Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 820: Shenzhai II

In the deep mansion, the area of ​​the vestibule alone has a diameter of 100 meters. The woods behind the mansion extend all the way. The layers of trees make the scenery over there look no end, but the moonlight seems to be more than the outside The city is brighter and shredded by dense foliage, like shattered glass reflecting on the green ground. The car drove into the garage area at the edge of the woods, and the scenery that I saw was suddenly relieved from the modern city. It is hard to imagine that in London, where there is a lot of money, there is such a large private land, and the owner of this land is Her Majesty the Queen of Britain. The online ball has the support of Her Majesty the Queen and has a huge voice in this country, and the current scene is just a tiny aspect of this voice.

Gregia got out of the car and was immediately attracted by several RVs that were also on the edge of the wood, not far from the garage. Around the RV was a tent, and a bonfire rose up, making the surroundings hot and bright. However, deeper into the woods, the fire was quickly swallowed up by the deep darkness against the moonlight.

The wildly dressed people linger between the tent and the RV, like a group of wild roamers, some wearing ethnic costumes, laying blankets on the ground, or propping up the stalls by the RV, it looks like It seems that it is selling something tempting, attracting more people to patronize the conversation, the noisy vocals, the sound of the wooden scoop and the collision of the pots and pans constitute a lively scene. Gregia's curious gaze fell on a tent. The decoration of that tent was full of familiar mystery, just like the place where the soothsayer was in the impression. There were incense burners in front of the tent. Several people greedily Sniffing the white smoke.

No matter how you look, these big voices speak vulgar slang. People who behaved as casually as they wore, felt the same as before in the vestibule. However, these unusual people can do their own things here, and naturally it cannot be the negligence of the mansion guard, Gregya understands. These people are from a mysterious organization, or even from the same mysterious organization, just wondering why they do not live in a comfortable and luxurious mansion that looks comfortable, rather than camping out.

These people are a group of "not easy to provoke" even if they are viewed by the standard of common social common sense, and their personalities can be accepted by the network ball, naturally in the mysterious circle, of course, they are also a group of "not hot". Greg Ya looked at the prostitutes Takagawa and Sakuya, hoping that they could talk about the interesting things. The strong personalities released by these people, for the girls who grew up in the United States since childhood, have not yet completely passed through the rebellious period and freshness of life. For college students, there is a fatal attraction, like seeing a moth of fire. Of course, as a member of the whisperer, he believes that he has entered this circle and has great prospects. Gregya. No It may be like a moth, but regardless of whether it is the whisperer, but if these people are encountered initially, she might become one of them.

Although, these people look more vulgar and savage than whisperers and online balls. Both men and women. They are all like a gangster, with a black muscle power. Guns, ammunition and cold weapons are hanging on the waist and back, and if they are seen by ordinary people. It must have been unavoidable.

A woman in a beige shirt and denim shorts met Gregia's gaze. She grinned and didn't mean to scare people. Instead, she felt heroic and heroic. However, Gregia saw clearly that her underwear was not worn under her shirt at all, and the chest that fits her body showed a silhouette. The shirt hem was **** to reveal the navel, and the short jeans even exposed the hips and One-third of the hips look so slutty in this way.

This is a woman full of contradictions, but can not deny that she has a different charm.

Although the eyes met, it was only a brief moment. Gregia felt she was saying hello to herself and was preparing to smile and nod her head. The other party turned her head and ignored it. The whisperer and his party come here, and those people cannot be unaware, but it is only this woman who greets actively, or seems to say hello. And this woman does not look different from the others in this group. It does n’t look like a certain boss, but the sense of combing and xenophobia from this group of people has been clearly transmitted to the station not far away. Observe the hearts of their whisperers and others.

"The last survivor." Catwoman standing by the side first introduced: "The idea of ​​this organization is their name until the last survivor. This is an extreme and united organization, they are good at all kinds of extreme environments. Survive and fight, believe in organization, luck, and simple and practical tools. If you want to describe it, it is a bit like a combination of gangsters, survival game groups, and lonely people ’s adoption centers. All members of this organization are held by mysterious forces. Those who are equipped with prophets and conscious walkers are very well-organized in their organizational structure. They also operate orphanages to deliver new blood to the organization, but the requirements for admission are very strict, and even harsh. They do not force involuntary people to join the organization. However, once they are ready to join the organization, they must withstand a series of tests of independent survival and adventure in a dangerous environment. In this test, the testee asked to enter a harsh environment and survive with bare hands, or even naked. For a while, and eventually survived. "

Catwoman glanced at Gregia and said, "Their entrance exams are not the most dangerous, but one of the cruelest of all mysterious organizations. There are many people who can't stand the psychological pressure of extreme survival. And all kinds of sudden crises eventually collapsed. However, the number of deceased is quite small in the enrollment test of all mysterious organizations, because every newcomer who monitors the exam is an experienced veteran, they have enough Ability to pull the loser back from the edge of death, but you will never expect to live the rest of your life as a mental patient. Because of this test, the members of this organization are mentally resilient Famous. "

"That is to say, basically, as long as the mind is tough enough, it will basically not be eliminated?" The body style Gaochuan suddenly inserted.

"Yes. However, those who cannot complete the number of days of survival will be deported to the reserve team." Catwoman said: "Their reserve team is quite large. However, all the members here are positive members."

"We haven't been less active in Europe and America in recent years, but. These people have heard for the first time." Miyaki was puzzled.

"Because these people are like gypsy wanderers, they travel around the world from day to night, and always choose the most sinister place." Catwoman said meaningfully, "Every day they are asking themselves whether they can When the end comes, become the last survivor and make unremitting efforts for this. "

"It sounds like very powerful people." Gregia said with some admiration, who knew that Catwoman was only a slight sneer. Say: "It's just asking for bitter taste." Obviously allies of the online ball, only friendly organizations standing on the united front will appear in this mansion, however, Catwoman's performance is like and What old complaints do these people have. However, it should be a personal grudge, Catwoman does not intend to delve into this topic. The prostitute Gao Chuan looked at each other, and did not intend to get to the bottom.

"Are you going to say hello?" Gregia stared at the crowd over there. Some calmed down, but couldn't help asking.

"They don't like to chat with outsiders, they are very 'introverted' organizations. However, if you plan to make a small deal with them, you might as well go and see. They have some specialty products in their hands, and they like to use these specialty products and other The people of the mysterious organization do business. " The Catwoman lifted her chin toward the tent that seemed to live with a fortuneteller. "Did you see that? The tent is where their prophet lived. This prophet claimed to be able to proactively predict the fate of someone, not just like most prophets." In that way, it is just passively receiving future notices. Many people think that her predictions are very accurate. If you are interested, you can try it. "

"Have you tried?" Sakuya asked.

"No, I don't need that kind of prophecy." Catwoman said lightly, but the prostitutes Takagawa and Saya Ye felt that the contradiction between her and these "last survivors" might be the root of her and this mysterious organization. On the contradiction between the prophets. However, regardless of the specific situation, neither of them continued to test.

"Why do they smoke the smoke from those incense burners?" Gregia asked curiously, "Like smoking marijuana?"

"It's something similar to marijuana." Catwoman explained: "And, it's a drug that can produce extremely useful effects against the physique of the mysterious holder."

"Sounds like a" paradise "?" Gregia smiled dryly, but she understood that the "paradise" made with the unique flower of white Claudia, but a masterpiece of doomsday truth, in a sense In fact, it is with this highly effective psychedelic medicine that the development of doomsday truth can only grow so quickly.

"Yes, it's a bit like a" paradise ", so it has always been criticized." Catwoman pursed her lips disdainfully. "However, no one can take them. And these fans are also one of their specialties. People are sought after. Although there is a certain addiction, overdose will also produce side effects, but it is still very effective for analgesic, alleviating toxins and temporarily boosting strength. It is much better than traditional analgesics and epinephrine. That works directly through the channel of "mystery", and it also works on "mystery" itself. It can be regarded as a popular must-have for adventure. Don't look at the appearance of these people like drug addiction, feel good Bullying, this addiction is totally restrainable for them, even if it is out of stock for a lifetime. "

After saying this to Gregia, I took another look at the prosthetic body Gaochuan and smiled with interest, continuing to say: "These people also have professionals who specialize in picking up and coming out of the cabinet. All those who have tried have thought that their technology is The world is second to none. If you are interested, just enter the tent over there. "Catwoman points to a tent that looks very ordinary, has no special marks, and has no personal characteristics. Her movements finally caused a few people over there. Attention, after realizing what Catwoman pointed out, they blew a few frivolous whistles towards this side.

"If there is a chance." Yichuan Gaochuan said, Sakuya just stood beside him, smiling faintly, completely unable to see any mood swings. Although the two are related, the relationship between them is not so much as a couple, but rather towards the family. In this world line, after Gao Chuan went to college, there were several female playmates, but. Neither Sakuya and the Eight Scenes produced any emotions.

"The girlfriend can be changed, but the family can't be replaced." Miyaki once said this, and that's how she thought. And as she said. In the end, no woman can replace her and Bajing in Gao Chuan's heart. It is precisely because Gao Chuan always chooses two people, and abandons those girlfriends who have had a relationship and are justified, so those women have left.

From beginning to end, Gao Chuan is still Gao Chuan of the whisperer. It is Miyake and Bajing's family, and Miyoshi also firmly believes that such relationships and emotions will last forever. If anything in this world is eternal, then such a heart is eternal.

Catwoman's tentative gaze rolled around the prostitutes Gao Chuan and Saki Ye, probably unable to see any flaws, and finally let go.

"Are you going?" She asked.

"Not needed for the time being." Gao Chuan replied with the body style, which made Gregia a little disappointed. But it just shrugged.

"Then, I'll take you to the registration desk first. Someone will meet you later." Catwoman said: "I still have tasks, so I can't continue to accompany you."

"It's okay, it's enough to bring us over." Yichuan Gaochuan smiled sincerely. "If we come by ourselves, it might be more troublesome."

"That wouldn't be the case, since the fire escape told you to come over. Naturally I greeted you." Catwoman disagreed and said, "Here we work 24 hours a day. Even if you come back in the middle of the night, someone will check in for you. The camp for the last survivors is the same, as long as you are willing to pass in. You will be satisfied with the payment of enough overnight fees-"At this point, she paused and said in a suggestive tone:" At least, yes Enjoy it very much. "

"Ms. Cat is very experienced?" Gregia snapped in suddenly.

Catwoman's expression stiffened, and Miyaki couldn't help but chuckle.

But Catwoman quickly rectified her good expression and said casually: "In Europe and the United States, these people's criticism is very 'good', and they are also the most determined allies of the online ball, so we are familiar enough with each other. "After a pause, no one plugged in, and she turned around to lead the way," Go, it's getting late, and you must be a little tired, and take a good rest. The meeting will be held in two days. Here, There will not be any trouble to find the door, you can easily spend this time. "

The whisperer and his party followed Catwoman into the mansion through the side door. Although it was a side door, it also gave a grand and solemn feeling and did not make people feel slow. The thick wooden door is actually just covered with a layer of wooden shell, inside is a heavy alloy steel plate, even ordinary armor-piercing projectiles can resist, but the quality produced by the strong defense force, for most people, need Relying on some institutions to open freely. Catwoman couldn't push the door open by herself, so she used the identity checker beside the door. Some cameras have been paying attention to this area, but if someone can push the door open, it will not immediately cause a harsh alarm. The specific security measures have a deeper meaning. These issues are not something that the three-person Gaochuan need to consider.

Catwoman fulfilled her previous words and brought three prostitutes, Gao Chuan, to the registration desk and immediately left. The service staff responsible for registering the three is a simple young maid. However, the other party is completely different from the role-playing in the love game. Regardless of temperament, action, or the serious and old-fashioned black maid costume, it gives a sense of impeccable professionalism. After completing the registration, Gregia looked a little tired, and what she saw and heard this evening was replaced by ordinary people, which she would never encounter in her life.

Another maid of the same dress was called into ~ ~ After bowing and saluting, she simply said, "Dear guests, please go with the scumbag," and there was no intention of actively speaking along the way. The mansion is very spacious, the outer aisle is ten meters wide, but because of the scarcity of people, it is quiet and makes people a little panic. Even if Gregia lightened her footsteps, she could clearly hear her footsteps and walk In front of the maid, the speed and pace are as accurate as the ruler, but it also gives people a weird fear. She looked up at the glass at the top of the wall and couldn't see the moon, but the moonlight seemed to be sifted into the aisle, dropping clusters on the wall, as if mottled from what would emerge from it.

A five-star hotel is better. Gregia said in his heart, at this time, when he first arrived, the novelty of this mansion has been completely dispelled by this quiet and serene atmosphere.

Prostitutes Takagawa and Misaki did not feel anything special about this mansion. For haunted houses and deep curse castles full of curses, the two had long been searching for mysterious events before the whisperers were established. I have experienced enough. They can also feel that the quiet atmosphere in this mansion is unusual, but it is not surprising on the site of a mysterious organization.

Here, of course, some mystery and strangeness will be hidden. To be continued. .

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