The information obtained from Jonny ’s consciousness information finally made me understand the current situation of this doomsday illusion. The development of the online ball is not much different from my judgment. Father Sisen ’s black nest has not yet been seen. In the past The three of the doomsday illusions check and balance each other, and in this doomsday illusion, they become the dominance of the doomsday truth. Netball has not completed the integration of mysterious organizations around the world, but this integration has been put on the agenda, and the upcoming rally in London is the first step in the establishment of a worldwide unity organization. I can imagine the turbulence that comes with it No wonder this city is so prosperous and peaceful, but it gives people a sense of danger when they are in a vortex, and they will be irrevocably lost in the wrong step.

Compared with past doomsday illusions, today ’s doomsday illusions are closer to the end. The movement of the online ball involves the changes of the entire world. Moreover, the enemy does not only come from political game pressure, but also from a plurality of dead enemies- In addition to the doomsday truth, there is also a Nazi army watching. Jonny didn't know much about the Nazi legion, but the Nazi attack on the United States could not be concealed from people like him, even with the information supervision of the United Nations. In this apocalyptic illusion, not only are there many mysterious organizations, but the government also lacks a cognition of the mysterious world. Except for the Central Principality, there is not much movement to see. Speaking of, it is not so strict confidential. It can be judged from this that the Central Principality is definitely not without any action. As the strongest country in the Asian region, this incubation also means amazing explosive power.

The rampant and erosion of Doomsday Truth in Europe and America has already caused other mysterious organizations to suffer. This alliance is undoubtedly a persecution in a living environment. The position, credibility and organizational structure of the network ball have given the network ball its extreme Big innate advantage. I don't doubt it. As long as the alliance can be completed, then, in the next time, the extremely huge network ball in the last doomsday illusion will appear in this world-in that era, the network ball has become similar to the "United Nations" synonym. In other words. The netball and the current netball are not completely equal.

The emergence of the Black Nest, probably after the establishment of the mysterious joint organization led by the Internet ball, out of conceptual disputes and under the pressure of the general environment, people in the mysterious circle who realized that they could not resist the organization with individuals consciously gathered in Together, become a loose group, and then under the leadership of Father Sisen. Gaining a foothold-In that era, before the last battle before my death, Father Sisson split the painfully created "Holy Land" by the Mar Jones family.

However, in this doomsday illusion, the Martian Jones' "Tianmen Project" was obviously very smooth, making this family, one of the three branches of Doomsday Truth, the de facto ruler of Doomsday Truth. The wizards they created also became the core combat power of the doomsday truth. This advancement gave them a greater advantage over other mysterious organizations. Although in the past doomsday illusion. The performance of the Marl Jones family has already exhibited some characteristics of the Doomsday Truth, but it still surprised me that its status in the Doomsday Truth is so promising. The battle with the Marl Jones family just before death was enough to make me clear. How powerful the doomsday truth in this doomsday illusion-At that time, the Mar Jones family shrank on their own territory, but they still developed extremely powerful forces. In this doomsday illusion, the family completed the "Tianmen Project" as early as possible. ", The forces born from this. It must also be included in the doomsday truth, and has made even greater progress.

I recalled that the past knowledge and battles in the Mar Jones family, combined with Jonny ’s knowledge of the doomsday truth, I have understood that the power displayed by the doomsday truth in this doomsday illusion is absolutely not hidden by it. Half of the strength. No wonder other mysterious organizations in Europe and America, including cyber balls, had plans to move to the Asian region before the alliance. If this alliance is destroyed, they can only retreat to Asia, and Asia, after all, is another behemoth reserve-the Central Principality has been lurking for so long, it is definitely not that this group of wounded soldiers will lose dominance. Place, and the taste under the fence is definitely not good.

As long as the brains of cyberballs are not burnt out, they will definitely not consider retreating to Asia as the first plan. I have reason to believe that cyberspheres have invested 100% in order to ensure the smooth progress of the league. Therefore, it is understandable that they did not immediately clean up the bull ghosts and snakes in London. Since in the past, when the online ball was least stressed, it was impossible to completely remove the "lesions" of this city, then, in this delicate time period, it is even more impossible to teach the doomsday truth hidden in this city to the layout of this city. dig it out.

Probably, at the beginning of the online ball, it was the idea of ​​letting the people of the Doomsday religion take the initiative to jump out — taking the initiative to grab these gophers is definitely not a cost-effective behavior. Even, they also considered that such a big event as the London Union would definitely allow more people in the mysterious circle to enter the city. Apart from the mysterious organizations participating in the Union, idlers and lone travelers must not There will be a lack, and among them, people like Jonny and I will also take the initiative to participate in the action to understand the doomsday truth.

The situation in this city is too complicated. However, judging from the situation in the European and American regions, the identity of the public enemy of the Doomsday Truth will never be resolved. The consideration of the online ball, even if it is not all as I thought, but, what I think of, the online ball will certainly think of, so as to become part of their plan.

However, I think that this kind of consideration is too fine, and it is not something that the current online ball can take care of. There may not be some gambling in it, so it seems that the online ball itself is compelling. If there are better choices for the online ball, according to my understanding of them, the behavior should be more stable. The style of the network ball has always been about the initiative in the overall situation and the flaws in the details. However, the behavior of the network ball now has some swordsmanship.

I think the online ball will make mistakes. The question is whether they can make up for the loopholes caused by mistakes. They are able to execute such a plan, which means that they think they have enough back-hand to ensure the success rate of this plan. Jonny is a lone traveler, and he simply doesn't understand what kind of energy the netball has. However, I can probably smell a bit of smell from the base I had detached from before-these guys really have a strong hole card.

However, although the online ball believes very much in its own backing, the situation in the past doomsday illusion. How many also prove that the online ball will never die in this crisis. However, the Doomsday Religion, which they regarded as dangerous prey, and those Nazi legions who did not know the details, were definitely not in good harmony.

The Marjols who are now in charge of the Doomsday Truth, its core combat power is not as simple as the low-level wizards Jonny encountered. The wizard, like the Mageweave messenger, is divided into several levels. The "Holy Land" is a huge and special temporary data hedging space. The "Tianmen Plan" of the Mar Jones family has been implemented for such a long time. The "Holy Land" must have been operating as a golden soup. Whether the online ball can be found or not problem. As long as the "Holy Land" cannot be destroyed, the development of Doomsday Truth cannot be stopped.

I really want to go back to the retreat of the Mar Jones family, but for the time being, I can't pull away, and. The Marjols now dominate the doomsday truth, and they must also master the "final weapon". Once I went deep into the tiger's den. There is no way to avoid a direct collision with the "final weapon", I do n’t think, what is the chance of myself escaping under the siege of the "final weapon"-the experience of dying once is enough to let me deal with those "final weapons" There is some recognition of the terrible, that is equivalent to a projection of "virus" in this world, from this perspective. Unless "Jiang" hands-on, otherwise, they are "immortal."

The doomsday truth teaches high-level wizards and ultimate weapons to London. There is a high probability that I am most worried about. Not in this respect, the number of high-level wizards and final weapons is not large, as long as there is a corresponding arrangement, it should not cause too much damage to the city. However, in the past doomsday illusion, the Mar Jones family made An extremely terrible virus, that is the real thing that will cause the entire city to be destroyed.

"Saya virus." I remembered the name, and I couldn't help but remember the past memories.

This virus will completely reverse human cognition of this world, destroy the bonds between people, and destroy the foundation of human existence in this world. Once this virus breaks out in this city and spreads to the whole world, it is only a matter of time. If this happens, the best way I can think of is to block the entire city and then destroy it completely. It also means that once the Doomsday Truth teaches the Saya virus, then unless the source of the infection is cut off at the very beginning, everyone ’s contribution to this city will be ruined, and the significance of my stay in this city, There will be no more.

However, in the past doomsday illusion, there is no definite explanation for how the Mar Jones family dropped the virus. The research on this virus has just begun, and there are no specific research results. At that time, we still failed to stop the Marl Jones family. If it were n’t for the Black Nest led by Father Sissen, I ’m afraid the whole army would be wiped out in the territory of the Mar Jones family.

In this doomsday illusion, whether the Mar Jones family is also making this virus and whether it has improved it is unknown. At least, in Jonny's memory, there is no precedent for the spread of the SAY virus infection. Even so, I still have to be on guard. Under the pressure of the online ball, the tentacles of Doomsday Religion in London have to converge, but therefore, they will be given enough time to complete and perfect this terrible virus.

Today, Duff says to me "Her sisters also know the doomsday truth and joined this sect." The meaning for me is not simply that "the doomsday truth is finally unbearable". Even if the Internet ball is involved in energy, but such a proactive and conspicuous spread is definitely not a good sign. This not only means that the Doomsday Truth Church intends to turn over, but also means that they have enough energy to turn over, and those Doomsday Truth members who appear on the surface may not be their main body, but some deceitful bait.

Because I know much about the doomsday truth teaching, it is not easy to judge their truth and reality. It must be the same situation for the online ball. Therefore, it has also become one of the reasons for the practice of "observing its changes".

However, considering the existence of the Sayya virus, observing its changes has become dangerous. In my perspective. Cyberballs are fighting for time for themselves, but is it true that the doomsday truth religion hidden in this city? It seems that no matter whether it is used or not, I must be more proactive. If I do n’t do something, the probability of London becoming a **** on earth is more than 70%.

I also don't know how much I can do for this city. However, I have decided that I will do my best.

"Duff, leave this city." I said to Duff in her arms, she was looking at the night scene under her feet with interest.

"No, I want to stay here." Duff said: "I was born here and grew up here. I don't want to leave here for whatever reason. Well. I won't do it unless I come back to the London Retreat again. Leaving. "What she said was the Great Retreat of London, which occurred during World War II in the illusion of doomsday. When the Nazi Army captured London, it was the biggest catastrophe in the history of the city. However, she did not know that the Nazi Army had made a comeback and had captured Las Vegas, the United States. A complete forward base has been achieved.

Duff's attitude was very firm, and I felt I couldn't persuade her. Similar persuasion, Jonny has done many times. Now that she has realized the existence of "mystery" and the potential chaos and crisis in this city, she still insists on her own opinions. Her decision has been difficult to change.

I stopped talking and took Duff all the way back to her rent. There were no “anomalies” along the way. My activities in this city have been acquiesced by the online ball.

As soon as Duff returned home. Just entered the bathroom, her appointment has been temporarily suspended. What happened tonight, for her, also needs a period of time to digest. I put the hammer and the suitcase back in my room. When I came back to the lobby and wanted to watch TV, I stopped thinking about the complicated things. Duff ’s voice came out of the bathroom: “Jonnie is not a dangerous person. ? But I intend to continue to maintain this gold owner. "

"I don't think he will see you again in a short time." I replied indifferently: "If he can live, just do it with you."

"Is his situation so dangerous? I saw his superpowers. It's really cool. He's strong, isn't he?" Duff said.

"Yes, he's not bad, but it's not as powerful as you think." I said: "He and the enemies he wants to face are not in the same order of magnitude."

"You said that your goals are the same, why don't you cooperate?" Duff said abruptly.

"Jonny is a lone traveler. His experience and habits are more suitable for acting alone. The chance of surviving with me is not necessarily higher than that of acting alone. He doesn't trust me." I replied.

"So, do you need me to introduce you to the women who joined the Doomsday Truth?" Duff said.

"If possible." I said that Jonny had investigated Duff's interpersonal relationships, and the few prostitutes who joined the Doomsday religion were also on his watch list. It is difficult to trace this clue. Presumably the same is true of the online ball. If you do n’t trace it to the bottom, you will only be surprised. However, I feel that I can try to deprive the other of the ability of conscious information. There is no lack of conscious walkers in cyberballs. They must have tried a similar approach and tracked from the level of consciousness. As long as the information is obtained, even if they do not use it, they can change their hands to people like Jonny. The action, Joni ’s action, has not made any substantial progress, which means that there is also a lot of defense on the level of consciousness in the doomsday truth.

However, what Netball and Jonny failed to do does not mean that I cannot do it either.

The power of "Jiang" should be "universally effective" in the illusion of doomsday ~ ~ Duff wiped her hair and walked out only around the bath towel.

"Are you going to sit so dry tonight?" She sat next to me without any care, picked up the remote control and tuned a few, while saying: "My plan is to play until the next morning, You can rest tomorrow. Now the date is interrupted by you, but it is really hard. "

"Aren't you going to study psychology?" I asked.

"I like to follow the schedule strictly, or else, wait for me to go out with you to see those sisters?" Speaking of the word "sister", Duff chewed a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"No, I don't plan to act tonight." I shook my head. "At this critical moment, the Apocalyptic Church must also be careful. It is probably not their active time at night. Although they are cults, if they think they must It ’s a sneaky nocturnal creature, and it ’s wrong. They ’re more efficient during the day than at night. ”Because bars and clubs are just venues for meetings, and courier companies are open during the day. The clues traced in the bar nightclub are easily cut off, because the other party also knows that when the dragon and snake are mixed at night, for safety reasons, only the surface will be presented. (To be continued ...)

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