Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 846: Brain hole

Prostitute Gao Chuan opened the door, Miyake and Gregia were watching TV, the night breeze was a bit cold, the windows were all closed, the curtains were not closed, you could see the stars outside, and the grass on the wilderness was blown by the night wind The ground is about to be posted. The people who were holding the campfire party not long ago have disappeared, but the campfire has not gone out.

"What about those people?" Gao Chuan asked.

"It's all gone." Gregoya said, "It's time to go back to the hotel and see them head here."

"No, I didn't encounter them in the hotel." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "No one went out, no one came in, the corridor was empty, and the conscious walker restrained the consciousness of the guests."

Hearing this, Sakuya and Gregia couldn't help but look away.

"No one saw it?" Gregia said in surprise, and Gregoria nodded, Gregia froze for a moment, but soon realized what scene the prostitute Gaochuan saw. The previous line problem was not normal, and the entire hotel has become a "mysterious" battlefield. The prostitute Gao Chuan briefly told his judgment, but Gregia asked again: "So, how do we make sure that we are not in the ideological world, you standing in front of us, not a conscious What about illusions? And how do you conclude that we are not really affected? If the enemy has been observing our actions, then temporarily synchronizing the illusion you see with the real one should be possible. Did you arrive? Even Gaochuan, you can confirm that you have not entered the world of ideology, and stand in front of us from the real world, but how do you make sure that we are talking to you. It is indeed talking to you, not to Are you talking about the illusion of consciousness? "

Gregia's question is like tongue twisters, but the prostitute Gao Chuan does understand what she is worried about. Indeed, the prosperity Gaochuan is insulated from the power of ideology. Therefore, it is impossible to judge very correctly whether Saki Ye and Gregya standing in front of them have really fallen into the trap of the conscious walker.

Although at the moment, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan did not feel any unclearness in the face-to-face communication with them, their answer. It is also very organized, but considering that the illusion can be synchronized with the real, it is indeed not certain that they are really responding to the "true prosperity Gaochuan".

Faced with this situation, if there is no other conscious walker to intervene, you must "confirm yourself that you have not fallen into the ideological world." However, this is something that even seniors may find difficult to do. If you cannot confirm that you are facing a real situation, you will be instinctively vigilant about the information conveyed around you, and you cannot distinguish between those who are standing beside you and are true companions. It is still a "dangerous illusion" that pretends to be normal and well-intentioned but misleads itself at a critical moment. Gregia's problem is very difficult, and the prosthetic body Gaochuan once thought about this problem from the perspective of a newcomer who had never been so deeply exposed to the mystery of ideology, but could not find any direct solution.

When a person begins to suspect that the entire world is a dream, his psychology will be in an extremely dangerous state, resulting in more vicious chains. I believe that my world is a real world, and it is the basic condition for a person to maintain normal viability and thinking ability for a long time. Gregia, as expected by the prostitute Gao Chuan, after listening to his own judgment on the current situation, hanged himself on a logical thinking bomb that most people could not solve by themselves.

Fortunately, although there is no complete solution, but. But there is a way to avoid the worst result-before the prosthetic body Gaochuan decided to start, Miyaki suddenly said: "I have no problem."

Gregia looked over with doubt: "Speaking of it, Sakuya, you ... should it be true?"

"This must be judged by you, Gregia." Miyaki said: "Your question can be answered with your previous question. If you can't believe the Gaochuan in front of you is real, how can you believe me? Really? If I am real, then Gaochuan, which I confirmed, is naturally also true, and you do n’t need to have any doubts. "

Gregia is speechless. Since staying in this room, Miyaki has not left her side. She simply cannot imagine that Misaki has been with her for such a long time, and there is no slight disguise in any action. It is an unreal illusion. When she doubted Gao Chuan in front of her, she always subconsciously thought that it might be that she and Saki Ye saw the same illusion-but Sakuya's answer directly overturned this subconscious judgment.

There are only two choices left for her. No one can make a decision for her, and no one can help her-either believe that both of them are real, and you are not caught in an illusion; you must not deny the two at the same time The truth of existence exists, but in that case, there is really only one person left. At least, before you confirm that everything is over, you must doubt every thing that appears around you. Even, it is impossible to confirm that everything is over, because there is no "real reference" around her.

"You think too much. This is not a bad thing, but the premise is that you must have a reference that is absolutely sure to be true." Miyaki pointedly pointed out the problem, "Remember what I taught you? How to confirm that you are not in your dreams. "

"Hug, sorry ..." Gregor was sweating and her eyes were shaking. "I, I didn't find anything like that. I can't believe Gaochuan like you. Gaochuan must be real? That's too unscientific. Consciousness Can't walkers create an illusion of anything? If so, why can't they create the illusion of Gaochuan? "

"Science teaches you to doubt everything that can be doubted. Skepticism is the possibility of progress." Miyaki reached out gently, but Gregia couldn't help but take a step back. She could not believe it, just a few minutes. What was originally believed to be convincing was suddenly suspected and resisted by myself. She felt that she was really abnormal. This abnormality exacerbates the idea that you are falling into an abnormal situation-since it is abnormal. Therefore, we must be more vigilant, right? This idea stems from her past exposure to the mysterious experience, but. Now this experience has turned into a thorny shackle that binds itself.

Misaki did not take any further action because of Gregor ’s resistance. She withdrew her hand, still in that gentle tone: "However, life is not entirely scientific. The phenomenon that science cannot explain, It has always existed, it may just be that science has not developed to the point of explaining them. But, accepting this degree of science and maintaining suspicion about it, is it also the science that is handed over to us? Gregia, in your past In life, science occupies 99% of your time. So, you may feel that the science you know and the logic you believe in are absolute, all, but. You must now believe that The idea is not entirely correct. "

Gregia seemed to be overthrown by this tender look, and fell down on the chair. She could clearly feel that what came from Sakuya, that kind of unspeakable, but if there is substantial power.

"Life requires you to believe that there are really some things in this world. Or a certain thing that you believe unconditionally. You don't need to prove the truth of this thing from scientific logic, you only need to follow your wishes and feelings- —It may be an emotion called 'love', it may be a deep **** called 'God', or it may just be a relative and friend of yours. Or it may be a dead object in the eyes of others. But, If you ca n’t find this thing, then your life will always be in a muddle. ”Miyaki said in a gentle tone, cruel and contrary to Gregya ’s own thoughts,“ Now you have no choice , Or believe, or sink, no one can help you except yourself, because now you are not doubting everything around you? An untrustworthy world is painful, Gregia, in that case, I will Relieve your pain with your own hands. "

"You, what are you going to do?" Gregia couldn't help but squeeze her back, her face full of fear, and Misaki's words brought her too much negative imagination. She knew that there was no slight benefit, but she couldn't stop it. Such behavior and thinking, "You, me, give me a little time, I don't want to die."

"Enough! Aye!" The prosthetic body Takakawa suddenly interrupted Saya's further actions. He understood Sakuya's idea. She was trying to use stimulus to help Gregia get rid of the "philosophy" that consciousness mystery often possess Collapse and logic bomb ".

In the whisperer ’s profile, many people think that the change of the parties is too sudden from the sidelines. They all think that the scene is full of flaws, and there are many tips. If you are on the spot, you can definitely do better . Gregia can't read a lot of information, but when she personally faces the same situation, she can do what she will do, and it is no different from others. In order to help people like her and get rid of this dangerous and sudden situation as soon as possible, many materials have mentioned the stimulation method. However, although this is the method with the highest success rate, it is also the most dangerous method after failure.

The danger of conscious walkers is not just that they can directly interfere with people's consciousness. Even if the conscious walker does not directly manipulate the consciousness, the human consciousness can never do without the interference of the surrounding environment when interfering with the surrounding environment. The alienation of human consciousness leads to the alienation of environment, and the alienated environment often also indirectly alienates human consciousness. This kind of correlation crisis arising from the level of consciousness, the mystery of the nature of consciousness, is often more prominent than other mysteries.

In the judgment of brain hardware, Gregia can get rid of this danger by herself, which is more than 50%. In ordinary observation, she is a girl who is cautious enough and keen enough, and there is no lack of critical moments. Decision-making ability. However, judging from the current situation, she is clearly in danger that the probability is only over 50%. Sure enough, not everything will develop towards a greater probability.

The prostitute Gao Chuan closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, Miyake calmly said to Gregea: "It's a shame. If you succeed, you will get a great boost."

Gregia immediately reacted violently, and she felt that her nerves had never been as sensitive as she is now. As a companion in the past, I didn't feel that this woman was wrong. Unless you put on the mask of Luo Xia ink, otherwise it is a gentle and pure female, but. When she thinks that she may take action against herself and regard her as a vigilant object, she will produce a strong anomaly like an air raid alarm-this anomaly is a proof of Saki Ye in front of her. It is indeed a real existence. Or has it proved that she is just an illusion of hostility that an enemy can create? Gregia's brain couldn't be turned, she just acted according to her instincts. The knowledge and experience gained from the combat training she had received in the past have never been like this. Play so heartily.

She feels that she has achieved her best at this time, and she can certainly get rid of the dangers she may face. And-I still have "near-death experience", it must be possible-there is such a thought in her mind. She saw it very clearly, and the puppet bear in Misawa's arms. She didn't turn into a mask and put it on her face. Is it because it is just an illusion, so even if you make a scene of transformation, you can't get the real ability when you transform? These thoughts flashed through her mind in a very short time. After that, another thought flashed: I have already assumed that they are illusions created by the conscious walker? When did it start? why? This is unreasonable!

"I think. Did you misunderstand?" Sakuya's voice reached Gregoria's ear. At this time, Gregoya was very close to the window. As long as he tried harder, he could break out of the window. . However, in her eyes, Misaki, who was originally sitting on her chair with a puppet bear, suddenly reached her side at a speed exceeding the response. She was talking against her ear and gently breathing into the ear hole. . Let her have a feeling like falling into the ice cave, and feel incredible.

How can it be? Not transformed at all! Really an illusion of consciousness! ?

She squinted at the corner of her eyes, staring at Saki Ye's eyes that seemed to be talking, and then slammed a blow on her back neck. She only felt that her lower body suddenly lost consciousness.

Nothing to fight back at all? Such thoughts, accompanied by consciousness, quickly fell into darkness.

Gregia's body fell under the window sill and passed out motionlessly. Miyaki crouched beside her, staring at her, as if talking to her, and as if talking to herself: "Before I became the Ashbringer, I was already Achuan's frontline partner, with a completely unmysterious Ordinary person's identity. "When the words fell, she immediately struck a few times behind Gregia's head and neck and neck." Forget it, just when you never heard these things from Achuan, When I wake up, it's all over. "

Sakuya completed the policy measures, picked up Gregia, and put her on the bed.

"Originally, it would be better if she could solve it by herself." Miyaki turned to Gao Chuan and said: "The current treatment is just a way to cure the symptoms. There is a possibility of repeated symptoms mentioned in the data. As high as 60%, if you do n’t do psychological treatment for a period of time, the whole person will be useless. Doubt the truth of her world, except for herself, no one can really help her. "

"However, you can buy time for her." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan showed a helpless expression, only relying on the probability of brain hardware inference to tell me such stimulating information, is it too rash? He couldn't help thinking. However, Gregia is not ignorant of this situation. The information of the conscious walker has always been the direction she is very concerned about. The success rate of more than 50% is not her own subjective judgment. The data and materials on which the hardware is inferred were collected after a long observation of Gregia.

"Maybe she is not suitable for this kind of thing." Miyaki said: "If it is not suitable, even if the probability is high, things will go in an unfavorable direction. As a spokesperson, her current ability is enough. The first-line affairs should be resolved by the two of us as much as possible ~ ~ Anyway, don't we all come here like this? "So saying, she walked in front of Gao Chuan and stared up at him.

"I never thought about letting Achuan stay on the front line alone." Sakuya said so, smiling.

In the eyes of the prostitute Gao Chuan, this was a very warm smile, his mood was infected, and the helplessness and regrets caused by Gregia's failure were swept away neatly. Prostitute Gao Chuan doesn't know, he should say something, but perhaps at this time, he doesn't need to say anything, as long as he smiles, is it okay?

"Let ’s go, although I feel that people with internet **** can solve the problem here, but it ’s really boring to stay in my room and wait for the result." Gao Tiechuan, Yi Yi, turned sideways to open the door and smiled at Sakuya. Then, "Why not take a walk together? On such a bright and clean night."

"Well, I can definitely encounter more interesting things." Miyaki showed an expectant and pleasant expression and handed Gao Kao. "Achuan, I really like the time when only the two of us are together." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.

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