Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 827: Death Note

"If, this dead conscious walker has already been controlled? What if his conscious ability is actually activated?" The wheelchair person said: "You should not forget that it is because of the presentation It is because of this characteristic that the action of the year was established. If the holder did not die and was not completely destroyed, then it is not surprising that its characteristic was developed in these years. "

The hypothesis of the wheelchair person caused confusion. Perhaps, the actual situation is as the companion guessed. After lurking for many years, the owner finally relied on a more perfect force to take advantage of this momentous occasion to take revenge on the enemy. By aiming at the whisperer Gao Chuan, forcing the network ball to stop sticking, creating various suspense, and dispersing the energy of the network ball, thereby gradually invading and disintegrating the inside of the network ball. In this process, Gao Chuan's situation may be very important to him, maybe not very important, maybe he can be killed, maybe he can't be killed, but these have no decisive significance. The key is that Gao Chuan is very important to whisperers, and whisperers are very important to the netball.

There should have been no omissions in the actions of the siege holders that year. In the mind of the fire, the brutal conscious walker battle has been played back for many years.

"After so many years, I always thought that things were over." The fire stared at the coffee in his hand, and the dark brown liquid swirled gently, making him feel trance, just like another reincarnation of that incident.

"That man used to be the most powerful conscious walker in Europe and America. Actually, I have never been sure whether he was accomplished, or whether he has such a powerful force." The voice of the wheelchair person is in the ear of the fire. Ethereal, like the heat from the coffee cup, "is a very special critical weapon, even at that time, some people think that it is the limit of the critical weapon. It may even exceed this limit. Remember why people called this weapon at that time? ? Over-limit weapons. To this day, the second level of weapons has not appeared in the ruling bureau. And that person is the only one who can seize this weapon from their hands under the layers of Armed Forces of Armageddon. people."

"Speaking of it, we have to thank him. If it were n’t for taking it from the doomsday doctrine, we will face it today. It will be a more terrifying doomsday doctrine ... No, maybe, the doomsday doctrine did not Lost, now we will no longer stand here. "Huo Hu said with emotion.

"Critical weapon ... Is it brought here? Fire off." The wheelchair man asked about this.

Nodded and nodded. Know that wheelchair people don't want to talk about things that year, fights that year. The pattern of conscious walkers in Europe and America is undoubtedly a huge shuffle. That cruel battle has always been a psychological trauma that conscious walkers who can directly participate in the war and can survive. They can only hide those scars deeply in their hearts. Fire escape can understand the wheelchair person's thoughts at this time. Although there is no direct confirmation of the reproduction, the existing evidence is awakening the terrible memory in his heart.

Believe in fire. None of the conscious walkers in Europe and America wanted to think about things that year, which is one of the reasons why he has not published the results of the on-site investigation. Among the people stationed in this mansion, there is no lack of conscious walkers who participated in the war with wheelchair people. The deceased is undoubtedly one of the insiders, and he is now dead, and the suspected power is working. Once these speculations break out, there will definitely be more waves. This is not what the whisperer Gao Chuan was able to compare against such trivial matters.

"Compared to these uncertain things. I am more interested in the girl who is the whisperer, is it called Gregia?" Said the wheelchair man.

"Yes. Gregia was once one of the candidates for the son of destiny." Xia Huo said: "It's a good seedling. It was originally the most promising one in the destiny of children."

"Speaking is very sharp, but the character seems to be different from the information I got." The wheelchair person asked.

"She has also changed a lot, but this change is not the same as that of Mr. Gao Chuan." Xia Huo nodded and said, "When I first met her, I was in the ruling bureau. If I remember correctly, That was her first involvement in mystery. "

"The first time you entered the ruling bureau?" The wheelchair man laughed.

"In this conversation, she behaved a little impulsively, but—" Before the fire broke out, she was interrupted by the wheelchair person: "Her stance is firm. I don't think her impulse is unconscious."

"She is the conference delegate sent by the whisperer." Huo Hu smiled. "She knows what she is doing, and she must have a reason to do so. Mr. Gao Chuan and Miss Saya Yeh did not stop her when she spoke Isn't it? She is a whisperer and someone who has the right to speak to the outside world. "

"So, the whisperer really doesn't plan to add more?" Said the wheelchair man.

"It should be such an attitude." Chau said, "Although there will be no problems in cooperation, they do not seem to intend to continue to deepen such cooperation. This is very similar to the attitude of the Central Duchy on international issues. On international issues, we must get used to this style. "

Just as the fire escape and the wheelchair person talked about the whisperer, the whisperer's three had left the mansion and entered the jungle behind. The spatial anomaly does not only appear in the mansion. The area including the mansion, vestibule and jungle part is measured by walking, and it is far beyond normal. In an international metropolis with an inch of gold and an inch of gold, it may be possible to have a mansion of a few hundred square meters, but once this area is expanded to thousands of square meters in the senses, it makes people feel unrealistic, especially The location is still in this place close to the city center.

The last survivor's camp on the edge of the jungle was less than when it was first seen last night. Some members greeted habitually when they saw three prostitutes Gao Chuan, but neither party immediately borrowed The opportunity to communicate intimately. The last survivor, a mysterious organization, conforms to the characteristics of most internally cohesive mysterious organizations, that is, some exclusion. Of course, it does not mean that they resist contact with people outside the organization, but only that everything is public. Feeling inhuman. Even though they would greet themselves, the atmosphere exuded from this group could not make people feel that they actually wanted to bring their relationship closer together, but instead made people feel that they were actively telling others not to approach themselves.

"Business is business, there is no need to talk to friends, does that mean?" Gregia withdrew his gaze from those people. The warm sunshine was falling into the dense forest. It was cut and shattered by the branches, and shattered the golden light on the ground. As you go deeper into the dense forest, the thicker the fallen leaves pile up on the ground, you can't help but feel a rot. The green and peculiar smells unique to lush vegetation are mixed together. Some pungent.

"Achuan, have you heard of it before? About the matter." Sakuya asked.

"I also heard it for the first time. However, the words of the fire escape and that wheelchair person do not seem to be perfunctory." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan said: "They are really ignorant about this matter, the reason why they concealed the investigation at the scene Intelligence, it should not be to cover up for me, at least most of them are not. "

"That man just sold us our face for what they would have done." Gregia pouted. Speaking: "If you tell them Gao Chuan, you don't care to disclose the name on that note ..."

"No, we don't need to get more promises from the online ball." The body style Gao Chuan interrupted Gregia's words and said: "Don't forget our purpose of coming to London, Gregia. At the set goal already When it is reached, there is no need to take greater risks and gain more benefits. "

"It's not that I said that the whisperer's rules of action are really conservative, and obviously only need to say a few more words to eat a larger piece of meat." Gregia complained a few words. However, in the end it just shrugged. "Other Asians I have met are not so good at speaking."

"You don't like people who are too intrusive and careless, do you?" Gao Chu, the proselyte, asked back.

"Yes, so I don't have any complaints. You think it's appropriate to do so." Gregya said: "However, next time, don't let me play this kind of ignorant and cautious role. I am a spokesperson 'S role represents the decency of the whisperer. "

"However, no one forced you to do this ignorant and careless character?" Saki Ye suddenly laughed, "So, maybe you exposed your nature."

"You guys, don't talk nonsense if you don't speak." Gregia slammed his hands around Misaki's waist. "My nature is not so mean and childish."

The playful sound of the two fell in the quiet jungle, as if the sunlight had become much warmer. The depression caused by the mysterious and solemn feeling in the mansion seemed to be wiped out in a while. After a while, the two talents stopped and sighed gasping for the night. When she didn't turn into the Ashbringer, she was just an ordinary person.

"Gao Chuan, will somebody die next? And will you still leave your name on the scene?" Gregia confirmed that she thought the murderer would have succeeded once and would not stop. Although for the time being, a lot of information is still missing, but the name "Gaochuan" written on the spot should not be untargeted. If the other party leaves other people's names in the subsequent actions, it will be confusing. Gregia believes that the personality reflected in this case is very strong, and every message left must have a strict meaning.

"That guy, are you going to make the whisperer be the target?" She can only think of this at the moment, "But, what can we do to expel us? The cyber ball will never let our whisperer be blamed, and this kind of The act of slandering and blaming is also too obvious. His actions have made all the organizations living here self-defense, but will promote everyone's psychology.

"This is the general situation. However, this time may be different." Miyaki whispered: "Otherwise they will not be so careful about their fire. Although it was only revealed after Gao Chuan's questioning, but ,,, Probably the key. "

"They don't want us to participate in this matter." The body style Gao Chuan raised his eyes looking at the road and cast it towards the end of the faint vocals. After a forest path meanders to a soil bag, including this scene, look around I can't feel it all around, I am in the city, as if farther away, it is a wilderness.

"If the intelligence is really blocked for reasons, it proves that more people know and related things here." Gregia also looked at the direction of the sound with some curiosity. "Are we here to investigate further? I'm sure that for these people, it must be like a nightmare. It is not an easy thing to let them voluntarily disclose relevant information. Maybe they will be seen by them. What's wrong. So how do you explain over the fire? They have worked hard to hide the relevant situation, and they are not hesitating to use us as a guise. "

"We have to understand something about the situation." Takagawa's expression became serious. "Don't forget, the note left by the deceased. It's my name. Even if I'm not the murderer's ultimate goal, it's one of them. The target. Is he trying to kill me, or the owner of the whisperer? Who is he? Why did he do this? Gregya, everyone of our whisperer, may be included in the killing list. "

"Including eight scenes and Cheka?" Gregya said.

"This is the worst possibility." The voice of the body style Gao Chuan is a little deep, and people can clearly feel an indescribable strong will.

"If that note is part of it, is that a proof. Gao Chuan you can be immune to the power?" Miyaki suddenly asked, "Is it because of a problem with your ideology?"

"If you kill by consciousness, it will definitely not work for me." The tone of the body style Gao Chuan is very certain. "Don't worry, Sakuya, my consciousness problem is not so bad. I am actually very happy, exactly Because of this ideological problem, I have the power to protect you. If you say that there is nothing that does not require a price, then. I am very happy to pay such a price. "He stared at Saki with a serious and focused look Ye and Gregia, "For me, if you are born in this world, you must bear these costs and bear such a fate, then, I am very grateful for letting me be born in this world."

"Achuan ..." Sakuya stared blankly at him. Gregia also didn't speak for a while. After a while, he rubbed his arms desperately and said with awkward nasal voice: "Good numbness, Gao Chuan, won't your brain burn out? Say first, my ideal partner It ’s not your type, of course, it ’s just a matter of sexual partner. ”

Although Gregia deliberately made a fuss and wanted to break the atmosphere that made her feel uncomfortable, no one went down her steps. Prostitute Gao Chuan rubbed her head and stopped talking about this matter. She moved forward quickly, and for a time, the atmosphere in the team fell silent. I do n’t know why, thinking about what Gao Chuan said in Miyake ’s mind, I vaguely felt that there was a unique sense of auspiciousness, which was not a good hunch, but it was not bad, but I thought something would happen.

Yes, at what price? What kind of fate does it carry? Achuan-

Prostitute Gao Chuan did n’t know why he said such words suddenly, and these words would undoubtedly cause Misaki to have more associations. Although this is his own mood, such a shameful words suddenly burst out from him, or He was also surprised. It's like, if you don't say it at this time, you may not have the opportunity to express this feeling of hunch in the future, forcing him to do the behavior most in line with the emotional impulse.

Is it because my time is coming? Prosthetic Gaochuan glanced at the progress of Gaochuan's information fusion in the lower corner of the retina screen. As the last killer, he lay there quietly, announcing silently, his own existence, and his most likely choice, or, say, no other choice.

Although there are no very strict regulations, the mansion seems to not allow the mysterious organizations stationed in it to communicate more deeply with each other, and does not allow verbalism and violence. It is just the appearance of this restriction. However, even if they are allies of the network ball, when a group of mysterious organizations gather together, it is impossible to comply with this rule. Each one is like an old and dead neighbor, and this exchange site located deep in the jungle is The online market has been specially developed to allow people to communicate in a temporary market-a spontaneously formed trading field and fighting field ~ ~ without any buildings and trees, three whispers who bypassed the mountain bag, saw It is this large piece of wasteland, a large piece of tent, and a lot of people shouting.

I can't tell the characteristics of these people when they are gathered together, but one thing is absolute, that is, it will never make people feel, just a group of ordinary people who are bored and playing role-playing. More than a hundred people stayed here, more lively than the last survivor's camp seen last night. It even makes people feel that this area is not in the same space as the quiet and quiet mansion.

Gregia whistled, and the hustle and bustle ended the previous silence, letting her produce a kind of emotion that finally got her body out of bondage. She thought that she still prefers this lively atmosphere.

"I hope to have a good harvest," Miyaki said.

"Separate action." Gao Chuan said: "After all, it is not clear who the intelligence will be in the hands. If it is really a taboo."

"I don't have any questions." Gregia said, taking the lead and quickly merging into this group of lively markets.

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