The wheelchair person ended the conversation with Omi, and turned to the man who had broken into the room before and said to him: "There is a fire, you heard that, I need a consciousness check. No, not only I need it, all the people involved in this operation need it. Also Yes, notify the shepherd dog and immediately block the scene. "

Nodded and nodded, confirming again: "It is to block the death scene of that little guy, right? It is possible that the powerful conscious walker can use him to do something?"

"It's not possible, but it must be done." The wheelchair man looked serious. "That guy's ability is the best at doing this kind of thing. It's like a virus. Once infected, even if it is not eroded in the first place, It will be lurking. My biggest worry is that it is lurking. If it is eroded in the first place, it ’s okay to die, but if it is lurking ... I ca n’t guarantee whether our ability can be detected. "

"Is it that strong?" Asked the fire as he pulled out his phone and called.

"It's so strong. This is not the first time I have encountered this type of conscious walker, but the guy I meet now is the strongest of the type of conscious walker I have encountered." Wheelchair The person's face twitched, and there was a lingering expression on his face, "Don't forget, the battlefield is the night of Valpus, it is our home field, and I also used the Rubik's Cube as a bridge, and the generated magic eye as an ability agent . Although I did n’t see the scene with my own eyes, I can still feel strongly that the other party ’s ability is invading along this vein. "

"Shepherd dog? It's me, the fire, what's the situation at the scene?" The fire said: "Did it? What's the strange thing? Well, I understand, the situation has changed, immediately block the scene. Then take your team to the checkpoint ... No mistake, all the people on the scene must go. No, for security reasons, the catwoman's person must also pass. Yes, there are traces of that guy on the scene over the catwoman. I will inform her. This time The enemy is very powerful. "He said, he hung up the phone, turned his head and said to the wheelchair person:" That's all right? "

"Yes. However, be wary. From now on, all people who have entered the two sites must be shielded from consciousness. Before the repeater is completed, it is not allowed to intervene in the core problem of the repeater. Of course. I also Again, fortunately, I have never been in contact with the core of the repeater, otherwise it is difficult to say whether the guy has taken the relevant information out of my mind. "The wheelchair person's statement was too cautious, not too An outsider who understands the situation may be a manifestation of victimized delusion, but as a powerful conscious walker. Wheelchair people especially understand that a strong conscious walker. What an incredible thing can be done in the end, and how to prevent the intervention of consciousness. Even if you are an expert in this field, there is no guarantee that you can guarantee the purity of your consciousness when facing opponents of equal or greater strength.

"I can't see it. I can't feel it. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist." The wheelchair person murmured to himself, his expression very gloomy.

"You are an expert, you have the final say." Huo said: "And, last night. Our vigilance has risen to red, maybe related to the guy you met."

"I'm sure it must be related!" The wheelchair person said affirmatively: "Of the five conscious walkers found so far, only two can be confirmed, one of them has just been executed, and the other one ... need to be careful, He himself has no problems, but it may once again become a trap, just like the one who was just executed. The other three cannot confirm their identity and position in the normal environment, and we already know two, one is simple and rough. , The other is as insidious as a virus. The last one is ... "He was in deep contemplation, because the last one gave him a strange feeling, obviously there was, but a bit false, like The reflection in the water, but unable to find the entity from the water.

"Actually, I have an idea." Zhao said, and the wheelchair person looked up at him, and heard him say: "Is it possible, simple and rough and insidious, but actually the same person, depending on the situation, used Different techniques? "

"Is this idea valid?" The wheelchair man asked rhetorically.

"No, it's just that I suddenly had an idea." Huohuo said: "You know, people like us, if there is no reason to produce an idea, it will often come true."

"... It can't be said that it's impossible, but the behavior of the conscious walker is always related to the nature of his ability, and the nature of the ability is also related to his personality and personality. The three influence each other and rarely change their style suddenly. The consciousness ability is just a general term, but the consciousness ability will also be biased in certain performances. I once thought that there is a certain conscious walker's ability, which has a plurality of performance tendencies, but ... "wheelchair people He shook his head and said, "It is possible unless the conscious walker is a person with personality schizophrenia, but a person with personality schizophrenia cannot generally become a conscious walker, because a split personality will reduce the intensity of consciousness in each personality, Without sufficient strength of consciousness, it is absolutely impossible to become a conscious walker. If after splitting the personality, the consciousness strength of each personality is still enough to support him to become a conscious walker, thus gaining many talents, then, I can guarantee that this guy is definitely not a human ! The intensity of human consciousness has a limit! "The wheelchair person pointed his head and continued : "Fire, if you feel there is no error, it can only say that we are faced with, is a downright monster odds ...... we need a little luck, praying Mayne develops a powerful prophet prophesied good to us!."

"The red alert has been promoted to the highest level. Isn't that level just to treat the monster as an expected enemy?" Huo said quietly. "In the mystery, the monster is not a rare thing, no, it should be said, It is because of the existence of monsters that mystery has a foundation for existence. "

"In any case, I don't want to treat a monster as an opponent." The wheelchair man shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Only things that are not lateral, far beyond imagination, and full of destructive power, will be called monsters, not Does this kind of enemy bring disaster to everyone? "

"However, this disaster already exists." The fire escape still stared at him calmly. "We have no retreat and never create a retreat for ourselves. We are always very cautious, and we are only cautious enough to live until now. This time is no exception. I will consider this opponent as a monster. "

The wheelchair man shrugged his shoulders and said, "You are the highest commander, you have the final say."

Nodding and nodding, he picked up the phone again, dialed Catwoman's number, and after a brief exchange of information, he said to the wheelchair person again: "Catwoman also has a bad hunch. The key words are: Doomsday Truth , Nazis, 666, artificial demons. Needless to say the first two, the latter two are entirely synonymous with monsters. "

"666? This number ..." The wheelchair person had a thoughtful expression. He seemed to think of something like, "The Great Demon King? If this is the moral ... What exaggerated horror is this city facing? Our actions are not worthy of such exaggerated things. A repeater , Plus a United Nations-style meeting, even if it is completed, it is impossible to completely change the current situation. Moreover, we are not the only ones who make repeaters! Damn! "

"The repeater is like the nuclear bomb of the first half century. The first man who made it has the advantage, and the next one is quietly completed. The other is followed by a big fan. The pressure of these three is not great, but it has reached the fourth. In this case, we must face extremely harsh containment, and the more we rank behind. The greater the pressure we need to bear. "Huo said," It is a pity that we are not in the top three. "

"It seems that you have already been prepared?" The wheelchair man looked at the fire with some curiosity. Although he has rich experience and strong capabilities in his professional field, he is in other fields. It can only be said that ability is mediocre. The explanation for the misfire is that he never thought about it and never planned to spend his energy thinking about it. However, he still felt that what the chatter talked about was the fact, the truth, and the best reason. As in the past, he never intended to refute the fire.

"I've always been prepared." Nodding nodded, without a sense of humility, a calm attitude, giving a strong sense of stability.

"So, you are the supreme commander of the online ball." The wheelchair person laughed. "Don't talk about this. Since the opponent is a monster, we can do nothing at all. The high degree of mystery will make Most are going to be useless. I heard that Jung, Chubby and Father Sisson have come together? "

"There are signs like this." Huo said: "I have never trusted Chubby and Father Sisson. Jung was not from our side at the beginning."

"What about the young man who calls himself Long Aotian?" The wheelchair man asked.

"It's still on our side for the time being, but I don't think it will always be like this. He is not a firm ally." Huo said, "Mercenaries are more trustworthy than him."

"I heard that they have a good relationship with the whisperers in Asia?" The wheelchair person asked in a pointed way.

"The whisperer is a good partner for cooperation, much more reliable than those of Father Sissen, and it is also of sufficient value." Huo said: "As long as mercenaries and whisperers are on our side, we have the biggest words right."

"Do you really think so? Omega is not a vegetarian. Their recent limelight is strong, and they are old enough. Although there are not many big guys like Omega, there are several. Their heritage is only better than that of mercenaries. The association is stronger. "Wheelchair people laid out their fingers and counted a few mysterious organizations that are important in the mysterious circle of Europe and America.

"The battlefield of the future is not such a small ups and downs. The Mercenary Association is the most mysterious organization in the world that is suitable for large-scale wars. The whisperer has a regional identity advantage." They will make the correct judgment. Now, I should go to meet Mr. Gao Chuan, the whisperer. He is looking for a key person in our plan. I do n’t know why he wanted her, and how he knew her. It is unclear whether he already knows the role and importance of this key figure in our plan. However, this is a testament to the value of the whisperer. "

"Isn't it an accident?" The wheelchair person actually didn't know who the key person was, and he didn't know the answers to the questions posed by the fire. He also does not know that there is such a key role, nor what role this key role plays in the plan, and how important it is. He can only guess at the core of the repeater. Therefore, he didn't mean deep contact, especially in his own consciousness. It is possible that a monster has moved its hands and feet-although, he cannot find out where he has done his hands and feet, nor can he be sure that he has really been passive. It's just that, assuming the other party is a monster, it's worth it no matter how careful.

"It can't be an accident." Fire escape said. "The technician confirmed a while ago that the whisperer had paid attention to the key person before long, but he hadn't acted. As a result, as soon as the key person was out of their sight, Mr. Gao Chuan came to the door. "

"... whisperer, Asia, is it possible to have a Valpus night too?" The wheelchair person thought for a moment. Asked.

"It's not clear, the situation in Asia, especially the whisperers, is tightly blocked by themselves ... I can only say that, you know, Asia has always been like a barren land in the mysterious circle. But We all understand that there is absolutely no mystery there. In occultism, Asia, especially the Central Principality, has always occupied a core position. That is a cultural circle that is very different from Europe and the United States, so we are not familiar with the situation. It ’s a normal thing. ”Huo said:“ Before there is no evidence, my opinion is that it is at least as synchronized with the power of the European and American regions. We have them, and they will have them. ”

"But. Is it possible that the whisperer was just a pathfinder thrown over there?" The wheelchair person hesitated. He did not distrust the judgment of fire escape, but, in the same lack of intelligence, he did most things. . There is not much confidence.

"At least, the whisperer is the first to stand up, even if it is just a signal from there, it is also worth our cooperation, not to mention, Mr. Gao Chuan has decisive value. His strength is the top level in the world. , I believe that people like Mr. Gao Chuan are also rare in Asia. "

"Well, if you insist, that's about it, because you haven't missed it all the time, haven't you?" The wheelchair person's conversationality is not so strong, which is revealed in his somewhat tired eyes, " Are you going to see that Mr. Gao Chuan now? If you stop by, take me to the Consciousness Testing Center. I also want to see who this Mr. Gao Chuan is. "

"You didn't walk him consciously?" The fire escape finally revealed a wave of emotions. "It's not the first time you know of his existence."

"No, I did it." The wheelchair man manipulated the wheelchair controller and opened the door, saying, "But, I can't find him in the world of consciousness. Do you know? I have never mastered it After the same level of information, I cannot find someone in the world of consciousness. Therefore, I think that there is also a conscious walker at least equivalent to my ability in the whisperer, or that Mr. Gao Chuan himself is a Conscious Walker. Guess, will he be one of the Conscious Walkers who invaded Valpus Night? "

Fire escape did not answer, silently walking behind the wheelchair person.

After receiving the phone call, Catwoman began to call and gradually informed the men who had participated in the site survey. Although she had already prepared for the adverse situation, the development of the situation was slightly beyond her. Expected. The enemy's power and weirdness far exceeded her initial judgment. Now, she and the entire team she leads have to withdraw from core affairs and undergo consciousness testing. In the past, there has always been the guardian of a wheelchair-conscious conscious walker, and her own team, also experts in consciousness, have also expected ~ ~ to walk in this mysterious circle, one day I encountered a conscious walker stronger than my companion, but did not expect that this day would come at this time.

Although Catwoman is a "person who can talk to the world", she is also unable to get rid of the threat of conscious walkers. Even if you can "talk to the world" to remove the dangers that may already be lurking in her body, this process requires A certain time. "Talking to the world" is very similar to the "limited wishing technique" in occultism, the effect is not effective immediately, and the process of producing the effect is also difficult to predict. When she was notified of the fire escape, she had conducted a "world conversation" for all companions involved in the conscious walker of Val Pugets Night, but she had to temporarily suspend it before confirming the final result. Put away your minions.

"Shepherd dog, I'm a catwoman." She called her companion who was at another action site, but she had the same illness. "Did you close the team? Well, yes, I have received the notice. I I want to ask, is this what happened to you on the spot? Is there anything to gain? For example, the news of that insidious bastard? Even if it just feels good ... I understand, it ’s okay, there is also a certain conscious walk Or, if the **** still needs to do it again, it will always show his feet. Then let ’s do it. "Catwoman hung up the phone and" buttered "with dissatisfaction," Damn, monster? What is the origin? " "To be continued. .

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