
I wish you all the best in the new year and success.

In the motel, the rooms where Jacques, Kula, and K were located had been quiet for a while. The three sat in different positions, silently, without any communication. The stillness under the evening sun appears instead of the inner hearts of the three people. It is definitely not as quiet as their appearance. Occasionally standing up and pacing, pouring coffee, picking up pens and papers, or looking at the scenery outside through the window boringly. The movement is as clear as the black characters on the white paper. The wind blew through the canopy and curtains, making people feel that something was moving.

Whether the other two are also considering and guessing the confrontation between the ambush and the netball comer, I am not aware of this kind of consideration and guessing, and the same is true for the pair of Jacques and Kula, not to mention The two did not have a deep relationship. This state of inability to communicate and speculation makes this room seem to be covered with a layer of translucent gauze, which makes people anxious. Jacques is not worried about the end of the ambush. Even if he dies, it does not matter. The action of the torchlight does not entirely depend on the performance of these Asians. According to the plan that has been drawn up by yourself, bring them a journey. It is already a task to complete. This kind of understatement of these Asians is, in a sense, a factor that allows the online ball to misjudge and give it an advantage.

The light of the torch can take advantage of what these Asians do, and the network ball can naturally infer, and the action that everyone knows clearly can have a good result, which often depends on the general situation and the accident. However, in Under the current situation, it is naturally impossible for an online ball that dominates the market to easily cause accidents. Therefore, the variables brought by Asians may be a icing on the cake, but they want to rely on them to complete the task. It is undoubtedly a fantasy.

It's just that when he saw k, Jacques and Kula, who were in charge of specific actions, immediately developed a strange intuition. The existence of this man is even more important than the existence of other Asians. This is why they keep this man by their side to monitor at any time. Although it is still impossible to perceive the particularity of this man, one's particularity is not entirely in the strength he possesses, but what role he will play at some point in the future.

Event development. It is chained, as the saying goes, the drop of a screw will lead to a rewrite of a battle. The butterfly effect is not a scientific theory with a low probability in the mystery circle, but a more practical indicator of action. Especially for the torch light, its special existence part "Omega" is a kind of "deviation" that implies the butterfly effect.

Jacques and Kula are both veterans of torchlight, and they have witnessed and participated in too many actions. We can fully understand how special this "deviation" power is, and to some extent, it can be regarded as the power of "fate". Guide fate. Changing the destiny, exploring the possibility of existence from the change of the destiny, this philosophical goal is the purpose of the organization of the torch light, and the more practical "stopping the end, leading the world peace" kind of the Internet ball In essence, there is a serious divergence in nature. If the doomsday truth and cybersphere are the two extremes, then the torch light is the middle part, which does not depend on the end and peace, nor is it prone to destruction and war, they are more wandering between the two Between, to think and find the possibility of the world and itself, and the meaning of existence.

In the light of the torch, there are indeed many people who regard facts and final results as the highest priority. However, in the atmosphere of the entire organization and the thinking of most members, talents who explore philosophies and verify philosophies are the mainstream. When these people intend to do something, it is not because such things can give them material benefits, but because they can make them feel that they can reach a certain spiritual height from it. There is no one who does nothing but just observes the development and changes of things. This feature is not possessed by most other mysterious organizations.

Just like the current action, although the process is to seize the right to speak from the Internet, and it is also a political game between several superpowers, the original reason for driving the torchlight to produce this action is not to seize the right to speak and let Re-entering your own organization to the peak of the mysterious circle is not to show the country a favor in order to gain greater support. Just because the collision produced by this action is like a particle-accelerated collider, it can "bump" some spiritual answers-as for what kind of answer is actually very personal, everyone There will be everyone's own gains, or nothing, but because of the high probability of getting answers, I decided to do so. Even though, these answers cannot be the ultimate and only thing.

For outsiders who do not understand the psychological activities of these people, such action methods and activity programs must be more like lunatics than doomsday truth. However, when a person accepts and follows the purpose of the torch light, which is a bit illusory due to spiritual philosophization, and even difficult to describe in words, it will hit the depths of the heart and produce a terrible motive. It is this powerful force driven purely by the spirit that allowed the torch light to stand at the top of the mysterious circle for a time. Even though it has suffered all kinds of hardships, it has never really walked down this top circle.

And the terrible "deviation" is also a mysterious phenomenon that arises because of this purely spiritual motivation. For outsiders, the special internal structure of the torch light "Omega" and its meaning "deviation" are vague and unimaginable mysteries. However, for those who truly understand, accept, and act in accordance with the purpose of the torch light, even if they are not members of the torch light, there is little doubt about this "deviation" mystery, although they can't explain it in words. What kind of mystery does "deviation" cover?

In this sense, it can also be considered that all people who can sufficiently recognize the "deviation" of the torch light, whether they admit it or not, are members of the torch light. And those who hold the same idea, people who can understand each other, no matter where they are, will gather together under a strange fate-like attraction, just like a torch ignited in the dark People who can understand the meaning of the torch ’s light. Will converge towards the torch, and even in this process, I also ignite the torch to attract the same kind-so. Torchlight was born.

The pair of Jacques and Kula have always been separated, they have their own spiritual world. They have a certain indifference and repulsive attitude towards other people's spiritual worlds. However, they are still partners with tacit understanding, and they have never produced differences and conflicts that are enough to dissolve their partners because of this spiritual world. Because they are all people holding the torch in their hearts. Even if the light of this torch is strong or weak, it has different colors and wavelengths. However, light is light. When different lights come together, they will not repel each other. It will only merge into a purer and hotter white.

For most people, in the rooms of Jacques, Kula and K, feel the silence and depression, as well as the thoughts and emotions floating in the air. There will be extremely painful anxiety to escape quickly. However, for Jacques and Kula, even anxiety is meaningful. Sweet, even, it makes people feel intoxicated. They will chew on these negative feelings and bring to themselves the emotional and spiritual touch.

Even if k is in this period, in a whispered whisper that everyone can hear: "It's really perverted." Neither Jacques nor Kula can be shaken.

Kula suddenly looked at the clock, broke the silence, and said to the other two, "It's time." Her words didn't have any end, what did it mean when it was time, or what did it do? Did not make it clear. K's cynical smile also brought some thoughts and troubles. He can think of many from this sentence, but it is difficult to make judgments about whether these many are correct. The person of the torch light, the speech is very vague, the action seems to have an exact goal, but the real purpose is also vague, the phrase "fuzzy magnifies the deviation" is k from a person who often deals with the torch light He heard from his predecessors that during the time he and the Torchlight acted together, he personally learned.

Compared with K's hesitation, Jacques did not seem to hesitate. He explained to K as if to explain, "Go and greet the guests."

k pressed the temple with his finger, thinking that it was not unexpected. This period of time should be the time when the ambush was heavily counterattacked and fell into the downwind completely. But, in ordinary times, these seemingly simple things that can be understood by the mind, when the two of the torchlight say it, they can't help but make people subconsciously think about whether there are other possibilities.

Watching Jacques and Curaray walking out of the room, K finally smiled straightforwardly, thinking that he would continue to cooperate with these people with a secret, and still maintain an ambiguous attitude, which made him feel that things were difficult. His cynicism and frivolousness, although not pretended, it is not an easy task to maintain such performance at all times.

"Forget it, there are still seven days, I hope there is nothing wrong." He said to himself, thinking, the boss's calculations, including this torch light, which means "deviation", really. Is it feasible?


The three ambushers succeeded in approaching the front of the ashes messenger Miye. When they were about to face, they suddenly grew gray silk, and the prosthetic body Gaochuan came after the pursuit. The prostitute Gao Chuan is not actually worried about the situation that Miyaki is currently facing. He is only worried about the strength that Miyaki showed in the state of the Ashbringer under this situation. The ability of the Ashbringer in the past has always been embodied in grey silk, and to what extent these grey silk can be exerted, there has never been an intuitive upper limit. This inevitably makes people feel that the power of the Ashbringer has no upper limit, but the body of Takakawa is very clear, this is just an illusion. Sakuya in the state of the Ashbringer is different from the usual Sakuya, and the usual Misaki is normal. Once she enters the state of the Ashbringer, that very different impression is undoubtedly a proof of mysterious influence, and this influence is so strong that it directly reverses her personality.

The upper limit of the Ashbringer may be very high, but that is only the upper limit of the Ashbringer, or the Rorschach mask, or Dorothy's puppet bear, not the upper limit of Sakuya. What Sakuya can do, the enemies she can overcome are actually fewer than she thinks.

When Misaki in the state of the Ashbringer appears to be more powerful than in the past, it should be assumed that not Misaki really became stronger, but that the energy contained in the Rorschach mask or the puppet bear itself was gradually unlocking, To adapt to the plot of the script. Strengthening. Representing the acceleration of the plot, the stronger the pressure, the greater the danger that will be faced. even if. This power is not reflected in the direct power display, however. The change of Misaki's attitude also proves that the mystery of the status of the Ashbringer is affecting her?

Misaki will not easily take the lives of others, nor will he use violence to vent his dissatisfaction just to demonstrate. Gentle girl. At that time, she like this suddenly behaved so fiercely, that cruel killing. As well as the sudden acceleration of strength, all heralded a certain twisted change in her own. Witnessing the action in the direction of Misaki, the gray silk swaying like seaweed, compared with the past. I don't see much difference, but there is a sense of oppression that hits the soul directly, which makes people feel horrified and feel that there is no way back. Prostitute Gao Chuan couldn't help thinking. Is the face covered by Rorschach's ink mask really Sakuya or Dorothy? Isn't it true that Dorothy used this mask to control Sakuya in the state of the Ashbringer?

If possible, the prosthetic body Takakawa wanted to persuade Miyaki to give up the enhanced props left by Dorothy, but everything still depends on Misaki's own decision. If Sakuya is not willing to give up, the "mystery" of the Ashbringer will not leave her because of the influence of external forces. No one can force her from Sakuya, disobey her inner thoughts, and strip off this power. This is the conclusion that the prostitute Gao Chuan tried secretly many times.

Whether it is too much use of the power of the Ashbringer, or the strength of the Ashbringer itself, it is not good for Sakuya himself. The specific disadvantages have not yet directly emerged, but the prosthetic body Gaochuan has already felt uneasy. He hopes that this kind of uneasiness is just that he thinks too much.

The prostitute Gao Chuan couldn't control Sakuya's use of the Ashbringer's transformation, and the external pressure also forced her to use this power, and the more she used this power, the greater the possibility of being eroded. It seemed Like an infinite loop. Perhaps, the netball imitating the final weapon research results of Doomsday Truth, the "Doris Project", will be the key to breaking this cycle, and the prosthetic body Gaochuan is also looking forward to it. It has been promised that the secret research project of the "Doris Project" will be opened to the whisperers. However, the specific time has not been determined. In other words, the more important the whisperer is to the online ball, the more critical his position is. , The more you can shorten the time to contact this secret project.

Now that the whisperer's status has actually been consolidated, he has come here to follow the fire, to face another top mysterious organization that is not far from the online ball, and those Asian visitors who seem to have no plans, inevitably also show their own importance Sexual purpose.

The combination of the prosthetic body Takakawa and the Ashbringer Saya Ye is enough to cope with most of the mysteries in this world. This point cannot be reversed if it is not displayed in front of others and let others intuitively understand. Ambiguous about the strength of the whisperer, there will be ambiguity in the assessment. When people are subconsciously alert but unable to give affirmation, they will be rejected. And this subconscious rejection is precisely the deficiencies of the whisperer since.

In order to make up for this defect, it is very necessary for the online ball to truly recognize the whisperer as an ally that can be further contacted, and to eliminate the ambiguity in the position. At least, it makes people feel that they intend to eliminate this ambiguity. Misaki's fierceness can be described as a coincidence, so even if you are worried, you can't stop this change-the prostitute Gaochuan only hopes ~ ~ before Misato is completely affected, see the end of the online ball The weapon mimicry "Doris". If the reason why Dorothy cannot be awakened is that she lacks a key—

Is this key puppet bear left by Super Dorothy? Prostitute Gao Chuan is so expected, let Dorothy belong to Dorothy, and let Misaki be herself again.

Misaki's figure is disappearing, as if it is covered by a large amount of gray silk, his change is projected in the pupils of the ambush, obviously a gradual process, but before everyone can do it It was completed before the reaction. No matter who wants to do something, ambushers can attack, evade, or escape, but their bodies cannot keep up with the changes in their vision. Therefore, they can only "see" the space around them, as if infiltrated by ink, from light to dark gray. The world they have been in has changed completely in the blink of an eye.

And those who are not staying in that area can see the essence of the change at this moment-the dense gray silk around the night of the Ashbringer, like the blooming petals, suddenly fills the surrounding space, three The ambushmen who arrived beside her were all involved in the flower core before they attacked.

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