor to a place that is invisible to the naked eye, blood stains and scars are present on everything at this distance. The scene is not just described as "blood cruel". What is even more weird is that these corpses have some kind of collapse afterwards, but they did not collapse into lcl. A large number of examples in front of them seem to prove that these replicas of Gaochuan have already seen the patients with doomsday syndrome in the past. There are some fundamental differences.

Otaku welfare, you know !!!!: meinvlu123 !!

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