Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 556: Offensive declaration

A Nazi airship followed by a high-altitude ship that appeared in the normal world, shielding the bright sun during the day, and a huge oval hull suspended above the head, as if it should be calm with the wind blowing the cloud The ground is not moving fast, but it is enough to suffocate the people who observe this scene. The airships are amazing in size and number. They are arranged in a "卍" shape array, and they march in the magnificent military music, just like a grand military parade, and like an oath before the attack. It is more like a victor who is going to cross the Arc de Triomphe-they declared their victory before the war began, overlooking Las Vegas on the earth with an arrogant and arrogant attitude.

However, no one can deny-"Las Vegas is going to be destroyed, so we better leave now." I sent such a message to Misaki. Through the positioning of the eight sceneries, her coordinates have been located on the retina screen. Misaki and the file acted in a timely manner. It can be said that there is no redundancy in the political system. It is one of the fastest-reacting organizations after the incident. Even the local army that was mobilized privately fell behind them slightly. . Eight scenes sent the video images monitored by satellite to my retina screen and Saya Ye ’s receiver. The company that did n’t know which side was instructed stopped halfway, and the soldiers also appeared suddenly in the sky. The airship fleet was shocked.

This army is equipped with very standard light cavalry. The heavy weapons are only anti-aircraft guns and shoulder-propelled rockets mounted on armored vehicles. In addition, there are three armed helicopters. However, after sensing a large fleet of airships in high altitude, they soon He stopped the operation and used satellites to communicate with the headquarters. Naturally, Bajing intercepted their communications, but they were all imaginable. This unit was ordered to stay in place, waiting for support. Although the appearance of these Nazis is strange enough to look like a joke on April Fools' Day, anyone who sees these airship fleets will never treat them as pranks.

The rich will definitely not disguise the entire fleet of more than one hundred airships as a Nazi army to show off in Las Vegas City. That breath of war. Even ordinary people will be uneasy about it. In the satellite data of the Eight Scenes, the entire Las Vegas city is gradually falling into a strange silence. The operation of the entire city seems to be rusty. People stopped on the street, by the window sill, climbed to the top of the building, and stared at the airship fleet descending from the sky with daze, surprise and overwhelming eyes. All communications fell into abandonment for a short time afterwards, but then began to grow exponentially. People shouted. Running, whistling everywhere. Soon, the security system began to operate under high load, the arsenal was opened, riot control equipment was quickly distributed to subordinate agencies, police vehicles, armored vehicles, helicopters and other vehicles turned on the rotating red warning lights, and the pedestrian flow drove to the streets in all directions.

The airships are still some distance away from Las Vegas City, and their flying attitude is not fast, however. Their existence is enough to plunge the entire Las Vegas city into chaos. How many years have Las Vegas never conducted a war preview? It is not clear, but the air defense alarm was sounded the first time the security system was in operation.

In the voice of "Woo--Woo--", the people who stayed in the house closed the windows and gates actively or passively, compared with the people who stayed in the building. Even though the command system in the city has begun to work, the flow of people on the street is still getting chaotic, and the riot police have to pull up the defense line and use relatively rough methods to deal with some crazy gangs. Someone shot on the street. But the first time was killed. Some people were protesting, but they were soon dispersed by violence. Subsequently, the military began to accept the work of the police and imposed military martial law on the entire city, and the urban security system began to preside over the work of guiding the citizens into the refuge.

The government's response has just begun. It will take at least a few hours to complete the migration and defense work. I don't believe that the Nazis will give them enough time. While observing the satellite data, I did not stop my pace. The Nazi fleet appeared too suddenly, and the initial layout of government departments and the military were disrupted. Now they ca n’t take care of me and the pituitary machine. The defense alone is enough to make them burn their eyebrows. In the face of the surprise attack of such a huge hostile air force, Las Vegas City no matter how much it does. not enough.

"Is Blitz?" Bajing murmured.

Above the wilderness, the people of the government and the army began to evacuate and set up defense lines in more appropriate places. In fact, the geographical environment around Las Vegas City is completely unsuitable for defense from air attacks. Other ordinary people and vehicles staying in the wilderness drove on the road with full horsepower, leaving only the convoys of Saya and Rado and others on the planned route. The airship troops above the sky did not immediately launch an attack. After a sufficient number was assembled, only 18 airships were left to move slowly along the original route to Las Vegas City, and the remaining airships all turned around. Turn to the east of Las Vegas to accelerate. It must be said that this extremely obvious division of troops is indeed a relief, although in reason, Las Vegas City faces the attack of eighteen airships and the attack of the entire airship fleet. it's the same. However, when the number of enemies begins to decrease drastically, it still makes people feel lucky.

The troops stationed around Las Vegas did not dare to take the initiative to provoke war. Even in the face of these obvious invaders, there seemed to be no idea of ​​connecting to them. The Las Vegas City state army has been mobilized, but after receiving the news of the Nazi fleet division, the reaction was obviously stiff, and the military strength used to reinforce Las Vegas City was also reduced in the shortest time. After two thirds, almost all the troops were observing the movement of the airship fleet in a passive defensive posture.

Before the arrival of the Air Force's reconnaissance plane, I finally saw the convoy of Sakuya and the file. A total of three off-road vehicles, with huge tail smoke, stopped in front of me. The body of the car was all armed and reformed, inlaid with thick steel plates, and the rear seat covered the anti-aircraft machine gun with rain. There must be more hidden under it. Heavy weapons, after all, they were able to drive such vehicles that knew illegal at a glance through Las Vegas City at a glance. It was really speechless-although strange, but deeper Think about it, but it is not impossible, but. It must be possible. Moreover, now is not the time for greetings, my eyes glanced down the crowd, except for the file, "wrestler" and the other two male graystone fortifiers and other former class horses, who were seen in the all-female fighting. "Cleaners" and "Cheka" also came. Sakuya waved at me. I turned over the parking space beside her.

"Leave here immediately. Don't take the highway." I said, pulling the data cable of the military computer built into the driver's seat and plugging it into the data interface behind the neck. Prior to this, the team used Sakuya's "Stargazer" receiver to share data with the Whisperer headquarters. However, my brain hardware is much more advanced than the "stargazer", and the upgrade of the entire parallel system was completed in the first time. These four off-road vehicles are undoubtedly high-tech products. Under the control of brain hardware, the operating efficiency has been greatly improved again.

In my retina screen. The status of ourselves, the Nazi airship and the Las Vegas military is constantly updated, and no manual operation by others is required. The fleet has quickly started the route calculated by the brain hardware. This time during the night of Val Pugetz, and the ins and outs of the Nazis and pituitary machines, the report data was produced at the first time and sent to the car computer and the whisperer ’s headquarters. Files and others have long been prepared to start using their mobile phones to dock with on-board computers. After reading this report, I just glanced at it. There was a slightly sharp roar above his head, and six jet fighters flew above our heads in a queue. The direction they were facing was exactly where the 18 Nazi airships were. At this time, the 18 ships were taken from the home team. The separated airship has already been accelerated and descended. At the same time, satellite data shows that the military's air defense system is ready.

The war is on the verge.

"That big thing that fell with you ..." the file asked actively. I interrupted her and said, "That is at least as terrible as Eruka."

The file froze for a moment. Probably remembering what Eruka is, you can't help but twitch. Say: "Is it just there? By those ..." She paused here, as if still difficult to determine, but finally said the name-the Nazis, "Is it okay to be taken by the Nazis?"

"Who knows if they can take that thing away? In short, the situation is more complicated than you think. The specific things are in the report." I took out the cigarette, rubbed it round, stuffed it in my mouth and lit it. According to the route made by the brain hardware, although it is not a road, the terrain is gentle, and almost larger obstacles will be bypassed accurately. The speed of the off-road vehicle will quickly increase to the maximum, and it will leave the front line in ten minutes. Regardless of whether the military pays attention to us, even if we have some thoughts about us, we ca n’t distract and harass us under the pressure of the Nazi airship fleet. This is the most ideal situation. A small unit of Fang had a conflict.

"Achuan ..." Sakuya looked at the trail of the jet fighter and grabbed my arm nervously. Although with the transformation mask reserved by Super Dorothy, Saki Ye has the fighting power of the rest of the Mageweave Messenger, but the concept of common sense power in the normal world has penetrated into her cognition, and may face several gunmen. It's true to say so, but it's no exaggeration to see that when the army that represents the highest military force in the normal world also begins to mobilize on a large scale.

The file and her subordinates, as well as the newly added "cleaners" and "Cheka", are all old gods, because they have long seen the real war, and they are hunting dogs who seek private gains from the war. Although the current scene is a bit alarming, the emergence of the Nazis, the capture of Las Vegas, and the division of troops are very exciting, but that's all. Unlike everyone in the whisperer, the file and others and the mercenary organizations to which they belong are originally creatures that only survive on the battlefield. Although this mercenary organization and its men and women are inferior to the Doomsday Religion in terms of the size and mystery of the organizational structure, the nature of their existence is more used to war than most mysterious organizations.

"Don't worry, it's okay." I grabbed Misaki's hand and comforted her softly. The file reviewing the report seemed to see a place of interest, whistled, and just wanted to turn to me to say something, but the sight immediately froze a few kilometers away. Before she made a sound, a sudden rise of fire and explosion sounds came from above our eight o'clock direction, and her cheeks turned red at once. Even in the car, you can feel the impact of the explosion on the car body. Shoved.

The fighter closest to us was exploded. Everything that happened in this short period of time remains on the retina screen. First, the Las Vegas military tried to negotiate with the Nazis through the public communication channel. After confirming that there was no response, the three fighter jets were approached. The airship was tested. Of course, the object of the temptation is not the main body of the airship fleet that is going away, but the 18 airships staying in Las Vegas. After the confluence of the fleet and me. Also divided into two teams, one team went directly to Las Vegas City, the other team seemed to salvage the pituitary machine without movement, except for one continued to descend, the other airships scattered around like guards open. Form a huge defensive circle.

When the fighter in charge of temptation is approaching this defensive circle. The height is above these airships, but they soon found out that they only looked huge and strong, and no armed airships were visible from the surface. When the fighter jets intervened in a deterrent dive, the shell of the airship was dug up like scales, and the essence of the armed fortress was shown in a few breaths. The internal communication channel of the military was boiling in an instant, and the fighter communication channel cursed nervously: "Damn, request permission to attack. I'm going to evacuate." However, while the three front-line fighters were granted attack rights, The Nazis attacked first.

Thirty-six missiles were simultaneously lifted from the launch port of one of the airships and directed at the three fighters. The three fighters flew, interspersed, and climbed, doing dazzling evasive maneuvers. Although they were equally worried about other fully equipped airships, they seemed to have no better choice, and could only pray that the other airships would not fall into the rocks. The airship group did not attack, though. The fighter's attempt to detonate the **** following missile on the Nazi airship was also unsuccessful. Without more interceptions, the three fighters finally interspersed from the airship group, and the communication channel was completely relieved. The tone of voice, however. The thirty-six missiles that were pursued were equally flexible to bypass the friendly forces, and suddenly accelerated after breaking away from the outermost airship.

A rapid voice rang sharply on the communication channel, and three other fighters intercepted the missile with a machine gun from a distance. The three fighters targeted to do their utmost to evade, however. Just three seconds later, the first fighter was hit and disintegrated directly in midair.

Miyaki's body shuddered, with one head in my arms, and the trajectory of the debris splashed from the direction of the explosion in the retina screen fell right near the convoy, which caused the file to be tense, although her superpower was enough to protect I myself, but none of the subordinates in the other cars have a Mageweave messenger. Even a person who has been greatly strengthened, such as a "wrestler", cannot directly resist such high-speed splashes. However, the brain hardware calculated very clearly. Although these fragments are very close to us, none of them will fall on us. The off-road vehicle runs along the established route, and the driving rights are completely taken over by the brain hardware. The wreckage of the fighter plane was smashed on the sides of the car body one by one. The most dangerous one flew directly over the roof of the car. If someone stood up at this time, they would have their heads cut off.

Immediately after that, there were two more explosions in the sky, and all three fighters that were tested were shot down. ~ is absolutely a painful loss for the American Air Force. The remaining three fighters flew over our heads like a mouse, followed by 28 missiles, of which the six consumed were naturally used on the three fighters that had been destroyed.

"It's really outrageous missile technology." The file frowned, and to be honest, it was also the first time I heard such a flexible, explosive, and highly enduring missile. However, all the surprises and worries suddenly became tense-the missile group chasing the fighter plane passing over us suddenly turned four corners and headed straight for the convoy.

"These **** Americans!" The file cursed loudly. Needless to say, Sakuya has already grasped the handrails next to the car. As for whether people in other vehicles are so alert, there is simply no time to verify. Under the command of the brain hardware, the off-road vehicle lined up began to spread out, around the side where there were slopes, trees, or giant rocks. In the retina screen, the trajectory of the four missiles obviously changed because of the vehicle ’s trajectory. With targeted changes, these missiles are more sensitive than the intelligent guidance I know, and their flying speed is much higher than the speed of the vehicle, and the chance of directly avoiding them is less than 40%. However, it is not our style to hang around.

The file turned his hands and feet into the back compartment quickly and opened the awning. Only three seconds before the first missile reached the target, the muzzle of the anti-aircraft machine gun was raised.

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