Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 817: Mind tone rate

The communication between the online ball and the whisperer reached the ideal result through only one meal. Both the online ball and the whisperer were satisfied with what they had gained in this communication that could not talk about confrontation. Both parties believed that they had exchanged what they needed for what they did not need. As a new whisperer, Gregoa did n’t have a deep understanding of the various plans discussed in this dinner, but the tension when he first arrived in London was gone. Although she was told long ago that she had to do what she needed to do, she did not have as much responsibility as the task title showed, but after really realizing this, she was relieved.

After returning to the hotel room, Gregia threw her body on the sofa and touched her stomach with a full sigh. Now, both her stomach and her brain are already propped up.

"Take a break, and then pack your hands." Yichuan Gaochuan said to Sakuya and Gregia. Before leaving, she told the three people that the netball had prepared a more suitable temporary stop for them. Although this hotel is a five-star hotel, all normal services are available, but relative to the current tension, security is much reduced, and mysterious organizations staying in this place for a long time, it is easy to Unrelated people belonging to the mysterious circle are involved in the mysterious danger. This has been proven many times in the past. It was for this reason that the prosthetic body Gaochuan did not immediately find Marceau. At the time, Marceau was an ordinary person living in a normal social order. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan hoped that she could live a longer and quieter day. However, this idea is not satisfactory.

Prostitute Gao Chuan knew long ago that Marceau could never leave the circle of mystery, but it was difficult to control when she entered this dangerous world. Now Marceau disappears. Nature and mystery cannot be separated from each other, but this is not the first time that I have come into contact with mystery. Prostitute Gao Chuan knew that in the last world line, Marceau was one of the earliest people who provided funding support for Omi's research, and it was in this world line. It is very likely that they have not departed from this historical trend.

It is possible that Marceau ’s final whereabouts will be related to the recent absence of news from Jinjiang. Many things, although not seen with their own eyes and without sufficient evidence, but the situation inferred from the side clues does not deviate from the facts because of the factors that can satisfy these clues. There are actually not many.

Marceau disappeared from contact with mystery. What kind of people exposed her to mystery? Why must it disappear in London? What is the degree of mystery left behind by the traces of her residence before her disappearance? And what kind of environment is needed for this level of mystery to appear in London? And which forces can provide such an environment? The prosthetic body Gao Chuan constantly circulates, asking these questions to himself, and then putting the prepared answers into the questions one generation, although these prepared answers are plural. However, it can really fit this chain problem. There are not many answers to a complete self-circulation.

Prostitute Gao Chuan did not fully use the logical logic reasoning ability of brain hardware to deal with these thoughts. The emergence and rapid maturity of sensibility gave him more assurance. Although rational reasoning can give an approximate true answer, it is pure reason to infer "mystery". It is not necessarily correct to infer actions taken by perceptual people. Because people will try to produce some actions rationally, but it does not mean that they are in all the processes of action. All the factors involved are completely rational like robots. Because this kind of rigorous, cold and well-organized rationality is often the easiest way to get along. And "mystery" is simply not something that rational reason can satisfy.

The reason why people walking in the mysterious circle value their instincts more than their rational thinking, and there are reasons for this.

Only now that the sensibility is restored, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan really understands that in the past, he completely controlled his body actions with brain hardware without too many mistakes. It does not mean that the processing thinking and processing method at that time were correct, just not It's just a mistake. However, just being logically correct does not mean that victory will be guaranteed. Because, my opponent is originally a mysterious existence that transcends my logical thinking, and my upper limit of reason exists. This upper limit is the upper limit of the brain hardware and also the upper limit of the prosthetic body. In this case, if you want to exceed this upper limit, you can only rely on the elusive things like sensibility.

In the scientific world, there is a saying that the generation of sensibility is the adjustment of the physiological structure in details, such as the activity of hormones. This adjustment is to adapt to the needs of the living environment, which determines that sensibility itself is a kind of The appearance and tools of human adaptation to the living environment, and in most cases, this more instinctive adjustment is often beneficial. The so-called "emotional use" is not a bad thing in many cases, and people think that it is wrong. It is only based on the sense of failure brought by the sensibility in the social environment. However, when science developed so that it could unnaturally affect the adjustment of the details of this physiological structure, a conclusion emerged that "the hormones can be used to control human emotional behavior."

Regardless of how correct this conclusion is, it is just that substituting this conclusion into the current patients with doomsday syndrome will make people feel that all their sensibilities are the result of "virus" interference and control. Prostitute Gao Chuan speculates that there may be such a reason that led to the birth of a device that restricts sensibility and strengthens rationality. The researchers and producers of brain hardware, "super color" or "super Dorothy", their existence, literally, and their responsibilities, it is likely that this emphasis on rational Supporter of the tone.

The teenager Gao Chuan was on the opposite path. Prostitute Gaochuan has reason to believe that the young Gaochuan did not think about the possibility of this kind of argument before embarking on the path of obeying the sensibility, but really thinking about his own recognition before making such a choice. Juvenile Gao Chuan ’s emotional use may not be able to say that the physical interference of the virus with the virus will be completely eliminated, but there must be considerations based on reason.

In the past, the prostitute Gao Chuan has always thought that the young Gao Chuan is very powerful, and once thought that his strength lies in the power he embodies. This power manifestation is caused by the sense of substitution that the power of the magic pattern gives to yourself, so it is impossible to estimate how strong the other party is. However, now the prostitute Gao Chuan feels. Being able to analyze sensibility with reason and thus determine "feeling things" is the place where the young Gaochuan is truly powerful.

At least, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan knew that he could not be completely involved in the emotional embrace while being rational. Even if you enjoy sensibility so much now, you can't make it overwhelm rational. Thinking about the consequences of sensibility with reason is to see the front of the sensibility, an abyss that can't clearly see the scenery at the bottom. No matter how wishful thinking is to tell yourself, the scenery of the abyss is very beautiful, and you ca n’t resist the fear caused by the “unseen” unknown sense, you ca n’t resist your fear of falling into the abyss, let alone without any insurance measures. Under the circumstances, he jumped into this abyss without looking back.

However, the young Gaochuan did, no matter what path he took. What is the prospect, compared to him who can do it. Prostitute Gao Chuan thinks he is far worse.

What kind of factors did the young Gaochuan do? The prosthetic Gaochuan couldn't understand it, although after recovering the sensibility, the forced fusion rate of Gaochuan information rose sharply, he got a lot of memories about Gaochuan in the past, but. These memories do not allow him to completely substitute himself into it, and even less dare to substitute into it. If the brain hardware has full dominance, it may be able to do that, but now it takes back the emotional self. The result of doing so is likely to plunge yourself into confusion of personality, memory and spiritual consciousness.

Prostitute Gao Chuan tries to maintain a neutral third-party perspective to observe and recognize these Gao Chuan information, and by doing so, it is simply impossible to grasp the changes of young Gao Chuan from these information. In clinical psychology, in order to study the psychology of a patient, it is often necessary to read the other party's information, hoping to grasp each detail of the other party's psychological changes, find out the roots through these details, and achieve targeted treatment. However, because it is impossible to truly grasp every detail just by reading, the reason for the onset research cannot be completely grasped, and it must be mixed with your own understanding and bring traces of your own experience, so you ca n’t do it. For every patient, the medicine is cured, and for patients with very serious diseases, there is not much way.

Prostitute Gao Chuan understands that he cannot really analyze the young Gaochuan because of the same reason. Even if I know all the things that happened to the young Gaochuan, and I have experienced these details, I can't produce the same change, because the same thing is tried by different people, often produces different details, and different details will eventually produce Deviation of results.

At this time, the prosthetic body Gaochuan really understood what is going on, such as "Every Gaochuan is one, but also unique", which is full of contradictions. Therefore, I have a deep understanding of why there is a "formatting" in the steps of the Super Gaochuan project. He thought that if Super Colors and Super Dorothy knew this situation, they might be speechless, because, in their expectations, it is likely that they can only understand and recognize the situation with absolute reason. As a result, pure reason cannot make the prosthetic body Gaochuan produce a chemical reaction, but instead it is sentimental, so that the prosthetic body Gaochuan burns like a torch.

Sensibility, let the prostitute Gao Chuan no longer analyze the juvenile Gao Chuan, and no longer try to use force to solve all problems about this personality tumor. When perceptual factors are mixed in, the original rational contradiction is no longer so contradictory, some impossible situations become possible, understand and not understand, and no longer become the sole criterion for determining action, right and wrong And no longer become polarized, so that from a rationally unacceptable point of view, options that cannot be recognized by probability become acceptable and can be selected.

Sensibility is such a wonderful thing that can strongly influence thinking and behavior, just like the notes used to reconcile out-of-band melody.

The prosthetic Gaochuan did not take a long time to restore his sensibility, but when he looked at himself in the mirror, he trancely felt that he should have been like this. The current self is "normal". It seems to have always existed, but I haven't seen it before.

"It's incredible ..." he said to himself, "A person can change so quickly, and accepting a changed person can be so easy." Many sayings have been said. Before people do something, they feel that they will not do it, and they are afraid to do it, but after doing it, they will find that it is not so unacceptable. What a terrible situation, so that people feel that they should have done so already.

Well, there is a problem, after I feel that I should do, and I feel that I should not do all of it, and easily accept this fact. What is it that I insist on? The prosthetic body Gao Chuan answered his own answer almost at the moment when this question appeared in his mind: save his loved one.

Now, he can tell himself very surely and tell everyone that this answer will never change because of what he did or did not do. It won't change because your choice leads you to take this answer one step further or one step back. Or. It is precisely because there have been many situations that should seem to shake oneself, but have never caused one to shake oneself, can one call one's true "persistence".

If there is no such "persistent", then you really have no meaning of your own existence. Regardless of this "persistent". And what perseverance, in terms of expanding to other people, how cliché and meaningless, even. It is a bad result. However, to yourself, it is unique and determines what is worth.

From this kind of persistence, the prostitute Gao Chuan saw his own difference. This difference is not a stand-out, but a difference between himself and others.

I am different. The prostitute Gao Chuan thought so, and smiled slightly at himself in the mirror. At this moment, he felt how familiar the idea was, and there was a strong sense of immediate sight, like it was a long, long time ago. I have said so to myself. This made him stunned for a moment, and then looked at himself in the mirror, but he felt in a trance that there was a dim difference between the figure shot there and his own figure in the past.

Like, did you see the young Gaochuan?

He blinked his eyes, and the illusion-like impression suddenly subsided without a trace, as if it had never happened.

"Achuan." Miyuki's figure appeared in the mirror, and behind her, she knocked on the door. "Aren't you ready yet?"

"Ah." Yichuan Gaochuan responded emotionally and quickly pulled the suitcase that he had just packed up. He didn't bring any luggage when he came. The bag was packed in. Most of them were purchased by Gregia this morning. Objects, among them his share. He stooped to lift the suitcase, pulled the collar again, and said to Miyaki: "Okay, you can go." But he found that Miyaki, who was also carrying a backpack, looked at him definitely without moving his steps. the meaning of.

"What's wrong? Ah Ye." The prosthetic body Gaochuan was a little surprised.

"It's nice, it's really nostalgic." Miyaki said as if to herself, and smiled softly, "It's so nice to see such a river after so many years passed."

"What are you talking about?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, shrugged his shoulders, pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, and held it to his mouth. "Come on, I want to finish the formalities before early morning."

"Huh!" Sakuya ran over, holding his left hand tightly, and greeted Gregoria in the hallway outside the door.

"Hi, the two of you are too slow. If you are intimate, don't hurry at this time?" Gregia's eyes fell on the entangled arms of the two, and he chuckled.

After notifying the eight scenes far away from the headquarters, the three of them checked out at the counter. They were going to call for a taxi when they went out, but they saw a plain all-black car parked in front of them. It felt like they were targeting themselves Come from three people. After the window slipped, Ms. Cat's face was exposed. She smiled at the three and said, "It's a coincidence, we meet again."

"Don't you come to pick us up intentionally?" Gregia looked at Takakawa and Saki Ye, the prostitute, unexpectedly.

"Of course not. I was going to do things. I didn't expect to see three people passing by here." Ms. Cat's eyes fell on Gregia: "This beautiful young lady ~ ~ Whisperer came to London Yes, three of you in total? "

"Did you tell you about the fire?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, asked back.

"I don't care about the reception work." Ms. Cat just said this, and asked again: "Where are you going? If you stop by, take you for a ride."

"You have prepared the dormitory for us, listen to the fire and say that it is inside the base of the network ball?" Yichuan Gaochuan said, and the car door opened.

Catwoman nodded to them and said, "Come on."

The prostitutes Takagawa and Saki Ye didn't hesitate at all. Gregia carefully looked at the car and Ms. Cat, and then got on the car step by step.

"Is there any progress in the investigation of the crime scene?" Gao Tichuan, the prostitute, asked after the car started, referring to the scene of the murder near Big Ben.

"There are some, but, there is no meaning." Ms. Cat answered lightly. To be continued. .

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