Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 931: Death shock

The battlefield is like a vortex that devours flesh and blood. There is no inch of land and no piece of sky is safe. In normal warfare, even covering fire strikes have gaps. People can hide in trenches, hide under corpses, or luckily shuttle between trajectories, craters, and encounter thousands of people. During the war, there will always be a place that is safe, but when all kinds of mysteries are confused, the gap for evasion no longer exists. No one can tell whether the mystery is in effect, and these mysteries are not only for individuals, but also for groups, some can be seen, some can not be seen, some have launch processes, and there is no reason. It acts on itself. The terrible shock wave rushes in all directions without interruption. The only way to ensure your safety is to have a high-level mystery that covers you completely, enough to weaken all the effects and even reduce the mystery, to fight against this no dead end Shocks and unpredictable mysterious phenomena.

This is also the first time I have encountered such a large-scale mysterious battle, or that is the first time I have experienced it firsthand, what is a "war" in a mysterious circle. The abilities required here are different from the sporadic encounters in the past. No matter the opponent or the companion, their mystery no longer has the characteristics of distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy. When the two forces have to be confused At that time, the power generated was disregarded by the enemy and spread to the entire battlefield. When facing even dozens of enemies, you can constantly adjust your position, modify your course of action, intersperse with the enemy's uncoordinated gaps, and walk on a relatively wide or complex terrain battlefield In order to ensure your own safety and at the same time to kill the enemy one by one, but in this real battle, none of these combat methods have the conditions to be exerted. Thousands of people gathered in this closed square. The only way to win is that under the same pressure without dead ends, whoever can stand hard for a long time does not exist in any way.

I have considered if the battle took place on a wider ground than in this closed temporary data hedge space. Will it still be such a terrible situation, but, I have concluded that-unless you have superb mobility, or superb defense, you can not avoid being swallowed by this storm. When the mystery is concentrated in an area, the soldiers in this area will leave this area in addition to doing their best. There is only one way left to do everything possible to resist this omnidirectional impact that ignores enemies and enemies. At this time, only the extraordinary defense can save them a life.

When the soldiers in the mysterious circle gather together to launch a group attack, the best way to win is to be faster than the enemy-to lock the enemy faster and to exert power faster. There can be no hesitation, and the power of its own group must not be dispersed, otherwise, it will be slaughtered by the enemy on an organized basis.

Or faster than anyone else, or harder than anyone else, the individual's attack power itself no longer has the decisive element, because even the weakest mystery. When confused with other mysteries, it also produces characteristics that even you cannot understand, and then bursts into the power that even you feel fear.

In such a war, the group-style charge was disbanded after the defeat, and the rest could be withdrawn. The possibility of reorganizing the attack was very small. because. If the conflict ends, either one party will die or both parties will die. Such a result is also foreseeable in the current battle, after such a huge mysterious shock broke out. Even the dead body soldiers with solid shells appeared cracked, and then they were dug out by a mysterious force for no reason, not to mention human soldiers, wizard apprentices, and low-level Mageweave messengers.

The enemies killed by KY1999 have not yet been killed by this mysterious shock that produces a chemical reaction. We have only fifty people. According to normal theory, there is little chance of winning against an army of thousands of people. Even if we win, we will not have a few people left. However, when the entire battlefield is shrouded in an impact that ignores enemies and enemies, quantity loses its advantage, and only quality determines the final result.

I do n’t know what happened to the others. The strange and indescribable picture in the field of vision has completely obscured the figure of other companions. I ca n’t even hear any sound except explosion and destruction, everything is decomposed in the surging power, and my muzzle is no longer aimed at those human soldiers, wizard apprentices and low-level Mageweave messengers, because I continued to attack, and they had disappeared like snowflakes before my eyes. Only the dead soldiers who are broken and can still stand for a while are the most dangerous enemies at this time-although they are also unable to attack, the connection between them seems to be broken up, but the solid body makes them It is possible to survive in the end. At this time, I seem to understand why these dead body soldiers were created by the "ruling bureau" in such a posture. In this mysterious impact of coverage, the characteristics of the dead body soldiers are indeed unique.

I sprinted through the fast-swept channel, this invisible channel, on this battlefield, exhibited characteristics that I had not noticed in the past-it even penetrated the mysterious impact directly, and dug a safe channel. Although the pressure on the passage will also be transmitted to me and make me feel the same, but as long as I am still in Mercedes-Benz, the "passage" that appears briefly in front of me will not disappear.

I am struggling hard to move. In this channel, my movement is slower than usual. I can no longer go faster. However, referring to the movement speed of the outside world, I still know how fast I move. KY1999's firepower line has long been engulfed by mysterious impact, disintegrated, no matter what kind of ammunition, in this seemingly endless impact, they are so vulnerable. In fact, at this time, I have completely lost the ability to attack. I do n’t have the mystery of direct aggression, nor the weapons that are enough to resist these terrible impacts. The chain judgment is completely useless, and only a chaotic scene remains in the field of vision, and even the sense of space becomes extremely blurred.

I feel like a blind man, a headless fly is still moving, just because, only moving can guarantee my safety. Once I stop rushing, I will be swallowed by mysterious shock instantly, just like other people The general disintegration and ablation. The intensity of the impact is still rising. In places I can't see, the two parties who can support for the time being are still improving their attack power, and the concept of time has begun to blur. I believe that they are absolutely aware of the current situation, and it is because of this that they are so madly into this terrible impact. Injecting their own power, they decided to compete with their own defensive abilities.

This terrible impact will only gradually weaken if one party is killed and injured first, and the impact can no longer be increased. From this, we can judge whether it is our side or the side of the doomsday truth. The true main force has not been eliminated. It is not the case that the dead people are all weak, they may have a strong attack power, strange movements, in one-on-one, or even one-on-one dozen battles. There is a chance to become the ultimate winner, but under this indiscriminate overlay impact, there is only one reason for their death-they are not hard enough and there is no defensive ability that can withstand this impact.

The process of this battle is so cruel, I do n’t think that the companions who fight with me, and the people of the doomsday truth. Be psychologically prepared for such results in advance. For us, this battle has an ideal way to open it, but there is a process that has never been imagined. Even so, I still feel that I have a greater chance of winning. Neither me nor Father Xisen. The conscious walker, as well as the young Gaochuan and the file, everyone ’s mysterious characteristics are enough to withstand the highest peak of this terrible shock wave. The enemy's output is due to the rapid decrease in the number of people. It will soon reach a peak, and then quickly fall back, and then, a few people who survived will engage in a more familiar encounter. At that time, both the enemy and the enemy will be more quantitatively and qualitatively than they were at the beginning. The same factors that really determine the outcome will be transformed into personal mysterious applications again.

From this perspective, in the course of this unprepared battle, the loss of doomsday truth is more significant, and the trend of victory is more biased towards our side.

Although it is inevitable that there will be companion deaths, in the end more than 50 people can survive, I can not estimate, however, such a development, perhaps for us, is the most ideal situation.

I lifted my arm to stand in front of me, shoved the inexplicable resistance, and walked hard and fast in the rapid passage. I no longer care about the people of Doom Truth around me, because they have been presented in a distorted picture in their field of vision, and they can no longer attack me. All their attention was forced to concentrate on the devastating shock, they squeezed themselves, and then were twisted and shattered. Many dead soldiers have been paralyzed, and the mist released by the wizard spreads throughout the square with this impact. These mists have not been washed away, but because of the large number of deaths and the interaction between the mystery, Become more intense. This increase in concentration is not only due to the release of wizards.

I walked forward for a long time, and I ca n’t estimate time, because at this moment, the feeling of space and time has been disturbed. The so-called “very long” is only described in terms of the number of steps I take and the heavy sense of travel. It may not be correct, but it is the most appropriate description. In such a place, I do n’t even dare to sink into the shadows. When speed sweeping can work, even though it may not be the best choice, it is a subconscious choice. I dare not change, who knows after the change The result is good or bad.

Then, when I turned my head around again, a distorted scene ten meters away was suddenly cut apart-this is not a description, but a cognition, as if there is something sharp, forward A gap was split, and then that gap could no longer be closed. In the gap, the originally distorted scene returned to its normal state at once. I saw the situation where the file raised the knife-shaped critical weapon and blocked it in front of my chest. The chaotic and distorted shock wave arrived in front of the blade like a tide, and was immediately split into two halves, and had to roar from both sides before it reunited behind the file. In the safe area opened by the file, the youth Gao Chuan retracted his right hand soaked in the shock wave tide. On the right hand, he saw no signs of injury.

The two also noticed me, but they also could n’t seem to confirm my situation. Presumably, what they saw in their eyes was just a chaotic and distorted scene. I was in it, just an unrecognizable one profile. I approached them, and as I thought, the young Gaochuan raised the revolver in his hand, but. The shot was not immediately made-I admit that his body was incredibly sturdy, clearly surpassing the dead soldier, and I do n’t think his bullet could penetrate this shockwave.

He is another me.

Between us, there is a unique sense that the external environment cannot block.

Under this induction. He lowered the muzzle and opened his mouth to say something, but I couldn't hear it. Sound, in the impact of this scale, also lost the way of transmission. but. I think he is inviting me to hide in the safe area opened by the knife-shaped critical weapon.

I turned around and walked away from him. Although the unique feeling between us made me have the same idea and would not resist such a choice, but when I saw him. The existence of "Jiang" will always come to my mind, making me think that at this time, we are still better like a stranger. Another one, I have another position and idea, and I also have my own position and idea. There are as many conflicts as we have in common. One day, we will have to solve these problems, but not now. I have a feeling that once we are too close, there must be some kind of change-this kind of change is not good or bad in my intuition, just feel. That change will lead to a decisive result, and this decisive result, compared with the current situation, is still too early.

Simultaneously. At this time, I have confirmed that when I was recovering from the base of the online ball, the dangers that I felt intuitively were full of temptations, partly because the other one was in that direction. As "Gao Chuan", it is a matter of course that he cooperated with Netball, and it is even doomed to do so. When the two are combined, the chemical reaction that may occur is also as "Gao Chuan".

The traps they laid out are terrible. I do n’t know how important another role I play in them. However, I can be sure that such traps are not for me, but for Jiang. Even if "Gaochuan" did not inform the network ball of the existence of "Jiang", the result will inevitably develop in such a way. And the other I, probably will not stop, but will promote such development.

No matter from which point of view, my intimate contact with another person will cause unpredictable changes. I ca n’t convince myself that this change will definitely benefit me, and will not affect my plan. Cause obstruction. No matter how confident I am, in the normal one-to-one contest, I can overwhelm the other me, and I can't change it. In the current doomsday illusion, the other me is the fact of "the Gaochuan" of this world.

From the perspective of the development of this world, I am superfluous, abnormal, an uncontrollable result, and a vicious manifestation of doomsday syndrome. Therefore, I can never consider it alone, and only face another situation.

In any case, before we really need to make a settlement between us, we should not be too intimate, participate in the same battle, and stand on the same battlefield, it is already a very reluctant distance. I even need to worry about whether such a distance will cause some kind of chain reaction. Confirming each other's mood, each other's thoughts, and each other's determination was completed at the beginning of the battle. The silence at that time was already the best answer to each other. I think that the other one must also think so.

I traveled again, and after that, the impact weakened as expected, and my vision began to return to normal. I finally got a definite reference object to determine my position. When the chain judgment was unfolded, there were no living things in the observation range, and even bloodstains and entities did not exist ~ ~ The only one that can keep the body Only those dead soldiers, in such an impact, most of them just temporarily lost their ability to move, and a lot of damage appeared from the joints, as if they would break apart at any time, but this kind of embarrassment is like a scrapped machine 'S gesture is definitely not death. At the same time, no dead soldier is complete.

When the field of vision became clear, these dead soldiers began to re-lock the enemy and tried to shoot with weapons that were on the verge of scrapping. However, the weapon modules mounted on them suddenly sparked, and the explosion overturned their remnants. Body.

When I looked around, the positions of the enemy and the enemy were completely disrupted. Compared with the previous number, the number of survivors was very few. The square baptized by the shock wave also turned into a remnant and seemed more empty and lonely. The silence of death seemed to permeate the sound of explosion and spread in my heart.

Then, there is a killing intent to kill you all.

The number of survivors we can see is eighteen.

The number of survivors visible to the enemy is ten, plus a broken dead soldier. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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