Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 599: Broken shell

Saki Ye and the file are not in the room. I folded the blanket and put it on the corner of the sofa. I saw some snacks and half of the beer on the coffee table, and I ate it. www. dyzww. Net) I turned on the TV set on the wall, but found that all channels are broadcasting military and government propaganda films, and some government military officials interviews, there is no normal entertainment program, but the channel logo shows that these TVs are usually You can also receive external radio signals, but now there is no signal at all. If you think about it, you can probably understand what is going on. Before we entered the 51st area, the entire Las Vegas surrounding area was shielded by the Nazis with special means. It seems that until now, the American government, which claims to have the highest level of electronic attack in the world, has not been able to break the Nazis. Blockade of signals in the region.

Compared to what happened when I entered the boundary, and what I learned from the illusion of the young man Takagawa, the waiting in the 51st district seemed a little bit flat. Of course, I am not complaining that life is not exciting enough. My experience seems too exciting from any angle. Although my emotions have always been strictly managed by the brain hardware, there is still some cognition. And, if possible, I prefer to live a dull life like it has been for a while. I do n’t know if other Gaochuan had the same idea. However, in an occasional moment, I did think so, but , And soon left behind as meaningless thoughts, because, I have to admit that before the plan is completed, my life will definitely be like sailing in a storm. Another bigger wave.

It was quiet for a while. Time that belongs to me alone is not so precious. Not as illusory. I don't need to pay attention to listening, I can feel that the turbulence of the undercurrent is about to reach a critical value in places I can't see. There are no major events in this world that happen singly and suddenly. In other words, everything that seems to be accidental is inevitable. It is limited to the time frame and the amount of information. It is impossible to see through the inevitable connection in the first place. The series of accidents I have encountered seems unexpected. Unprepared, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that none of them are unreasonable and unreasonable. Of course, it is always easier to reverse the cause and clue from the result than to derive the result from the cause and clue.

Even if I have brain hardware, at this time, I can only deal with the results learned in the boundary line.

The physical condition recovered in the boundary line is still fresh in memory until waking up. Even if the sense of presence of brain hardware and prostheticization has been restored as before, the data listed on the retina screen, and the data system when the retina screen observes foreign objects, plus the tentative start of various power modes that are already familiar with, They are telling me that they have returned to "normal". I still realized how profoundly the experience in the boundary line affected me—especially the body at that time was very different from the current body as a mapping product, although I could n’t explain the details of the specific differences and the causes. The reason for this difference, however. I still feel intuitively that even the body at the time was still not really "reality". But it is closer to a certain essence than the current body-incarnation driven by the brain.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that I will do things that I would never do at all-just eat the bread with the beer left by others. When I noticed it, I had already done such a thing in a subconscious state. Let ’s not mention the type and nature of the food. In fact, I do n’t need normal people ’s food, nor do I need to eat what others have left. Moreover, in this room, I do n’t have enough food, and I force myself to eat. Next one.

This is a problem that the brain hardware cannot handle. Judging this kind of behavior, it lists the data that has not been displayed for five minutes from theory to evidence, and finally concludes that it is "not necessary, but meaningful". The conclusion-maybe I should be happy, it did not crash because of this ambiguous conclusion.

Next, I still did an "unnecessary, but meaningful" thing. I looked in the mirror and carefully checked my body's appearance and eyes. It wasn't until I was completely unified in appearance, data and self-cognition that I finally believed that I was out of the realm of nightmares-no, it should be said that eventually Persuaded yourself that this powerful and capable self is a realistic existence.

If this kind of thinking is enlarged to include reality, it is actually ridiculous, isn't it? In fact, after going through the boundary, I may have some difficulty in understanding what the so-called practical significance is. Reality should be objective, but the world and boundary of the illusion of doomsday seems to narrow the "objectivity" observed from the perspective of reality. So much so now that my requirements for realistic meaning are biased towards the neediness unknowingly-not because of the reality's objective generation of demand, but because of its own needs to recognize its objectivity.

However, when demand is large, it is actually a subjective bias. I understand that when I have the above ideas, the boundaries of "reality" are blurring subjectively. Reality, doomsday illusions, and boundaries. The differences in my state, encounter, and cognition in these three environments are too great, but the three environments are not completely irrelevant, and they are not like "dreaming" and "waking up." The boundaries of "come" are so clear. Originally only the end of the illusion and reality, I can still persuade myself to distinguish the end of the illusion as a virtual reality, distinguished from "reality", however, the existence of the boundary line, but blurred this boundary, it seems that it can become A grey area between doomsday illusion and reality.

You don't need to think too deeply, just need to define the scope of each, and you can intuitively see the connection between the three. The borderline is a place that is "close to the collective subconsciousness of patients with doomsday syndrome". Doomsday illusion is a world framed by patients with lost personality and doomsday syndrome. The physical structure of the doomsday illusion system is in "reality"-or, you can transform The way of understanding is not "the physical structure of the illusion system in the end of reality", but the "physical structure of the illusion system of the end of the world is called" reality "".

then. Has this definition of 'reality' become ambiguous? The "reality" in this definition begins to dilute its sole objectivity. Instead, it becomes a "marker" that distinguishes it from the other three illusions, and thus becomes "subjective" and "demandized."

I haven't actually been to "reality". My cognition of "reality" is inherited from all kinds of Gaochuan's memory information. In Gao Chuan before me, the reason why the hospital environment is the realization of "reality" is precisely the physical, logical, and root of the environment. However, the "virus" itself is a rigorous physicality that does not exist temporarily. It also does not have a logical existence for the time being. What it really has is actually the most fundamental "root." However, this origin is also implemented in the illusion and boundary of the end, which makes it "exist" in the illusion and boundary of the end. It is a kind of existence that has more practical meaning than "mapping" and "phantom".

If the definitions of existence and objective are inseparable, what exists is objective and realistic, then, after acknowledging the existence of the "virus" in the illusion and boundary of the end. Is it possible to think that the illusions and boundaries of the end are both objective realities?

"Virus", no, it should be called "Jiang" now. It is a kind of existence that makes the definition of the term "objective reality" narrow and ambiguous. Maybe my contact with it was too deep, and the impact was too direct and strong. However, the alienation after the infection was delayed due to various reasons, so the conceptual aberration of this kind of conception now arises. For other patients with doomsday syndrome. Because they alienated too thoroughly after infection, and even lost their personality, the existence form has undergone a fundamental change, but on the contrary, the definition and cognition of "reality" is more clear-living in this illusion People don't think there is reality other than this world, they dream from their birth to death all their lives, and experience only a false life cycle.

I kept the above complex, draft-like messy thoughts in my brain hardware. To others, these thoughts must be like the whispers of mental patients, but for me, they are extremely important things, because this is really my own, not inherited by the previous Gaochuan , Thinking about yourself and your world. In this philosophical archive, I further confirmed my independence.

Although my perception of "reality" is indeed confused by these thoughts, I don't feel fear and panic, and I am convinced that this is not the brain hardware is working, even if there is no brain hardware, I I don't worry and fear about my confusion at this time. Because, after returning from the boundary, I have a feeling that I will not live to the day when I return to reality.

This means that in this world that was judged as a phantom in the previous Gaochuan memory information, everything I experienced is my truth, all of me, I was born in the ruling bureau of this world, and will be in this Death in a corner of the world. From this perspective, the "universal" difference between me and the file has become very small.

In this case, what if my concept of "reality" becomes confusing?

That's right, that's it. I want to take this world as real. Even the Gaochuan people in the past thought that the other side was the real one, and that was just their thoughts. For me, that side actually did n’t have any practical significance, because, what I can do, I really know, can touch All the things I encounter are only in this world-the "reality" that can't be truly touched, and can only obtain information from the memory information, there are so many one-sided, refutable places, why I must treat it as real And what about a world where you can only survive from life to death as an illusion?

Of course, one cannot deny the worldview inherited from Gaochuan in the past just for some subjective reasons, because, although it may seem refutable, it cannot be completely falsified. Therefore, in order to insure, I still have to implement the established plan. However, I stared at myself in the mirror thinking:

Since I will destroy the world in which I live, but I cannot see the changes in reality, nor can I confirm that after the destruction of this world by the plan, Sakuya and Bajing can really be saved. Well, as the executor, not the observer of the final result, this Gaochuan. Born here, and died here. Destroy with the truth you believe is actually a good ending.

And when such an idea rises, even if he feels his death in his intuition, he doesn't feel any regret or resistance. Even when I thought that I would die in this world, like everyone else, with the same result ushering in the end, I felt relieved.

"Yes. I will die with you, although, only me, this Gaochuan, will die with you." I said to myself in the mirror: "But this is what really belongs to me."

At that moment, maybe it was dazzling. I seem to see myself in the mirror becoming the illusion of teenager Gao Chuan, but after blinking, I was still the same as before-the adult's head lost his left eye and the right eye was like a fake eye, exuding inorganic Qualitative gloss. The pupils seemed to be burning with blue flames.

Although it is not that I have never looked in the mirror before, I have never felt like I am now, not a reflection. Not a phantom, not a machine born for planning. It is not a continuation of the previous Gaochuan, but an independent life named "Gaochuan" that really exists in this world.

There was movement behind him, the door opened, and Misaki, the file squad, and Father Sissen walked in. When I turned to face them, their movements obviously stopped. Except for Sakuya, the expressions of surprise and doubt appeared on the faces of the others. The file first asked: "What happened? Gao Chuan."

"What do you mean?" I asked calmly.

"You look a little different ..." The expression of the file became solemn. She seemed to think that this was a very serious problem. She turned to Father Sisen and said, "Is it possible?" This question is a bit headless to me. No brain, but the core of the problem can be guessed more or less is that the file regards "different" as some kind of abnormal invasion.

"No, Mr. Gao Chuan is okay." Father Si Sen decisively denied the file's guess. "He looks more spiritual than he used to be, doesn't he?"

"It's the spirit ..." The file was still a little hesitant, but I have to say that she felt really keen. "It doesn't seem right, but I can't talk about the specifics." She paused and said, " It felt like running out of the painting and becoming ... real. Haha— "She seemed really amused by her feelings, and others thought it was a good joke, and opened their mouths one after another.

"Anyway, is it good news?" Father Sisen just smiled and said to me. However, I cannot tell from his attitude whether he really thinks my change is a good thing.

"Yes, I think so." When I replied this way, others found places in the room to sit down. Depending on the situation, it seems that there will be a meeting. When I entered the boundary, they seemed to have gathered together for an event.

"Ah, my beer and bread!" The file looked sadly and incredulously from the coffee table to my face. "Did you eat it?"

"Yes." I nodded without any excuses or embarrassment. Perhaps this calm attitude prevented the file from venting her emotions. She opened her mouth and finally scratched her head hard, throwing empty cans and bread bags into the trash can with a somber expression. Then he said, "Is there food in the refrigerator?"

"Yes." I still just said this and nodded.

The file stared at me for a short while, and muttered, "Are you really Gaochuan? The Gaochuan I know? What the **** is it, and it turns into a weirdo just a moment later."

I ignored her and stepped forward to grab Misaki's hand. Although she couldn't see her expression, she must be able to feel my change. However, unlike in the past, I will no longer cover up my differences from the previous Gaochuan. I hope to be able to face everyone in the whisperer as Gao Gao, who really exists here ~ ~, independent of this for the rest of my time. Even if it is faced with Misaki, Bajing and Omi, I will not explain it because the language cannot explain the cause and effect of this change.

Now, I really exist. I am standing here, not the continuation of the last Gaochuan, not because of the memory information of Gaochuan in the past, or simply for everything in the so-called "reality". Although it is undeniable that those factors were the birth of me and constituted an important factor for me, they are no longer all, nor the most important.

I, who is standing here now, was born in this world, like Sakuya, Bajing, Jinjiang, and the file, and will eventually exist in this dead personality. My life will be very short, but--

"I'm right here, I won't go anywhere." I said to Misaki so right.

Maybe it ’s hard to understand, it ’s hard to understand, and maybe Misaki does n’t understand what this sentence means to me, but she still responded.

Just a "hmm" sound made me feel that this life was enough.

-be-nue ... (to be continued ...)

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