Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 863: Moon's Lair

The London sky is particularly bright in the second half of the night. In addition to the part of the moon that can be seen, the other hemisphere in the dark surface is also vaguely outlined, setting off the night. . In the eyes of ordinary citizens in London, this is probably a rare sight in this city. For a long time, this city has been enveloped by a large amount of suspended particles, hidden deep in the smog. However, in the eyes of people in the mystery circle, such a beautiful night also exudes a kind of unusual atmosphere, whether it is in London or not, this is not their familiar night. The communication of mysterious organizations from all sides passes through the continent and the ocean, forming a network covering the entire planet. In this network, there is a rushing sound, which is converging towards London along with the mysterious organization.

This night, before the start of the first plenary meeting of the mysterious organization, the penultimate night, more foreigners poured into this bustling and seemingly peaceful metropolis. Countless eyes, involuntarily thrown into this sky, the moon in the field of vision seems to be bigger, the color is not the same as in the past, it is not clear to the naked eye, but by adding a mysterious ultra-long-distance observation device If you observe, you will understand that the origin of this abnormality is--

The craters on the moon are creeping. Something is multiplying on the surface of the moon, and the signals from the back of the moon are more active than those on the front. The moon landing event a long time ago let ordinary people realize how desolate and dangerous the moon is, not as beautiful as described in literary works. But such a moon. But more than once became the source of people's imagination.

Many people have thought that if there is another world on the moon and other life, even if they cannot be found by field surveys, they do exist. They may be dangerous, they may be indifferent, they may not even look down on another water-filled planet closest to this rock sphere-such an imagination. Unstoppably, hovering in the minds of countless people.

In occultism, there are many things that can be related to the moon. It can even be said that the moon is an important source of "mystery".

Now, this night. Such imagination, guessing, and exquisiteness finally have a definite answer--

Countless huge airships are rising from the camouflage mouth that is slowly open at the bottom of the crater, and the dark side is invisible to the naked eye. The mountain turned upside down in a blocky way, recreating a rigid outline, which is a kind of steel texture, very heavy. Full of edges and corners, withstood the baptism of time. Wake up again.

Then, with mysterious power, the people who observed that piece of the world saw one huge swastika.

"What a **** talk!" At the same time, similar swear words sounded on the huge communication network, "Nazi !? They are really on the moon!"

"What are they going to do? Wage a full-scale war?"

"Too fast! They shouldn't move so fast. Did the staff grow up with shit?"

"Immediately start the emergency plan and pass on the news. Continue to pay attention to their movements. Where do you think they will land? Europe? Africa? America? Asia? Will they repeat a blitz? Or start by attacking Poland?"

"Poland, Britain, America and Bai Su are the most likely, and those guys are quite arrogant."

"What are the possibilities of multi-line combat? Can they do it?"

"Sorry, we don't have enough information. They have repeaters. To estimate what they can do, they can only apply to the network ball and the 51st district for relevant information."

"Contact them now!"

"Wait! They have sent the message on their own initiative."

"Also sent to London in District 51?"

"If both Doomsday Religion and the Nazis have repeaters, to fight them, you must have at least two repeaters. The network ball is currently the most likely to complete the repeater."

"Damn, who will tell me how strong a repeater can be !? I'm already in a mess!"

"Don't panic! From the data point of view, the moon has just entered the army, and there is still a period of time before the promotion. The key is that the network ball can't be dragged anymore!

"How much time do we have?"

"There are at least 48 hours, estimated."

"Estimated !? You **** told me estimated?"

"Okay, I mean, no matter what, we have to go through forty-eight hours. Even if the meeting over the Netball goes well, we need these times to integrate resources."

"... Maybe, the Nazis would choose London as the first hit point? What should we do, we should not hide their eyes?"

"It depends on how these Nazis view the network ball repeater. If you care about it, it should be the first target."

"What about the doomsday truth?"

"As usual, there is no extra activity."

"Does the Church of Doom and the Nazis join forces? In that case, we can't get too many people to go to London."

"Sorry, just as you said this, all of our informants buried in the Doomsday Truth have lost contact."

"It's so fucking—" The speaker didn't finish, there was a silent silence.

"In any case, London must be kept safe for the next forty-eight hours. Has the cyberball notified the United Nations of this information?"

"Yes, they said that they had done that for the first time. With their credibility, even if those national departments could not directly observe the buildup of the Nazi army, they should be highly valued by them."

"That's good, I don't want to rush to the front line, that's not a joke. Hello, I said, how long have we not been in such a war? I'm a little scared."

"Full seventy years, sir."

"Originally, am I over a hundred years old? Time is really a terrible thing. Go! Inform the Holy Carlos Cathedral to activate all the safety cabins, now. It is for those guys whose souls are starting to freeze to play their waste heat It's time. "

"Yes, they will be very happy. Die in such a grand war."

All the mysterious organizations that survived from World War II, all the mysterious organizations that knew that the Nazis will return, all hidden underground, hidden on the plateau, hidden in the mountain forests, became a mysterious organization in the humble part of the human social system There are far more mysterious organizations than the speculation of mysterious circles, but there are indeed mysterious organizations in a certain land of this world. They all started to operate with high efficiency and heat that had never been seen in half a century. Just like, a huge steam monster covered with rust, once again ejected the thick smoke, making a rumbling sound.

The third world war, both in anticipation and at an unexpected time, sounded the countdown before firing the gun.


"It's started. It's started, it's started, it's started, it's started--" The sound repeated five times was like an alarm that was tuned in advance, waking k from deep sleep. He suddenly opened his eyes. In less than a second, the pupil became sharp and concentrated from the diffused confusion. He didn't sleep naturally, his vision was still dark. His hands and feet were imprisoned, and his entire body was packed into a small frame. Unable to unwind. His mind replayed the memory before deep sleep. He and Dalang were handed over to the Internet by the torchlight as gifts. The two of them were stuffed into the transfer car in the first time. In the car, they underwent a series of inspections before being forced into a coma.

In addition to the stiffness curled up in the body, there was no additional pain. K heard the sound of wheels and motors, the flow of air and the slight centrifugal force of the car body, all in his mind, sketching the situation he faced- I haven't been in a coma for a long time, and my destination has not yet arrived. Of course, according to the plan, even the best situation cannot be sent directly to the core of the other organization for detention and interrogation. However, the tighter the prison, the more likely it is to find a channel to the core of the network ball .

k recalled his plans for others and others, and made sure that there was no big trouble. However, the call to "start" did not come from the planned signal. He thought, what "started"? However, for various reasons, that voice never appeared again.

k reviewed the important matters of the plan, his mind and senses, once again much more keen, this time, the wind emanating from him made him receive the news of Dalang-this companion's situation is not good at all, not only in the hotel At that time, I became an idiot because of a mistake, and at this time, it seems to be being dissected. The slight buzzing sounds like a wave of ripples in the air, giving K's skin a numbness of being hit by static electricity. Although the sound is small, he is sure that it is the sound of a chainsaw.

In the dark, the chainsaw turned wildly.

Then came the puffy puffy voice, as if something soft had been hit.

Although it is possible to give a preliminary feedback of the outline there through the airflow, it is not as clear and practical as the naked eye seems. k wanted to turn around and find a place where he was closed. Is there a gap where he can sneak a few glances, but unfortunately, this space is so narrow that it is difficult to achieve even a wide range of arms.

He continued to listen, and no human voices were heard, neither speech nor footsteps, only the sound of something being cut by a chainsaw, and the sound of fragments of that thing falling sticky and sticky to the ground. Suddenly, someone slapped K's secret storehouse, K screen was quiet, and his body froze again. If necessary, he will violently break through this secret warehouse that imprisoned him within a second. He calculated his strength and felt that it should not be too difficult. Although the other party imposed heavy restrictions on him, he was not The first time I do this kind of latent work, I know how to deal with it, so that I can restore myself to a hands-on level in the fastest time.

K does not know whether the person who monitors himself has already realized that he is awake. Is the person who patted the secret warehouse the same person who was monitoring, and how many people are around. However, since it is in a car, there will be no more than ten people traveling around him.

This amount is not in his eyes. He is confident that even if the team has reinforcements outside, he can resolve the contradictions in this car before the other side reacts.

However, he did not move after all, because. In his plan, there is no need to escape from the detention facility where the netball takes him.

k Continue to listen to the outside sound. After a while, someone finally said: "This is also the case. After this guy became a frozen person, the volume has been increasing. Where is the problem?"

Jelly man? k remembered the information about the encounter with the cyber ball during this time. It is not the first time that the cyber ball person has seen someone turn into a humanoid jelly. For the general information of the jelly man, k still knows that it is a strong conscious walker who has been lurking in the night of Valpus. Means of intervention against the normal world.

However, these people should be talking about Dalang, because, K has smelled his taste, the source of this taste is very close to the place where the chainsaw went crazy before.

"Dalang has become a jelly man?" K recalled what had sounded before. When he was cut by a chainsaw, he looked soft and said, "Is the person in the network ball using a chainsaw to dissect the jelly?" He couldn't help thinking. It shouldn't be that the cyber ball deliberately made Dalang become a frozen person, that is to say, it is likely that the previous action failed. K has seen Dalang himself after the collapse of consciousness. At that time, I already felt that the cost of this failure was large enough, but I did not expect that it would pay a greater price in such a short time.

How does it feel to be dissected into a frozen person? k would like to know. But I definitely don't want to try it myself.

"Is the inhibitor useless?" Another voice asked.

"No." The answer came to a halt, and said unexpectedly: "This is not like a mysterious variation. It is more like a natural change--"

"What are you talking about! The human body naturally becomes jelly? Are you sure you are not kidding?"

"I mean, the cells and even the genetic parts of this guy's body have been mutated, but it gives people a feeling of returning to normal posture."

"Return to normal? Do you really think so? We should have been a big jelly, not an organic carbon structure?"

"It ’s just a feeling. Seriously, I think it ’s not normal for me to feel this way. But, look at this, it ’s a very stable structure, is n’t it? Even if it is divided into a single small unit, it has all the assembly The function, regardless of the small unit or the aggregate, is very stable, as if it is not affected by external stimuli. "

"What use are these jelly particles?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? Maybe you can eat it."

"I don't like to eat this kind of thing." The man said: "If it spills into the ground, can it replace Jinji La?"

"Maybe." With this ridicule, the chainsaw's voice quickly faded away, replaced by an exhaust sound, which was not heard in just one second.

"Okay, it's time to bag. Remember to pour some strong acid into it. That's the best thing to use to break down these jellies."

"... Hey, man, seriously, this stuff might really be edible."

"Oh my god, can't you mention this, he has become a man!"

"But he is no longer human, is he?"

"Fake squid!"

The jingling sound, which was joking on both sides of the talk, lasted for about five minutes, and then the whole car fell into silence. k happened to free up a finger, using his mystery, to forcefully and silently insert a hole in his secret warehouse, he heard a harsh brake sound, strong inertia, let him be The secret warehouse slipped forward, knocked down many things, and was hit by a falling object on the index finger that pierced the secret warehouse. He withdrew his finger reflexively, his face squeezed in pain.

He thought to himself: What happened? Another side sighed for his luck.

However, there was finally light infiltrating into the secret warehouse from the cave of the size of his index finger, and let him confirm once again that the thing that held him was a wooden box, and it was still the most common wood. The light outside the wooden box is very bright, even if k in the dark in the strength feels that he can't open his eyes directly-some people in the car have a surgical shadowless lamp there, but no one is there. . Half of the green jelly-like substance was packed in a bag, and the other half was drooping out, looking like a human limb.

That's Dalang. While keeping in silence for this companion's misfortune, continue to observe other details.

Then he heard this voice: "Moon ..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a long inhalation sound, as if the person talking and listening ~ ~ saw something incredible.

"... Hey, man, isn't this an illusion?"

"I don't think so, what we see is the same?"

"Nazis! They are really on the moon!"

Nazi? Hearing this name, K couldn't help but froze for a moment, but the message "The Nazis were on the moon" was no stranger to him. In the Black Nest, this information has gradually spread beyond the core. However, at this moment, the people in this car should have confirmed the authenticity of this information more practically? There was a strong desire in k's heart and he wanted to see the sky with his own eyes.

He tried to break through this fragile box violently several times, but after all he was patient. He wasn't sure whether the box was as ordinary as the material, and he didn't want to break his long-held plan because of a temporary break. I ca n’t see the amazing scene with my own eyes. Although it is a bit regretful, it must be worth it. k thought so. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.

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