Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2207: Choose battle

Chubby's words sounded like quibbling in Xiaomei.

"... In other words, you won't do anything?" Xiao Mei refused to think deeply. She knew that her state was easily affected, and her own cognition and thinking were not as profound as others. Therefore, she chose from a more From a simple and direct point of view, to summarize the meaning of the other party, even if this is not what the other party wants to express-but at least, it means what he wants to confirm.

"I'm already doing it, but my strength is limited." Qiubi has no emotion, and his mouth still shows an elegant and cute arc, like a smile. "If no one comes to help me, I can't do it. There are too many things, so there is a magic girl. "

"I and others can help you, as long as you are willing to do your best to solve the trouble." Xiao Mei said flatly.

"So, they are already helping." Chubby moved closer.

In the reflection under water and water, there are mysterious experts who are forced to fall asleep because of their poor mental state.

"I did n’t help them remove their spiritual influence because I needed their help to remove their spiritual influence, and the best way for them to help me is to enter this state of spiritual influence ... Xiaomei, look at it from another angle, Are you still unable to understand? "Chubby asked.

Xiaomei stared at it, silently, she only understood one thing, that is, Chubby said anyway, how to do it, the final result is that she ca n’t wake her companion, and it does intentionally make herself Companions fall into that terrible state of mind. She couldn't understand the contradictions it said. If Chubby really wanted to help her, then she should find a better way. Even if she couldn't find it, she should be in the process of searching ...

The world is so difficult, if there is really no other way, you should not use the pain of your companions.

"... If you don't suffer pain, you won't usher in the dawn of victory, Xiaomei." Chubby's beautiful, clear, but no emotional sight was not repelled in the opposite, it seemed to know Xiao What beauty is thinking, also know why she thinks so. A person, a seemingly animal, actually does not know what exists, and the relationship between them is so close.

Xiaomei has no doubt that Qiubi knew what she would think, how to say, when she said this, she already knew what kind of decision she would make.

Perhaps, in his eyes, his heart is really transparent and superficial.

"I want to win. After paying so much, everyone wants to win. If it is to win the dawn of victory, it is acceptable to bear the pain. However, you could have told everyone fair and honest ..." Xiaomei's The voice gradually calmed down, like removing all the previous troubles, worries, and fears, "If everyone knows, we will be happy to help this. After all, we actually have no power to decide the outcome. On the battlefield, we are so small, if we are only told that we can have a new opportunity as long as we pay the price of mental disorders, then probably no one will refuse it. However, you are so sneaky, everything Without saying that, I just watched everyone in despair, and brazenly used everyone's mental state at this time. I have to wonder if you are deceiving us. "

"Cheating? Xiaomei, what are you talking about? I never lie. You should know." Qiubi tilted her head and used a cute expression to make a cold voice without emotion.

"Perhaps in your opinion, this is not deception, at most it's just using it. But, for everyone, this is deception." Xiaomei raised her magic wand and pointed at Qiubi, "Well, things are up to now, and It does n’t matter what you say. It ’s not a bad thing to have your own standards, but it ’s a pity that you only treat others according to your own standards, which does not meet the requirements of the united front. It ’s just that Your thoughts and attitudes, you are already destined to not be yourself, let alone, you have already started to act. "

"That is to say, Xiaomei, do you think I am an enemy?" Chubby said without fear, Shi Shiran said: "But, you are not just judging my behavior according to your own ideas, wishes and standards. Have you consulted other people ’s suggestions? Even from the perspective of NOG, everything I do now may be a bit of a process that makes you unacceptable, but in terms of the ultimate goal, I did Everything is good for you. As I said, I have always been myself, this is not a process, but a result. Xiaomei, what is unacceptable, is it you or everyone? Are you now representing yourself Speak, or speak on behalf of everyone? How can you prove that you can represent everyone? "

"..." Xiaomei couldn't answer, she never thought about these things, but she knew one thing, that is, no matter where she was, no matter in which group, whether in humans, or in Among the mysterious experts and even the survivors, they are definitely not special in terms of thoughts, attitudes, emotions and behaviors-this means that there are actually many people like her.

Maybe you ca n’t represent everyone, but in the absence of others, your thoughts, actions, emotions, and personal thoughts generated at this moment are used to represent those People who have something in common with themselves should have no problem.

On the contrary, compared with himself, the opposite Qiubi, no matter from what angle, is not a human thing, but it is ridiculous to use human logic to speak with human philosophy. You can represent at least some people, but the source of this magical girl in front of you is that even "human" can't be represented.

What it does, thinks and thinks may indeed stand on the same enemy's standpoint, but it is hard to say that it stands on the standpoint of human beings. Because of this, Xiaomei could not accept what it said and did.

The reason why they survived to the present, in the desperate situation without a trace of hope, still decided to launch a general attack on the enemy, what is it for? No matter what the answer is, neither "humanity", network ball, magic girl, or survivor, represents the last resistance of humanity, and is willing to withstand the despair and the war. Pain, to compete for the illusory victory.

They are here by themselves.

Xiaomei doesn't want to debate with Chubby anymore. She is a fool, and she certainly can't say anything to the other party, but no matter what the other party says, in her ears, she seems to be taunting human beings, taunting the soldiers who are struggling to the end when they are about to be extinct.

It's just a few words without speculation.

"... I don't want to say it? It's a pity. I haven't talked to people for a long time, and I look forward to coming." Chubby shook his tail, under the water and water, the image was like a reflection. It gradually disappeared, and returned to the calm dark blue, "You are a fool, Xiaomei, you just need to convince me, but you want to do it with me. Do you really think you can beat me? Really think, Can violence change my mind? You do n’t understand anything and always have naive thoughts. However, if the desired result cannot be obtained, then even if the process is subjectively correct and human, there is nothing Usefulness-because, this result will be divided into birth and death. "

"... Maybe someone will agree with you, but certainly not everyone agrees." Xiao Mei just said such a sentence, and began to run around Qiubi. There are many reasons for her to hesitate and make her feel that it is impossible to defeat this opponent. For example: the other party is the source of the magic girl's power, how can it be overpowered by the magic girl's power? Even if you do n’t think about it, you can find a lot of ideas, but she also knows that no matter what the reason is, when she comes here, she can only fight.

No matter what you think, the chance of victory is very small. Even so, there is no other choice. In fact, have they been fighting like this all the time? Whether or not the opponent is Chubby, their chances of winning are small. But at this time, "can we win" is no longer a reason to fight-oneself and others are already the last survivors of mankind, if you don't fight, what are you doing here? Is it okay to stay in place and wait for death?

Is n’t it easier to give up survival and kill yourself in order to be free from pain than to struggle in despair today?

——It's ridiculous, really stupid.

Xiaomei was running in Mercedes-Benz. Time began to slow down in her mind, and many things that had never been thought of popped out of her mind. Some philosophies about life and battle are also revolving around this situation. Many things that I did not understand seem to be understandable. Those thoughts about death, about human beings, about survivors, about the hell-like situation and the distant and almost invisible future, all talk about the ridiculous and stupidity of yourself and the companions around you.

However, these same mocking thoughts were also blurred by her concentration. In order to defeat Chubby, in order to free companions from the painful spiritual influence, in order to let everyone regain the opportunity to choose whether to accept this pain with their own will, in order to dig out more possibilities from Chubby , You must throw away those weights from the body to the mind.

Whether it is an understandable idea or an incomprehensible one, "understanding" itself is not needed for combat. Perhaps, at this point, Xiaomei's perception is not the same as other mysterious experts. She thinks she is a fool, and some problems can't be figured out no matter how you think about it, so don't think about it or understand.

In just a few seconds, it was divided into dozens of parts, and each part of the time allowed Xiaomei to move away from Qiubi's line of sight with faster acceleration. Qiubi didn't move, didn't even turn his head, but let Xiaomei detour behind him along a maneuvering arc.

Every time Mercedes-Benz's footsteps fall on the water and water, dreamy ripples will appear. Xiaomei's movements are so light, she can hardly feel the resistance of the air in this wonderful space. Every time she moved forward, she felt that even gravity seemed to be kept to a minimum, and she was almost unable to pull herself—as if she could jump up to a height of 100 meters without any effort.

A little ripple spread around Qiubi's side, but Qiubi didn't seem to do anything, but his eyes turned a bit, as if looking backwards, but was blocked by his eyes. The eyeballs pressed to the corners of the eyes clearly reflected the ripples in the water and water.

"This is no way. Xiaomei, you are always so eager and irritable. Are you already a mystery expert, haven't you learned how to think in battle? Ignore the ideas that warn yourself ~ ~ Really Is that okay? "Chubby just said that.

At the same time, behind its head, Xiaomei released the radioactive power that the magic wand had already stored and pressurized, and a half-person-sized beam of light rushed straight toward Qiubi. Along the way, the water and water that supported both sides like the ground were dug out a long gully.

Xiaomei does n’t think his attack is very powerful. Rather, this level of impact release is still at the level of temptation. Instead, it appears that this piece of water and water is somewhat fragile-it is not material itself, it is more like A certain phenomenon, Xiaomei once thought that it would not produce such a timely and timely change.

The entire space became brighter during the light cannon shot. Although it was in the form of light, it did not reach the full beam, and even Xiaomei could see the process of arriving in front of Qiubi.

Chubby turned his head only at this time and met Xiaomei's eyes. The next moment, the beam of light would hit his head. But at this moment, Qiubi opened his mouth as if yawning-the light column was only less than half a meter away from its body, but the movement of opening his mouth was more advanced than the light column. The speed is still fast.

Although it is fast, it can make Xiaomei see clearly, how his mouth has been opened to exceed the size of his body.

Chubby swallowed the beam of light in a single bite.

Xiaomei was a little surprised, but the result was not completely unexpected. Of course, Chubby will not deal well with it. No one has known how it fights, and now there is no possibility of learning from experience. Xiaomei can only rely on her own experience and intuition, and can only use the mystery of the magic girl to fight-in front of Chubby, these reliances may fail, she is very clear, how she understands what she is facing enemy.

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