Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 635: continue

There was more than one guy rushing across from the "door". As I jumped back, the file's static superpower had already unfolded. The visitor was hovered in midair, followed by the second, third, and fourth ... Seven people broke into the static range one after another, maintaining their posture of rushing in one by one, just like a respect Solidified statue. I have already seen clearly where the people are, although they are not enemies, but seeing the embarrassment of their intrusion from the "door", there is no doubt that they have encountered trouble, and this trouble quickly followed them through. " "Door", and then fixed in midair by the file's still super energy-it was a familiar kitchen knife, and I closed the coordinates in an instant, but before the "gate" disappeared, the "trouble" had jumped from that side.

Both sides of the "gate" have obvious characteristics. On one side are the magical girls with the strange creature "Chubi" as the core, and on the other side are the girls in red with double knives. Qiubi's team has changed a lot, especially in terms of number. In addition to Madoka, Xiaomei and the unknown "Sister Xue", four new members have been added. However, these four members do not have Madoka, Xiaomei and The three female high school students in the school sister are as good as the name of the "magic girl". More precisely, the four newcomers put on the uniform of the magic girl, which only gives people a strong absurdity and violation, which is more serious. , Can only be described as "miserable"-the four newcomers are: a woman in her 40s or 50s, a big man with full body toned muscles, a golden retriever dog with no visible breed, and Half of the body was transformed into a mechanical structure, exuding a sober breath, a male suspected of being a soldier.

If these four guys are wearing more mature and serious clothing, then no one will object, but. It ’s because three people who ca n’t get close to the term “magic girl”, plus a golden retriever dog, are all wearing light magical girl uniforms, so they can judge at a glance that they are the masterpieces of “Chubby” without first. Time to attack them-the reason why the attack was not ordered in the first place, not only because this team of magical girls is my acquaintance, but also because they are not even familiar with this team's files and others. All were startled by the newcomers in this team.

"My eyes--!" The gray fox cried miserably. "God, are you punishing me?"

Although others did not have the violent movements of the gray fox, they also had distorted expressions and twitched corners of their mouths. However, the impact from the image did not let everyone relax their vigilance and was controlled by the brain hardware. Without excess emotion, I confirmed the existence of the red lady in the first time-a chopper of this guy penetrated behind the "door" At that time, the static super energy of the file was frozen in the air, but she did not directly rush in from this route, perhaps because of the keen sense. The moment I closed the "door", her figure flashed to the place where we had just passed, that is, ten meters to the left of us.

If she rushed straight in, she would be frozen by the file's static superpower like all the members of the magic girl team. In that case, would she still be able to launch the flashing ability again to leave the superpower's scope In addition, we can also be more fully prepared, maybe she can be dealt with directly. however. She used the flashing ability in advance to reach out of the range of the static superpower out of thin air, which became a substantial trouble.

Not to mention the other abilities of this lady in red. The strange flashing power alone cannot be easily handled by anyone other than me, Sakuya and the file. Moreover, the status of the lady in red does not seem to change much, whether it is in the night of Valpus, or in the normal world, or in the boundary line, it gives a sense of "evil spirit"-this Consistency makes me feel abnormal. I can't figure out what kind of existence this guy is. Is it a ghost? entity? Or is it the manifestation of will?

Many contacts in the past made me confirm that when she appeared in front of her, there would never be a chance to discuss it. However, even though she was not a threat to me for the time being, I did not threaten her substantially. I am not sure that even if she is torn apart physically, whether she can be completely eliminated.

The presence of this red lady is very strange. In my eyes, she is neither a life nor a dead person. Perhaps it should be called "an ambiguous and chaotic phenomenon". Brain hardware combined with the information already in hand to make such a judgment on the girl in red-although she is also "Maria", but it is not the original human Maria, it is likely that it was "spiritually unified" due to some chemical reaction. The monster shaped by the power of the device.

I do n’t know how the Magical Girls hit the monster, but they have brought this big trouble to us. The movement of the lady in red is so quick, without any signs, I do n’t know if anyone other than myself finds the danger is close at hand. When other people paused for the sudden encounter and visual impact, the red lady disappeared from my observation range again, and the next moment appeared behind the cleaner.

The chain's ability to determine that there are no dead ends allowed me to lock the flash position of the lady in red for the first time. I have launched a pseudo-swift and quickly walked through the home of everyone. However, even with the pseudo-swift high speed, compared to the flash of the red lady, the disadvantage is still very obvious in the time it takes to cross a certain distance. What's more, during the short-distance start of pseudo-speed sweep, the acceleration is extremely dependent on the surrounding external force. In the absence of any obvious external force, although it is still accelerating, it cannot reach the ideal value.

From the moment the kitchen knife appeared, I had already determined that the enemy was one step slower, let alone others. When I crossed them, the stiffness of the shock had not faded from their bodies. Although the shock and stiffness were extremely short-lived for them, for me and the girl in red This "short" time is enough to complete a deadly attack.

The cleaner barely responded-I was only two steps away from her, but the red lady's kitchen knife had pierced her neck, and I had no chance to shout "be careful". The instinctive instinct that the cleaners walked on the battlefield all year round saved her life. Although the psychological shock and the stiffness of the body did not have time to subside, her body still reacted instinctively. She just leaned her neck, but it was enough for her to transform her fatal crisis into a serious injury crisis.

The sharp blade cut the cleaner's neck. In the retina screen, this scene is so slow, I can even determine the specific data of this injury. The moment the blood was about to be sprayed from the wound, I grabbed the cleaner's wrist and threw her behind me, while holding the red knife with the short blade of my right hand.

The sharp friction sounded, and the friction of the blade started to ignite the star. I kicked the red lady's abdomen, but without any sense of compaction, she leapt backwards. Light. As if losing gravity, standing at five meters away. Like most of the past, her long hair covered her face, and with the bright red skirt, accompanied by the air flow dance.

At the same time, a lot of blood was sprayed from the cleaner's neck and neck, and the aorta was cut, almost even the neck was cut. She pressed her wounds pale, but couldn't stop the blood from flowing, under normal circumstances. This blow was enough to kill her.

The fight between the girl in red and me, the cleaner was hit hard, and the round was over before the others reacted. The mercenaries responded very quickly and quickly joined together to rescue the cleaners. The file's face was extremely ugly, but before counterattacking, she had to confirm the status of the team members. Sakuya wanted to come up to help me, but was stopped by my hand. I said to her, "Protect others."

Sakuya had no objections, and a large amount of gray silk was emitted from his body, surrounding the mercenaries and magical girls in layers. Misaki's offensive and defensive patterns have not changed so far. However, this comprehensive and delicate power has undoubtedly excellent restraint for the flashing ability of the girl in red. However, if Miyuki's reaction can't keep up, there is no way to take the lady in red. The super stationary of the file is limited by the too narrow range of super energy. It can only protect itself to the greatest extent, and it can meet the red girl with strong mobility. If you want to win, you have to work hard.

"This guy—" said the file, gritting his teeth: "What is the origin?"

"Maria." I said, "However, it is not clear whether the original Maria is."

"Maria? Target? This guy?" The file said with a machine gun, humming, "What's on her?" What she said was naturally something that could determine the location of the spiritual integration device.

In the borderline, in Maria's memories, she once said to her lover Henry "turn it off when necessary, without worrying about not finding its location". What's more, she seems to have revealed between the words that she really did what she did to the secret and the location of the secret. Although in the end, Henry died earlier than she did, the "correspondence to" no need to worry about not finding its location "should not have disappeared-I think it might be an automatic program for positioning coordinates, Maria A back door that no one knows is set in the base's operation mode, and then hidden in the necklace between her and Henry, who is ready to be left for the two future children.

Although I took the necklace away from the boundary line, what I took away from the boundary line was only the manifestation of consciousness, not a substantial item. Therefore, only this action. We have to find this necklace in the normal world, if it really exists.

The realm of Maria ’s past cannot be fully reproduced in the realm, so I do n’t know how Maria ’s posture to become the red lady in the present has changed, and how much of the secret she left is still there. kick in. However, since there are clues, it should be investigated on the spot.

The lady in red will appear at the coordinates leading to Maria's room. It's not a surprise, because she might have been preparing long ago to get back what she had lost. If her goal is also a spiritual integration device, it is naturally an enemy.

My eyes glanced over the red figure, and her carcass and clothing data were outlined on the retina screen. Among them, there were no accessories.


Although it is unlikely, trying to pull out relevant information from her mind is also a way. The first step is to defeat her and capture her. Even if it is not at this time, it will collide with her sooner or later.

"Come on, the second round." I said to myself, holding the short blade of my left hand back, and once again launched a pseudo-speed sweep.

The figure of the girl in red disappeared in front of her. She did not appear beside me. She tried to invade the defensive net composed of Saya's gray silk. And all this is fed back in the observation of the chain decision. I had expected that the running route was ready to change at any time. Just to determine where she really appeared, she stepped on the wall, ran wildly, and jumped to the top of the channel, advancing to the red lady's speed before falling naturally Overhead.

The girl in red has appeared behind Madoka, the magical girl, and is preparing to reapply her old skills, but in the data of the retina screen. Her goal is not a girl called Madoka. It was "Chubby" on her shoulder. In fact, I don't think there is no reason why the red girl attacked the Magic Girl team. In this team with "Chubi" as the core, there must be something attracting her. For example, Chubby's true identity, and more factors. Although the girl in red seems to be unwise, she only attacks the evil spirits with her obsession, but she is not such a existence. After forcing the magic girls to pass through the "door" I opened, they do n’t give up. Obviously with a strong purpose.

However, whatever the reason. I can't control this much for the time being, and everything has to be lifted. Chubby has some secrets related to the spiritual integration device. Although it is no longer like the night in Valpus, it is clearly marked by the brain hardware that it is closely related to the spiritual integration device, but I still believe that This connection still exists, but only from explicit to recessive. Therefore, before seizing all the spiritual integration devices. I'm not going to ignore it as a fatal threat, the same, girl in red. The same is true of another character "Long Aotian" related to the spiritual integration device.

I am not on the same battle line with them. I and them become enemies, not just to kill them, but to get information related to the spiritual integration device from them. This has been decided before Long Aotian and his entourage entered Valpus.

As I fell from the top of the tunnel with my double-edged blade, Madoka Magica evaded under the reminder of another companion who was aware of the red girl's fall in time. She slowed down a step, but it didn't matter. Misaki ’s response was very timely. The gray silk-filled space was like an all-round spider web, and it would stick to the prey when it appeared.

A large amount of gray silk fluctuated, with a sharp piercing sound, and the red lady will be penetrated by these gray silk before she succeeded-I don't think this will cause her fatal harm, but she seems unwilling to take this. Risk of injury to injury. In fact, if she really prefers to be penetrated and continue to attack herself, then gray silk may entangle her completely and imprison her actions. In addition to the short cooling time, the red lady ’s flashes did not find much defects for the time being. However, the status of Sakuya ’s Ashbringer and Grey Silk are also a kind of mystery that makes people unclear, and the two collide. Whether or not restraint will occur at the time, no one can be sure before real practice.

However, the girl in red disappeared before being pierced by the gray silk, and she was still next to the magical girl Madoka when she next appeared, which saved me from running around. My double-edged blade had been chopped off before she shot and the gray silk waved again. At this time, the girl in red had to cross the kitchen knife to resist my chopping.

At the moment of the blade fighting, the impact immediately slowed her movements. The force feedback from the knife handle is very light, making people feel like they are not chopped on the object. While the red lady's body was lying down, the punctured gray silk was staggered at her original upper body position, and I fell on this online web composed of gray silk. At the same time, several bullets were shooting at her, but this time was enough for her to flash again. The bullets only hit the ground, rebounding and splashing, Madoka Madoka was frightened, squatting on the ground with her head . However, the shooters were all good hands and did not accidentally injure the young girl. Instead, Chubby, who had been sitting steadily on her shoulder, was hit by bullets in the head.

I ’m not sure if the person who shot the gun was intentional, because there is a magical girl named Xiao Mei, although this magical girl is also a member of this team with "Chubby" as the core, but it is not There is no good face, the relationship between the two is extremely bad in the night of Valpus.

However, it is not the first time that "Cubby", a creature mixed with rabbits and cats, seems to have an immortal body ~ ~ When its body was injured, it did not have the characteristics of a little creature, as if it were made of dough.

When Chubby's body squatting on the shoulder of the magical girl fell to the ground, the lady in red had left the defense of Gray Silk and stood upside down on the ceiling ten meters away from us.

Even when standing upside down, it doesn't give people the feeling of floating or falling, but like she is standing on the flat ground, there is a sense of lightness that can float at any time, but it is indeed not weightless or floating. Such a gesture cannot make people feel that she is really human.

"I really don't understand, what's the point of shooting at me?" The voice came from the heel of the magical girl Madoka, and an intact Qiubi jumped onto the magical girl Madoka's head, tilting her head, using the stated tone The innocent voice said, it seems to indicate that this is a shallow and easy-to-see question.

It seemed very certain that the egg that attacked it was not a mistake, but someone intentionally did so.

As for the miserable corpse before Chubby, I don't know when it has disappeared. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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