Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2132: Fleet restart

Just after Sanxian Island and the indescribable monster broke away from the interior of "Sha", the mysterious expert soon discovered the war that took place in that area. It is impossible to ignore the battle. The huge impact caused violent turbulence in all areas inside the "Sha". When some distortions occur, those seemingly normal landscapes have a different taste. , The outline of the material is vaguely wrong. No one can specifically describe these different and wrong things. It is like a change in details that is difficult to observe with the naked eye, just like a qualitative change that occurs inside the visible physical structure. However, even without using eyes to see, mysterious experts can use their intuition to perceive this anomaly that makes people feel terrified from the heart, and, in the first time, they know in the dark What happened in which direction.

Almost every mysterious expert looked at the location of Sanxian Island and the prosthetic body Gaochuan for the first time. They and the prosthetic body Gaochuan just had some contradictory disputes not long ago, and the content of the dispute at that time seems to have been staged. They were worried about the current situation, because they could not observe the situation on the spot in real time, so they could not calm down their already anxious heart.

"Something happened," a mysterious expert muttered. "Mr. Gao Chuan really should be more cautious."

"It's too late to say anything now. I can only pray that Mr. Gao Chuan will be able to clean up the chaos he caused." Another mysterious expert was somewhat dissatisfied, but there was no alternative but they could not help the prostitute Gao Chuan.

"Is it okay to be cautious? Can cautiousness stop the enemy's conspiracy? I don't see it. I still think that Mr. Gao Chuan has his own consideration ... although I also don't understand it personally." Some mysterious experts also refuted this, so did his statement. Recognized by many mysterious experts, the cunning of the enemy and the unstoppable fall in the mysterious event are more or less understood by every mysterious expert. If prudence can stop the "mysterious" conspiracy, then the situation will not be as bad as it is today. At this time, although some people still insist on the theory of probability, probability has in fact become a very unreliable reference. Those vicious changes, no matter how low the probability, always seem to happen.

"Mr. Gao Chuan is a veteran mystery expert, although he is not very young, is there not a few of us who are more experienced than him? If he made such a decision out of his own experience, although this approach is like the past In the suspense, those old-style detectives, but they ca n’t be denied casually. It ’s better to do our business first than to worry about the situation over there. ”The backbone of the magical girl quickly stopped your own Controversy over the concept, "The previous impact was so great that it was obviously impossible for Mr. Gao Chuan to fall unilaterally, and he has definitely started Sanxian Island. In contrast, we have n’t even started our own ship. What. "

Such a realistic and accurate statement soon made other people stop. The prosthetic body Gaochuan had only one person, but encountered resistance similar to his own side, and even stronger enemies, at least their own side. The battle has not yet triggered the scale of the previous shock. However, such a powerful aftermath of battle also proves that the prosthetic body Gaochuan actually completed the restart of the ship one step faster than its own side. Today ’s surviving mystery experts have been baptized by the Nazis ’battles, and they are also a group of elites that grew up in this war. They still hold a firm attitude to the role of“ number ”in this war involving“ mystery ”. Recognition attitude. Conversely, this also means that so many people on their side cannot even restart the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet to help the prosthetic body Takakawa who is fighting alone, is it even more incompetent?

This kind of recognition makes many mysterious experts feel hot on their faces, and there is a depressed mood that can't be resolved. No matter how they claim the correctness of their approach, at least at this stage, the efficiency is not as good as the high-end. And efficiency also means more meaning in a very big time, and even the key link of victory and defeat. Assuming that the prostitute Gaochuan acts according to their suggestions, can it be before the battle that this impact means comes? What about Sanxian Island? No one dared to give a definite answer, and even more, many people hold a negative answer, because the difficulties they face today have proved many things in fact.

"Is the authority adjustment completed?" Someone is already urging mysterious experts who are working on the ground. Although the raids of the elementary life knocked on the door of the space joint experimental fleet for them, they wanted to use the channels left by the elementary life in the ships of the space joint experimental fleet to further uncover the blockade of Sha. , As well as the security mechanism of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet itself, entering its own personnel information into the authority, still not every mysterious expert can do. There are not many people who are good at this work, and each ship is only assigned one or two. They are sweating and, with the help of some companions who are slightly involved in this aspect, to complete Do your best in the last step.

"No! I failed on this side, and the interface was locked again!" The mysterious expert on one of the ships wailed. "I can't continue." His failure brought him a blow more than others thought. Even bigger, the counterattack from the security mechanism almost cost him his life. Fortunately, even if the person next to him cut the line, otherwise his physical and mental consciousness would suffer terrible damage.

Even so, the ship he is in charge of has blocked all power components and mysterious warehouses, and the spacecraft has been unable to take off and cannot use the weapons it contains.

"Don't stay here, go to other ships." The mysterious expert, who is the core of the temporary team, immediately gave instructions. Although the mysterious expert responsible for cracking the permissions was still a little lost, he was still dragged down by other people and rushed to the next ship. . They have thought about the difficulties they will face, even if there is a body life combing a path ahead, but they do not feel that they can completely follow this path to the end, it is so to restart the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet Difficult. For this reason, they have already made up their minds. The number of ships that can be started is as many as possible. Among them, the ships manufactured by the five major coalition countries and the three-ship combination that obviously become a structure are the most important in this fleet. aims.

The Sanxian Island of the Central Duchy has obviously been restarted by the prosthetic body Gaochuan. They only need to solve the remaining four ships including the "Enterprise", and then those ships that feel "powerful" in appearance. In any case, they do not have enough information to guess which ship is more powerful and more important, and can only make judgments based on their impressions of these ships.

In this way, the mysterious experts of other ships successively shunted to those ships with little popularity, until finally one ship was confirmed to be unlocked.

"The enterprise number is unlocked and the permission entry is completed."

"The three-ship alliance has also been completed, and there has been no rejection ... This is certainly not a natural structure. I can feel that Mr. Gao Chuan used Sanxian Island to make some in-depth changes to these three ships. It is really amazing. Unbelievable, are these three ships undefended against Sanxian Island? "

"Isn't it necessary to fortify the companions of the same fleet?" Some people refuted this. However, someone immediately refuted, "Moreover, Sanxian Island is the core of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet?"

"You say that, you don't understand politics at all." Some people mocked.

"I don't understand politics, but I know who is the real enemy." The other party retorted.

"Okay, okay! Hurry to contact other ships, if they are finished, we will set sail." The person in charge interrupted this quarrel.

All ships in the joint experimental fleet of the universe have been maintained. During the space war, the trauma left by the Nazis to these ships, leaving only the repaired wounds, can theoretically operate and participate in the war. However, in the end, the mysterious experts regained their authority and successfully restarted the ship, but there were only ten ships-the largest and weirder three-ship combination, which was the only ship that they obtained full authority, or three ships Ship.

Perhaps it is precisely because these three ships were forcibly reformed by the prosthetic Takagawa and Sanxian Island that the modification and installation of "Sha" had the least impact on them because of the restart of Sanxian Island, these The mysterious expert's invasion of these three ships became smoother.

Because of this, the mysterious experts had to confirm this huge and quirky three-ship joint as the core of the new space joint experimental fleet. Most of the mysterious experts stayed inside the joint of the three ships, remotely controlling other ships, and the other ships only boarded personnel who could operate it. Fortunately, these ships have a high degree of self-discipline, so that the mysterious experts who are embarrassed by the hand can complete the control of the new space joint experimental fleet with a very small number of people.

At this moment, mysterious experts who have been following the movements of the prostitutes Takagawa and Sanxian Island all came together with new news: "Sanxian Island has disappeared and the impact has completely stopped."

The movement inside Sha was undoubtedly clear. After the impact stopped, the mysterious experts noticed that the inside of Sha started to start a new operation as if to clean up the mess. However, Sanxian Island has completely separated from their observations.

"Can it be located?" A mysterious expert immediately confirmed.

"No, as long as it is an exploration in this regard, the coordinate system is a mess." A mysterious expert said annoyed.

"What about perception?" Someone asked.

"The same can't be felt, should you experience it yourself?" The mysterious expert seemed to be dissatisfied with the question, so whispering.

"In this case, there is no need to meet with Mr. Gao Chuan." The provisionally elected commander, the first magic girl Xiao Mei, said in a plain and firm tone as always: "In case of emergency, we must sail . "

There are no mysterious experts to refute. They also know that they have little time to wait for others. If they really want to regain control, they cannot be lucky.

The magical girl Xiaomei, with the assistance of the first-generation magical girl's sister adjutant, gathered all mysterious experts in the ship that has been restarted. At this time, more than ten minutes have passed since Sanxian Island completely broke away from the observations of the mysterious experts. Then she stood up from the captain's position and issued the first full fleet command.

"Full fleet announcement, lift off immediately!"

The huge containment chamber made of structural materials slowly propped up the roof, but the farther above it was still a closed high dome. A total of ten ships of the new Universe Joint Experimental Fleet began to take off inside the "Sha". There is no visible tail flame, and the fuel used is not ordinary. All the engine groups have been completely reformed by "Sha" ~ ~ The power has become something that mysterious experts cannot understand. All the data has been modified, and there is no interface suitable for people to identify. "Sha" tried to turn these warships into another body of their own, there was no need to retain the various functions serving human beings, and "Sha" now has the form of the Valpus Night, and it no longer has the aborigines of the ruling bureau. Demand. It is only that the invading body life has connected these warships with another system with a more ruling style, and using the channels opened up by this system, the mysterious expert was able to reconstruct an interface suitable for human use, and also Thanks to "Sha" for not completely erasing the original system of the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet, and keeping a backup deep in the database.

Whether it is the foresight of Sha, or it is just too late to clear them, these factors have left mysterious experts enough opportunities to restart these ships.

There was no sound, and even standing on the near side, it was difficult to feel the impact generated during the liftoff. These warships rose so smoothly and steadily, and turned around. Once invaded by the life of the body, and now again fall into the regional authority under the control of the mysterious experts, it is opening a tortuous passage for the departure of the universe joint experimental fleet.

From the inside of the "Sha" to the area outside the ruling bureau, it is not an ordinary base entry and exit, but a temporary data hedging space entry and exit. However, the mysterious experts are not new to this, the biggest difficulty is that this was originally Valpus Night is a conscious data hedging space, under normal circumstances, "Sha" will limit everything. But this restriction has also been lifted-even from another perspective, mysterious experts prefer this restriction not to be lifted under the premise that the "sha" consciousness may fall.

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