Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 316: Network Chaos (4)

Baishuwu 316 network chaos (4)

The snake's generally flexible gray fog was "killed". Hundreds of Book Houses full text without ads I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because the wizards looked so surprised that they didn't continue to attack. However, this is also because they still despise me, after all, they used a sneak attack to kill their companions. In the course of this attack, they were protecting themselves, and maybe they didn't even notice my unusual explosiveness. In addition to this, no matter how you look, I am no different from ordinary people.

I hid and adjusted my breath. I stared at the two wizards with pretences of fear and incomprehension, and I was a little happy when I was calm. From my own perspective, the rhythm and direction of the battle gradually fell into the pre-booked track.

The wizard who manipulated the Grey Mist Snake hesitatedly moved his finger, but of course it didn't work. He didn't immediately release the second Grey Mist. This made me think that this Grey Mist spell wasn't just for casual use. Recalling Father Sisen's words, the gray fog is a valuable consumable for them, not only to support the source of the spell but also to maintain their life. Thinking of this, I am more convinced that the initiative of this battle is in my hands. And the other wizard also said something incomprehensible in surprise.

Perhaps, in their eyes, gray fog, an amorphous body, should not have been "killed" so easily. I also don't understand what is going on, but when the eyes of the two wizards fell on the folding knife, I also intended to come. It must be the effect of this unusual folding knife. Father Sisen brought it to my body and gave it to me again, not simply because it was sharp.

This folding knife has an effect similar to "demon" in the wizard's story.

The beating of the heart gradually stabilized. I was like a fish back in the water, breathing precious air greedily and hungry. When the wizard was walking around and talking to each other, I had stood up. I wasn't hurt at all, but I pretended to be hurt. I gently shook my body and waved my dagger hard in front of me, pretending to be a powerful and energetic person to confuse the two wizards. The longer the time delays, the more contempt is the opponent, and the greater the chance of killing another person the next time the power bursts.

"Who are you? Why should I catch my friend?" I shouted in an angry and frightened tone, trying to see if the two wizards could understand the most orthodox language in this country, but unfortunately the other didn't Li Zuo, although they can't see their expressions, but can directly feel from that indifferent attitude, they seem to be squeaking my monkey as a juggling joke, or an irritable background noise.

I don't know what kind of negotiation they made. The wizard who had previously controlled the Snake of Mist turned around and seemed to leave the bedroom, while the other wizard threw the shield of Mist on the ground. The shield turned into a strange and disgusting monster at a speed visible to the naked eye. I dare not act lightly and carefully observe the appearance of this monster, trying to find out its attacking method from the proportion of body shape, threatening limbs or even some of its instinctive actions. This is the method I learned from TV shows like Animal World. Those professionals usually analyze the torso, organs and limbs of animals in detail to explain how they prey.

This monster is not any kind of animal in reality, and it is full of an unrealistic sense of incongruity. Its hind limbs are thick and covered with scales, enough to support the body to stand up, judging from the proportion and shape of the joints, it is also full of extraordinary explosive power and jumping power. I think it is to use these strong hind limbs to rush out, jump, and use sickle-shaped forelimbs to cut prey. However, according to common sense, such hind limbs are not conducive to running. If it is in an open place, once it dashes straight out without killing its prey, it will reverse its role and become the hunted party. The problem is here, this bedroom is not too narrow, but it can be used in this range to repeatedly use the walls and ceiling to make reflection jumps, making the movement method more flexible.

Its eyes appear a turbid yellow, with vertical pupils of cold-blooded animals such as snakes and crocodiles. It looks fierce and cunning, and it is like a cold glass ball, reflecting the figure of prey. Baishuwu (full text e-book free download) When it and I looked at each other, the three toes of each foot habitually knocked on the ground in turn, full of rhythm, and the nails on the toes were even harder than hooks There is no doubt that it can easily tear the thick cowhide.

This kind of toe reminds me of the terrifying predators when the dinosaurs occupied the planet-Velociraptor.

The forelimb of this monster is in another form, sickle-shaped, like the blade of a praying mantis. Like the guillotine, its forearm and upper arm can bite each other. The side of the forearm is smooth and sharp, and the side of the forearm and the forearm is covered with fine serrations.

Its back has some camels, and the back looks smooth, but when the light glides through, you will find that there is a layer of barbed spikes along the spine line until the top of the head. If it is hit, it will definitely be hit Tear off a whole piece of muscle, causing massive bleeding.

In addition to this, what made me pay more attention to its head. Hearing organs like ears are not visible from the outside, but there are only two holes in the part under the eyes that should be the nose. This makes me think that it is a creature that gives up hearing and strengthens the sense of smell. The mouth protrudes forward, showing the shape of an exoskeleton. It didn't develop the meaning of roaring at all. There was a strange line between the upper and lower jaws of the mouth, which made people feel like they were sewn with needles and threads. But it was this appearance that actually reminded me that if it opened its mouth, it must have been a fatal blow.

What a wonderful gray fog spell, the monster created is full of life, not the puppet I thought. I think that these fogs must have both material organic and inorganic properties, as well as non-material "spiritual" properties.

This monster seems to give the impression when it is described in words, but it is like inheriting the best part of their hunting instincts through the hybridization of multiple predators. But because of this, I believe that the people who really witnessed it will be like me, with a strong sense of repulsion in their hearts, and feel that its appearance is completely a blasphemy against morality, life and nature, and it should not appear at all Something in the world. I was surprised that I felt this way too, because even the demons I met last night would not be so.

Compared with the Hellhound, the monster in front of him at least looks more like a "demon".

The observation ended in just a few seconds, because the wizard who turned to leave suddenly made a cry of exclamation, and some dull sounds seemed to be strongly suppressed by him. He froze in front of the three small cocoons, as if he had just discovered that the bloodless skinless thing turned out to be three heads. I believe that he will surely see that the three heads were cut from his companion, and the horrified scene of the peeled skin will surely remind him of his tragic ending.

At this moment, the wizard was clearly shaken. The other wizard turned his head because of his exclamation.

I spotted this moment, just like the previous sneak attack, vigorously pounced on the wizard who released the gray fog monster. If possible, I want to choose the wizard who exclaimed, but unfortunately, another wizard is between us. I was ready to be intercepted by the gray fog monster, but when the monster really moved, I really learned that it is completely different in flexibility and aggression from the previous gray fog snake.

The wizard who created it did not direct any of its actions. All judgments and actions of this monster are spontaneous.

I already know how fast Mercedes-Benz is at the moment of the outbreak. Although it can't last for a long time, it can almost catch up with the sports car in the duration, which is faster than the cheetah. However, the explosive power of this monster is not inferior either. It seems to be shooting like a spring in the seemingly unprepared situation.

Even without blinking time, we almost bumped together. Its speed and my speed add up, and it's so fast that even my reflex nerve running at high speed is too late to react. Fortunately, it was terrible to be hit-this idea was always in my mind, so I still raised my arm and used a folding knife to cut the forelimbs of two sickle waves that were facing him.

A strong force separated us from each other, and the folding knife and the serrations on the monster's forelegs scraped together, making a sharp and harsh sound. The monster's sickle forelimb, as judged before, almost bit the blade of the folding knife. It failed to do so, because my wrist and fingers instinctively exerted force at this moment, and the blade snapped back into the handle.

This monster is obviously different from the gray fog snake before, and the folding knife failed to cut its hard limb.

Under the reaction force of the collision, the monster's body is flying backwards. The speed of this flying should be amazing, but at this time I am also in high-speed movement, full of a sense of elegant coordination. It really turned out to be an expert in sports warfare, without losing balance at all. Once it landed, it was the start of the second attack.

I realized that the situation had reached a very critical juncture, and the speed and power of my instant eruption could not be sustained at all.

Three breaths-I instinctively felt that I only had three breaths to kill a wizard.

At this time, the two wizards had been shocked by the sudden and violent battle between me and the monster. The two are looking back, and their fingers are starting to move. At this moment, the monster landed on the ground, and then hit the ceiling again. It threw himself at me from the top, trying to cut off my head.

It seems that I also entered a peculiar state at this moment. Dozens of offensive and retreat strategies rose from the depths of my mind, and I fixed it on one of them with my will.

I seemed to hear the sound of wind coming from my ears:

-Gao Chuan, you need to be conscious.

That's my voice, but it doesn't look like I'm talking, but from the depths of this body's genes, it's like another voice from the end of a distant soul.

I subconsciously felt that it was another "Gao Chuan" voice on the spiral ladder.

-Gao Chuan! You need to be conscious!

My soul shouted with it.

At this very moment, I threw my coat upward, and my body jumped out, sliding against the floor. I burned the last explosive force, the air full of impurities seemed to become a large piece of sandpaper surrounding me, and the white silk on the ground was rubbing my body hard. I feel that my skin is hot and painful, as if it has been shaved off, as if it is about to burn.

The wizard's head turned back, and I tasted their astonishment in this slow shot. Because in their eyes, they must have only seen the monster wrapped in a coat.

By reducing the height of the body, you can increase the distance from the monster and enter the blind spot of the enemy's vision. This is the strategy I finally adopted.

The coat was torn to pieces by the monster, and I lay on the floor, passing by the wizard who made the monster. The wizard's reaction was so keen, he already felt it, trying to chase my figure with his eyes. However, he was still one step slower. Even if the physique of the wizard was better than the average person, he was still far worse than me. After I tried my best, he couldn't capture my actions at all.

Only monsters will do.

The monster was chasing me along the course of my glide, and I grabbed the wizard's ankle and pulled him down, keeping him between the monster and me. The wizard's hood slipped and the face clung to the mask twisted a terrified look, because he had no time to control the monster. Sure enough, as I guessed, his control over the monster was not as timely and powerful as another wizard's manipulation of the Serpent of Mist. I successfully dagger the dagger into his neck, and at the same time, the monster also hit him.

In the loud muffled sound, both the wizard and I were hit by monsters and flew out, falling one after another to the edge of the wall. The side effects of explosive power make me unable to adjust my body, but I can only hold the head with both hands and put the body together to withstand the impact of the wall and the wizard. When the force is fed back to my body, my internal organs are tumbling. I wanted to vomit, but only vomited a pool of hot blood. The blood is thick like a paste, and the strength is like being drawn out of the body by an invisible straw. This time the vicious reaction is much larger than before. I almost feel that the energy that is twice the explosive power is drawn, and the whole head is faint Dizzy.

I pinched my arm with my nails, trying to keep myself from passing out. I also tried to think about some things in order to concentrate the remaining energy. The battle is not over yet. I know that if I fall here, the end will definitely be miserable. The monster formed by gray fog wandered anxiously in front of me, presumably because the wizard who made him looked impossible, it seemed to want to continue attacking, but was at a loss. It became more and more anxious and even wanted to kill its owner or attack another wizard. Its eyes grunted and turned, and its mad sight wandered between me and the two wizards.

My hand was squeezed by the monster master's body. In places where they couldn't see, I tried my best to cut his body, poke deeply into it, and stir it in the internal organs. This sober-looking wizard, who was stronger than another, gradually lost his breath, but his body still twitched reflexively, and a large amount of blood poured onto my body, making me feel like my hand was inserted. Greasy in motor oil.

I couldn't think of how terrifying my face was at this moment. I just subconsciously stirred my wrist to kill this wizard completely.

After two or three seconds, the monster still did not disappear, but its restlessness made me feel that the days of its life were coming to an end. It seemed that he understood this before bursting out of confusion and madness. In the sluggishness of the last wizard, it rushed up and launched an attack. After losing the master's control, it is already invincible. I think that the wizard ’s gray fog spell must not be able to determine who is the enemy and who is the friend, not to mention, from the attitude of these wizards to their companions, there is not enough friendship between them as "teammates". .

They are so indifferent to each other, not to mention their spells?

This discovery completely calmed my uneasiness in the future. The Mar Jones family eroded the doomsday truth, but failed to turn this terrible religion into a united collective, even their immediate combat force "wizard" failed to do so. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that they are allowed to occupy so many territories, and now that the power has spread to three continents, it is still impossible to walk to the world in a fair way and launch all the conspiracies and wars they want to conduct.

In the Doomsday Truth, there must be more disciples who are dissatisfied with the Mary Jones family like Father Sissen.

This world is changing and it is very different from the past ~ ~ This change started from the Mars Jones family of Doomsday Truth, but they only led the beginning and have no power to control the ending.

We still have a chance to win the final victory.

Just as the wizard was busy defensively defending the monster, I was already climbing from the ground. In the end, the wizard was too far away from the other two. No matter the judgment, fighting will or experience, it was like a new recruit who had just entered the battlefield. It is much easier to deal with such a guy than to deal with the other two. My fighting strategy is correct, and luck is also on my side. Such thoughts ignited my passion again in my heart, and this strong impulse and emotion was urging me to stretch out my hands stained with blood to seize the victory.

I have actually felt the fear from the new wizard. He constantly stimulated the gray fog, was bitten and hit by crazy monsters in the defense, and as the fog became thinner, his emotions became more hysterical. As Father Sissen said, he was going to die. The monster turned into gray fog is about to die because of the death of the owner and his own consumption, and he also has to accept the destiny that the power to maintain his own power and life is drying up.

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