Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 823: Chamber Murder II

A capable conscious walker dies in a mansion dedicated to the temporary placement of allies on the Netball. This is not a trivial thing to ignore. Just one night ago, the mansion was calm and calm. Although the internal mysterious defense made the atmosphere of the whole mansion biased, but also because of the existence of such an unusual atmosphere that hints at the mysterious existence, the mysterious organization can be at ease live here. It is impossible for the cyber ball to throw all its allies into the trap at this critical moment. If the cyber ball is such a shady organization, its scale cannot be so strong today, and it is impossible to obtain international recognition. However, in this area where a fairly strong defensive network should be laid out, the death of an important person of a mysterious organization of the League appeared. If the deceased has no influence and is a small person that can be easily killed, perhaps the trouble of the online ball will not be that great. However, the identity of the deceased and the situation that there is no clue at the moment, start to make the online ball more trouble. .

Even so, when the fire escape introduced the case to the three whisperers, it still took a leisurely attitude. "We have long been prepared to face all kinds of difficulties. Although it is indeed a bit tricky now, it is not unexpected." Huo Huo told the people very clearly: "The plan will not stop because of the death of one or two people, all Everyone who stays here understands that the mysterious world is so dangerous, even if it is well prepared and at a time when the least accident should happen, there is no guarantee that it will be safe. If it is just because it is in a special place, At a special time, the special circumstances that occur will produce a state of mind shaking and try to expand the trouble, then. We will invite such people to go out without hesitation. "

These hard-lined and very straightforward words were spoken in front of everyone after convening the principals of the relevant mysterious organizations. If it is replaced by a normal political game, it may cause additional disturbances. However, the people currently staying in this residence know how much the current situation will be handled. In what way will it end, although it is not the best situation for the dead and the mysterious organization that has lost a conscious walker, but for everyone, it must be generally acceptable.

"We will continue to trace clues. I believe everyone wants to find the murderer. The situation is now. It is no different from the past. Threats from mysteries, no matter where they exist. In this world, as long as there are mysterious involvements, no There will be absolute safety. I hope that even if it is a special situation, no, it is because it is a special situation. So I hope that everyone will be considerate, and the network ball will not shirk its responsibility. The network ball has never broken its trust, nor There is no previous history of sorry partners, and this advantage will inevitably continue in the future. "The fire escapes in the eyes of everyone, calmly and solemnly saying:" Now, let us observe silence for the deceased, and then pull out the **** to raise the guy! "

"Is the murderer in this mansion?" Someone asked.

"The possibility is high, but not absolute." Fu Huo said. Although there is no affirmative statement, compared with the ordinary people in the normal world, the walkers of the mysterious world understand that this kind of ambiguousness is a kind of helplessness. In the face of the unknown mystery, any affirmative answer has May become another trap. Firefighting uses probabilities to answer, but it makes others feel that the cyber ball hasn't been chaotic because of the suddenness of the situation. The ambiguous answer has always been difficult to win people's trust. Even in the mysterious circle, even if it is intellectually understandable, it is also difficult to agree with the emotion. However, the accumulated credit and prestige of the online ball for a long time, let all possible existence. The troubles, at least at this time, do not exist.

Judging from the silence on the spot, the situation has been temporarily controlled.

"It's not the first time everyone has encountered this kind of emergencies. They have their own experience in how to deal with it. However, I still have to explain that the online ball does not have decisive clues. All investigations must start from the beginning. The enemy is hiding very well, and so far there are no flaws. "The fire continued:" This mansion is already unsafe. It can be understood if someone intends to leave. We are not going to set up a level, but the people who leave are all Registration is required. Twenty-four hours, the office can handle the departure registration process at any time. "

"If the murderer is among us, shouldn't everyone be forbidden to leave?" Gregia whispered aside.

"Don't be stupid, little girl." Before waiting for the response of the prostitutes Gao Chuan and Saki Ye, the old man of a mysterious organization lowered his voice and laughed lightly: "Do you think this is a normal society? Mysterious connection, not It will be cut off because of the distance between time and space. The cruelty and closeness of this world is stronger than you think. "

Gregia's metaphorical view of the old man seems to be quite understandable, but it is not a sudden expression, but the other party does not intend to explain it more directly. The situation is also moving towards the trend implied by the old men. The main heads of the mysterious organizations gathered here, including the mysterious organization to which the deceased belongs, have not been emotional or faced with the decision of the online ball. One said he wanted to leave the mansion. Their looks are as usual, it seems that the performance and decision of the network ball are within the acceptable range as expected.

However, the murderer may be in these mysterious organizations, but it is not a situation that can be truly indifferent. On behalf of the online ball, the fire team explained to you that the relevant investigation will be dominated by the online ball, and although the private investigation of the mysterious organization is not allowed, all information, even if the evidence is conclusive, must be transferred to the online ball for processing, prohibiting private use Use force to target a suspect or a self-identified prisoner. Especially in this mansion, no fight for any reason is allowed.

In this interim meeting, the fire escaped specifically questioned the security of the mansion, and directly and indirectly stated that the actions and requirements of the online ball did not exceed its owner's position. However, the indifference of the people does not mean that the storm has passed. The calm on the surface cannot conceal the undercurrent surge below.

Gregia doesn't like the current atmosphere. The atmosphere of this mansion was not very pleasant, but, after an unexpected murder, or so. After the changes that might have happened, this somber and solemn atmosphere seems to be painted with too many colors, and becomes more muddy and strange.

After the meeting, the heads of various mysterious organizations returned to their organizations. Even if the online ball has started to act, it does not mean that they can sit firmly in the chair. Special circumstances, unexpected events. In the mysterious world, they are not very rare things. They have their own methods. In addition to avoiding the necessary rules to avoid, they have to avoid the risks that have spread. As to whether these methods can be successful, we can only say that no matter when. All must withstand the test of facts. but. anyway. The risk probability is different between the arrangement and the arrangement.

The three whisperers did not leave at all. The prosthetic body Gaochuan asked a question to the fire escape and wheelchair people: "There are so many organizations here, why do the two specially come to inform us in person?" If it is really the same, or completely There is no clue, the most suitable approach for the online ball. Should not visit anyone in advance, go directly to the scene of the temporary meeting, and then summon all the people to come. However, after the murder, the fire escape and wheelchair people gathered in the whisperer's room. If it was said that it was all about expressing the importance of the online ball to the whisperer, it must be a lie. At least, the prosthetic body Gaochuan thinks so. Behavioral bias is not always in good faith, nor does it always bring good results.

The prostitute Gao Chuan has noticed that at this interim meeting, other mysterious organizations are looking at the whisperers. Whether it's the choice of fire escape and wheelchair person, or the coincidence in time, the whisperer has become the core of attention. Even if those eyes are not direct, they are not open, they cannot change this fact.

"Speaking while walking, I'll take you to see the scene." Fire said so, and his performance seems to imply that the whisperer has indeed become one of the suspects.

Gregia also noticed this targeted anomaly, like odor particles spreading in the air, accompanied by breathing into the body, forming a unique, disturbing message for her.

"Are you suspicious of us !?" Gregia did not hesitate to say what she wanted in her heart. She had a sullied anger, although she did not understand why she and others suddenly became suspects. . This is not an answer based on the suspicion that "everyone may be a murderer", but it seems to be biased towards a situation where there are clues. In this way, the action of fire escape is like deliberately covering up and covering up, which is precisely the attitude Gregia is unwilling to accept, because she is very sure that her own person has never assassinated the conscious walker. .

Why should we do this? What are the benefits of killing him in such a place? The questions were written on her face in the slightest light.

"Yes." Facing Gregia's questioning, Fushun replied without hesitation. His voice was not loud, but he couldn't feel any biased emotions, as if he was just talking about things.

Both the prostitutes Takakawa and Saki Yeh did not speak, and what Gregia could perceive, naturally they could perceive. In fact, they do not feel that they are suspected of being in a dangerous situation. Since the fire is done, there are naturally corresponding clues. However, only oneself and others can be sure that this clue, if it is not perjury, is otherwise meaningful, and the fire is right. It is impossible to be sure whether this clue is pointing correctly, and then the current method of action will be taken to be observed.

"You were invited by us, but we didn't ask to move in." Gregia said tit-for-tat: "Are you treating your allies like this? If you don't arrive in twenty-four hours, you will blacklist the other party?" The organization that the unlucky guy is affiliated with has nothing to do with the whisperer. Our actions in Europe and the United States have never been out of sight of those of you. Who is in communication with us and who is with us? There is conflict, but you know it right. "

"Yes, because you shouldn't be a murderer, but there are clues pointing to you. Such a contradiction prompts us to communicate further, doesn't it?" Huo said: "The first to find the maid in the mansion of the dead, and the scene It was also handled by us first, and all the clues had been blocked before we notified the organization of the deceased to collect the corpse. Our handling method is very proper, is n’t it? "

"The murderer is not us." Gregia just stared at the fire and said: "No matter what you find, our answer is the same. If you really think we are allies, you don't need to think about it anymore. This possibility, no matter what the clue points to. "

Before answering fire. Miyaki asked: "Is the dead in his room?"

"Yes, members of the same organization will try to arrange in one room, or in adjacent rooms, and try to avoid the situation where only one person lives in one room." The fire replied calmly: "This is also a security measure. Part of it. You and I know it. There is no real peace where the mystery goes. "

"But, we were targeted." Gao Chuan said.

"Yes. This is our judgment." The wheelchair person also said at this time: "The person who can kill the conscious walker is very likely to be another powerful conscious walker, and such a powerful and weird conscious walk. It ’s not common in London. Plus, assuming that the whisperer is the object of the design, then it is eligible. There is only one so far. "

Prostitutes Takagawa and Sakuya immediately understood what wheelchair users meant. For Sakuya. This enemy is still a stranger who knows nothing, but for the prostitute Gaochuan, it is the young Gaochuan and Jiang.

"If it weren't for Mr. Gao Chuan telling us something about your ideology, the positioning of the enemy might be more difficult." Huo said: "However, we believe you. And what you said, so—"

"If you don't plan to start with my consciousness, then the whisperer can't help you much." Yichuan Gaochuan still has a cautious skepticism about the situation described by fire escapes and wheelchair people, but no matter what the truth is, you Needing the other party to open the door to their own ideological world is a short-term goal that must be achieved. If you can't open your ideological door before the battle for the spiritual integration device begins, you can't even reach out to the teenagers Gao Chuan and Jiang, let alone negotiate or fight with the other party.

"We will consider your proposal, but if the situation is really as you described, then all attempts to enter your ideological world are an adventure." The wheelchair person smiled: "We hope to be there Before, it was possible to clarify the purpose of the enemy. After all, the enemy we think of does not have enough evidence to prove that the other party is the center of all troubles. "

"I don't like your hesitation." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan said bluntly.

"I'm sorry, being cautious and well-rounded is our usual style." Huo Huo said: "I think, with more contact, you whisperers will like having allies like us."

"Mr. Gao Chuan, forgive me for taking the liberty. If the enemy is acting against you, then, what do you think his purpose is?" The wheelchair person asked, digressing.

"Is it certain that the enemy's target is our whisperer, not a cyber ball or other mysterious organization?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, turned the question back to his original position: "Although the enemy's tactics have indeed been taken What we whisperers mean by essays, but what is his real goal? In fact, the possibility of our whisperers is actually the smallest. Let's be honest, the fire, did the dead leave a message? "

Nodding and nodding, it didn't mean to hide: "In the room of the deceased, your name was found, Mr. Gao Chuan."

"That's really interesting." It's not surprising that the prosthetic body Gao Chuan. Before the wheelchair person mentioned that there were no traces in the mansion of consciousness, however, it did not explain the normal scene. Although some people will subjectively ignore the equally important normal scene because of wheelchair-induced instructions and questions, the brain hardware of the prosthetic Gaochuan does not have this dead end.

"No ~ ~ It doesn't mean anything, Gao Chuan." Gregia pouted, saying, "We are treated as suspects, even though the two guys didn't disclose details, but their Action is seen by everyone, they are not fools. "

"No need to worry about this for the time being, because no one is a fool, everyone can see how obvious this kind of pertinence is. It's almost plain to say that deliberately poured sewage on Mr. Gao Chuan." Wheelchair person Once again appeasing some anxious Gregia, said: "This is not a police station, so this lady doesn't need to worry, we will follow formal legal procedures to define these things."

"It's here." As he said, the fire broke the conversation. There are no special warning labels for the rooms on site, and the rooms are more ordinary in style. A maid was standing by in front of the door, saw the sign of fire, and opened the door. After the people entered, they saw a particularly striking human hook line, which roughly described the deceased's on-the-spot situation-he sat on the sofa with his head back and his neck against the top of the sofa back. When the fire escaped, he walked directly to the coffee table in front of the sofa and picked up the white paper placed on it.

"This is a demonstration prop. The real note writes Mr. Gao Chuan's name. We have done an appraisal. It was indeed written by the dead."

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