The man stood in the night of Valpuss, looking at this ruinous scene. In the gray world, only the black giant mechanically destroyed the repeatedly breeding buildings. Apart from himself, he no longer felt the existence of others However, compared to this lonely emotion, another kind of worries caused by doubt is more intense. He didn't understand why he was worried, but there was a smell that scared him in the air-it was a familiar smell, not long ago, his consciousness was born with this kind of fear The power was destroyed. He couldn't forget the teenager's face and the horror smell attached to the teenager.

That is definitely not "human". The teenager is not, the thing that spreads fear is even more not. He knows his strength, he is l, the real owner of "", however, the other party easily penetrated his "mystery". This is the first time, in the real sense of the ideological world is crushed like a crush. He was grumpy but full of curiosity. Because the destruction of the consciousness did not bring back much information, so the specific situation at that time, men are not very clear. He was here again this time, and this Valpus night was still the original place, just to confirm it again.

However, the young man, and the monster, had disappeared. l Thinking, assuming a variety of situations, this is the night of Valpus, a reserved place for the online ball. Will the other party leave in order to get rid of the harassment of the online ball? Or, some agreements have been reached with the network ball, so there is no need to stay any longer? He had many similar assumptions, but he was overthrown one by one. He doesn't think at all that guy will be left behind by the netball. He still knows how capable the netball is. However, the current situation of the online ball makes them absolutely unable to invest more energy to do something against that monster. Intelligence in the normal world has clearly confirmed this, and the cyber ball is scorched by sudden troubles, and these troubles. There are many clues pointing to the boy, the monster.

The network ball plan is very strict, and it is also making some arrangements for its own enemies. The situation in Val Pugets Night cannot completely escape their vision. Even so, l still feels that there are many things beyond the network The calculation of the ball. This European and American region, and even the top global mysterious organization, is no longer like it was when it was developed in the past. The performance is so unfavorable-the growth of the network ball is a matter of half a century. Their rigorous planning and efficient execution efficiency can always achieve their expected goals, so that they have developed in just a few decades. A top-level mysterious organization that causes headaches. Their style is relatively decent, their eyes are very big from the beginning, and their minds are very wide. It is full of vitality, just like the "people's heart" organizations in people's impression. However, such a mysterious organization is often extremely difficult in the early development. The reason why the network ball can develop is because they "have never made mistakes".

Never made a mistake-this is an extremely terrible evaluation. Everyone who understands the history of the development of the online ball will understand their situation at that time, even a small deviation will make them fall short. However, there is no deviation. The netball walks on the wire rope between the cliffs. In the eyes of others, it will be lost at any time. However, they still walked steadily. Such confidence and courage as if they believed they would not fall off the cliff.

Such network **** are terrible, but now, when they are ready to board another glory, the wind direction is a bit wrong. l has been watching, observing, trying to figure out the clues that he can get even a small piece of debris, and put them together, so he smelled a different smell-although It ’s not very clear, but it ’s enough for him to confirm that the online ball has made a mistake. In this critical and sensitive period, a mistake has occurred. Although it is unclear in what way this mistake is and what kind of impact it will bring, However, the mistake of the online ball that never fails is a kind of unnatural change.

l Gazing at the broken earth, the scene in this area has become completely different from the last time he came. The blood red looks like blood, but a thicker liquid, which has eroded the area of ​​a few kilometers, although Compared to the seemingly endless range of Val Pugetz Night, these eroded places are just a drop in the ocean, but what can erode Val Pugets Night is definitely not that simple-- Not only is it flowing among the ruins, it is not just devouring the black giant. Under this appearance, there must be a deeper "mystery" in action.

l think this must be something that the teenager and the monster deliberately left behind. They left, but left something like this. Did they stay here in the past, just to prepare for such a scene? Where are they now? What are you planning? What they have done has actually targeted the cyber ball, so will the undercurrent caused by it be the cause of the cyber ball's mistakes? And how will this undercurrent affect yourself and more people?

The strength of the network ball itself, as well as its position and even its ongoing plans, are destined to involve the world. The turbulence of the cyber ball will inevitably trigger the turmoil of the world. To put it bluntly, at least a quarter of the direction of this world is in the hands of the cyber ball. Once such a mysterious organization is affected, once an error is made, who can be sure that he can avoid the turmoil that comes with it and will not be implicated?

l Everything that comes to mind makes him unable to relax the tight string. Originally, he had more than 60% confidence in his plans for others, but now he feels that if he walks at the original pace, the chance of success , Will definitely not exceed 50%.

Fear not only comes from the breath and traces left by that monster, but also from what seems to devour oneself, like a torrential trend-just like feeling that destiny is about to tease itself.

It's complicated and huge and unpredictable, but it can be called an unseen intuition.

"What the **** is that ...?" The young man's face appeared again in L's mind, "It looks like Gao Chuan, but it should not be Gao Chuan. It was the consciousness of Gao Chuan who moved the foot, is that mysterious conscious walker Why did he want to be like this? Is it the limitation of the power characteristic? Or is it for a deeper purpose? "Too many questions cannot be answered. He feels that he must find this young man as soon as possible for today's plan.

l Leaving the night of Valpus. What he saw, thought, and felt consumed his too much energy, which made his face look sickly pale. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Father Sisen sitting opposite him, as if he had been waiting here for some time.

"Have you run into that guy again? Have you suffered?" Father Sisen smiled politely and asked very straightforwardly.

"No, it's worse." L's expression was not right. Father Sishen also settled in and listened to the other party's explanation: "That guy is gone, the monster is gone, only an incredible power is left, it seems to be eroding the night of Valpus."

"It's gone?" Father Sisen couldn't help but be surprised when he heard it, but he soon thought of when he was there. The brows gradually frowned as he thought of. "It's really not good news. In fact, the latest news is that the network ball has launched the Dorothy plan, and this plan's biggest use in the moment is to create traps." He stared at l and said word by word: " It ’s a trap for the conscious walker who made hands and feet in Mr. Gaochuan ’s conscious world. They intend to lure the other party out, although it ’s not clear why they are so sure that the other party will come out, and it ’s not clear what method they have prepared To defeat this opponent. However. You also know that online **** will never make mistakes. "

"You mean, that guy's disappearance, actually got into the network ball and deliberately opened the bag?" L rubbed his temple, but quickly shook his head, saying: "I am more inclined than this possibility ... … "He said here, he paused. Although he thought so, his cognition of the online ball still made him feel an incredible feeling when he was ready to speak," I prefer the Internet. The ball is wrong. "Because it is very important, he said a second time," The network ball that has never been wrong, mistake! "

Father Sisen ’s expression immediately changed. Although he felt that there was such a possibility, when he was formally proposed, he also felt that the emotions in his heart were definitely not joy.

"Network ball mistakes? Network ball mistakes!" Father Sisen suddenly stood up and paced continuously. After a while, he said to l: "We need more information, but we just wait for the information to make a decision." It may be too late. So, I think we ’d better speed up. The plan of the online ball ca n’t die at this time, the Dorothy plan must succeed, otherwise we will lose the strongest barrier. We are not good at the online ball Friends, but the enemies of the online ball, can not be our friends. "

"Yes, I think so too. It doesn't matter if the online ball intends to use the Dorothy plan as a trap or as something else. For us, the success of the Dorothy plan itself is the most important thing. Really It is a pity that the online ball does not trust us, Dorothy plans to become a public project after the meeting, but then it is too late. "L said, standing up from the chair," How is the situation of q? "

"It has been successfully detached." Father Sisen knew what to do, and his idea was the same: "He and h and s have picked up k."

"K has also completed the task? In this way, the elements of the plan are complete." Nodded, took a deep breath, and walked out of the door. "Start planning now, hope to catch up."

"You don't have to worry about this at all." Father Sisen's tone slowed down: "Even if the internet ball makes a mistake, it still has the power to make up. But if they realize their mistake, they will definitely re-deploy, once They divert their attention, and the pressure on our side will be reduced a lot. "

"Come on fire--" l suddenly asked: "Is there no more serious situation?"

"A bigger situation?" Father Sisen thought about it and shook his head with a smile, "If something like that really happens, they will definitely block very well. It is definitely not the first time you can get the intelligence."

"Really? Actually, I think something absolutely happened inside them!" L seemed to understand what he said in a very convincing tone: "Father Sisen, you better pay attention to the wheelchair person's Message. "

"Wheelchair person? Do you think that guy will also be unpredictable?" Father Sisen asked back.

"He is very strong in some fields. I must admit that I am not as good as him, but, because of this, it is possible for him to have an accident." L's expression became serious, "his duty. Doomed to interfere with Val The night of Pugetz, his ability, is destined to dive deep into the deep sea of ​​consciousness. All of this is doomed, he will inevitably encounter that monster! If the mistake of the netball is because of that monster And what happened, then, I have reason to believe ... "He paused here and didn't go on. However, his unclear hints made Father Sisen understand.

"You are an expert in ideological matters. But, I still feel ..." Father Sisen narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I also hope I feel wrong." L said: "If something happens to the wheelchair person at this time, it is good for the network ball and good for us. It is not good news. This means that we are about to lose one. In the case of a powerful helper. Go face a more terrible thing. "

"Don't mention this. Before I get specific information, I can't be sure about anything." Father Sisen shifted the subject and asked: "This time you enter the night of Valpus, have you confirmed that? About your encounter Was the teenager he came in contact with Mr. Gao Chuan? "

"There must be a relationship. However, the specific situation is not yet sure." L said with some hesitation: "I think ... he may not be a living person. It is possible, until the last time he met him, He is not human. "

"What's the situation?" Father Sisen's face was also a little weird. He had heard and experienced some eccentricities of ideology, but what he said today is indeed unexpected.

"The boy must have done something in Gaochuan's consciousness. What you suggested earlier might be an excuse that Gaochuan himself made to cover up some of his intentions, or maybe it was Gaochuan's split personality The reasons are not quite in line. "L said cautiously:" I later revisited it carefully. The teenager was definitely not a projection of personality consciousness, definitely not Gao Chuan himself. He felt like a ghost and a ghost to me. , Just misappropriated Gao Chuan's image. It may be a dead conscious walker, attached to Gao Chuan, stealing the power of Gao Chuan's consciousness through his own mystery, so as to obtain the form, so the image and Gao Chuan Very similar-well, in a nutshell, it is a mystery similar to the rebirth of a backdoor. He may be very strong himself, but it is definitely not outrageous. What is outrageous is another mystery that is entangled in him. That is not The mystery that belongs to him is the real monster! "

"That is to say, the disappearance of this young man may be that he has completed the rebirth, so there is no need to stay in the ideological world?" Father Sisen proposed this hypothesis.

l froze for a moment, and thought about it carefully, I have to be sure that there is indeed such a possibility.

"If that person is parasitic in Gaochuan's consciousness and staying in the night of Valpuss, it is just to let him go through the initial break-in period and stabilize his own consciousness, then it is the best situation. "L said so.

The fire stood in front of a coffin and stood silent for a long time like silence. The coffin is black and heavy, but the style is very rustic. It is cushioned with thick cushioning material, creating a comfortable bed, with white sheets on it, and lying on the body of the wheelchair person. His feet have already shrunk. To make the pants look a bit loose. The deceased wheelchair person's expression at this time is dull, and the muscles of his face lose their elasticity and appear to be hard. Even with makeup, he can no longer recover the rounded feeling, which was definitely not the case when he just died. The fire escape saw the look full of fear, anxiety and decisiveness, just like the ice frozen on his face.

Just from the death phase, I can feel that the wheelchair person must have encountered a very painful and terrible situation, and made the decision to make it even if he gave up his life. No, the situation at that time must be a doom that the wheelchair person cannot resist. Before doom kills itself, try to do something-what wheelchair people want to do at that time, it is clear to escape. ~ This respectable colleague, at the last moment of his life, is the most worried Still these people.

However, the wheelchair person failed and he failed to pass the final message. No, he did not fail completely, because his death, and even his own death, was the most severe warning. Fire escape is very painful. For half a century, after suffering the death of too many colleagues, he has rarely experienced such pain.

He took a step forward and put the bouquet in his hand into the arms of the wheelchair person, and pushed the coffin lid alone.

"Goodbye, old man." Huo Huo murmured, until he went out, everyone in the hall did not dare to talk to him, let alone take a breath. The dead and heavy atmosphere, pressing the people who saw the body, could hardly breathe.

We made mistakes, this is the price, if we continue to make mistakes, we will pay a heavier price! ——This was said by the fire escape in the hall, like a heavy hammer, hitting them in the chest.

How long has the online ball gone wrong? Netball has never made mistakes before this time!

Wheelchair people are the first real, meaningless victims. (To be continued ...)

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