Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 851: Invisible

What happened behind? The rapid retreat, the prosthetic body Gaochuan, like everyone else, turned his head and looked around. Where the gate to the locked labyrinth was originally located, all visible tangible objects were melting, and the fog was dense, quickly turning that area into There is a chaos, and this chaos is still expanding in all directions. People in the cyber ball and torchlight feel a deep sense of urgency, because the expansion speed of chaos is accelerating, and there is a very obvious trend of catching up with everyone.

A layer of white ice crystals appeared behind Kula, the temperature in the aisle was rapidly decreasing, and her footprints were also covered with a layer of frost. After running five steps, the frost began to spread around. The fire and others exhaled the easily visible white gas, but the low temperature they felt was far worse than the low temperature Kula left behind.

The mystery displayed by Kula is not so mysterious, but it is a force with a wide range of application and good lethality. However, there are many ways to quickly create low temperature freezing. Whether she uses the mystery of low temperature directly or borrows other mysteries to indirectly create low temperature is still uncertain. Therefore, if only through the low temperature phenomenon, she is determined to be mysterious Types are things that novices only do.

However, at this time, the strength of Kula, who was the first to exert his means, was enough to let others wait and see.

Frost condenses into ice, which constitutes an ice wall, blocking the passage that everyone has passed. Through the crystal clear ice wall, the expansion of chaos can be clearly seen. It is simply engulfing the ice wall without any obstacles, shuttled through it, and turned it into a part of chaos.

You can't even slow it down! Everyone observed this, and could not help but accelerate the pace again. Led by the conscious walker of the netball, they once again followed an abnormal path. Passing through the wall, turning east and west, this is not a big motel. At this speed and route, it seems that the area has expanded several times. Chaos spread violently along a plane in all directions, but everyone couldn't gallop along a straight line like it did. Being chased by chaos is only a matter of time. However, no one tried to use mystery to stop this chaotic expansion. The result of Kura ’s previous actions made them decide not to waste time and energy here. Kind of thing.

"Is there no way? If you go on like this, you won't win." Zuohuo said to the netball conscious walker: "Do you have a crisis plan?"

"No, the current situation is still being estimated." The conscious walker of the netball reacts relatively smoothly. "This trap must have a range critical point, unless the guy who arranges the trap intends to include everyone. Including the hotel and the entire The field of consciousness has vanished. Is the other party really going to do this? I think this lady can answer this question for us. "His eyes fell on Kula. Kula is the person of the torch light, and the location of the negotiation is also selected by the torch light. In this sense, the person of the torch light can also be regarded as the host of the network ball from the perspective of the owner. When a guest has a problem, it is a matter of course to question the host, even if the host seems to have suffered the same degree of disaster. However, it is necessary to completely take out your own responsibilities. It is still impossible.

Probably, at this moment, the people of the online ball also feel that Kula is following everyone's side, it is a trick. At least, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan cannot deny this possibility. Torchlight's position and coping style. The hidden mysteries in the hotel, and the slightly unusual behavior of the torchlight Jacques and others, could not get them out of suspicion.

"I don't know." Facing the questioning expression, Kula was just stiff, and gave an unsatisfactory answer briefly.

"Hopefully Jacques knows." Fire escape even at this time. It didn't show much emotion, it just said that.

"I think he will have a satisfactory answer there." Kula said: "The purpose of our coming here is not to trouble you. The enemy's goal is still undecided, isn't it? I also If you do n’t like being part of a bitter plan, you ’ll know how direct my character is. ”Although she said that, how many people would believe it would be hard to say.

No matter Kula or Jacques, the manpower sent by the torchlight this time is a strange opponent to those who walk away.

Although it is impossible to immediately find out the current behind the current state of affairs, the conscious walker of the online ball is right. When the crowd opened the door of a room again and drilled in, the tight tension in the air suddenly collapsed and suddenly relaxed.

This is naturally not caused by the mood of everyone. People who are chased can relax easily, mostly because the chaser has given up. The fire stopped the first step, completely ignoring the possibility of worse, directly turned back and opened the already closed door. The scenery outside has completely returned to normal. Although the faint fog is still visible everywhere, the rooms and aisles seem to be covered by a layer of tulle, but the chaos that seems to engulf everything assimilated has disappeared.

Chaos disappeared quickly, it was like a broken frame movie, jumping from one story to another. After repeated confirmation, the tension in the air began to weaken. However, everyone understands that he and others have not returned to the normal hotel.

"It really doesn't seem to be going directly with us." The driver pressed the cap and said to himself, "Is it just a prank? Is it a miscalculation? Or is it accurate in our response, Use this method to mobilize us? "

"I think it's the last one." Kula's expression is still as cold as ever. "The other party simply wants to be a turtle, but it's blind to shrink in a place, but it's not conducive to hiding yourself."

"So, we must pass some traps that are not fatal, but accidentally fatal, forcing us to move in the direction he needs?" When the driver said this, he was still talking to himself, not looking at all A glance at Kula.

"In any case, we are temporarily safe." The conscious walker of the online ball said to everyone: "This area is very stable."

"Did you notice the trap just now? Or did you notice it when it was activated?" Huo turned around and asked.

"I noticed it beforehand, just to confirm what kind of trap it is. After being activated." The netball's conscious walk calmly replied: "In this field of consciousness, I don't have the power to lift that trap."

"Which one of us, you can come in?" Fire escape seems to have learned the troubles of the team of cyberballs hidden in the dark. "Even had to ask Mr. Gao Chuan for their support?"

"Yes, the conscious walker who arranges this consciousness field is top-level." The conscious walker of the netball said: "At least, I don't think I am under the same time and resources. This consciousness field can be arranged. The other party also has the lowest The series of wheelchair people, except me, can't fight against this kind of conscious power. "At this point, he squinted at the prosthetic body Takagawa and Ashbringer Saya, adding:" The whisperer doesn't seem to be at the other's goal in."

This conclusion has some discrepancies with the judgments of Takagawa and Sakuya. However, the two of the whisperer did not mean to refute, just stood silently and waited for the other person's decision. It's different from the people in the network ball and the torchlight. Even if there is no conscious walker, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan does not think that the current environment can stifle the two of them. Even the chaos that seems to devour everything does not cause pressure on the two. It's just the current situation, you don't need to take the initiative. As I said beforehand, the two of you are just acting as temporary insurance.

No matter who the initial target of this incident is, before it reaches the current situation. It has nothing to do with others like yourself, but the real mastermind. It is not something that can be captured in this incident-this is the conclusion of the whisperer.

The fireball and others of the network ball can do nothing but catch the executor and make him an "answer", nothing more.

"Is it?" Huohu asked back, and didn't seem to agree with the judgment of the conscious walker. But without saying much, he asked again: "Is there any good news?"

"Yes." The netball's conscious walker said in a very positive tone: "Our goal is not the creator of this consciousness field, but a fugitive who was somewhat panicked after the failure of the action. He is the best at it, nor is he conscious Realm. There may be other mysteries, but this mystery must not be offensive. "

"However, here is still the home side of the other party." Huo Huo asked very directly: "We followed your instructions before and fell into a trap. This is undoubtedly your responsibility. Now, you tell me, to How likely is it to catch each other? "

"Yes, it's our responsibility." The netball's conscious walker hasn't changed a little in his expression. As always, he still shows his confidence. "We can catch the guy 100%. I said, we've taken him Is locked in position, this is not a false statement. Our previous mistakes were only because we failed to estimate the traps we will encounter in the process-but we have tried our best to make this consciousness field powerful and undoubtedly, we are The dangers encountered here are completely arranged by the other party in advance. The little guy who is at large has no ability to control this thing that does not belong to him. "

"So, next, we have to face more unexpected traps?" Huohuo said, glancing at Kula, and then looking at the prostitutes Takagawa and Sakuya. "If that's the case, let's take Ku first. It ’s better to send Ms. La and the whisperer back. "

"If you insist on fire," the netball's conscious walker did not answer positively, only saying: "Originally, Mr. Gao Chuan and Ms. Miyaki were invited by me, and when I didn't have enough self-protection ability, I promised myself Safe guests here. Since you have returned from the fire, then the next danger should be borne by our cyberball, and it is for granted. "

"What do you think?" The fire escape asked Takagawa and Sakuya.

"If you insist that we should quit." Gao Chuan, the body style responded without hesitation. If the enemy is the creator of this field of consciousness, then of course he is interested in seeing the truth and participating in the entire pursuit process in order to obtain some unexpected gains-the power to interfere with his consciousness is extremely rare in this world And to break through the "Seal of Jiang", at least this level of strength is required. Prostitute Gao Chuan is not interested in the enemy's formal identity, position and purpose of action. He only cares about the power he possesses that can break through the "Seal of Jiang".

His goal has already surpassed the inherent identity of the world. To seize the spiritual integration device and personality preservation device, you must be prepared to become an enemy with others anytime, anywhere. This kind of hostility has nothing to do with the other party's identity, nationality and position, who the enemy is, or, once his own friend, to him. It makes no sense. And to do something about "Jiang" or "Virus", it is necessary to surpass all kinds of interpersonal restrictions existing in the illusion of doomsday-no matter, in emotional terms, what a painful behavior.

Prostitute Gao Chuan knows clearly how to achieve his goal and how to do it, only that there is a better way, even if there is such hope. His actions often do not follow this hope. The emotional recovery allowed him to see hope, let him feel the preciousness of his life, and make him feel more painful about what he would bring.

Knowing a tragedy that cannot be reversed, normal people will not be pleased.

He knows his time. There is little left. He wanted to cherish some people when he could. Some time.

Therefore, he felt that his time and energy should not be wasted on people who did not care.

The perpetrator of the current incident, which is judged to be at large, is such a passer-by who makes him think nothing.

"So, send the two back first." The fire-walker asked his conscious walker, "Is there enough time?"

"There is no problem at all. The original first-out path has not changed, and it is completely safe." The conscious walker of the netball replied.

"I want to continue." When it was Kula's turn, she acted very insistently, "We are torchlight, qualified and responsible. Know the relevant information as soon as possible."

"So, do you have any guesses about the identity of this fugitive?" The fire looked at Kula's gaze like a calm lake, which could reflect the other party's true thoughts.

"If it's really what I thought, I'll give you an explanation." When Kula said that, it was completely cold and cold, without any softening in posture, just like saying something that had nothing to do with himself.

"This is not a good attitude to talk, Ms. Kula." The driver pulled the cap and said with his head down.

Kula didn't respond, looking at the face that hadn't changed, giving a sense of arrogance of "disdain to respond".

The atmosphere was a bit cold and silent for a moment. After confirming that there was no change in the decision, the crowd began to walk back under the guidance of the conscious walker of the netball, but the atmosphere was not harmonious, and there was a sinister as if walking on the edge of the blade. It ’s mainly the mismatch between the cyber ball and the torch light. This tension has never been eliminated since the two met, and this incident seems to have caused other parties to have some other ideas, and this This kind of idea is also being paid for. No one will be surprised if the relationship between the two top mysterious organizations will change from a stumbling negotiation to a break.

The return route is almost the same as the route when the three people from the body style Gaochuan came, although after escaping the chaos trap, the position of the people is not on this route, but, as the conscious walker of the netball said, There is no danger. In the fog hotel of Nuo Da, the real people seem to be left alone, and the fugitives who do not know where they are hiding.

"It really makes you laugh." On the way, the two of the whisperers said: "I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful, I have to let you reinforce them."

"This is the meaning of the existence of an ally." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan said plainly with social remarks, but at this time, he once again felt that there was something wrong with him-the gray fog hotel is full of abnormalities, as if It is an abnormal aggregate in itself, but this kind of awkward feeling seems to find something a little normal in the anomaly-and such a thing ~ ~ is actually still anomalous, but, than The abnormality of the environment is somewhat weak.

This is a situation where it is difficult to describe in detail, but it is very sensitive when you feel it intuitively.

The chain judgment of the prosthesis Gaochuan didn't work, but the feeling from the skin of the prosthesis seemed to tell him that something that was wrong was hidden in the wind. No, in terms of intensity, it may not be the wind that ordinary people can feel, but it is closer to the ubiquitous ordinary air flow.

This extremely close to normal abnormality, as well as the nature of the airflow, made the prosthetic body Gao Chuan unable to emerge and stay in the same room with Jacques k. Indeed, if you feel carefully, there will be a feeling of being peeped, but it is not only that. Whether k is exerting his own mystery and monitoring his own group, the prosthetic body Gaochuan is not sure. Just judging from the phenomenon, there is a great chance of being a demon or other mystery, but-

"Who? Come out!" He stopped and looked at the empty space where there was no figure.

He did not confirm that someone was really in that direction, but there must be something invisible, lurking around himself and others. To be continued. .

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