Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 669: The strongest under God

Not only are those of us who have ulterior motives on the sidelines, but even those of the 51st district are only concerned about the confrontation between the two giants and the tower. If these two giants composed of wizards' combined spells were used to attack us all, they might achieve greater results. Now they are all "sucked" by the tower. The tower did begin to show signs of disintegration, but the two giants were also under the same pressure, and even their own disintegration was faster than the collapse of the tower defense. Once the combined spell disintegrates, the wizards will be seriously injured. After all, the fog that every wizard can use to cast spells is not endless. So, with so much effort, what's the use of just dismantling the tower's defense? If the Doomsday Religious Church does not want to marry a person, then there must be a means to be able to win the flames under the circumstances that we are seriously hurt and are being watched by those of us.

Perhaps the Doomsday Religion did not anticipate that the tower ’s defense would be so strong, dragging the two magnificent spell giants to the point of dying, but I believe in another possibility. Such a situation is early in them. The anticipation, so specially prepared a killer tool for this.

In the simple battle theory that the Central Principality inherited and developed from distant history, the three factors of time, geographical location, human beings, and people are usually regarded as the keys to determining the victory or defeat. Since the birth of "Gaochuan", it is all based on this country as the ancestral home. Even though I was born for more than a month, I have already made a fairly clear definition of self-existence, but even if it really exists as an independent Gaochuan , The memory information of Gao Chuan remaining in the past still has a very strong influence on my personality and cognition, but rather it is these influences that allow the Gao Chu personality of "I" to obtain a relatively stable profile in a short time .

Even if you gain independence in self-cognition, you want to completely deny the remnants of Gao Chuan's memories in the personality at this time, but it is just a matter of self-deception. The information constructs an "egg", and the true self emerges from this egg, and the "egg" itself is not "me". However, it provides nutrients for the composition of "I" and even the key basic structure.

Therefore, the memory information that is thousands of times more than the information that I have obtained since my birth gave me the right to think and understand the problem in the manner of a central duchy. Naturally, the expression "time, place, harmony" is very well understood and agreed. In today's situation, one side of the 51st Alliance of Forces. Undoubtedly, in terms of time, geographical position, people and these three elements, they occupy a larger and heavier proportion than other forces.

Speaking of the possible killer of Doomsday Truth, in fact, every power alliance, every mysterious organization gathered in the core area, and even fighters who survived a series of brutal elimination battles. Presumably all have their own killer skills. Before the final target emerges, which killer can determine the ultimate, no one can make a very certain prediction. However, perhaps the prophet of the organization to which the fire escapes has foreseen a certain segment of the future, and the preparations they have made are likely to be the most adequate of all the organizational forces gathered here. The "child of destiny" action operated by them. Although it was stated in the statement that the Nazis were targeted, the battle for spiritual integration at this time was undoubtedly part of the counter-attack against the Nazis, and could even be regarded as an inevitable pre-change. Therefore, the "super powerful" prophet anticipates the course and outcome of the current war, which is not unbelievable.

And the 51st district that cooperates happily with such mysterious organizations and advances and retreats together. As the master of this base, at this moment more than any other organization, including the doomsday truth religion, must have the possibility of becoming the ultimate winner.

While everyone is waiting for change, the restless energy circulation network has erupted since the Doomsday Truth invaded the largest eruption in the core area. Many people's expressions are tight, and they have just emerged from the corner. And the people who assembled them, at this time, most of them did not rush back to the place where their power alliance was. At this time, they all stopped. Because the high energy leaking from the energy circulation network isolates the path between the two sides, the entire core area seems to be caught in a current of energy. Starting from the center where the tower is located, these leaked energies continue to burst and spatter, and waves of shock pounce on us in the first place.

A few of the people standing at the closest tower failed to react, or did not have the corresponding mystery. After being engulfed by the impact of this high-energy eruption, the flame spewed out of the body in an instant, and the whole thing changed Become a fireman. They screamed that even if someone reached out in time, they could not survive, and they turned into human-shaped coke, and were swept by the next wave of impact, which turned into fly ash and shattered. . Although the process of their death was as fast as the arrival of the shock wave, but my retina screen was still clearly observed, it was indeed not ignited from the body surface, but the combustion generated from the body, their facial features are in distortion A strong light was blooming, and then flames spewed out of it, followed by flames all over the body. Even if there is a restorative mystery, at the moment they are ignited, it still represents their death-there is no possibility of salvation.

Each of these people who can stand in the position of the base camp of the various power alliances is a mysterious strongman. Only if they are strong enough can they safely escape the last impact. However, among these first waves of death, they failed to display their own mystery. I didn't understand some of these reasons until I personally experienced the power of this high-energy impact. Because this is obviously not the power of conventional energy quality.

When the impact swept across the body, it seemed to take away everyone's control of their own body in an instant, which was a feeling that the soul was separated from the body. When it happened to me, although the brain hardware was still working normally, the control of the prosthetic body was still running steadily, but the feeling that the soul was separated from the body and the body was melting like snowflakes was still very clear- That came from the native brain, but it seems not only that, but from a deeper place, just like the instinct that life has existed since the material world took shape.

It is not to feel death, but only to describe it as "soul out of body, then body is disappearing". After that, I soon understood what happened to me. Because, this time. The self-consciousness has not disappeared. After the "soul separated from the body", it seems to be washed away by a strong and invisible current. Can't touch any edge of existence, however. From the feeling of being driven by the invisible water flow, it makes people have a long pipe, which is advancing with the direction of the pipe. The concept of time quickly became blurred in this darkness of endless but unexpected sense of regularity.

As if I had a nightmare, after the darkness disappeared like opening my eyes, I found myself in a temporary world.

It is this feeling of falling into a nightmare. The feeling of self-conscious existence and movement, as well as the feeling of dreaming and awakening, made my high-energy shock do exactly what I did-these feelings are very similar to when I entered the boundary, let me in the first time, just I feel that I have entered a world of ideology.

This is a promenade composed of iron stands with different lengths and different widths and barbed wire, which stand and bite in the criss-cross corridors

, Rotating gears, levers and various simple and heavy mechanical components. And the light and heat that make people seem to be in the furnace, etc., constitute a depressed and heavy world. I stood on one of the promenades and looked through the barbed wire under my feet. I could see that the space continued to spread down to the point where my eyes could reach, as if it would extend forever, looking up and around. All give people the feeling of not seeing the head. The promenade where I am located has no guardrails. There is no ceiling, just a long barbed wire, and the thickness of these wires ca n’t even reach the little finger, you can find the rust color in many parts when you look closely, plus the thick and dense surrounding the body seems to melt The light and heat of steel can't help but create a sense of crisis that will fall down at any time because of the rupture of the barbed wire.

I settled down. Once again, I confirm that I am indeed in a world of ideology, because the size of my limbs and bodies are as if they were dressed as patients, and there is not much difference between them in the boundary line. Although there is no mirror that allows me to take a look at myself, I believe that my eyes must be deep red in the left eye and green in the right eye.

My thought is that there is a secondary magic pattern on the inside of my wrist, so I saw it when I turned my wrist. This is the power of Gaochuan. The core will of Gaochuan is burning in my body. The blood is boiling and the heart is beating violently, which makes the light and heat from the outside look cool.

This ideological world is different from the boundary created by "Jiang". It is not only a landscape, but also in my feelings-here, there is no such strangeness, and there is no violent pain and eternity. Endless noise. The danger it brings to people is only the fragility of the foothold, and the heavy depression of the huge gears, levers and strange mechanical structures in motion, and then the intense light and heat that are uncomfortable.

And these perceptible dangers are all on the bright side, not as ethereal as in the borderline.

What is the source of this ideological world? I do n’t know, but sooner or later I will figure it out. Because, it is not only me who is a conscious walker who receives the impact of high energy. I believe there are many people, like me, who are pulled into this ideological world. Just when I thought about it, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind: "Gaochuan?"

I turned my head and saw the woman who didn't know when to stand there. I was quite sure that before this, there was no ghost shadow around me. The other party is a companion who has just entered this ideological world. Although she looks much younger now, full of the youthful atmosphere of a young woman, the shape and expression of Meiyu made me recognize her at a glance.

"File." I nodded and said, "I am Gao Chuan."

Yes, this young and beautiful woman can hardly see any mercenary-style women from the appearance at this time, it is the super powerful mercenary team captain "file". Today, I am not the one who is controlled by brain hardware in the normal world. All the sensibility and reason exist in the most normal human proportion. I saw this "young file" and couldn't help but smile. In this ideological world, people's appearance always represents something deep inside them.

Although I am relaxed, the file itself is not. After I answered her doubts, she still showed a strong alert look and maintained a position where she could make a deadly attack at any time. Her gaze was like a sharp blade, and she repeatedly examined it several times. Once again confirmed: "Really you?"

"Yes, it's me, Gao Chuan." I said: "Although I don't have any evidence to fully prove my identity, I also know that I am different from what I have seen before, but you did not look at it. See what she looks like at this time? And, intuition is not deceiving. You recognize me, do n’t you? "My two rhetorical questions made the file's alert color fade slightly because she started to move away Eyes, looked down at his body.

She was stunned for a moment. It seems that this is the first time she has entered the ideological world, or the first time she has become like this in the ideological world. This appearance evokes some of her memories and makes her fall into a short absence. But soon he recovered, squeezed his hands and feet, grabbed his clothes, and even grabbed his chest hard. Brush your face and hair with your palm.

"I--" The file couldn't say the whole thing, but looked at me in a dumb manner. I spread my hands, smiled calmly, and said to her in a playful tone: "Congratulations, you have become younger. It is really hard to think of your normal appearance."

"It's a **** talk!" The file gave a hard bite and glared at me again, but his expression softened quickly. "However. You look better than normal."

"No, I am normal now." I said to her very seriously, regardless of whether she understood, but she seemed to realize what, and the blank expression suddenly became dignified and sharp.

"What do we do now represent our reality?" The file thoughtfully looked around at the scene. Say: "Here is the world in consciousness?" Although it is a question sentence, but her tone is to state a fact. She knows and can react. This is an ideological world, and there is nothing to be surprised. After all, the mysterious time of contacting the last Gaochuan and me is not as much as hers. The file is a veritable senior, even if you haven't experienced it yourself, you must not know nothing about the mysterious state of conscious walking.

"Yes, the world of ideology, I just don't know what the source is or how to get rid of it." I replied calmly, "What we are now, if not all, is at least the most relevant part of reality. . "

"Unexpectedly, your reality is a little **** boy, and it is still a medicine jar-were you really so weak before?" The file calmed down, and did not immediately urge me to act together, but once again observed me with a gaze . Her voice sounded more interested in my state at this time.

"One thing you misunderstood." I didn't pay attention to her ridicule, and said to her seriously: "Now I am stronger than the normal me." With that said, I showed the secondary magic pattern on the inside of my wrist The eyes of the file seemed to light up at the moment of seeing the magic lines, and complex emotions such as doubts, surprises, surprises, etc. passed through the depths of the eyes.

"Morphbringer? Are you actually a Morrowbringer? Is it really a Morrowbringer? Or is it a second-class Morrowbringer?" Her tone was rather quick.

"Yes, it is Gao Chuan, the second-level Mageweave messenger, who is standing in front of you." I heard Shen Sheng as if this were a kind of announcement. Power emerged from the depths of the body. That is the power that exists in the burning will, the boiling blood and the agitated heart, and even the roots in the genes and instincts. It is a dead and non-dead "Gaochuan".

The patient's suit ignited flames and swept across my body in my eyes. In my eyes, it seemed that the entire sky was under the ashes that were about to burn out, but when the flames fell everywhere, my body had changed into a body when it quickly extinguished. Crimson combat trench coat.

That is not a uniform, it can only be described as a "civilianized" armor kit made of daily necessities and homemade weapons.

Dark red hooded multi-pocket waterproof windbreaker, long tube hiking shoes with iron blades on the sole. It is also obvious that steel goggles, fingerless gloves, shin guards and armor have been ordered in the model shop ~ ~ The flip-up blade and hook catapult are installed on the outer side of the armor. A revolver and a self-made crossbow were buckled on the belt, carrying a quiver.

Wearing this equipment, I think I am an elf walking in the night scene of the city.

"High, Gaochuan?" The file stared at me closely, his voice distorted.

I took off the joker mask on my face and yelled softly: "Quark."

The sound of flapping wings sounded in the air, and the crow responded to my call and appeared in this ideological world from scratch. Within a range of ten meters, black feathers fell. There is no need to look up for it, because this pet named "Quark" has fallen on my shoulder.

I squeezed my fist vigorously, and felt the feeling of power from deep inside.

"Although I don't know how to get out for now ..." I looked up and shocked the file and said, "However, in this world, under God, I am the strongest!" (To be continued. If you like this You are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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