Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 853: Scarlet Gaze

ps: Happy Lantern Festival ~~

The firearm pistol that is said to be close to the critical weapon seems to have no effect, but even if the original critical weapon of the ruling bureau is not omnipotent, it may not be possible for Omi to develop a weapon that exceeds this efficiency limit, maybe in the future. , But this time, I do n’t think she can do it. What Omi is researching, what kind of progress is being made, and how much the prosthetic body Gaochuan knows. In the last world line, her research results are relatively transparent to whisperers. Of course, specific technical issues, because no one can I do n’t know, and I do n’t plan to make it public one day, so I did n’t leave a file specifically. However, using that world line as a reference, I can estimate her current progress by referring to the support that the current research institute in Omi may receive. A vague feeling cannot fully define the extent to which her research has reached and what mysterious products are being developed, but it is not impossible to guess where the limits of these products are.

As far as the prostitute Gao Chuan knows, the mystery of fire escape is the concept of "improving the effectiveness of weapons temporarily when holding weapons", most of which are reflected in the "improving lethality". If you are holding a critical weapon for ruling, perhaps You can temporarily break through the critical weapon's requirements for the level of magic lines, and exert more power than the use of the same level of magic lines.

If the power of the pistol is close to the critical weapon, it is not impossible to reach the level of the critical weapon in the hands of fire, which is enough to threaten most mysteries. However, the mystery of this enemy hiding in the field of consciousness should not only be as simple as "stealth". There are many ways to achieve the effect of "stealth". Probably "stealth" is just the mystery that the other party has for itself. One of the application methods.

However, it should be the closest to the mysterious performance optimization application-this stealth effect is really great, even the chain judgment cannot be captured in the most perfect state, but it is this powerful effect . On the contrary, it makes people believe that the mystery he possesses does not possess strong offensiveness.

Mysterious, not omnipotent. In this world, the prosthetic body Gaochuan has never seen the mystery of truly achieving omnipotence. Excluding monsters like "Jiang", the mystery of more people is just showing their traits in a certain field. At the same time, it can stealth with high strength. The mystery of having high-intensity defense and high-intensity attack can not be said to be none, but it is unlikely to appear on the current opponent.

Otherwise, this guy's mode of action should not be so daunting.

In the process of chasing away. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan has lost the capture of the opponent's specific coordinates, but in this case, Gray Silk seems to be more keen. Chain judgment is an extremely efficient detection method, but in some specific cases, it is not as effective as gray silk. Such a situation is not the first time that the prosthetic body Gaochuan has come across.

In any case, if the abilities of the two can complement each other, the adaptability to the combat environment will increase the number of chips. This has been reflected in the past and present. The partner of the prosperity Takagawa and the Ashbringer Sakuya is relatively perfect. This is both a confidence and a warm bond. In the heart of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, there is no sweeter life than one who can feel such a bondage.

Chasing gray silk, chasing invisible opponents, the prosthetic body Takakawa broke through layers of obstacles and reached the highest level of the building in the bizarre world where the normal structure of the hotel has been lost. On top of his head, there is no longer clearly visible starlight. The gray piece is like an inverted cover, making people feel that they are actually detained in a small space. At his feet, most of the floors were surrounded by swirling dense fog. I can't see the specific details at all, and occasionally the outlines appear, and they are also fleeting.

The roof is a herringbone brick and tile structure, with a beam of up to 50 meters. Its cross-section can only stand by one person. Only here is where the fog is slightly thinner, and the retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan can be observed in every corner. A lot of data is flowing in his vision.

Gray silk stood upright in front of him, this gesture seems to imply that the other party has no way to escape.

Although it is still unobservable, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan believes that the invisible person is here. Although it was originally envisioned that the prosthetic body Gao Chuan intended to let the people of the network ball and the torch light solve the incident on their own, but since no one else could keep up, they could only do it by themselves-besides, say Perhaps, the reason why this enemy is hovering around his own people is precisely to attract the attention of the whisperer, and may lead himself and others to this place.

This roof area may not be the enemy's choice, but the battlefield deliberately arranged by the opponent.

However, this possibility is not enough to make the prostitute Gaochuan wince.

"Who are you?" He asked towards the empty place. He didn't know the specific location of the other party, and gray silk didn't seem to be as sure as before, but, relatively, he was hiding under the fox mask, Neither the expression nor the gaze will give the enemy enough information.

The response was silence, which lasted three or four seconds. The way he asked questions in the air seemed a bit silly. Thick fog, violent fog movement, and exceptionally solemn anomalies, like strong smells, mask other light flavors. However, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan still felt that the other party had not really left.

Sakuya, the Ashbringer, clearly thinks so. The gray silk, which stood upright like a steel needle, began to tremble slightly, as if it would strike a thunder at any time.

"Your goal is our whisperer?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, asked the second question patiently.

However, the other party still did not reply. The lonely scene made people wonder whether the invisible person had really left along the other route.

Silent for another three or four seconds, the gray silk suddenly shot towards the side of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. At the moment of the gray silk movement, the prosthesis Gaochuan threw three flying knives. The handle of the flying knife held the silk thread, and the other end of the silk thread was in the hands of the prosthesis Gaochuan. At the moment of wiping the air, the flying knife or the gray silk did not actually hit anything. However, the human silhouette appeared again in the retina screen-he was worn by the flying knife and the gray silk hole.

The silk thread of gray silk and flying knife constitute a giant net. Bundle this outline. However, this humanoid did not seem to have suffered any harm. Like a ghost, it directly passed through the giant web of flying knives and gray silk.

Can't the Ashbringer's gray silk catch the opponent? The prostitute Gao Chuan thought, as soon as his arm swayed, the flying knife was pulled back by the handle and pulled back into his sleeve like lightning.

"It's a pretty good mystery." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan casually said. But the tone increased: "Let me guess, with your ability to achieve such an excellent defense effect, even at the expense of aggression, you will inevitably have to do more restraint and pay a greater price? How much more can this level of defense be improved now? I think. At most twice, and the real strength of each person here is at least equal to you. Do n’t think that you can escape to the present and you will be able to escape all your life— — ”

"I don't plan to escape forever." Finally, a man's voice came from the air, somewhat familiar.

The prosthesis Gaochuan's retina screen. The first time showed the results of voiceprint comparison, the other party did not deliberately cover up.

"Dalang?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, glanced at the head of the retina screen. The answer to the identity of the enemy turned out to be this person, a little surprised, but not too surprised. Even in the sudden attack before arriving at the hotel, Dalang did not show any special ability or stubborn aggression-precisely because he was the most inconspicuous among all people, still in the most passive state under. So, how much can let others ignore it.

"It's me. Mr. Gao Chuan." It seems that Dalang really no longer intends to hide, and his figure gradually appears on the roof, but he also maintains a deep guard against the prosthetic body Gao Chuan.

"Are you the last executor?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, didn't attack immediately, but just asked him across from him.

"No, my task has been completed." Dalang said.

"You. Or you, what do you want?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, continued to ask.

"What do you say?" Dalang's expression was gloomy. However, the prostitute Gao Chuan is not sure whether this gloom is because he has no way to escape. Or, it is just an illusion that makes people less alert. Although his whereabouts were revealed, his face was still unclear. In the comparison of the data on the retina screen, the figure is exactly the same as that of Dalang. However, this enemy is an escape expert. No one can be sure that what is currently observed and heard is not part of the other party ’s plan.

Prostitute Gao Chuan is very clear that the question and answer of the two of them are actually meaningless. Because, the most important things cannot be revealed under such circumstances. However, he still wanted to try.

"I really don't understand, what exactly do you want to do. If your identity is confirmed, will the torch light be better? Are you going to directly detonate the contradiction between the torch light and the network ball? However, your weight is not enough —— ”Speaking of which, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan paused, adding:“ Even adding k. ”

"K?" He heard the name, and he couldn't see his face clearly. There seemed to be a smile in his face, "He and I are different."

"What's different?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, inquired that he was also interested in the young man whose abilities were similar to that of Father Sisen.

"All the things you pay attention to are different." Dalang's answer was still vague, as if he meant something, but what was specific was not obvious-everyone could produce himself from such an answer Association, however, which one is correct?

"Don't play word games anymore." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "Are you going to enter the coffin with secrets?"

"I always thought that I wouldn't die." Dalang's expression began to appear a little sharp. He stared at the prosthetic body Gaochuan and said: "I heard that Mr. Gaochuan has never been hit by the imminent death ... I am very Want to try ... "So, he snapped his fingers.

A burning paper jumped out of the space in front of him.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan sees very clearly. It is not the paper itself that burns, but the writing on the paper. That is the word "Gaochuan"-similarly related information in memory.

"?" The righteous body Gao Chuan's tone is a little serious, but under the cover of the fox mask, it is difficult for others to see his real thoughts.

"It's just a piece of paper in the notes." Dalang smiled and said, "I'm not the owner of this thing. However, it is rare to get one, and it must be used in the necessary place-unfortunately, I use it only I know, Mr. Gao Chuan ’s special. I ’ve never seen it before, and I do n’t know who can survive under the record. As a result ... Mr. Gao Chuan is a vivid example. "

"Your goal is me?" Yichuan Gaochuan said. The sound did not fluctuate at all.

"I just use people's money to eliminate disasters with people." Dalang still didn't answer positively, "So, let's start the last activity now. Location, timing, characters ... There are too many elements to meet, so arranged For a long time, there is not much deviation. To be honest, I really do n’t like this job. But there is no way. "

"You—" It seems that the prosthetic body Gaochuan intends to say, but, at the moment of the voice, a gray silk suddenly pierced Dalang's body, and at the same time, the prosthetic body Gaochuan had already inclined to the edge of the roof .

Although I want to get something out of the other party. However, the other party is obviously just to delay the time. The prostitutes Takagawa and Sakuya can only act, and are prepared to fail to get any specific information from the other party. Although I don't know what the enemy's real goal is, it will not affect the mood of the prostitute Gao Chuan. Behind the scenes, the hands are hidden behind the scenes. With the help of other people's hands step by step to promote their own plans, this is the normal state of the mysterious circle.

Dalang, maybe it's really just a chess piece.

Of course, he dares to stand up at this time, there must be something that supports his confidence. But relatively speaking. The self-confidence of the prosperity Gaochuan is also very strong-no matter how long and how long the other party prepares, if it is about life and death, it is definitely his own advantage.

Even if the legendary "" is displayed in front of himself at this moment.

Compared to something like "Jiang", "" or something. It's a bit unsightly.

In a blink of an eye, Dalang was pierced by gray silk without struggling, just tapping the paper burning the name of Takagawa with his finger. The next moment, more gray silk pierced through his body. The gray silk pierced into the body before, in this short time. There was more split in him.

Dalang's body trembled a little, and his nose, nose, and ears shed blood, but he had no more struggles. He, who was no longer invisible, seemed to have lost the high defense characteristics.

Miyaki did not intend to kill him here. The gray silk that proliferated in his body did not directly penetrate the brain and other key points. After putting out the body, he rolled back and entangled his body, wrapping it tightly, With a sharp pull, he made a large hole in the roof and rolled the man down. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan bypassed the burning paper suspended in midair and had to chase the gray silk and jump into the cave. Considering the anomaly of this gray haze hotel, he does not intend to return through the road from the time of arrival. Who knows what the structure there has become, compared with the path selected by gray silk, the possibility of making mistakes will be more Less-Sakuya's body did not keep up, which means that the gray silk has a most certain basis.

However, Dalang's final move is obviously not untargeted. The prosthetic body Gaochuan has already observed that the vortex gray fog rotating around the entire building is accelerating, as if using this vortex suction to condense a huge force. The flame ignited by the name "Gao Chuan" became extremely dazzling, and the light seemed to pierce the gray sky. As the prosthetic body Gaochuan approached, with paper as the center, a strong aura was released, as if a strong impact was spreading.

The retinal screen of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan was disturbed at once, and the brain hardware also popped up a stack of warning boxes.

This impact does not directly provide the impulse to the body, but it reaches consciousness through invisible means. However, the prosthesis Gaochuan only felt a slight dizziness. A large amount of data washed the retina screen, making the field of view complicated. These data have no practical significance for the prosthesis Gaochuan, because most of them are unreadable garbled . The occupancy rate of the brain hardware reached its peak at once, and there was a dull feeling. Even the response of the prosthesis was slightly delayed. However, today's prosthetic body Gao Chuan no longer depends on the brain hardware. The brain hardware acts as a shield, and after blocking this impact, the pressure that the brain needs to bear has been reduced to a point where it is undetectable.

There is a more complicated chain, which has emerged in the subconscious of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. He can perceive that it is a strange and indescribable feeling, but it is not enough to stop his actions. He jumped down from the cave, and then, just burning the paper with the name of "Gaochuan" ~ ~ The whole flame rose and instantly turned into a fly ash.

Wrapped tightly by the gray silk, Da Lang, who only exposed his head, suddenly showed a look of terrified horror. His pupils contracted first, and then continued to expand and loosen. In the reflection of these eyes, there was no trace of the surrounding scenery, but something that was not in the surrounding scenery at all.

A red dot appeared in his pupil, after which the red dot quickly occupied the field of vision.

If you look closely, you will find that it is actually a huge eyeball.

The crimson red eyes seemed to be staring at him, making his facial muscles seem frozen, and his face turned gray in an instant.

"... this, this is, what ..." He muttered to himself, struggling like crazy, but the gray silk tightly bound his body. This tightness made him feel extreme for the first time. Fear, "No! Don't come here! Blame, monster! This monster!" He uttered a terrible scream. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.

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