Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 578: Darkness strikes

I know that Misaki is different. The meaning of her existence, as to what I mean in this world and in reality, are essentially different from those who stand in front of me. I know that she is different, and it can prove that it is different from various angles. However, as far as the existence of this world is concerned, she is just like a survivor like Tridy and Gregia. Girl only. Although I can count her and me, no, it should be said, what an extraordinary time spent with the last Gaochuan, and for the last Gaochuan, even when he didn't know the reality, this woman Ye Miye was different. Ordinary meaning.

Nonetheless, I must still emphasize that before putting on the mask left by Super Dorothy, Sakuya is an out-and-out ordinary person, even if he has the strong intuition unique to the members of the whisperer, even if it is not excluded from the reality. The connection of "Sakuya", her ability, thinking, body and even soul can only be divided at the level of ordinary people. Sakuya in this world is theoretically a fragment of "Sakuya" personality consciousness in reality. Furthermore, it is merely a product of the mapping of the pieces of personality information scattered in the framework of the end of the illusion in this world, and supplements in this world. End, let her exist in this world as a complete personality.

Both "Saki Ye" in reality and "Gao Chuan" in reality are selected as patients with doomsday syndrome, but their status is very different. One is that the personality consciousness is broken, and even pulled out of the reality's body in an incredible way, thrown into the illusion of doomsdays, forming one night after another. The other is in the real body. When the old personality information is dead, the new personality information is born immediately, just like the metabolism. Although this kind of renewal is carried out in the illusion of doomsday most of the time, but, and Doomsday connection. But it is definitely not as close as Sakuya-Gao Chuan's personality consciousness information has not been physically separated from the body.

In a sense, in addition to the absence of L in the body, the "Saki Ye" in reality is closer to the patients with L-type doomsday syndrome in terms of the status of personality consciousness information. Describe it as an individual. It can no longer be measured by the number of bodies. Basically, it can only be measured by the personality consciousness itself.

In reality, the number of copies of the personality consciousness of "Sakuya" is broken, and there are as many Sakuya in the Doomsday Realm, and these Sakuya. It seems that there will not be more than one in the same world environment at the same time. They are like hiding at the bottom of the architecture of the illusion of doomsday. Whenever the world environment on the surface changes, only one will rise and act as a more specific "Sakuya" character of.

Theoretically. The situation is the same for Bajing and Sakuya.

This kind of conjecture is not perfect. I do n’t know how many matches the facts. However, assuming this is part of the facts, then the role of the personality preservation device and the spiritual integration device can be explained-I need the personality preservation device to collect the doomsday illusion. Every Sakuya in the middle, every eight scenes of personality consciousness information, and then with the help of a spiritual integration device, they combined their various personality awareness information. Then they will be sent back to their bodies in reality.

Therefore, after acquiring the personality preservation device and the spiritual integration device, and processing the night and eight scenes of this world, the world is destroyed and the other night and eight scenes in the bottom of the framework are raised. Becomes necessary. The personality preservation device and the mental integration device are like a sufficiently strong container so that the personality awareness information stored therein will not be damaged. However, the problem is. How many Sakuya and Eight Scenes do I need to collect? How to ensure that all can be collected? Therefore, traveling by crossing the world line becomes inevitable.

The world of Doomsday Illusion has been rebuilt many times. It is not certain that when the world was rebuilt, the past already existed, but the uncollected Miyake and the eight scenes still existed and did not disappear with the formatting of the world. Therefore, simply destroying and regenerating, it is impossible to find all the Sakuya and the eight sceneries. Only the retroactive world line movement and the restoration of the disappeared world can increase the possibility of success-the door of destiny stone to the present My meaning lies here.

Of course, the connection between each step of the plan is actually more complicated than can be thought of now, but one thing can be believed, as long as this item was originally initiated by Gao Chuan, it is continuously completed by Super Colors and Super Dorothy. , Based on the theory that has not been proven, like philosophy and sci-fi, the plan that has been formed so far has really been successfully executed, and we have the opportunity to save ourselves and each other-if we make mistakes, or the theory on which the plan is based is a fallacy, or , At a key point is wrong, then everything is rest.

For the plan to succeed, the limitation is not only from the correctness of the world architecture theory, but also from the fact that the night and eight scenes in reality and the night and eight scenes in the illusion of doomsday are related to whether the theory involved is correct. They seem to be closely related, but there are still considerable differences in the concrete world of doomsday illusions. There is a difference between each Misaki, and there is a difference between each of the eight scenes. The roles and existence of Misaki and the eight scenes are also different.

I ca n’t tell you exactly what these differences are. I also do n’t have the theoretical knowledge to explain these differences in detail, and the ability to understand these theories. These theories are too complicated to be imagined. The incredible concepts are actually The most essential appearance of things.

These things do exist, unimaginable, dizzy and unintelligible. In reality, they appear in the form of the most sophisticated scientific conjecture, and even the best scientists can not understand them-they are completely beyond the "Gaochuan" Cognition is the ability of Super Dorothy and Super Department to pay attention. For me, I cannot essentially establish a theoretical system to recognize the Misaki and Eight Scenes I have encountered, so I can only choose superficial and superficial cognition and treat them as an ordinary girl.

Yes, before Sakuya got the mask of Super Dorothy, before she was in the transformation of "Ember of the Ashes" for so long, even at this time, this kind of "ordinary girl" cognition remained in my heart Under the deep brand.

So, I should be very worried about her-I am not sure, because the brain hardware has been suppressing my sensibility, and I have clearly felt the fluctuation of the sensibility since the last time. Obviously, it did n’t take too long, but it made me feel that I was already in my life. Things are up. It is difficult for me to be indignant about this state and everything that caused me to enter this state, and to lose a substantial feeling, so that I cannot accurately measure my emotions. But I still feel from my thoughts and subtle activities of my body that I must be worried about Sakuya.

I think she will be like other survivors in this temporary, hedging space that is constant, oppressive, and has lost her sense of time. Became as irritable as other survivors. but. This does not seem to be the case.

After substituting such a cool character as "The Ashbringer", the essence of Misaki seems to have changed. I don't know very well. I was impressed by the last Gao Chuan. She is also quiet and patient, but it feels a little different from the present-she in gray, makes people feel like a calm and powerful monster-just like me. I don't know if this feeling is true. It is not clear whether she expected this to be true. She did not fall into a negative mental state, which is a good thing, but I am really not sure. Super Dorothy and Super Color are hidden in this world by some means to assist me in executing the planned things. The utility is naturally powerful, but this power will also cause abnormalities for users.

After confirming that Misaki was not traumatized psychologically and mentally as he had previously worried. I do n’t know if I ’m worried again. She was affected by the mask, just like I was affected by the brain hardware—the brain hardware as a part of me Gaochuan, like human limbs and internal organs, Is an essential organ. However, this is not the case for Misaki, the mask is more like a plug-in, no. I think maybe it is more like a tumor. And this is probably what I worry about most.

When I looked at her, she also seemed to feel it. At the same time, she turned to face me. The whole face only had a faint outline of the five senses, changing the Roche ink pattern. The more you stared, the more psychedelic and strange. He clearly felt that he was facing each other, but he was full of distortion, because there were no eyes on that face. I noticed one thing. Since she became this look, no one has looked at her for more than three seconds, not even a file, and those survivors have deliberately not paid attention to her existence-they know, There was such a person sitting beside me, but, perhaps because of fear, I deliberately ignored it.

I stared at this very conscious Miyaki a little, until she asked aloud, "What's wrong? Achuan."

"Why don't you unlock the mask? A Ye." I finally asked the sentence out.

"..." She was silent for a while, and said, "I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?" I asked.

"I don't know, but when I wear it like this, I feel very at ease." Saya said.

"I remember how you didn't like to be like this at first, and it was very embarrassing." I remembered how she was transformed for the first time. It was only a week away from now. Her attitude towards this gray form has changed considerably. I do n’t quite understand. Although I am willing to believe her choice and the brain hardware is suppressing emotions, I think I must be worried.

"It doesn't matter now." Sakuya's words were a little intermittent, "I can, see, something ..." Her voice gradually weakened, and she almost couldn't hear clearly. "It became ... so ... ... what ... at the end of the world ... "

I couldn't understand her words. Maybe, she didn't even understand what she was talking about. The most complete and meaningful vocabulary in her words is "the end of the world." I am not sure what she is referring to. I once guessed whether she used the power of the mask to make her feel the existence of "reality". If this is the case, how does "reality" appear in front of her? ? At present, even if she cannot understand the changes that have happened to her, she seems to try to understand-this is another situation that is enough to worry me.

Because, without understanding, you cannot make a correct response, and you do n’t know what is the correct response. I do n’t know what happened to Sakuya, and it ’s good or bad for her.

What caused her anomaly may not be just the mask left by Super Dorothy. Before leaving the whisperer ’s headquarters, I used a personality preservation device for her. I do n’t know whether this factor will cause her current anomaly One of the factors, but I do think so. There has never been a Gaochuan, like me, facing so many and so many variables in the illusion of doomsday.

I thought, and then, before further distraction, stopped the divergent thinking. Even so, the timing in the retina screen seems to skip ten digits in an instant. At this moment, the cleaner's voice suddenly sounded: "Outside, something has changed." Everyone jumped up immediately, and the file and I went out of the door. The mercenaries are in place. The survivors also came to the window, no need for the cleaner to point out where the mutation occurred again. This aberration is so obvious compared to this temporary data hedge space, which has been kept bright in the distance and is rapidly sinking.

This gloom is not due to heavy rain. Nor is it the night, nor is there any suspended particles rising in the air that block the light. It's just like someone splashing a big ball of black ink on the scene. At first the ink color was a little light, but soon it became rich and continued to spread to the surroundings. Soon. The shadow levels are also obscured by these heavy ink colors. The file and I quickly jumped on the wooden roof and looked around. I saw that a clear darkness had surrounded the wooden house unconsciously. In the panoramic image outlined by my retina screen, the bright area is constantly shrinking around the wooden house, and the darkness devours the light from the outer part of the site.

This scale of change has made survivors a little overwhelmed, and it can be detected only by superficial phenomena. These darkness is definitely not a good thing, but what should be done to stop the erosion of darkness? They turned their eyes to us. But we have no way. "Isn't it great?" The file jumped from the roof and spoke easily to the people staring at her.

"No, don't you know the seriousness of the situation?" Little Ham, who has been silent, replied heavily: "We have never encountered such a large-scale vision. And, you can't seem to do more Thing, isn't it? "

"You are afraid of darkness?" The file twisted around her neck. Say: "I thought you only hated the light."

"Don't give us sloppy eyes!" Said the old Ham with a bandage on his forehead, "I said earlier, you are all disaster stars!"

"Okay, then, you say. What should we do now?" The file smiled and spread her hands to throw the problem back.

Old Ham's neck immediately went red. But in the end, he just snorted, turned his head into the room, and said, "I'm going back to the room! I don't believe you, even if I were killed, I don't believe you anymore! I don't care what your order!" His leader, followed by Little Ham, followed by Tritty and Gregia insisting on staying in the living room, and Ekna and Novsky looked at each other with embarrassment, a look of hesitancy. But after realizing that the files did not prevent them from leaving the group, Novsky also went upstairs. Instead, Ekna chose to stay in the living room. She said: "I will listen to you, you will not abandon me. Right? "When she said that, her eyes fell on Tracy and Gregia.

Before Tritty and Gregia spoke, the file had already answered for them: "We will do our best." Ekna immediately sighed with relief and gratitude. Mutations occur within the scope of the entire temporary data hedging space, but it is not as serious as expected. Although we cannot temporarily prevent the mutations, this kind of mutation itself is not offensive, it is more like a further step. The prelude of anomalies.

"Is there really no danger?" Tracy asked, and she immediately wanted to understand the reason, but confirmed it subconsciously.

"Unless those guys intend to destroy the entire temporary data hedging space, this scale of change cannot be too aggressive ... This temporary data hedging space is too simple." I replied: "And, among you There are children of fate, don't they? "

"That must be alive." Tracy smiled a little lighter.

"As long as their attitude towards you is serious ~ ~, they will not use their power to destroy all the tested people in one breath." The file said calmly: "And, Father Sissen is here."

"You're right, Mr. Gao Chuan." Gregia whispered beside me: "Sure enough, it's darkness. What happens next? Many monsters jump out of the darkness?"

"Maybe." I said, "How are you feeling now?"

"Me?" Gregia didn't understand, but still said: "No feeling."

"If your body feels uncomfortable when the darkness approaches, or see something strange, remember to shout loudly." I reminded.

Gregia seemed to understand something, nodded cautiously, and asked me after a while: "Are we infected with something? I feel like I've always been a bit wrong ..." So, her eyes were a little restless Ekna, "I think if anything happens, she must be the first. I will watch her closely."

Her words made her look a little nervous, but at least better than not caring about anything.

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