The simplest guess about Eddie ’s unusual behavior is that someone has provided some support behind his back, and after the incident, he wants to run to the mysterious supporter. It is also possible that he did not know the specific situation, but was regarded as an experiment that can be discarded at any time, but he must feel that his changes cannot be recognized by others before he escapes in the first place. In describing the scene at the time, Ekna said that she saw that Eddy was different from what we saw. She could not deny that she deliberately exaggerated the possibility of confusion, but it was also enough to make people vigilant.

Under the action of "mystery", it is not impossible for people's perception to be disturbed to produce hallucinations, or the target to produce a surface, or even a fundamental change. The specific situation cannot be accurately determined based on Ekna's argument alone. However, the feeling of the storm is getting stronger and stronger, and Eddie's accident makes the survivors feel uneasy. I do n’t know their specific psychological changes, but these survivors do n’t seem to have the idea of ​​cooperating deeply with others to overcome difficulties. Tracy and Gregia are undoubtedly the closest cooperation among the survivors here. Even so, they are consciously drawing a boundary between the two of them and the others. Tracy reminds me with some details. Gregia told me clearly: "I don't trust them."

From the beginning, they did not trust each other. In the Battle Royale, they encountered more situations, making this distrust more subtle and powerful. Naturally, they will cooperate. However, this cooperation is not proactive. The way also floats on the surface. Very unstable. Father Sisen never seemed to change this. I believe he can control these details as long as he wants to do it. He has strength and experience. For this reason, both the file and I have a feeling that Father Sissen is so indulgent that people in the team depart from their hearts, which is actually part of the plan of the children of fate-these candidates of children of fate have been betrayed, forced, dark, etc. Environment, I really do n’t know the people who are pushing this plan. What kind of person do you want to shape? According to common sense, the dark environment will pollute people's psychology to a great extent. Do these people hope that the so-called son of destiny, who is in a key position in their plans and grasps "fate", is a mentally dark guy?

If they just intend to catalyze the ability of "children of destiny" through these extreme environmental factors, then they must take great risks. Especially after these survivors arrived at the chalet, Father Sisen actually disappeared after leaving only a sentence "here is safe", and no one was responsible for adjusting their mental state. I even use the arrival of the file and me to further break the promise of "it's safe here", I really don't know. What kind of results did Father Sisen and those people want? They could have done better, but they said no.

"Are you saying this guy will be killed first?" I said Eddie naturally, looking at the flashing light dots-I probably already understood the meaning of these markings, and Eddie's actions are very clear Purposefulness, although he was injured, he did n’t even give himself the opportunity to stop for a moment, nor did he mean to leave this temporary data hedge space through the tunnel. He continued along his route at this time, only leaving that one. The lake is getting closer. "He's here." After the adjustment of the file. The appearance of this spot is gradually stabilized. However, as soon as my words were finished, the light spot was frozen on the screen.

According to the route he traveled, the position of the lake relative to the wooden house, and the time he took to move, it can be concluded initially that the man's athletic ability under the injured condition still exceeds the level of ordinary people. If the environment he faced along the way is even worse, he can even raise his athletic ability valuation to the level of a general graystone fortifier. This physical quality further proves that his power to smash the window is not a burst.

"Would you like to check it out?" Said the file.

"Of course." I stood up and said to Gregia, "Want to go to the lake with me?"

"Is this a test?" Gregia raised her eyebrows.

"If you want to think so."

Gregia certainly did not object. Although the situation is somewhat abnormal, her expression makes people feel that she does not resist rushing to the front line at all, and she enjoys the excitement it brings. Although she seemed to be more adaptable to the dangerous and weird environment than her ordinary partner when she was ruling, she was not as emotional and strong as she is now, so that she felt a bit judged by the two. She is not a person who is completely unaware of the "mystery", not to mention the experience of the ruling bureau. The battle royale in the normal world also made her understand the concept of "mystery" and its power. It is precisely because of the understanding that I want to join this business with great interest.

Not to mention the good or bad of her passion for getting into the mysterious world. At present, this mentality makes her seem more adaptable to the current situation than Tritty.

"Did he start moving?" I checked the file again before leaving.

"No, he stopped for too long." The file patted the box complainingly and shouted, "Please, don't be such a broiler." She apparently thought of the bad results and turned to ask Gregia: "The lakeside Is there a boat? "

"There is a small pier and a wooden boat, but only Eddie and Ekna have been there." Gregia seemed to understand the hidden speculation in my conversation with the file, "Do you want to bring Ekna? ? "

"No, even if she knows something, she won't tell it honestly." I said.

"The wrestler and Cheka are both masters of interrogation." The file ticked the corner of his mouth and said with a bit of sarcasm: "Anyway, those people also think that the person who left behind must not be a child of fate, is it? The interrogation is not a child of fate. Woman, there is nothing bothering us. "

"It's not necessary to be so nervous." I shook my head. "I don't like to deliberately create conflicts. Now I don't need to do that. Father Sisen is here."

"Well, you are the boss." The file shrugged. "In the absence of specific threats. You can do what you say, just take a short vacation anyway." Although the clues from the survivors, It can be speculated that some possibilities are not good, but that is just bad, making people feel bad, not dangerous. Although she was dissatisfied with Father Xi Sen and the shadowy behind it, Xia Xie did not resist to follow each other's steps, because there were two newcomers in her team. Speaking of it, Cheka was the one I decided to investigate. See if you can absorb the whisperer. Their actual contact with the "mysterious" virgin warfare is in this rough temporary data hedge space, not the ruling bureau, not the Nazis, or other mysterious events that cannot be grasped. It is really lucky for the recruits. We don't mind using this encounter to complete the inspection.

Gregia and I walked along Eddie's escape route without carrying vehicles and more weapons. Eddie's escape route had more dense vegetation and there was no obvious dirt road that was stepped on. The vehicle was difficult to pass, and Gregia was carrying a firearm. However, if I can't protect her in the battle that may happen next, then she can't protect herself even with more weapons. We are like walking, tracking the traces of Eddie through the detailed data collected through the retina screen. The file keeps in touch with me wirelessly, and the light spot on the retina screen that represents Eddie has never moved since it stopped. No matter what he wants to do, or what he looks like, a monster or a corpse. We have got enough time, no matter how he becomes, whether he is really still in that place, it means that we have further answers.

Therefore, I am not worried about the disappearance and death of Eddie. His own state is the best answer. If he has n’t changed anything, it means that he is insignificant, and do n’t want to get much useful things from him.

The light sifted by the canopy of the jungle spreads on us, and from time to time, we can see the bar of light visible to the naked eye. This should have been a pleasant scene, but because there was only the rustling sound when I stepped on the leaves and grass stems on the ground, and the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the trees, there was no other sound, but it seemed quiet and strange, just like As you can see when you just entered this temporary data hedge space, even in such a lush vegetation, you can't see any animals, not even a worm. Vegetation is always carefully maintained. Every leaf and every branch is maintained in its most perfect state. This beautiful scene will fall for you at first sight or distant look, but aware of these perfect things, When there is no detail in nature, there is a faint sense of fear.

In fact, when receiving satellite data, you should not need to rely on brain hardware to detect the anomaly in this place. The surroundings of Las Vegas are all redstone, desert and semi-desert environments, even vegetation. Desert vegetation, which only exists in places with sufficient water and suitable temperature, should not exist, or, if it exists, it should not grow so luxuriantly in the wild. I do n’t know if the files that travel to and from Las Vegas have long noticed something is wrong. I know that I did have a short-term illusion because of my unfamiliarity with the geographic environment of Las Vegas. Today, even on the tunnel side, the mountain forest environment outside the temporary data hedge space has begun to have some subtle suspicions-those seemingly wild existence, full of greenery, but incompatible with the surrounding environment, not developed, It ’s not private land, and places that few people visit, is it really because no one has found it, or does it care if it is found? Isn't it really someone who manipulated it? The answer was the highest after being reunited with Tracy, Gregea and others.

"Is there really a sun in the sky?" Gregia asked me suddenly. I also looked up at the sky. As far as the temporary data hedging space I have ever seen, the Valpus Night and Ruling Bureau ruins are undoubtedly the most extensive. The scope of other temporary data hedging spaces is extremely limited, regardless of height. There is also a limit value for the length, but those who are in it may not be able to determine this limit value in detail because of certain factors. If no exit is found, it is like spinning in a closed world. This crude temporary data hedge space, whether it is incapable of being perfect or intentionally made like this, means that it cannot cover more than the clouds, so Gregia ’s question is easy to answer: "Although It looks beautiful, but it's all fake. "In fact, although there has always been a bright sense of light, when we looked up. Only thick clouds covering the entire sky can be seen, not even the corner of the sun.

"I heard that you have never seen the night these hours?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's always so bright here, it was okay at first, but after a time, it felt disgusting." Gregia's face was not very good. "We seem to have suddenly become vampires, gradually changing I have to hate staying in such a bright place, closing all the windows and doors, probably for this reason. "

"I thought you just pursued a sense of security." I said casually.

"A bright place. There was no sense of security. When illuminated by this light, I felt like I was naked." Gregya showed an expression of extreme disgust. "You just couldn't feel it when you first arrived. When you find out, it's all around When there is no time-measuring tool, and the light will never change, you will know how we feel-it is really, quite. Quite ... unbearable, like staying in prison. No, it ’s better than prison It ’s terrifying. Every moment is like a few centuries. Even if you sleep, you do n’t know how long you have been through. "

"I think we may not have the opportunity to taste such pain." I used a joke to explain her, "It will change soon, I promise."

"What will happen? Is it dark?" Gregia pursed his lips and grunted. but. Her words gave me an intuition like a whim: "Maybe, if it gets dark, maybe it won't light up for a long time."

Gregia stared blankly at me, she moved her lips, and finally said, "It's a really bad prediction, but since you said that, it will probably become like this, you guys are here Anything you say at any time will always be fulfilled, won't it? This is described in my record, and also. Father Xisen is also the same, but everyone thinks that there is a conspiracy to be so accurate, and Cui Di is also doubtful, but I You know, Father Sisen does n’t really understand all the changes, he just guessed right. Is that right? Mr. Gao Chuan. "

"Intuition, to enter our business, you must trust your intuition." I did not answer positively. The question about how much Father Sissen interfered with the plan of the Son of Fate could not be determined until he explained it. However, Gregia did not want to talk more about Father Sissen's topic, she just gave an example.

"Women's instincts are always keen, and men aren't expected." Gregia laughed. "Luck and intuition. This is the most useful thing I have learned so far." After all, her mood was sudden. Lowered: "Is the polar day and night environment? Too extreme, I do n’t like it. It ’s not a polar region. Even if it is a polar region, the position of the sun will change, but there is no sun here. When can we leave? Here?"

It can be seen that she has also endured to the limit, and the other survivors must also be the same. Although they did not encounter the Doomsday Truth after they entered the wooden house, are they really relaxed because of this security? I do n’t think so. Now it seems that their nerves are almost broken. If we do not enter this temporary data hedging space and do not converge with them, what will happen to them? What will happen to Father Xi Sen and the behind-the-scenes man who leads the destiny's plan? I occasionally think about such issues.

Our original intention to enter this temporary data hedging space is to find something to make up for the gains of Las Vegas and his team ~ ~ By the way, find a more efficient way to avoid the Nazis and leave Las Vegas. Now, 90% of these things exist, but they are only held by the guys hiding behind the scenes. I hope these survivors will help in vain. There are only supplies for basic living in the wooden house. The survivors are even Eddie and Ekna had been to the lake and the others rarely entered the surrounding woods. They always have a sense of urgency and fear for this "safe zone".

Gregia and I moved forward at a walking speed while talking about some things they and we experienced each other. Gregia was very interested in the current situation of the whisperer. I told her some whisperer's actions and some anecdotes among the members. However, the topic was too in-depth. When Gregia asked, she was decisive. Refusal to talk about it, because "This is not a safe place." Gregoa accepted this statement, although she had some regrets. She also asked me: "Are we really being monitored all the time?"

"Why wouldn't it be monitored? Although I don't know what method they used, but here is their site, from time to time?" I replied like this, while breaking a tree around me, trying to see See if you can find things like monitors from the trees, but of course nothing is found, and, although these trees are as perfect as fake, they are indeed real things, even a little scar, a bite by a worm Real things without traces.

♂m net--♂

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