Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 928: 1 minute 3

The attack on the World Tree was less than twenty seconds left. Everyone ’s masterpieces were colorful. After writing down the real name of the demon, the shadowy silhouette of the World Tree suddenly fluctuated, followed by the head horse and When the pepper attacked, the two crossed the sky like a comet and submerged in the undulating contours. Then, the strong ring-shaped shock wave spread out at a speed that was difficult to catch up with. The pressure of the World Tree on primitive Heavenly Venerable has suddenly diminished, but we all know that such a good situation will definitely not exceed ten seconds. l The real name of the devil obtained from the fragment of personality consciousness of Father Edward is definitely only a very small part of these more than six hundred demon.

The original Tianzun stopped ten meters away from the world tree, and fell heavily on the ground. While the world tree was forced to turn into defense, the "mystery" of the gas mask has spread on this land. Losing the power of the world tree, weird people were suddenly beaten back to their original form, and they can no longer have high resistance to this invisible "poison gas" as before. They are naturally endless, but the "mystery" of the gas masks does not give them room to breathe, and the decay spreads around the original Tianzun at a slow but unshakable speed.

The original Tianzun deformed again. Under my will, a large number of roots dig into the ground to become the feet of the fixed base. The spherical shell collapses inward, like a spread of water stains, spreading around in a flat posture. , The expanded base was able to arrange more artillery. The original Tianzun no longer needs to move anymore. The stronger artillery is the best choice. We have no chance of retreating. Once we evacuate, we will completely exit the ideological world. I abandoned the mobility and defensive capabilities of ky3000 and made more and more powerful muzzles and shells. And through a series of adjustments, these launch ports are organically combined again.

Big is strong, more is good, and the enemy cannot be destroyed, just because there are not enough guns and not strong enough. This is a seemingly joke attack concept, but there are also people who believe that this is the case, and who claim to be a "multi-turret god". I do n’t think I am, but at this moment, I am practicing this idea. Because, I am not smart enough to have better tactical thinking and attack ideas. And the characteristics of the ideological world make the fighting method in this theory. Have the basis for realization.

If the enemy's defense has a certain bottom line, then it is only the accumulation of artillery fire, it is difficult to produce qualitative changes, the quality of the attack on a unit cannot break through the opponent's defense line, then, the number of superpositions, there will be no greater improvement. The argument that quantitative change produces qualitative change is no longer aimed at the enemy. It's about yourself. I know exactly what I want to do, and I have to use these guns to be more efficient. The relationship between each other is reorganized in a more in-depth way, so that the attack is not just a consumption, but the power generated by this consumption is layered on top of each other and released in one breath.

l Whether I can lock the position of Father Edward's personality consciousness, I have no longer considered it. If he can't do it, then this plan will definitely fail. Without considering the failure, I do n’t know whether the attack power of the horse and pepper can be after l pointed out the route. Open a long drive straight into the channel, so I must use my own method to ensure the feasibility of this channel.

The firepower of ky3000 must be more condensed and penetrating killer than the past. I don't need to worry about the number of times this attack can be carried out. Even after a shot, the whole ky3000 will definitely collapse, and I must have the power of this attack. In other words, I hope that the power of this blow can reach the load that will make the sturdy weapon base completely collapse.

The deployment of ky3000 weakened the previous firepower advantage, but the power of the gas mask spread on the ground, so that within a few seconds, I did not need to worry about the weird attack of the weird people. I concentrated on transforming the base position. The cube-like block structure was decomposed into a volume that is difficult to see with the naked eye. In the observation of the chain judgment, I reorganized, adjusted, and adjusted in my consciousness with the fineness of my power It must constitute such a structure that the force generated by each shelling becomes as impetus as possible for the next excitation without dissipation. Through thousands of firings and pushes, each one is released from the rear The destructive power will become the driving force for the firing of the front barrel. Such a layer is added to it, and finally a special super-quality cannonball is hit at the highest speed.

Yes, the last shell I selected did not have any characteristics, or its characteristics and mystery, there is only one-very dense structure, very heavy mass, in imagination, it is like Neutron stars, even Yu, exceed neutron stars. Popular science knowledge let me know the composition of neutron stars, and the mystery of consciousness gave me the opportunity to "create" a structure far beyond this structure. I don't need to understand the details of this structure, and the most basic principles, I just, On the basis of the neutron star structure, fabricate something out of imagination out of thin air.

A false, but, grotesque that may appear in the ideological world.

I don't know if it will succeed, but at the very least, this shell will also have a neutron star-like mass. Then, with the help of layer-by-layer superposition, layers of propulsion force fired. For me, the power of energy multiplied by the theoretical formula of mass squared speed has long penetrated into my heart.

The name Super Mass Cannon was never the first thing I thought of. In various science fiction works, it belongs to an ultimate weapon with no theoretical upper limit.

This is the most simple and most powerful embodiment of my strength.

Within a few seconds of my thoughts, a huge fort was formed on the ground. This section of the main muzzle with a diameter of 30 meters, the second half of which was composed of tens of thousands of muzzles, in order to ensure that the muzzle can carry The load during firing and the firing barrels were all thinned into a translucent state. I only needed them to fire once. Afterwards, I was quite sure that these barrels would explode immediately, and the power of this explosion would Once again, it becomes a part of superimposed power. Such a complex structure is beyond science. Even in the normal world where "mystery" is rampant, I feel that it is unlikely to appear and its operation cannot be guaranteed. Only in the ideological world. Through the mystery of consciousness, this "consciously feasible" fantasy can be realized.

Utopian science is not science, it is just a good expectation of science, but is such an expectation just a driving force in human development consciousness? In the normal world. It has no basis for realization, and can only serve as people's spiritual food. However, in this ideological world, in the heart of the "Jiang" boarding, I am very convinced that it will appear in a more practical gesture in Before my eyes.

So, it appeared before my eyes.

A few people who originally stood on the original Tianzun. They had to fall on the ground, and in this brief few seconds, their expressions rose and fell, as if they saw something incredible. I understand their thoughts, even in the ideological world, conscious walkers are not free to do whatever they want, they will realize what they want. The rules that normal conscious walkers need to follow. More complicated than normal, because. Ideology is such a complex and changing environment at the bottom. From the beginning, I didn't think that this fantasy creation promoted by my consciousness was normal. Otherwise, these conscious walkers should have been able to have the same level of creativity and destructive power.

World Tree seemed to be aware of the terrible, undulating contour of this super-mass cannon. Reveal the crazy taste. Even under the harassment of the horse and pepper, the pressure it gave us was still like a more rapid wave, and it rushed over at once. The invisible and visible attacks greatly changed the face of the shepherd and the cocktail who were still defending. Even the body seemed to become transparent. The next moment, they began to vomit, but did not vomit the real thing, but the invisible defensive circle seemed to collapse at any time in our perception.

Even so, they are still supporting, probably because, my fantasy super-mass cannons let them see the dawn of victory. The pages that were torn off by force, and his actions began to go crazy. Time went to the last ten seconds. Before his defense collapsed, he had to lock the enemy's position. In the incomparably tall trunk, the hidden personality of Father Edward must also adjust his position quickly.

Everyone began to desperately, when the world tree went crazy, the weirdos also made a comeback again, but the gas mask bluntly resisted the last ten meters of the defense line. Beyond this distance, everything will die, turning into dust scattered in the air. This attack strength has obviously reached her limit, and the duration will definitely not be longer than others.

Even though we are so close to the world tree, we still can't see its details, as if the blurry outline is all its truth. Even the head horses and peppers who entered it and fought close to it could not feel the sound and figure at all. Only the blast waves that burst constantly proved that they were still fighting.

After a blink of an eye, the horse and pepper flew out from there. That unnatural posture declared their failure. In less than ten seconds, the two men had been seriously injured and hit the super-mass cannon, sliding down like a meatloaf. Their appearance is no longer humanoid, but at least they have not died. The strong breathing, and the inaudible, intermittent sounds prove that they can survive.

Just as the attack intensity of the World Tree increased again, l yelled "found". Immediately, the information came straight out of my mind, l synchronized the information into my mind in some extremely fast and secret way. Under normal circumstances, unconscious walkers will accept this practice, which means that their brains are not fortified by the other party, even if they are protected by deep consciousness, it is also an insulting dangerous behavior. However, at this time, I can't take care of so much, and, since the beginning, I have accepted this synchronization. Only in this way can the cooperation between each other be promoted to a closer level, and it will not let Father Edward was given a chance to escape.

The movement of consciousness is extremely fast, waiting for a person to finish speaking, and then use the physical movement to indicate the goal. Father Edward's personality consciousness has long been unknown where to transfer. This huge and hazy tree makes it absolutely difficult for us to capture for the second time. l The pages torn off in order to lock the target will definitely not have no consequences. I don't think l can do more.

At the moment when the information appeared in my mind, I pulled the trigger in my consciousness.

I told myself that my attack was unstoppable.

The world seems to stop at this moment, it is not just the power of the cocktail that once again renders everything in the field of vision into black and white, but even more. A kind of self-conscious freeze in this black and white world. I focused all my attention on the target's position, and I felt that this concentration seemed to become something tangible and qualitative-like a spear, after throwing it out, it pierced the target accurately .

One after another. From back to front, the layers burst, but this push is so slow and so deadly, I ca n’t hear any sound, everything is like an early silent black and white movie, with a dozen or a few hundred One-quarter speed is slow. And this is slow. The heavy, dead scene seemed to last only a fixed time, without blinking, the gloomy colors of the whole world came back, spreading between the world and the earth, like dyeing color overturned on ink painting Spread quickly. The burst of light from the cannon. It was so strong that it seemed that even the air was burning.

In the intense glare, a huge impact reached the fore-bore of the main gun. A trembling roar followed, and even the forebore burst. Even I can't see the process of destruction. I just observed it with my naked eyes and my senses. A "channel" with a diameter of 50 meters was displayed in front of me.

This "passage" runs through the outline of the world tree, although it is only a sesame-sized scar compared to its size. However, the sense of transparency through the front and back, as well as the pale feeling that there is nothing left in this passage, is really imprinted in my perception.

Speed ​​sweep has already begun. The invisible galloping path stretched straight in the trajectory of the super-mass cannon, and I plunged into it, entering the relative relative speed of the world at rest. In this pale and transparent passage penetrated by super-mass cannons, any obstacles have long ceased to exist. When I entered the body of the world tree along this passage, there was not much anomaly except that the vision became darker, as if all the anomalies were also swept away by the previous blow. Walked into the shadow of nothing.

Then, in this unclear and unclear how wide the shadow is, a ray of light is very conspicuous and exists at a position less than one meter away from the blank channel. I know subconsciously that is the personality consciousness of Father Edward, and the super-mass cannon almost hit this group of things. I cannot confirm how it will end once it hits, but, I am sure that Father Edward is lucky.

Even me, the mediocre author, could not imagine the power of this super-mass cannon in advance. Because, in my consciousness, from structure to power, it is the "strong" of a fantasy concept, and there is no specific description and understanding of this "strong". If the reality of the world should have a definite cause and a definite result, then this super-mass cannon is based on a vague concept without defining a definite result.

If such a thing is not in my body because of "Jiang", I absolutely have no confidence to try it.

It is more abnormal than normal. It is unpredictable among all unpredictable, and it is a monster outside of imagination.

In the ideological world, it is entirely possible to become stronger, but so far, its "strong" has been temporarily defined. The degree of damage to the world tree is the height it can reach at this time, and the next time, I don't know when. Because, even if this blow is successful, I still ca n’t be sure that this is a repeatable behavior. That kind of completely vague concept of consciousness is hard to fix in mind at all, everything is vague, and it is difficult to quantify and copy it completely.

I easily grabbed Father Edward's personality consciousness cluster, he did not have any resistance, just like in this static world ~ ~ has completely lost the ability to resist.

It wasn't until I returned to L that time seemed to jump for a second.

In the self-destructive roar of the super-mass cannon, these conscious walkers suffered a huge impact. Until I came back, the impact was still not over. They described it as miserable, and several people seemed to be crushed to death in this wave of shock at any time. I grabbed them and sent out the combat scope of the World Tree one by one.

When I broke away from the quick sweep, I already had the ky3000 in my hand again. The last ky3000 was destroyed by high load, but it was originally a conscious creation. Repeated realization is not a problem. The problem is that the super-mass cannon form is already in my My consciousness is completely blurred, I am not sure if I can do it again.

I unfolded ky3000 and turned it into a solid bunker, covering it in front of us. The shock wave carried the sound waves, which quickly distorted everything in the field of vision, and it was divided from the two ends of the solid wall that ky3000 turned into After splitting and throwing a few meters back, they were confused again. We are like hiding in a storm. Even in a safe house, we have to feel the violent changes outside.

However, at least at this moment, we can breathe for a while. (To be continued ...)

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