Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 914: Past you, future me

While communicating with L, I observed the reaction of Father Sisen and others, and used the past cognition as the coordinate to further determine the changes in this world. The combat plan has been formed, but some changes in the details can only wait for the actions of h and q.

At this moment, the members of the network ball who were first rescued summoned the one-eyed stone gate, trying to shift the battlefield before Father Edward's magic circle was launched. The process of launching this Ray Magic Array is very cumbersome, and the speed is not too fast. Obviously, it is not easy for Father Edward to imprison and send more than fifty members of the mysterious organization. Father Edward took himself as a bait and there was no helper around him, so his men and women must gather in a pre-specified location, lay out the lore traps, and wait for work, as long as Father Edward transported us to arrive, he detonated all means at once. .

This situation has become more and more obvious. Many people are aware of the imminent crisis. People here can take advantage of the siege. Then, once they fall into the trap of doomsday truth, the minority party will reverse. A priest Edward is so difficult to cope with, and the large army of doomsday truth religions, for most people standing on this battlefield, is a nine-death life.

Their faces became more and more ugly in my observations, the struggle began to increase, and h and q moved faster. No one attacked h and q at this time, regardless of their original purpose, whether they wanted to be eliminated together with Father Sisen and others. At this time, they obviously chose to join forces. H and q don't need to spend too much lips and tongues, let the plan pass between these people, and people continue to take advantage of the gray fog released by the one-eyed stone door to weaken the mysterious opportunity of the light and join us.

Probably in their opinion, no matter whether the battle plan of Father Sisen and others can be launched in time, however. At this moment of crisis, it is always a better choice to condense all the forces together. Even if you fall into the trap of doomsday truth, it will not be targeted because of the order. If you don't let go of prejudice at this time, the situation of nine deaths will immediately become desperate. Father Sisen did not liquidate the initial attacks of these people. There is not much verbal negotiation between the two sides, but the mutual understanding is clear.

Soon, the people on our side gathered to twenty-three, and the fog of the one-eyed stone gate gradually spread to the area of ​​one-third of the magic circle. Some people take the initiative to protect the members of the netball. Even if they do n’t understand the meaning of Valpus Night, the effect of this gray fog on the magic circle is obvious, and the more the enemy wants to do, the less he will let him To. This is the most simple tactical thinking-I have my own understanding of the changes in front of me.

The current situation seems to be gradually getting better from the worst situation, just like the sudden death of a dying person. Although the atmosphere is still heavy, everyone's movements are accelerating, and so is the change of Father Edward— The ray magic array maintained the most basic operation in the area eroded by the gray fog, and the brilliance was very bleak. But there is no sense of extinction, even as if walking into the mud. There is a sense of flow.

The huge magic circle started to rotate on the whole scale, and the details also turned with it, just like the huge outer gear, driving the internal gears. This kind of operation is silent. But a crunching auditory hallucination formed in my mind.

Many people seem to hear the same voice, and the expression that was able to breathe once suffocated again. No one speaks, only the sound of action, accompanied by wind and auditory hallucinations. Traveling through the ruins, crossing the gravel, steel bars, doors, windows, and gaps, it seems to have been sharpened and sharpened.

The black ball once again released a lot of ghostly demons, like a translucent curtain, quickly spreading under the night sky, and quickly obscured all the breakout routes. From the inside, it looked like a huge glass bowl upside down In this cross street. Before this, there seemed to be many opportunities to break through, but everyone here chose to gather together, and none of them tried to block the route by the translucent curtain, while the mysterious effect of light was weakened by the fog and adapted to themselves. Opportunity to break out. And this choice, people here, including me, are very normal.

Because, intuition is sending out warnings-unless everyone chooses to try to escape in different directions at the same time, it will be difficult to pass Father Edward's blockade. And once dispersed, you will have a certain chance to be targeted, and no one knows what your luck is, because, when thinking like this, there will always be a "very bad" feeling, as if you must Be the back of others. Thoughts and intuitions are constantly interacting, and this interaction prevents everyone from daring to act rashly, and chooses this bad but not the worst way to deal with it.

I do n’t know if Father Edward considered this link in advance, but the black ball demon he embodies does not move and does not actively attack, and indeed limits the people he lures to this cross street.

"Is Father Edward's brain good?" K asked suddenly.

"No, he is not a wise man, but he is a man with perseverance and a very simple and firm will." Father Sisen replied cautiously: "His approach always seems to have a lot of loopholes at first. However, after the implementation, the effect is more direct and effective than the seemingly well-planned plan, as if all the loopholes will be compensated by some immediate details changes. Just like now, our choice, let us stay here, and Such a situation should not have been expected by Father Edward when he made the plan. "

"It sounds really mysterious, as if walking on the right path, conforming to the heavens, so of course there has been a good change?" L said that some people around were confused, and his eyes were a bit stunned and dazed. However, as I heard, although he used words in foreign languages, he still had a lot of philosophy of the Central Duchy. l looks like Europeans, but after listening to these words, it has a wonderful feeling, ignoring his appearance, focusing on his words, and sometimes feels that his ethnic composition is very ambiguous.

I think that the identity of L should not be as simple as the recognition at this time.

"... a little bit like this feeling." Father Sisen was silent. Back to: "He said, this is the favor of destiny, the power of luck. When you follow the destiny of everything, you will have the help of God. I don't know much about these, I feel a little illusory, but the godfather himself believes this Power. However, I always feel that this is just subjective judgments produced by different encounters. What he believes, for me, has no manifestation. So, sometimes, what he is thinking in the end, he is doing things based on I do n’t quite understand what the core of the program is. Father Edward. It ’s someone I ca n’t fully understand, but he is indeed very powerful, and you should also feel it. ”

l suddenly frowned, looking silent and worried. I think he seems to understand something, so he has some scruples about the upcoming plan. However, this time is not allowed to back down, I believe he also knows this. You still have to do what you should do. If you step back, the result will be worse.

Father Edward's description is mostly described in the mystery of the Central Duchy, but how many people have used this "theoretical mystery" so far has not been clearly verified. however. In addition to having 666 disguise, Father Edward seems to be a personal experience and application of this mysterious theory? Among the mysteries of the Central Duchy, the mystery that is also the most difficult to verify, is reflected in Father Edward, a foreign priest? This is really a wonderful feeling.

"Whether it is true or not, it won't help us anymore." Someone beside him was cold-eyed. "And, I don't think this monster is right. If it is right, then aren't we wrong? Do you think that should be the case? If he is wrong, then he cannot be helpful."

"I also agree that we must be right, and we must believe that we are right, otherwise this battle will not have to be fought." Another person said in a voice.

"It's better to prepare than to discuss these." Another person stopped the topic and turned back to the one-eyed stone gate. "Can the netball guys succeed? If we can't catch up, we'd better start in advance. It ’s better to fight here than to run into the enemy ’s nest. "

Many people agree with this view, but I ca n’t agree with it. Let ’s not mention how much disaster will be brought to the city by fighting in the current environment. If you cannot transfer the battlefield to the enemy ’s old nest, then even if you defeated Father Edward It is also likely that it will not bring a crushing blow to the doomsday truth. Now that time is pressing and we can accelerate the speed, we should not trace it slowly. I do n’t know when the Doomsday Truth Church broke the tacit understanding with the cyber ball, and at that time, the power of the Doomsday Truth Church has accumulated.

However, I did not say anything. The clear opposition will not bring any improvement to the current situation, but will intensify the existing contradictions. Moreover, no matter what they think, Father Edward ’s plan will not make a decisive change. After all, thinking from a “realistic” perspective, Father Edward and the Doomsday Truth Church are indeed “conform to the heavens, if there is a divine help,” If Father Edward really noticed the related clues and was good at applying what he found, then his plan was indeed difficult to destroy.

Father Xi Sen used his own language charm to appease other people who are getting more and more anxious, but did not respond positively to each other ’s requests. As far as I know, Father Xi Sen would not approve of their proposals because, The priest also has his own spirit and idealism.

At this time, the situation has changed again, but not from anyone on the scene, but a group of people outside the scene are breaking into here. I do n’t think the other party is here to pick up the bargain. The shock that broke out here can never be covered up. The danger here, even if it is far from the other side of the city, can be learned that in such a prosperous city, it is also a period of change. The transmission of information is definitely faster than usual, and people's reactions must be more sensitive than usual.

However, there are still people who are planning to join in this unpredictable raid.

"... It's Mr. Gao Chuan, and the file squad." K whispered to himself, but I think he said it to me.

The visitor was still outside the glass bowl-like sky curtain, but, at the next moment, the translucent sky curtain opened a slit, as if cut by a sharp blade, and then someone teared the opening. A total of four people jumped from it. No one here believes that Lai Ren used his own power to directly destroy the sky that blocked the world. Instead, he was more inclined to do it. This is Father Edward's move to increase the "prey". Now that the goal of wiping out more than 50 people in one net is already in progress, then. It ’s okay to have four more people, not to mention, this trap should be laid out for plural prey. Maybe, thinking from the perspective of Father Edward, and more than fifty people participating, it is the more ideal state.

However, the arrival time and entry method of these intruders. It is indeed eye-catching. Many people turned their attention directly to these four people. I can see very clearly. Indeed, as k said, it is another me-Gaochuan, who was supposed to be the only one in this doomsday illusion, and an old acquaintance "file", in addition The two women, who had also met in the previous red light district, were companions of the file. At least not a complete stranger. The strength of Gao Chuan and the file is beyond doubt, though. In terms of feeling, the strength of the other two women can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches of everyone here.

I watched the trio of Gao Chuan and the file squad quietly. The way they broke through the devil's canopy and entered this area is probably the best news at this time.

"Critical weapon. It's raining in time." K said while watching me secretly with the corners of his eyes. Although his movements were very careful, he was in the chain judgment. But it is a glance.

The critical weapon he mentioned should be the knife-shaped weapon carried by the file at this time. Although the shape and shape are not the same as the knife-shaped critical weapon I once had, the style of the ruling bureau is very profound. Its function and power should be different from the one I have used, but it is certainly not accidental to cut this layer of demonic sky. The first time I observed the use of this critical weapon, it gave me a very intuitive feeling-very sharp, seems to be able to cut off anything.

"The battle in ideology, they can't help." L said calmly.

"Fighting is not just in ideology." S, who had been silent for a long time, finally showed a trace of relaxation, and he seemed very confident in the strength of the coming person.

However, the identity of Gao Chuan and the file, as well as the critical weapon, are indeed enough to make people look forward to. I can understand his attitude. The next battle will be very troublesome. Of course there will be many miscellaneous soldiers and a large number of cadres in the enemy ’s old nest. If these are enough to cause headaches, then, in the face of Father Edward ’s overwhelming and comprehensive level of the same level Mystery is not something that ordinary mystery holders can cope with. Gao Chuan and the file carrying critical weapons are sufficient to play a more important role in such a situation.

When I was conscious, when my consciousness was blurred, after I woke up, I was always watching the young Gao Gao in front of me. In the ideological world, I have helped him, and until now, I feel myself He can be understood, but these memories have become a vague feeling. I think I am familiar with each other, but, if I think about it carefully, I do n’t quite remember what kind of interaction we have and what kind of disputes and contradictions we have. Only one thing is certain. We are on different paths, but the goal is the same end.

Looking at the other three who carried the file squad and swiftly swept along, I seemed to see myself in the future, as if all this was a real dream. I thought that another self must appear in front of me, and in this case, when I meet another self, what should I say, what should I do to him, however, when such a scene really appears At the time, I was a little trance, and my mind was blank, as if there were many unreasonable thoughts and emotions ~ ~ However, no matter what exists, there is no lack of a warm feeling.

For the first time, I really felt that I am not really lonely. Although I walked on different paths, I could not be called a person in the passage. Even in this case, I might apply the saying "the biggest enemy is myself" Well, but when it can be confirmed that there is such a person who is working tirelessly and never giving up towards the same goal, how wonderful and warm it should be. I stared at another Gao Chuan in the ruins, like looking at myself in the mirror-at the same time, it also corresponds.

I couldn't say anything to the other person, and I saw him appearing. From the moment he saw him swiftly, I also felt that there was no need to say anything. Before me, there were many Gaochuans. We walked through doomsday illusions like we do n’t know how much. We are like the points that form a straight line. The distance between them is the closest and farthest. After me, these The point has not disappeared, it is still behind me, forming a future that spreads to nowhere. There is no relationship between us even if there is no language and we cannot meet. "Continuation" itself is already the best answer. It is a miracle to see each other and communicate with each other.

Yes, I feel that my mood at this time is like experiencing a miracle in person. To be continued

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