Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 551: Final thing one

Before alienating Youjiang to cross the final line of defense of the clown monsters, I have observed this huge spun pituitary machine in detail. Although from a distance, it is extremely similar to the pituitary machine in the 33rd Research Institute of the Ruling Bureau, but when you get closer, you will find that the two are two machines that are completely different in style and structure. The top of this spun pituitary machine is seamlessly connected to the zenith of the underground square-shaped temporary data hedge space. If there is a great difference in color between the color of the machine material and the material of the zenith structure, it really makes the machine feel like Like a stalactite, it flows straight down from the zenith.

The outer shell of the whole machine is thick and thick like black iron, and there are no gaps in the rough texture. The parts that seem to be rivets and seams appear on the retina screen as if they were just decorations, and did not play their original role. As far as I can see, from the surface of this machine, I can't see any gaps connecting the inside and the outside. It feels like a huge piece of cast iron. If you want to say anything about this machine that is particularly "mysterious", you have to mention the blue light floating in the middle and upper position.

These blue rays were observed from a distance, and the translucent cover similar to the pituitary machine of the 33rd Research Institute of the Ruling Bureau was only noticed when it was close to a certain distance. Form is just an illusion. These blue lights are only floating in a fixed position on the pituitary machine shell, and it is not a whole piece like a glass cover. In the retina screen, it is more like dust in shape. In the more detailed observation data, its state is also not fixed, not completely solid dust. Part of it is material, but the other part is immaterial in the data-an energy, even a spiritual level of existence. It is this part of the non-physical state that causes the illusion when observing at a distance.

This is the first time I have seen the existence of this intermediate state between matter and non-matter. Its state is theoretically very similar to the microcomputer cell of the ruling bureau, also known as the "gray fog", but there is not enough evidence to show that they are The same thing. In the information provided by the master "Sha" in the 33rd district of the ruling bureau, the "gray mist" at the core of the mysterious technology of the ruling bureau is an existence that can transform between the material state and the non-material state. Its characteristics support the foundation of the mysterious existence including temporary data hedge space, critical weapons and even demons, and it is also the current doomsday truth wizard, mageweave messenger, and even the currently unidentified Valpus night. The mysterious existence is closely related. It can be said that to some extent, "gray fog" is the mystery among the mysteries in this world, and it can also be regarded as the core of all mysteries in this world.

"Gray Mist" is also a reflection of the various components that make up the structure of the Doomsday Illusion in reality. It is a unique product reflected in the world of doomsday illusion after the alienation of patients with apocalyptic syndrome. The particularity of its existence allows me to almost judge, and the corresponding "material", "concept" or "change" of reality is also in a core position. If you can understand the real body of "gray fog" in reality. The study of doomsday syndrome and "viruses" will usher in leaps and bounds. However, including actual researchers such as Super Colors, Super Dorothy and Dr. Ander, there is currently no progress in this area, at least, in the reality information I have obtained. There is no clue about this, even if it is clueless.

These blue dusts that are similar to the "gray mist" characteristics are naturally very unique. Although there is no further evidence that they are involved, but the similarity of this characteristic is enough to make people think. What's more, this huge spun pituitary device that is closely integrated with it, although different in details, but the overall outline, it is indeed reminiscent of another spun pituitary machine that exists in the ruling bureau. maybe. Either this machine or these blue light dusts, just like the shamanist technology of Doomsday Truth, is a branch of technology products produced by the mysterious organization behind Youjiang after analyzing part of the technology of the ruling bureau.

I have never seen "gray mist" exist in both material and non-material states, basically. The "gray mist" that can be observed are all in the material state, and I have never seen the specific conversion process of the "gray mist" between the two states, such as blue dust, which is between the material state and the non-material state. Existence is unique. To make an analogy. These blue light dusts are equivalent to the existence of "liquid crystal". It's just not between solid and liquid, but between matter and immaterial.

These blue light dust surrounds the pituitary machine, like the aura of the planet, covering a considerable range, but does not spread to the surroundings with the impact and air flow. Although it has a slow flow, it only flows around the pituitary machine . Observation patterns and chain judgments of the retina screen of the pituitary gland blocked by these blue light dusts cannot directly penetrate them to see things hidden behind them. It is temporarily impossible to determine the role of these blue light dusts, and it is impossible to judge whether it is harmful to contact it, but for the five clown monsters entrenched on the pituitary machine, there is no further change due to direct contact.

Except for the location of these blue light dusts, there is no seemingly operable place for the entire pituitary gland machine. I think that what you want to do on this machine is that Alienation Youjiang must operate against these blue light dusts. The facts also proved this conjecture that after the alienated Youjiang crossed the last line of defense, it did not greet the last five clown monsters. Of course, it may also be because she was alienated from Youjiang, and Youjiang itself has some kind of key to complete this harvesting task. This key is unclear what makes the five clowns entrenched on the pituitary machine Monsters do not regard them as enemies. If it was me who stepped forward, they might react more violently.

In any case, the performance of these five clown monsters is quite different from other clown monsters, which proves that they must bear special responsibilities in this temporary data hedging space. It is precisely because they do not attack everyone who enters this temporary data hedge space indiscriminately, which in turn verifies that our encounters so far in the night of Valpuss, including this pituitary machine and its breeding The things that are dominated by the mysterious organization behind Youjiang-maybe the process is not exactly the same as they expected, and there is no me in the booking role, but it is beyond imagination that Youjiang is alienated, but, the process Speaking. The only and most critical deviation is that it is not Youjiang that finally reaches the spinning pituitary machine but alienated Youjiang.

Even if Alienated Youjiang jumped on their bodies and used them as a stepping stone to their destination, these five clown monsters did not reflect at all. They are like inflatable fakes. It's just swinging his body. Alienated Youjiang jumped on them. Without any interception, it easily reached this blue light dust. She tried to dip her right arm into the blue light dust, and her concentrated eyes and tightly squeezed mouth line made people feel a deep, evil and dangerous feeling. Almost at the same time that this feeling occurs, it can make people clearly produce the cognition of "This is not a person", "This guy is an evil thing", and in her body, negative such as "evil" and "danger" The label seems to be absolute.

This is no doubt. Absolute perception makes people feel that she is a unique existence in this world. There is no second existence on par with her, even the "similar" ones. Compared with all the relative "evil" and "danger", the alienated Youjiang at this time is the absolute "evil" and "danger", even if she does not know what she has done, even if she has done nothing. Absolutely "evil" and "dangerous".

If the actions of You Jiang once represented the will of the mysterious organization behind her. Then I would rather believe that the action of alienating You Jiang at this time is definitely out of my will. No, it should be said that it represents the will of Jiang. Alienation of Youjiang and Youjiang are completely different.

Alienated Youjiang's right arm that penetrated into the blue dust can only observe a dim and discolored color patch from the outside. I ca n’t see the arm at all. It is more like inserting a meltable mass into the solution. As a result, its outline and color decompose and diffuse in the solution. Now the arm that exists only in blue dust is like this. phenomenon. The contour of the color cast diffuses. Spread gradually into the blue light. No painful expression could be seen from the face of Alienated You Jiang. She just waited intently, just like carrying out a meticulous experiment, even if one step was wrong, the experiment would fail.

Then, the color block that has exceeded the arm in volume stopped probing, releasing a large amount of blood-red silk thread from the front end. The color of these silk threads is completely undisturbed by blue dust, and their color is as bright as the scale armor on the alienated Youjiang body, and it is not inferior to blue dust. Just like how the blood color eroded the scale armor on Youjiang, these blood-red silk threads seemed to have to be re-applied, but their conspicuous presence makes people clearly see its expansion route from the outside- It seems that along the loop hidden in this blue light dust, one by one penetrates into the body of the spinning pituitary.

The blood-red circuit continues to spread and expand, gradually forming a huge key outline. It looks like a huge key composed entirely of red loops, trying to plug into its established interface and turn on this huge pituitary machine.

This phenomenon is enough to convince me that Alienated Youjiang has full control. However, I am still ten meters away from the final line of defense passing through the clown monsters. During the time between the alienation of Youjiang and the formation of the loop key from the line of defense, I did not take any further steps. Of course, this is not because I can no longer continue to penetrate, but first, without mentioning the efficiency of penetration, even if I pass through the last ten meters, it is not all right. Although the five clown monsters entrenched in the spinning pituitary device did not attack the alienated Youjiang, they absolutely cannot believe that when I approach them, they will be indifferent. When the final journey was not just to cross the last ten-meter defense line, but to reach the alienated Youjiang side by side, and even surpassed her at a critical moment, reaching the target, the step by step penetration was judged by the brain hardware as the most inefficient practice.

The characteristics of pseudo-speed sweeping are destined to prevent me from achieving the desired speed value without sufficient external force. Without sufficient speed, I cannot gain an advantage in the upcoming battle. Only by taking advantage of this dense clown monster, by sustaining their attacks, continuously strengthening the speed, without stopping, and reaching the alienated Youjiang in one breath, there is the possibility of participating in the fight for the target at the first time. I circled in the last ten meters, controlled my movements precisely through the brain hardware, withstood their attacks as far as possible, and transformed the power of the attack into acceleration through pseudo-swivel. According to the current speed value, it is already possible to prevent these clown monsters from attacking themselves. However, considering the advantages of the rapid swept ability displayed by Alienated Youjiang, I am still patiently looking for the most Appropriate breakthrough route, increase your speed value.

I wandered among the dense enemies and deliberately endured their attacks. It bounces like a ball and becomes faster and faster in a back and forth bounce. At the same time, the dense lines like spider webs appearing on the retina screen are constantly being born, disappearing, distorting, and merging, constantly matching the number of my real-time positions. When there is only one route left, and my position overlaps the beginning of the route. Is the beginning of a formal action.

The corner of the retina screen shows the progress of alienating Youjiang. Every advance of the circuit key will bring great pressure to me. Although its progress is getting slower and slower, it makes people clearly feel the difficulty of its travel, but it has not stopped once. People dare not expect it to stop. The ideal situation is undoubtedly at the moment when the loop key turns on the pituitary machine, I use a fast enough speed to cross the last ten meters, surpassing the location of Alienated Youjiang, but. The huge amount of real-time data processing prevents the brain hardware from improving the accuracy of the entire operation to that level.

My actions will definitely deviate from the ideal situation. The question is how large the deviation will be and whether it will expand. No matter if you take a quick step or take a slow step, you may lose your chance in front of the rapid sweep of alienating Youjiang. Once you lose your first move, you want to recapture the target from Alienated Youjiang. It will undoubtedly become more difficult. At that time, we can only hope that the mysterious organization behind You Jiang will invest the corresponding fighting power, and both Alienated You Jiang and Long Aotian will be defeated.

It is unacceptable for me to pin my hopes on a future that is not yet known, but I am not 100% sure about the current situation to complete my concept of action. The emergence of Alienated Youjiang is not only for others. For me, it is also a huge variable. In an absolute sense, Youjiang is naturally better than Alienated Youjiang.

As I got faster and faster, the gap between the clown monsters became more and more obvious. The route formed by these gaps has become increasingly clear. but. The native brain is also increasingly unsuitable for this level of speed. The information fed back to the native brain is significantly weaker than the speed of action. Although this situation cannot prove the weakness of the native brain, at present, it is The efficiency of the logic processing has indeed not caught up with the brain hardware. Of course, in the world of doomsday illusions, the native brain is not really my brain, it is also a kind of mapping existence, but regardless of the reality corresponding to the brain hardware, its advantages are quite obvious , Especially in the case of body and body.

When I gradually transferred the operating subject from the native brain to the brain hardware, I clearly felt the difference between the two information processing subjects. After information processing, the native brain feeds back to the body, mostly in the form of "sensual thinking" and "what did you feel". The results obtained are full of ambiguity and subjectivity. Subjectivity makes the perceived world rich and colorful. However, under the dominance of brain hardware, the so-called "feel" does not exist, everything is processed digitally ~ ~ Accurate, clear, although there are uncertainties, but not There will be a vague feeling, and all the possibilities will be enumerated as reference values.

When the brain hardware is the main body of operation, all things that can be "feeled", and even "feel" itself, are quantified. This is a strange feeling, which cannot be explained in detail. However, if there are intelligent machines in the world, the world it feels must be like me now. Although 40% of the original tissues still exist in my body, these tissues do not play a role in maintaining the mechanism of the body. Compared with the combination of the original brain and the original tissue, at this time, naturally, it is brain hardware The combination with the prosthetic body is more important.

Only through the transformation of the native brain can the information generated by the brain hardware produce the corresponding "feel", and it can also be accepted by the native tissue and make a relative response. However, the operation of the native tissue is not the main body of this body. The operation of the prosthesis does not require the native brain to transform information. The cooperation between the brain hardware and the prosthesis is extremely tacit. After abandoning the native brain and native tissue, it is completely out of the combined operation mode of brain hardware and prosthesis that I am closer to the literal "machine" and farther away from the "human".

However, only in this mode can I accurately control every detail of the movement at such a high speed but still accelerating. If you still maintain the state where the native brain is the main body, you will bump like a headless fly at this time.

ps: Yesterday the computer went wrong and the manuscript was gone. I had to make it up today. In order to maintain security, I updated 15,000 today and burned it out. Please subscribe a lot and recommend a lot ... tears.

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