Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 918: Consciousness breakthrough

When the gear cage of Doomsday Religion was raised, I did decide to temporarily shift my focus to the army of Doomsday Religion outside the cage. In my opinion, Father Edward sealed himself with us in the cage just to avoid high-end The fighting power broke through, causing additional casualties on your side. Father Edward is confident that his 666 disguise is enough to contain us, and that the army outside the cage, without worries, can also let go of the bombing of the people in the cage. In this way, it is indeed the way to maximize the team ’s combat effectiveness. . For those of us who want to resolve Father Edward under the unscrupulous blow of the external army, even if it can be regarded as a concentrated effort to behead the plan, even if it can be successful, it will not avoid the major casualties of our own.

If you are aiming at the "Army of Truth in the Doomsday" and slow down the speed of the leader of the Raiders, it is the best practice to first clear out the surrounding soldiers. However, the accountability of l makes me think that the goal of the Black Nest is not the other people in the doomsday truth, but only the priest Edward. They do n’t care about the casualties of other temporary companions, or whether they can reinvent the end. The truth army did everything to kill Father Edward as quickly as possible.

I can understand that from the beginning, Black Nest did not indicate that the sniping of Father Edward was aimed at the Doomsday Truth. What they want to do is unlikely to be consistent with the interests of the online ball. However, their plan did obstruct my plan, and it proves that we are not on the same front line at this moment.

My goal is not just that of Father Edward. In comparison, I tend to prefer to reinvent the army of Doomsday Truth even if I ca n’t kill Father Edward. Once this army is no longer lurking. The destructive power of this city is definitely greater than that of Father Edward. Even if it is the mystery of 666 in disguise, only the power of Father Edward can't fight the Internet ball.

Obviously, Black Nest does not intend to do so thoroughly. In the current situation of the doomsday truth family, they really need to cooperate with the online ball. However, this degree of cooperation has always been changing with changes in the current situation. l The performance at this time is more proof of my previous guess. The cooperation between Father Sisson ’s Black Nest and Prophet Mayn ’s Netball has indeed come to an end. It is likely that after this battle, The chain events that will occur will be irreparable. The black nest and the net ball are clearly separated, so that the future will become more and more inclined to the situation of the doomsday illusion that I was born.

Perhaps, in the doomsday illusion that I was born, Father Sissen and the cyber ball are similar to the rise of Molu and Black Nest. The experience during this period is different from this world. The mold was cast.

I don't complain about Black Nest's performance. Of course I disagree, just. Our goals seem to be the same, but there is a deep gap. Sure enough, even in the world I was born in, I clearly yearned for the freedom of the Black Nest, but I eventually joined the network ball, which is not without reason. I understand Black Nest's approach and tendencies. But I also understand what kind of trouble this method and tendency will bring to others-although I can't solve these troubles, I really can't ignore this trouble, the freedom I want. Neither the past nor the present exists. And my dream, my personality, and my longing for the heart were contradictory at the beginning.

I just chose my dream.

I do n’t want to blame Black Nest ’s approach, even if they know what their choices will bring to the city, but they do go on the road I yearn for, but they ca n’t and ca n’t. From the perspective of the essence of this world, their existence and choice also represent an inevitable phenomenon. This is not only the physical and psychological interactions of patients, but it may also mean a manifestation of their desire for relief.

Free yourself, destroy yourself, and restrain yourself—the Black Nest, the Doomsday Truth, and the Netball—these three are probably all patients of the Doomsday Syndrome, shared in collective consciousness, in the interaction of instinct, reason, and sensibility The three ways that you can get yourself free from what is generated in

Even if personality and consciousness are immersed in this doomsday illusion, patients with doomsday syndrome still cannot avoid the actual injury and pain, but these scars only exist in the deepest heart of everyone, and cannot be detected by the appearance of personality That's it.

Self-destruction, waiting, perseverance, resistance, liberation ... Here, I can't hear their voices, but I am convinced that the emotions I have generated and the interpretation of these emotions must also have certain consistency with others . Because, I am also a patient myself, and I really feel the same pain all the time.

Based on the self-concept, I do not agree with the practice of Black Nest, but I yearn for their approach. I cannot criticize them, but I cannot go on the same path as them. I am very contradictory. I have always been contradictory, and my encounters are always entangled with these contradictions. I can understand this situation, but besides silence, what can I do? After all, it is these contradictions that make up what I am today.

Therefore, I can only ask in the calmest voice: "Did you pull me into ideology?"

"Only half." L's tone also calmed down, "Half of those gears are made of ideological power, and the spells of the doomsday shamans have evolved again. I have never seen it in the past, maybe it exists, but, really It is not an easy thing to do those gear-like shouts. The power of ideology and ordinary mystery will always be out of place. Being able to perform other mysteries while possessing ideological mystery will inevitably affect ideology. Mysterious research has reached a certain level, even if I do it is not easy. "

"Maybe not the wizard's power." Another conscious walker interjected that it was a woman who covered her head and face with a gas mask, or that her gender could only be determined from her voice and figure: "Don't forget, They can use the power of the devil. Although the devil ’s words are not common, it is relatively easy to find a type that can do this kind of thing. Father Edward ’s six hundred and sixty-six disguise is not something he created specifically. Is that right? Since he can do it, it is not a problem to develop similar demons through similar techniques. "

"And, since the power exhibited here. Then, Father Edward's own ability should also be taken into account." Another conscious walker said, "If this gear cage is to be maintained, it probably needs to consume some of the power and strength of Father Edward. Energetic, as l said, it is too precise, too large, it is difficult to imagine, is hosted by those elite wizards. Or, it is precisely because there are too many wizards outside the prison, so this is not possible, It is impossible without a strong core to twist the power of many people so precisely. "

"Father Edward should assume the core responsibilities. If you want to release the prison, you must get rid of Father Edward as quickly as possible." L said quietly: "Mr. Gao Chuan's previous choice, I can understand. But, too It ’s planned. It ’s hard to take it for granted, but it wo n’t bring success. And we do n’t have time to wait, so we can only use some means to force Mr. Gao Chuan in. I apologize here. But I hope Mr. Gao Chuan can Continue to execute the booking plan with us. "

I looked at several other conscious walkers, including a total of six people including l, but the position and representation between each other is not centered on l. Implementation of this plan. Although in the end it was still l who gave it a final word, but the battles that would have inevitably occurred before, could not make a more detailed tactical plan in advance. Everyone is a conscious walker. In the ideology, especially in the ideology where there are 666 demons, everyone has a heart in his heart and his own card to ensure himself. The security and the passage of the plan, but this also means that everyone will only use this knowledge, strength and method to carry out this strategy of the ideological world. Although everyone's goals are the same, it does not mean that there will be people willing to act as green leaves, shields, and even bait and cannon fodder.

Individual casual play is the most important weakness of this plan, but L's claim has been approved by everyone. None of them felt that I could really break through. Even if it broke through, it would not be possible to complete the containment and suppression of the external forces of the Doomsday Truth. For them, entering the ideology as soon as possible and completing the decapitation plan is the best way to reduce their own casualties.

"A frontal collision with that army will only hit the stone with an egg, but as long as Father Edward is resolved, not only will this cage collapse, giving us more room for transfer, but it may also be a heavy blow to the guys who make up this cage. With six One hundred and sixty-six demons are at the core of such a delicately constructed prison. Once it collapses, the demonic power is enough to drink a pot. ”This is a tall and burly figure that looks more like Shen Sheng, a sexually mysterious man, said: "We spend time here to explain to you, not that we have a lot of time, just because we hope you can let go of your heart and continue to cooperate sincerely. Our number is not large, we have to face six One hundred and sixty-six demons, everyone's power is indispensable. "

Now that they have all mentioned this, no matter how they explain it, they can no longer understand my faith. I don't think there is any point in continuing to discuss what has happened here. In their gaze, I calmly replied: "It doesn't matter, I will cooperate, no matter what I thought before, but the matter has reached this point, and I can only proceed according to the original plan. I don't want to die here."

The others glanced at each other and all nodded. I know that in the ideological world, a senior conscious walker has a way to determine whether the other party's claims are genuine, even if one person may make mistakes, but there are six full conscious walkers communicating here. If they believe my statement, they will certainly not have any worries. And I really do n’t have much resistance to the current situation. As I said before, no matter how I judged at first, but since I have entered the ideological world, then the next actions can no longer be tolerated. Second heart.

It wasn't until this time that the atmosphere of our team reached a certain level of concerted efforts.

"Let ’s go, part of Father Edward ’s personality consciousness is in that direction." L looked in the direction exuding a huge sense of presence and anomaly. "Father Edward ’s defense of consciousness is very conservative, just like the last time I came here, he will The ideological power he possessed shrank into a small defensive circle, unless we approached. He would not realize that we had entered here. "

"Sounds like a clear wall." Said a short, conscious walker who couldn't clearly see the appearance and body contours, and could not distinguish between men and women.

"It's a clear wall." The other figure is hot, but the relatively ordinary-minded conscious walker groaned scornfully. "Looking at this, his approach is justified. Even if we don't come." He may have difficulty in controlling all the sites. There are too many nightmares hidden in the gray fog, let the devil protect his consciousness? It is really a behavior of drinking doves to quench thirst. "

"The nightmare can't bear it anymore." L suddenly looked in the other direction, where the fog was rolling, as if there were multiple figures suddenly dispersed, hiding in a deeper place, but after looking at more, he let People think that it is just the illusion caused by the fog rolling.

original. These people call those nightmares that seem to exist but seem to be only illusions a nightmare, which is a very vivid description. I have a vague impression that most of the ordinary people ’s subconscious mind constitutes the realm of the nightmare, but the difference is that at that time, it was just a monster composed of the dark side of ordinary people ’s subconscious mind. At this moment, we have to face. But it is mixed with the "demon" factor.

Nightmares in this ideological world are more powerful than ordinary nightmares. More evil, more active, is completely expected, or if they appear calm, it will make people feel wrong.

"I thought that these monsters would become smarter because of the existence of the demon. The result is that they can't bear the evil of their nature." A conscious walker, also dressed as a priest, said in a cold voice and pulled the cross in front of his chest. -This is a very normal cross. This priest ’s origin should be a regular religion. However, it is difficult to judge which religion it is. After all, no matter whether the priest is dressed or the appearance of the cross, it is not unique to a certain religion. From the perspective of occultism, it is a matter of course for the clergy to target the demon, and in the habitual cognition, the power of the clergy is always a "special effect medicine" against the devil.

The priest ’s cross was thrown into the air by him, but it wobbled unsteadily, as if dragged by the wind, floating above the top of our head. The next moment, the light was centered on us Spreading all around, the gray fog exposed to light either flowed out or became thinner, and even hidden in the gray fog, the seemingly absurd weirdness seemed to retreat, and weakened in the induction.

This light is warm, and in this depressed environment, it can bring a subtle sense of security to everyone.

"Come on, those nightmares will not be afraid for too long." The priest conscious walker said, taking the lead to move forward. I and others immediately followed, and the cross floated forward as we progressed. We keep speeding up, and the strange feeling brought by the nightmare has always been around, it is impossible to tell whether they are caught up or hidden in the fog, and there is no chase.

We can clearly sense the direction of the target, but it is difficult to calculate how far we are from there.

"Father Edward ’s passive defense will try to extend the distance between the intruder and him, so as to give full play to the interception capabilities of these nightmares. Although the presence of the demon makes his position very striking, it is not necessary to reach there. Ordinary conscious walkers can do it. "L galloped with us while explaining:" If there is no means, just go in that direction stupidly, and you can't reach your destination until you die. "

"You know the situation here best, you are responsible for such things." Another conscious walker replied.

l bowed his head and calculated, saying, "It takes fifteen minutes."

"The barrier of the cross can last for twenty minutes ~ ~ said the priest conscious walker.

"I have calculated that the approximate ratio of this ideological sense of time to normal time is fifty to one." The female conscious walker wearing a gas mask said: "If there is only one location, we have enough time However, if every demon has a position, at the current speed, it is difficult to imagine that when we completed the strategy, there were a few people outside who were still alive. "

"The most difficult thing to locate is the first head. As long as the first head is completed, this personality consciousness of Father Edward should be captured, and it should be able to jump directly to other positions." L replied.

"Did you come in last time and didn't kill any of them?" The others looked sideways.

"My abilities are special in nature and not directly offensive." I said unclearly. I know his ability is "" and I know the normal conditions for him to launch this ability. However, he does not seem to intend to disclose it to more Many people.

Although other conscious walkers frowned, they did not force it. The freedom of planning is not just for them. Since no one can do it without reservation, there is no position to blame others for their reservation. (To be continued ...)

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