"The page should be regenerable." Kula said: "We have also studied this thing. In the battle of the year, the holder has consumed all the pages. And, the owner has indeed died. This time, should it be the new holder? "She glanced at Dalang:" Of course, it will definitely not be this guy. However, it is still useful to keep him alive. "

"I hope I can get some information from him, but looking at him, it seems that it is not the same as the situation of being bitten." Zhuohu frowned.

Kula also made the same expression. She also felt a little surprised. In general, the development of the matter was not much different from the initial assessment of the organization, but the details always gave a slight abnormality. Of course, she will not ignore this feeling, and all the guys who ignore her intuition will often not live very long.

Only, what is the specific situation-

She glanced at the prostitute Gao Chuan and the Ashbringer Saya Ye, who were walking side by side, keeping silent.

The Gray Mist Hotel has become broken, and it is not difficult to make a correct judgment about the reasons, fire escape and others, but for them, the collapse of Dalang still has some abnormalities, it seems that it is mixed in the expected normal direction. Unstable factors. However, this factor is like a word hidden in the library, there is not enough clues, and it can hardly be expected to be found. For everyone, this incident came to an end, which is not a happy ending, but at this time, it is impossible to imagine a better situation. A group of people returned to the normal world from the "gate" at the campfire. Those passengers who had hosted and participated in the campfire could no longer find their traces. As a "key", their end could be imagined, and the ordinary stay in the hotel Guests. Unexpectedly, there is no way to avoid conscious injury.

Prostitute Gao Chuan opened the door of a guest's room with ease. The family of three-a young couple and a baby as young as three years old-only the baby's condition is normal, and the adults are caught in a kind of stimulus to the outside world. Dull state. Their eyes were dull and not comatose, but they were not sober.

It's not a brain and nerve problem. As far as the physiological condition is concerned, it is still normal and healthy. However, this physiological health further brings out this dull and sluggish abnormality. This is not a pathological phenomenon and may be included in the scope of psychology, but it cannot be fully explained by known theories. If you say from an “active” perspective, they “gave up” thinking, but everyone who has experienced the incident personally understands it. This is actually more like a "forced to give up thinking" situation.

The definition of consciousness is a very complicated problem. Although normal science has its own definition of this, the starting point of this definition is to limit the expansion of its meaning for the convenience of research. For such a definition, even people themselves It is also full of controversy. The so-called consciousness is like a microbe with a large number of flagella, which are grouped together according to some complicated law. Observers are also inevitably replaced with "intensive syndrome" symptoms. When the prosthetic body Gao Chuan judged that these guests had "impaired consciousness," it was actually impossible to describe this damaged situation in detail. Just out of a kind of visual self-awareness.

After returning to the normal state, Misaki picked up the baby who was breathing lightly from the adults, and his eyes were full of pity, but this pity was also cold. The temperature in her heart did not exceed the normal person's level.

The baby was not affected, presumably because of the components of the consciousness field. Don't include them. For conscious walkers, the baby's consciousness is often very pale, but it can also become very scary and too unstable. In the information collected by the whisperer, the baby's situation needs to be sacrificed. Often they are extremely radical and destructive, and more often appear in the demon summoning ceremony.

In fact, of all the known mysterious organizations, only the people of Apocalyptic religion will treat babies as consumables with great fanfare.

Prostitute Gao Chuan said to Sakuya: "The child is fine." She nodded silently. Prostitute Gao Chuan feels that this is because she has not yet detached from the influence of the Ashbringer's state. This influence was difficult to detect in the past, but at this time, it became sensible.

The prostitute Gao Chuan never believed that the transformation of the Ashbringer was a necessary force. However, this is only from his standpoint. Undoubtedly, the most known about the impact of the transformation of the Ashbringer is undoubtedly the party Sakuya. The decision she made was not made because she did not understand it, but she knew clearly what the possibility would be, but I still chose this way-for Misaki who made such a choice, the prostitute Gao Chuan did not think that he should force her to stop her.

Contradictory emotions hovered in the heart of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, and then he swallowed it with chewing.

This is Gao Chuan, isn't it? He thought.

"What are you going to do?" Takagawa, the prostitute, turned his eyes from the baby to Kula and Fire.

"Place them in a nursing home." Huo said quietly: "We have a series of effective measures. Although innocent people are involved, it is a very sad situation, but to be honest, we can only think that Their luck is not good. The network ball has been tested for time for these unlucky welfare aftercare measures, and as long as the meeting that starts the day after tomorrow goes smoothly, there will be enough power to promote more effective and more A strong move. "

"Now you, there is a politician's pee smell." Kula sneered coldly, and then glanced at Misaki, the mood seemed even worse, "I hate you, woman, are you really human? "

Sakuya was still silent. Although she was standing under the light, her shadow and her sense of presence were almost dimmed into the light.

"Her condition is not normal." Gao Chuan said, "Compared to us, let's worry about yourself first."

"We will give a proper solution to Dalang's affairs." Kula ignored it. The cold attitude no longer had more emotions. "At this time, Jacques should have solved the problem."

"Can you contact?" The driver asked.

"Just back here, I have reported the situation through our channels." Kula's voice had not fallen, and the fourth floor of the hotel suddenly violently roared, making people feel helpless. The entire fourth floor was destroyed. The sound of falling objects continued from above the ceiling, and cracks appeared on the walls. The structure of the hotel is undergoing a cruel test and will be destroyed at any time. It is not an untargeted possibility.

Everyone can guess. This is due to the battle between Jacques and K. As a companion of Dalang, k cannot avoid being listed as one of the suspects before the truth is discovered. Even if K and Dalang and others arrived with the light of the torch, the attitudes of Jacques and Kula can elute their suspicions on the surface-the strongest k has always been under their supervision This is the answer they will eventually give. And this. In fact, it was obvious before the end of the incident.

As long as there are superficial answers and attitudes, it is impossible for the online ball to be entangled in the torch light before the end of the meeting, which is also a well-known situation. A mysterious organization that cannot escape from the normal social cycle cannot avoid political compromises, and the prostitute Gao Chuan understood this and was on the world line. Let the whisperer begin to transform, just. In this world line, the most critical element of transformation, Omi is gone.

Strictly speaking, the occurrence, process, and result of the event, as well as the many causes and effects mixed in this event, are before the event. It has been deliberately transparent. For Huohu and Kula, what was really unexpected was not a page used by Dalang, but the collapse of his mind, which did not match their understanding. Only one thing can be sure. In addition to the network ball, the torch light, these Asians, and the holders behind the scenes, there are other things mixed in.

There is not enough clues to confirm what it is, but the sudden unknown is always frightening and worrying.

Prostitute Gao Chuan understands that if they want to find this "unknown factor", they must enter their own ideological world. Although these people have always been cautious, it is not too late to make this decision. The collapse of Dalang is not the failure of leaving no clues. Earlier, it had proved the speciality of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

The name "Gao Chuan" has already been written twice, and it is impossible for the online ball to ignore the past.

The powerful conscious walker who is still staring at the night of Valpus is connected with the consciousness of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

The holder of may be making a series of actions against this conscious walker.

And the interference force of this conscious walker has also expanded from the ideological world line to the normal world.

A series of causes and effects are gradually and clearly displayed in front of these people under the deliberate intention of Gao Chuan.

Without solving this powerful and mysterious conscious walker, the network ball cannot ensure the successor construction of the repeater-this is a bait-like signal-a bait released by the prosthetic body Takakawa out of his own thinking. As for whether the online ball will be swallowed, and whether he will act according to this thinking, he is not completely sure, but the current situation is moving towards the most ideal situation.

The battle above the hotel did not last too long, and the violent explosions wave after wave, but the pedestrians did not leave the crumbling hotel in the first time, as if it was determined that things would be completely in the building It will end before it collapses. And the development of things is proceeding steadily as they showed.

After a minute, K did not fall, but was held by Jacques on his shoulder. Both images are somewhat embarrassed. In general, k's injury is more serious, his head covered with red, almost makes people think that half of his blood has run out. By comparison, Jacques performed very well. However, after carefully observing the battlefield and the injuries of the two, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan confirmed that the battle between K and Jacques was not as intense as they did. The mystery of k is not so good to deal with. This is a man who has some similarity to the past Father Sisen.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan will not forget the obscure airflow movements that he observed, caused by the mystery of k.

However, no matter whether Jacques and K are playing a show for the online ball, it is an indisputable fact that K and Dalang were hand-delivered to the online ball by the torch light. Torchlight claimed in action that it had been betrayed and deceived, and made a relatively low profile, and the cyber ball could naturally not ask for more. The attitude of the fire to these people. On the surface, it also began to ease.

After the talks, the whisperers did not participate. For the three, such meetings were full of falsehoods and pretense. Everyone was taking things for granted, saying things they did n’t even believe. This is not an interesting atmosphere. The consciousness field surrounding the hotel, after the page disappears, is irreversibly and quickly weakened. It is no longer a difficult situation for conscious walkers. The aftermath of the aftermath will naturally be handed over to the follow-up members of the network ball. When the night was almost zero, the surroundings of the hotel were filled with all kinds of lights, full of site-style hustle and bustle, and the netball began to transport innocent victims. And dismantle the entire hotel. For them, this scene is also of great research value. The consciousness field constructed by the holder is a model of application of collective consciousness.

When Gregia woke up, she was astonished by the busyness of the scene. Her blankness on the face proved that Sakuya in a normal state also had the means to be a veteran. Gregia has forgotten about the impact of the conscious walker. She did not stand the test given by the prostitute Gao Chuan, but for her. Perhaps it is not a bad thing. With her ability, she can move into logistics to ensure her safety.

Although, Bajing's initial considerations were not just to let her act as a mouthpiece for the whisperer, but. Facts have proved how trust is beyond everything. Even with the mystery of "near-death experience", Gregya is still not enough to replace Misaki's position, for the prostitute Takakawa. Misaki is still the only one, the best first-line partner. And between the two, they can't be mixed with other people in a short time, unless Bajing personally enters the battle.

"My head is a little dizzy." Gregia held her head and complained to Sakuya.

"You drink too much, the wine here is very poor quality." Sakuya warmly comforted.

"I don't think I drank too much." Gregia stared at Misaki stubbornly. "Tell me, what the **** happened?"

"You didn't pass the test of actual combat." Prostitute Gao Chuan answered instead of Sakuya. "This is an unprepared test, just like an emergency collection of military training, but there is only one chance."

"I failed?" Gregia froze for a while before she sorted out her thinking. "Then, did you erase my memory?"

"Yes, it's just to eliminate memory, not to eliminate intelligence." Yichuan Gaochuan made a joke. "Compared to other people in the hotel, you are too lucky."

Gregia could not help but glance at the passengers who were being transported into the bus. Those dull-eyed passengers said with some surprise: "What have you done to these people?"

"It's not what we did," Miyaki said. "A conscious walker set a trap here."

This time, Gregia immediately responded: "Then, is this trap for my test?"

"Yes, you failed in the first step." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "So, we have to erase your memory, otherwise it will cause terrible damage to your consciousness."

Gregia was stunned again, a little complained, a little bit of a wry smile: "The elimination is too thorough, am I so unbearable? Now ..." She looked around the hotel and said, "I don't have any real feelings about this, it is light Yes, it ’s really uncomfortable, as if rejected. "

"If you can continue to live like a normal person, don't complain anymore" Takagawa's comfort is a bit sharp.

What can Grega say? She eventually just shrugged her shoulders.

At this time, Escape had finished his work and took the driver to the whisperers and said to them: "I will send you back." He said to Gregia again: "I can take a good rest tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is you The stage is ready, are you ready? "

"What else do I need to prepare?" Gregia said disapprovingly. "It's enough to bring both ears, isn't it? Mr. Fire."

"It's not bad to think so." The fire escape patted Gregia's shoulder. "Everyone will be very happy with this attitude."

After the fire escape and the driver walk away, Gregia looked at Yichuan Gaochuan and said, "Everyone is happy, will we also be happy?"

Prostitute Gao Chuan answered her like this: "If we are not happy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone can't be happy anymore."

Gregia sighed hard and said, "It's another boring day."

"Because, you can't live a really exciting life." Miyaki smiled, and said Gregia's energy even more vigorously. Although she lost her memory, she did not think that what happened in the previous period was not exciting enough. It was because it was too stimulating that she could not bear it. The prostitute Gao Chuan told herself that her first step failed, and she still believed this.

It's really unimaginable. How did this woman pass this level of test when it was the same as ordinary people? Gregia looked at Miyaki with the corners of her eyes. She always felt that the other party used the power of the Ashbringer to show her talents on the battlefield. However, after amnesia, this idea came to a 180-degree. There seems to be some traces of the transformation, which still remain in her consciousness, but she can't spell it out concretely.

This seemingly non-existent feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable breathing, and her back neck was also painful.

"Huh!" (To be continued ...)

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