Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 681: New Tianmen Project

Members of other mysterious organizations have made some physical changes in this ideological world. At least, some people I am familiar with are so difficult to recognize even through their outlines. Only Qiubi and its magical girls did not seem to change. No, Long Aotian didn't change. He just jumped over the top of our head. I and he glanced at each other. From his eyes, we couldn't see any message. His condition was very stable, and soon he was again engaged in combat. His fighting style is also very special compared to other different forms of mysterious power display. The soldiers he fought with were standing still without warning, and then turned to attack their companions, as if surrendered. Long Aotian glanced at him.

The expression of the mystery held by Long Aotian is just like his title "Long Aotian", but it is also full of ambiguity. Whether these forces that make people or non-humans show their "surrender" posture is mandatory or guiding, is it directly acting on personality consciousness, or is it another unimaginable channel, which is unknown to outsiders. How much strength of consciousness is needed to forgive the influence of this mysterious force, so far there is no public opinion-because, he is somewhat unpredictable in his style of acting, sometimes strong, but has a limit, when it exceeds When he looks down, his power is actually not very powerful. However, this should only be an illusion. He may have done so to amplify this mysterious influence.

Qiubi's power, Long Aotian's power, and the red girl's power are completely different in feelings. Among them, the red girl Maria's is the most direct. Qiubi and Longaotian, as if buried deep in the clouds, always adapt to changes in the external environment. Even the increase in battlefield intensity sometimes appears to be somewhat reluctant, but this "reluctant" does not have any negative impact on itself in terms of results.

In my intuition, compared to the red girl Maria, Chubby and Long Aotian are more closely related to the spiritual integration device.

I can't understand Qiaobi and Longaotian. But it doesn't matter. I'm not interested in what they hide themselves for. In this world, I am not a deity, but there is an existence that I do not understand but a matter of course, even. No matter how I try to figure it out, I can't get an accurate answer in the end. I have already realized this. Although knowing oneself and knowing the other can make one's actions smoother, but the goal of action is achieved. It is not something that can be determined by confidant and confidant alone, especially in this world of doomsday illusion, the factor of "self and confidant" is not an absolute proportion in success.

Because this is a world that can be observed and controlled from the perspective of "reality", and it is also a world where "spirits" and "demons" exist in a certain sense. Regardless of "reality", "spirits" and "demons" either. Observing from the perspective of Doomsday Illusion itself is a kind of mystery, and mystery is the most difficult to grasp, or to say, there is no way to grasp the existence at all.

Since the ultimate opponent of Gaochuan is such an unsure existence, and must overcome such existence, it is to challenge an opponent who is almost impossible to overcome without knowing each other. Then. Unable to grasp everything, this is the difficulty that needs to be overcome. Characters like Chubby and Long Aotian are just a small stone that must flow through.

Therefore, even if Long Aotian's performance at this time is amazing, the magic girls of Chubby are the same. For me, nothing makes sense. It doesn't make any sense whether their actions will conflict with my goals for action. What I have to do, what I have to do, is very clear from the beginning, that is to kick off all obstacles, regardless of whether you understand it or how likely it is to kick it off, all "how does it look, theoretically The "how-to-how" statement is meaningless. In the face of unpredictable mystery, the probability and the amount of cognition simply cannot determine the final direction.

In this case, all I can rely on is the mystery and existence particularity that I have, and these two are things that existed and fixed from the beginning. The reason why "Gaochuan" has become the present look is not a coincidence, but a trend that has been set for a long time. Although this trend seems to be full of accidents and coincidences.

Too much information flashes in my mind. The collision, jumping, combination and decomposition of this information have caused me to have a variety of thoughts and ideas. However, in this kind of activity like wind and waves, I But did not miss. At this moment, I am sober, the operation of thinking seems to be independent of an inherent space, and I am just observing from the side. This is a very wonderful feeling, as if I have returned to the body where the brain hardware functions, but the sensibility is not contained, but it cannot interfere with the core of self-cognition.

Such changes made me more clear. The current "I" is indeed no longer the past "I". Personality consciousness has changed in nature, but this change is not growth, but mutation. And this change, I can not resist, nor can I resist. The intensity of the battle and the intensity of the battlefield are rapidly increasing with the progress of this world, and I, who is constrained by the prosthetic body and the brain hardware, although the mystery in the body overrides this improvement from the beginning, but in consciousness , But it is difficult to grow.

If you cannot grow, you can only mutate, because consciousness is the most important battlefield of life.

Mystery is constantly colliding in this ideological world. The battlefield I am observing here is probably a sign of the future, a preview. The world of doomsday illusions will lead to an unprecedented war that is also mysteriously the final decisive factor. Only this kind of war can really make this world go to the end of the "doomsday"-smash all existing mechanisms from the root , Structure and mode of existence.

This level of destruction is simply impossible for the so-called "nuclear bomb" such as the most powerful destructive weapons in the normal world, and it cannot be accurately described by normal scientific theory.

Complete destruction, re-construction, destruction and creation go back and forth, but follow some similar things, thus repeatedly forming a new world with differences like "different world lines". In the past. What these new worlds follow is basically determined from the perspective of "reality". However, this time, a decision must be made from within the world of Doomsday Illusion in order to achieve this goal. The coordination of the spiritual integration device, personality preservation device and Omi ’s “Gate of Destiny”, as well as the coordination of the “super-color” of the central machine from the perspective of “reality” are all extremely critical factors, even the power of “Jiang” The theory of integrating these factors. It is the theory of "possibly developing into a unified theory" like the superstring theory. It cannot be confirmed or judged to be correct, but at least, it cannot be judged to be absolutely incorrect. This is our only chance.

These uncertain factors. Uncertain theories, the plan that constitutes, and then use "probability" to judge its feasibility is completely a joke--because its feasible probability is infinitely close to zero, and it is simply used to speak. It is undoubtedly more feasible for the young Gaochuan Phantom to entrust everything to Jiang.

However, I am not a young Gaochuan Phantom, and I cannot trust Jiang, so no matter how high the possibility of the young Gaochuan Phantom's approach is, it will not allow me to recognize it-this is my sensibility to complete the final decision, and trust " The phantom of Jiang's boy Gao Chuan. How is this not the case? In the "nearly impossible" situation, making the final decision with sensibility is extremely consistent with the "human" behavior pattern.

From this point of view, "Gaochuan" is still human, but only. It's just a bit of a mental and psychological problem. Really gratifying, congratulations.

"You guys! What the **** are you doing!" Someone shouted angrily again, extremely dissatisfied with the attitude of me and the file always sitting on the wall, this guy's ability is not good, and he was holding his head in the encirclement of soldiers , Finally finally panting in the help of others. His face was full of fatigue, but he couldn't withdraw under the surveillance of others. From the beginning of the battle, these people should have had an agreement, and we have come a step later, although we cannot integrate into it, but it is not without a little benefit.

"So, why hold on to this place?" I ignored the indignation and clamor of those people and turned around to ask Qiubi, who was sitting on my shoulder.

"The enemy has such a huge force, it is not a way to keep running around." Chubby said with a naive voice: "No matter where we run, it is useless. They can always lock us and never stop. Chasing us, this is the night of Valpus. "

"This is the night of Valpuss?" I was concerned about Chubby's statement.

"Yes, this is the night of Valpus, but it is only a precursor." Chubby looked up, as if penetrating the dense army, looking at the world from a bird's-eye perspective, "I feel that this Valp The night of Guice is maturing. "

I did not continue to ask it the question "what is Valpus Night", because it is impossible to describe this level of mystery in words. I just said to it: "It looks different from the night of Valpus in Las Vegas."

"It's just the difference between the performance process and the details, but the essence is the same thing." Chubby said.

"You stay here, not just can't escape." I turned back to the topic and said in a very positive tone: "You know how to get out of this place. Is there something you want here?"

"I also don't know very well that this Valpus night is still growing. The formed Valpus night has a core, but it is not here." Chubby said: "However, maybe those people know what will happen." When it talked about "those", it turned to Father Sisen. I followed his gaze, and Father Sissen, who was set to perform superpowers in situ, looked at me with extra effort and nodded with a friendly smile. On this battlefield, everyone who can exercise macroeconomic control in the widest range gives people extremely strong confidence in every move, as if they are telling, everything is under control.

"You believe him, so stay?" I asked.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, didn't you and Ms. File come here for the same reason?" Chubby asked back.

"Yes." The file said. "I believe there is a reason for you to stay here, and there is no place to escape, but if you need us to contribute, you have to tell us more specific things."

"Yes, this was my task." Chubby shook his tail and smiled innocently. "I don't have any combat capabilities, so I can only explain the matters to the newcomers."

"You can continue to rub it down. We don't care, others can't stand it." The file's sneered expression stared at the rest of the restlessness.

"Oh, that's really embarrassing." Despite saying that, Qiubi had no embarrassed expression. People feel that it is deliberately delaying time.

"Qiubi!" The magic girl Xiaomei's stern voice came over to convey her dissatisfaction.

"It's true that dealing with Valpuss Night was originally the task of the Magical Girl. It's not a good thing to always let outsiders intervene." Chubby said, but he couldn't hear the tone of complaining, though. It seems that its attitude really does not want too many people to participate in the defense.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"You are different from the magical girl. Whether it releases great power or kills these soldiers, it will only make Valpus Night grow faster." Although Chuby still had that naive expression, when he spoke But it makes people feel more serious. "Only the magical girl can really weaken the night of Valpuss through combat. However, there are too few magical girls now, and everyone ’s weakened power is barely equal to the power released by others, if the two of you also join the battle. , This balance will be broken. "

"Damn cats and rabbits! Don't preach your **** magical girl theory!" Someone cried again: "I don't care what Valpus night. We're going out! Leave here! Understand? Let you **** it Let ’s balance the **** and eat shit! No wonder it ’s been playing for so long, and it has n’t changed at all. Let this **** ideological space mature, let it mature! We need it to mature now, we need it to change! Only then can the door be opened! "

"Door?" I noticed the word.

"I don't know anything about the door. I'm not sure what will happen when this Valpuss night matures, but Father Sisson seems to be quite sure that it's a little difficult for me to understand. "Chubi said:" They said that this is part of the Tianmen plan. "

"The Tianmen Project?" Said the file. "It sounds familiar." But soon, she looked shocked. Said to me: "I remembered this was a plan initiated by the Doomsday Truth a long time ago. I don't know the specific circumstances, but I heard that it is closely related to the growth of the Doomsday Truth."

"That is to say. Apocalypticism once successfully solved a Valpus night. And in dealing with the problem of the Valpuss night, the 51st district copied some of the practices of the apocalyptic?" I am a bit Understood, the doomsday truth had a spiritual integration device, which was already conjectured. The spiritual integration device produced the Valpus night, and the doomsday truth solved the Valpus night through the "Tianmen Project", and then mastered Only part of the power of the spiritual integration device reached today's rise-this process is logically reasonable.

It is not surprising that the fifty-one district won the spiritual integration device and tried to copy the doomsday truth plan to achieve similar results. After all, the study of the 51st area is inextricably linked to the Doomsday Truth Church, coupled with the promotion of Father Shisen, a person who has emerged from the Doomsday Truth Church, and the second largest mysterious organization in the European and American regions to which the fire escape belongs. It is not possible to obtain all the materials of the Tianmen Project, but after obtaining a part of the materials, it is not impossible to add the parts that you understand and complete your own "Tianmen Project".

In this way, the changes in this ideological world and everything that happened before entering this ideological world can also be regarded as a part of this plan, and today ’s situation can also be regarded as a key point in the plan to promote on. So, which is the main goal to fight against the Nazis and complete the Tianmen Project? There is no doubt that I think the choice of the 51st district is the latter. The Nazis should also have a spiritual integration device, even if the part of their mental integration device, as well as the base placed in the 51st district, and the spiritual integration device in the city of Las Vegas, were originally one, in this case ~ ~ It is undoubtedly the highest priority to obtain the power that can really make a substantial blow to it, complete the Tianmen plan, and truly control this part of the spiritual integration device in your hands.

Perhaps, the implementation of the "Tianmen Project" was originally the torso of a series of events that we were involved in Las Vegas. As for other existing projects, including the selection of "Fate of Destiny", and the The battle, even the disintegration of the night of Valpus in Las Vegas City, the disengagement of the spinning pituitary machine, and the fall of the entire Las Vegas City, are just the leaves of the "Sky Gate Project", or are expected It must be painful.

"That's probably the case, although I don't agree with it." Chubby said: "Wall Pugets Night is not such a friendly thing, what Tianmen plans, what is the success rate, I don't know. However, since even the magic girls agreed to cooperate, I have no choice. "

"So, a sky gate will open here?" The file looked around, and there was nothing but corpses and stray bullets on the platform.

"According to their statement, if you also join the battle, the door will appear faster." Chubby replied. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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