The retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan shows the data of the flow of people in the entire market. Although his sight cannot cover this area, the data collected by the brain hardware has been sufficient to infer more data along the way. The foundation, especially in the 50-meter square circle observation range of the chain judgment, these detailed data have been refined to an alarming level. As long as the normal physical world within this range appears, there is no object to avoid this observation. Although Mr. S ’s companion has a mystery that makes him “invisible,” since he still exists in these fifty in the physical state In the normal space of rice, it is impossible to escape the search of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. Although he seemed to be hiding in another space, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan knew that he did not actually deviate from the normal material space. The evidence is that the chain judgment had locked him the moment he appeared.

Chain judgment is not a general type of mysterious power of detection, but only a talent based on the limit of the human body. The real direct sound effect observation range is only the distance seen by the naked eye, the so-called observation of a 50-meter square circle without dead angle, It is only through the brain hardware to deduce the interaction relationship of the active objects in order to achieve the purpose of determining their movement status. When the active objects are determined, the stationary objects will also become dazzling.

The range of 50 meters square is the range that can be calculated by the normal efficiency of brain hardware. For the young Gaochuan who has no brain hardware but can certainly do this, the understanding of the prostitute Gaochuan is that the other party's brain is bound to bear a terrible load. Although pseudo-swimming is intrinsically inferior to speed-sweeping superpowers, but the prosthetic Gaochuan believes that in the highest use efficiency of chain judgment, the brain cooperates with the brain hardware itself, must exceed that Gaochuan.

The humanoid captured by the prosthetic Gaochuan was originally intended to struggle, but the pure power and power skills of the prosthetic Gaochuan directly restrained him. Like a chick caught in the neck. After the humanoid gave up struggling, his real face gradually emerged. Before this, the humanoid had neither a face nor a gender distinction. It was indeed just a "form of the human body". When he is in this form, it seems that he can achieve the purpose of stealth by "letting others not pay attention to himself". Even when he was just pulled out by the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, the pedestrian next to him turned a blind eye to his existence and directly bypassed his location.

It wasn't until this man showed his original posture that some strange eyes fell on him.

"How did you find me?" The man asked with a sullen face, his abilities failed, and it seemed to have given him some blows. Perhaps he had never failed before this? Prostitute Gao Chuan looked at the man and thought to himself. This man is a little younger than Mr. S. The physique is not so strong, it seems to be just an ordinary person who exercises regularly. It looks good or is tall. It is also average among Europeans and Americans. A pair of slightly rustic black-rimmed glasses is placed on the bridge of the nose. There are no easy-to-remember features-but in the mysterious world, such a lack of individuality is rather conspicuous.

"I don't need my eyes to observe." Yichuan Gaochuan answered the man's question. but. The answer is clearly not satisfying.

"My ability, even intuition, can hide the past." The man stared at him and said, "This is a mystery imposed on the subconscious."

"Are you a conscious walker?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, smiled without any expression of impatience. "Unfortunately, I am very resistant to the power of consciousness. Compared to the ability of consciousness, I think you are hiding in the air The ability in is pretty cool. "

"That's hidden in another space." For many experts, their mysterious power can always be hidden. Try to hide it as much as possible, but the man talks about his ability without hesitation. "You also have a spatial mystery?"

"No, unfortunately, the space you created is not completely isolated from the normal space." Yichuan Gaochuan explained based on his statement: "So, I detected your presence through the gap." As for whether this person said Completely true, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan did not care at all. His mystery can be detected by chain judgment. It is enough to confirm this.

The man shoved his glasses and looked better. Eyes interacted with Mr. S and said to the prosthetic body Gao Chuan: "You can call me Mr. H."

"H?" Yichuan Gaochuan blinked and said, "Sounds erotic."

"Fake squid!" Mr. H whispered, "It's just a letter, where does it sound pornographic?"

"Your swear words may prove that my judgment is correct." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan said seriously, Sakuya not far away and Gregia chuckled at the same time, and the two naturally understood the origin of the provocation of Gao Chuan. "This letter is often used in the Central Duchy, especially in the Eleventh District, to imply some adult restrictions. However, people in Europe and the United States have very few such claims.

"Enough!" This time Mr. S's expression was not so pretty. He said no more nonsense, and said to the three whisperers: "Come with me." He seems to have no killer, or, he doesn't want to try Go on. Prostitute Gao Chuan is not clear why he became good at once, but this does not mean that he is stubborn to find the reason.

"I said, I just want to get some information." The prostitute Gao Chuan grabbed Mr. H's hand and followed Mr. S.

"This is not a 'just want' attitude." Mr. S ironically.

"You can let go of me, and I won't run again." Mr. H said bitterly, "I'm not gay. Didn't you see the people next to us looking at us both with weird eyes?"

"I think they just think we have a good relationship, but the two men's good relationship does not mean they are gay, does it?" The prosthetic body Gao Chuan still tightly hugged Mr. H's wrist, making the other feel a kind of blood circulation pressure.

"Shit! You're talking about shit!" Mr. H yelled, but only attracted more attention. He soon succumbed, hanging his face and not knowing what to think.

A group of five people left the market and found a lawn away from the mound. The area covered by this mansion is indeed obviously extraordinary. If it is just a forest, it will be fine, but in the market, the mound and the lawn. After it appeared, it was more like a wilderness somewhere. And such a green and wild countryside, from the city of London, at least an hour's drive to see.

"Aren't we in London anymore?" Gregia looked at the surrounding environment dumbly. There is still some hustle and bustle from the market, but from here you can no longer see the outline of the market. From what you see, it seems that you are in a deep forest.

"Maybe." Mr. H answered casually.

"It may also be a temporary data hedging space." Miyaki said: "I have seen it in District 51, haven't they? They built the entire base in it. Under the same conditions, District 51 can do it. Things, network **** can be made easier. "

"This is it." Mr. S stopped and chose a big rock to sit down. "Information cannot be spread, otherwise it will cause panic. So, it is better to go to a more secure place to talk about it. Mr. Gao Chuan, do you confirm that there is no one nearby?"

"Within my ability, there are only five of us." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan said, letting go of Mr. H's hand. This Mr. H jumped to the side of Mr. S like a rabbit, squatting on the stone, the expression on his face seemed to be sucked away by the black frame glasses. but. This expressionless gesture makes people feel a little stiff. Judging from the previous conversation, the prostitute Gao Chuan felt that this Mr. H is not a difficult character to deal with. Compared with his ordinary appearance, it is quite lively inside.

"?" Mr. H just seemed to know the cause of the conflict. His expressionlessness was a little bit more rigid. He pushed his glasses, as if with some intimidation, "What information do you want?"

"Have you experienced what happened in that year? Mr. H who is aware of the walker." Takakawa, the prostitute, looked directly at each other's eyes. Instead, Mr. H first let go of his eyes. "I heard that truly level conscious walkers have experienced that incident."

"I didn't go to the battlefield." When Mr. H spoke, he didn't show a happy or regretful expression, as if he was just explaining a matter of course, "My ability at that time, it is impossible to survive in that battle, so I Hiding. I'm better at this. "

"But. You know the relevant situation, don't you? Only in this way can you make a correct judgment." Gregya said: "You have lived to the present, so you are correct."

"... I like what you said, beautiful lady." Mr. H took out a business card from his pocket and ejected it into Gregia's hand, as if it were as elegant as a hammer. "How about we make friends?"

Gregia shrugged his shoulders and put away his business card. I also flew the whisperer ’s business card over: “I do n’t know much about you, but looking at Gao Chuan, your organization seems to be amazing.”

"Organization?" Mr. H smiled mysteriously. "It's just a meal."

"Father Sisen knew more about this matter." Mr. S said: "Why don't you ask him directly?"

"Father Sisen is too difficult to find." Gao Chuan, the protagonist, said, "Why bother to get closer?"

"嘁." Mr. S seems to be complaining about his luck. He sucked his mouth. With so many people in the market, he was caught and he could only say, "Luck you."

"There is no accident in this world, only necessity." Gao Chuan, the body style responded in this way, for him, this sentence is not a big word. The operation of the Doomsday Illusion is powerful, just like the chain judgment can be based on the correlation between the moving objects and the interaction of the moving objects with the stationary objects in them, which can infer a larger range of material operations and constitute All the details of the Doomsday Illusion are not isolated and unpredictable, as long as there are places of interaction, everything is traceable, but no one can fully observe every detail of the Doomsday Illusion, so no one can capture the whole world In hands.

"I don't want to discuss philosophy with you." Mr. S said flatly, after a moment of silence, he finally returned to the topic, "We don't know much about the specific situation. The battle process in those years was not something that we non-combatants can understand. Yes, if it ’s the guy who died this morning, it ’s a suitable candidate for intelligence. I can only tell you what I know and my ability, but these things are not necessarily complete and not necessarily correct. You also Knowing the mystery, especially this high-level mystery, it is difficult to determine the facts unless you personally experience it. All I know is just the things that have been passed on by others and what I have learned on my side, all together You are going to ask Father Sisen, you can get more accurate results. Although he did not tell us the details. But your whisperer may be told. "

"Understandable." Yichuan Gaochuan nodded.

"You can directly manipulate people's subconscious." Mr. S said.

"Not the same as me." Mr. H interjected: "My conscious ability is only reflected in one aspect. Most of the conscious walkers, their power is often only reflected in one aspect, which makes it unique."

"However, the control is omnipotent." Mr. S said: "Although there must be some restrictions. However, it should be only in the way of use, and in effect, there is no limit to the interference of consciousness. Specifically ... "He paused, seeming to be embarrassed to find a suitable description or example.

"It can be used to kill people directly, such as heart palsy, or let the other party jump off the building, or cut off his neck." Mr. H made a throat cut gesture. "It can also be like me, let people subconsciously ignore something to achieve the effect of stealth."

"However, the most terrifying thing is that when you are effective, you don't need to have direct contact with the target." Mr. S swallowed. "Its effectiveness may be global, spanning space and time."

"Across time?" Gao Chuan asked.

"It can set the death period of the dead." Mr. S said.

"Can one directly obliterate a person's past and future?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, asked.

"Erase the past and the future?" Mr. H raised his black-frame glasses playfully. "Make people forget their past. Become another person; or make people deviate from what they should do. Do what they don't want to do. Thing. Does this obliterate the past and the future? "

"No, I mean, a more direct causal effect." Gao Chuan said seriously.

"No, I haven't heard of such an effect. From a long distance, it directly affects consciousness and sets the time of action. All I know is this." Mr. S said: "But as long as the conditions are met, this conscious interference effect is Absolutely. Of course, such a fantasy is also heard. However, everyone thought so at the time. "

"How did the news come out? Is the source locked?" Gao Chu, the prostitute, continued to ask.

"It's not clear, we are not the first to know, and we have not heard that there is a single source of intelligence." Mr. S shook his head and said: "There is a saying that the prophet Mayn of the Netball predicted it because it involved The destiny of the world. Therefore, the prophet can get this prophecy. You also know. The prophecy's prophecy is never aimed at someone. Things that can be foreseen are the key gears of the world's operation. "

Mr. S's naturally confident tone made Miyoshi look at the prosthetic body Gao Chuan. She knew that many of the predictions made by Bajing were personal. For example, Gao Chuan, such as Shirai and Morino, who had already died, even to himself. If according to Mr. s, are these people like yourself a key to the destiny of the world? This kind of thinking seems a bit arrogant, and it seems very heavy. At least, Sakuya never thought that he would be such an important person. Maybe, a little thought, Gaochuan would be such an important person, and I just wanted to make myself such an important person for Gaochuan. .

"As long as the conditions are met, it will definitely be controlled." Yichuan Gaochuan repeated Mr. S's statement and asked, "What kind of conditions are they?"

"I don't know." Mr. S shook his head, the prostitute Gao Chuan looked at Mr. H, the other party shook his head, and said: "We are just pawns, don't want to deliberately dig information related to that black book, who knows whether it will be so I was leaking my information, but it was very loud at the time. However, what is certain is that the conscious walkers who participated in the war are all guys who are confident in their conscious security. How many survived? I know there is one, or Some survivors have joined the online ball, so you can ask them. The unlucky guy who died last night must not think that he will end this. Mr. Gao Chuan, you said, is the cause of his death serious? ? "

"The fire escape and the wheelchair person said ~ ~ The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not cover up much, although in the tone of the two people, there is still uncertain information, but since the people in the Black Nest provided the information, they also There is no need to be stingy. These two guys are not small little characters.

"Wheelchair person? Which one?" Mr. S and Mr. H looked at each other.

"You received a call for fire escape in the morning? In response to this death, he held a special meeting." Gao Chuan said.

"I am not the person in charge." Mr. H said.

"I'm going—" Mr. S's answer made Mr. H's eyes look serious, because he guessed what his companion would say next: "But, I don't have the memory of the wheelchair person you said."

The prostitute Gao Chuan heard the words and suddenly looked at Saya and Gregia.


Another book friend appeared, of course, the role is not the same as H Jun's own setting.

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