Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 858: Heavy hammer

After returning to the mansion, Gregia felt very tired, not physically, but mentally. The ambush of Asians was not the main reason. For her failure to persevere from the power of the conscious walker, she was also After removing the related memories, she was a little bit nagging and did n’t care about her own memory being erased. After the 51st District "Fate of Fate" plan, she was not so naive about the things in the mysterious circle, these things are not Ordinary people are so interesting from a spectator perspective and can stimulate the curiosity. For the personal participants, it is a suffering from physical and psychological all-round blows. Therefore, for her who has already claimed to be an insider at this time, she agrees with the treatment methods of the righteous body Gaochuan and Sakuya.

It's just that, after having the mysterious dream, I ate a shot before I could make it work. Even if I was mentally prepared, it was very unacceptable. Gregia feels lost in her “doing nothing”, she has also imagined that after she has the power to kill the Quartet, she becomes a key figure in saving others, saving organizations, and saving fate, just like those in the novel movie. The protagonist who is crucial to an event. However, this fantasy was extinguished before it started. The strength of the enemy made her feel that she was an insignificant little pawn. She could not change anything without a sense of presence.

Even after the loss of memory, there is no clear concept of how powerful the enemies faced at that time, only a hazy feeling that remains in the mind. It's less clear. How did you deal with it at the time, even if you want to absorb experience for the future? perhaps. Am I really not suitable for fighting on the front line? Gregia inevitably gave birth to the idea that when she woke up, everything changed, but she did n’t know where it changed. It made her unable to think too much about things as before, and lost the effort to build up. , As determined as a hedgehog.

Gregia's condition is not good, anyone can tell this. She seemed silent, not as choking as before, and did not deliberately adopt tit-for-tat techniques. The whole person was a bit depressed, even if she was uplifted. However, this is a difficulty that everyone must get through on their own, compared to more newcomers. She is undoubtedly lucky. Many people died in the face of the same terrible situation, even if they ca n’t do anything, and she is still alive and has a future position. There are a lot of work among the whisperers waiting for her to complete .

"Take a good night's sleep. After waking up, you will know that you are not insignificant." The body style Gaochuan said quietly to her: "There are some things that don't need us to do too much, but. There must be something Things are for you. "

"This is comfort? I don't have those women who have just left campus to fool." Gregya's smile was in the eyes of the prostitute Gao Chuan. It seems a little reluctant.

"No matter what you think of it, comfort or encouragement, I think you can accept it." Yichuan Gaochuan's words are not impatient and said slowly, "Although you think you are already a person in the circle, you should Better, but the fact is that there are many things that you ca n’t control. Accepting this uncontrollable result and starting again, is n’t it also the quality of professionals? "

"I think you should be a lecturer in the occupational psychological counseling class." Gregia stared at the prosthetic body Gao Chuan for a long while, bursting into laughter, patting his shoulder and saying in a firm tone: "Congratulations, you Activated a frustrated subordinate. I will be well, I promise, it will be tomorrow. "

"You're not talking about the morning?" Yichuan Gaochuan glanced at the clock. "It's past zero."

"Men don't care about these details!" Gregia glanced at her mouth and looked at Misaki, "What about you? Are you going to get some night pornography? Ah, no need to answer, anyway, haven't you heard the corner. You play with Bajing When the three were in a row, they were making a lot of noise. Next time, add me and Cheka? "After that, he made a haha." Just kidding. "After all, he walked back to the room.

"So-" Sakuya said to the prostitute Gaochuan: "I'm going to rest too? Achuan, are you going to go shopping?"

"I'll stay in the living room." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "If something happens, I will deal with it. Gregia's safety will be left to you, Aye."

"Relax, this is the site of a cyber ball." Sakuya kissed the mouth of pro-prostitute Gao Chuan. "Don't do unnecessary things. The current situation is messy. The most desired thing for the cyber ball is a relatively smooth transition. The promise they made will never be fulfilled now, which is too risky for them. This conservative strategy should continue until the end of the meeting, and the fire has been enduring for a long time. What he wants to do Things are like volcanic eruptions. "

"I just have a look." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, replied. Of course, he also understands what Miyue said, but if he simply observes the changes, he needs more luck. The enemy ’s footsteps will never take the initiative to maintain a balance with his own pace. If you progress slowly on this side, you may miss the chance of victory-even if, from the current situation, your chance of victory is still very small, but It ’s not always absent.

Maybe this night, the holder will have more actions. Prostitute Gao Chuan thought that the mystery of this holder was enough to touch the seal of "Jiang", so that the "Jiang" side should also react. It was a coincidence that I lost my consciousness briefly before.

No matter why the holder wants to attack those affected by Gaochuan, he is now aware of the possibility of the existence of "Jiang", with a probability of more than 50%. Perhaps this will be an opportunity for him to further explore, and the more intensely he tries, the greater the impact-whether it is for the network ball side or his own side.

The only concern of the prostitute Gao Chuan is that this holder takes a conservative approach because he can't figure out the "strong anomalies" he has experienced. but. The other party appeared at this time, and naturally it was impossible to do nothing. Just lurking again. The Global Mystery Organization Conference held by the Cyber ​​Ball has gathered the biggest and most variable in the current mystery circle. This chaotic situation is beneficial to anyone who wants to do something.

And this chaotic situation where everyone can profit will only last until the end of the meeting. The end of the meeting will inevitably be the adoption of the relevant propositions of worldwide organizations, and the will of the entire mysterious circle will reach agreement in the general direction. It's not so easy to quickly end the chaos at this time and think about fish in muddy water. When the top mysterious organizations in Europe and the United States all work for the same goal, their efficiency must be extremely amazing.

America, Africa, Europe, the mysterious circle of three continents. It will inevitably end the situation of internal friction temporarily. Although the actions of the mysterious organization can also be regarded as a part of politics, they are not as hard as normal politics. They want to expect the parties to delay a dispute over an agreement for more than a month, even after reaching an agreement. It is absolutely undesirable to deliberately use small means to disrupt the progress of the implementation of the agreement. Prostitute Gao Chuan is very clear that the internal conflicts of interest in the mysterious organization are definitely not as serious as those in the normal organization, bringing everyone together. It is more efficient and pure than the visible monetary benefits. Something like faith, dreams, and desires.

Even the mercenary organizations to which the files belong are not structured with "money interests". These mysterious mercenaries seem to allow them to do anything for their benefit, but if this is really the case, its structure will fall apart in a short period of time. Because people with "mystery" will never judge the importance of things from a non-mysterious point of view.

The "interest" in the normal sense has nothing to do with "mystery". This is not only due to the characteristics of the "mystery" itself, but also the result of the deliberate maintenance of the "big men" in the mystery circle. Only by eliminating self-interest, luck, and friendship can we ensure that the "mystery" will not spread on a large scale-narrowness, resulting in its power.

While thinking and waiting, the prosthetic body Gaochuan lit a cigarette and stared at the pendulum on the wall. After Gregoya and Sakuya entered the bedroom, the room was completely silent, and even the inhalation sound when smoking was like a blow box. Such a quiet, even ordinary people, will subconsciously feel something different from daily life, maybe that is an illusion, but that feeling is extremely strong, but people with sensibility will not know it there. The name, the unknown sense of oppression, perceives the baptism that gradually penetrates into the soul.

——I am transforming.

But perhaps, he has not changed, but his surroundings have become abnormal.

In a similar feeling, the prostitute Gao Chuan subconsciously stood up, pushed open the door and went out.

His first thought was that the conscious walker was active, but this thought was normal. The whole mansion was enveloped by the consciousness of the cyber ball from the beginning. Maybe this kind of conscious defense also borrowed Valpus. The power of the night. As long as it is not an extremely dull person, just entering the mansion, you will be able to perceive the anomaly caused by the consciousness overwhelming the entire mansion. Some allies of the cyber ball are just too sensitive to this anomaly , And prefer to live outside the house with less tight protection.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan was also unclear at this time. What he felt was whether he was a "wrong comer" or a "house guard".

However, the second thought soon appeared in his mind. The reason for the idea was very obscure, but it made him completely skeptical-someone died.

Yes, someone is dead. Unconsciously, similar to the situation where the last conscious walker was killed, few people should notice until the routine inspection came to the side of the body. Last time, the prosthetic body Gaochuan did not notice, but this time, it may be that the power, body and consciousness that have been in deeper contact have already remembered that special taste, and perhaps it is also because of the preparation for the death of someone. The prosthetic body Gaochuan felt another subtle but out-of-the-box anomaly permeated by the anomaly formed by the defense system of consciousness.

Obeying this feeling, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan even subconsciously understood which way he should go and which way he could reach the dead. At night, the staff of this mansion does not encourage people to come out, because, at this time, the ideological defense power of the entire mansion will be greatly improved, turning the entire mansion into a dangerous maze. From the perspective of its power. It can also be regarded as the conscious power of the network ball. It will indiscriminately erode everyone who stays in the mansion-and this can also be seen as one of the reasons why the allies of the online ball do not want to stay in the mansion.

Regardless of the past performance and credibility of the online ball, what is the "do no evil", but it is still not enough to let others completely open their hearts to fully believe this "do no evil" attitude. In normal social situations, this is extremely common. The rules that must be followed, and in the mysterious circle, are more sensitive to issues involving consciousness.

Even if the mansion with such conscious power is used as a hospitality for allies, even if the original intention is really "to ensure safety", it must be said that the online ball is really very bold. It seems to be deliberately showing his muscles.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not worry about the invasion of conscious power, and the organ made up of non-conscious power in the mansion could not harm him, and even in this sense of directing to where the dead are, he did not feel that he might get lost. . The mansion under the night is for most people. All are worthy of vigilance, however, the progress of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is completely without hindrance.

Walked round the corner all the way and got off the building. He stopped. In the direction he looked, the wall blocked his view. However, the chain judgment returned the detailed observation results-the deceased's body was lying 20 meters away from him in a straight line, not in the room, more like the traces that had just escaped from the room, It seemed that this man was very alarmed. This person may have realized that he was going to be killed.

The deceased is a woman. From the outline of the initial outline of the face, she looks quite good, has a good figure, and is full of charm and charm like a mature beautiful woman who is not willing to be lonely. At this time, her face still has redness. However, there were no signs of infringement on the body, so it was probably because I was too excited because of certain things.

There are no wounds on the corpse. In terms of the operation of physiological functions, this is not a corpse, but a vegetative one. A bit similar to Darang's situation, consciously suffered fatal injury, but did not affect the body. Of course, if you leave it alone, the physical death of the body is only a matter of time. However, her body temperature is still at a normal level.

"Don't you take advantage of the heat?" Suddenly the voice came from the side wall. The prosthetic Gaochuan is not surprised. The chain judgement has already observed this person. He seems to have come for the dead. He even stayed in a room next to the wall one step earlier than the prosthetic Gaochuan. The prosthetic Gaochuan is not sure if he is Originally lived here. His voice showed an indifferent, ridiculous attitude, which made it impossible for him to be included in the suspect's suspicion.

"Who are you?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, asked quietly.

"People who came to catch the murderer." The voice replied across a wall: "I know, not only tonight, until the end of the meeting, until the network ball completes the transformation of the repeater, will continue to die. Although it is the first See you once, but, I know, this is the power, and the guy is back. "

"So--" The prosthetic body paused and said, "What do you want to do?"

"I can't do anything. I'm not that guy's opponent. I can't even beat you. But--" The voice also paused. "If you put everyone's strength together, you can really do something, for example, stop Continue this behavior. "

As soon as the words fell, a huge iron hammer broke through the wall, and a heavy whistling came. In the prosthesis Gaochuan's retina screen, such a speed is like the slow motion of the same frame. He observed carefully, the cracks in the wall, the small figure exposed between the fragments, and the sturdy hammer.

The hammer is used to hit the side, with a diameter of nearly one meter, and a triangular nail cone pops up in the middle. Once hit, it is definitely not as simple as being shot. The whole hammer reached the bottom of the handle, with a total length of two meters and three, such a behemoth, but it was held in the hands of a girl who was only a few meters and a few meters. UU reading www. The young girl has long blond hair that is very common in Europeans. She has a pair of ponytails, a delicate face, dressed in black and white, and a gothic dress with lotus leaves and lace edges. The princess in the palm of your hand, however, the expression at this time is not pure at all, and is full of a kind of malicious viciousness.

Whether it is the attacking gesture with a heavy hammer, or the crazy eyes, facial features, and clothing, all overlap with the shadow of another girl in the prosthetic body Takakawa.

During the night of Las Vegas Valpus, the goth girl who didn't know its true identity eventually joined with the red lady.

The prosthetic body Takakawa jumped back and escaped the blow with ease. Before the Gothic girl withdrew the hammer, he jumped on the hammer and pressed down on the grim heavy weapon. The Gothic girl's movements inevitably stagnate.

"We've seen it?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, asked. For combat, unless he encounters monsters such as "Jiang", "Virus", Juvenile Gao Chuan or "Final Weapon", he will never worry about being unable to cope. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.

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