Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 935: Macro monster

The seven survivors of the doomsday truth converge in one place. For this reason, they are willing to bear some costs. There are four people who are seriously injured to break through. Suspended above the head, all targeted attacks were like being drawn onto the film by a strong and invisible suction, splashing waves of ripples. However, they did resist the tentative attack, like a deep pool under the film, engulfing all the hostile mysteries. The mystery of exhibiting this level of performance is also quite serious. From their state, if they continue for a period of time, we don't need to continue to work, they will also perish. Especially for the four people who were seriously injured, their bodies have shown a peculiar crack-like shape. The deep cracks, without any flesh and blood color, are like being cut together with space to cause physical injuries.

The determination of the seven people has been undoubtedly reflected in their actions. Except that I am maintaining a firepower network, giving it a certain degree of oppression, and Fr Sisen and others in the rear, they must still exclude dead soldiers. , Gathered together and awaited the counterattack of the apocalyptic survivors. We all know that it takes so much time to get breathing time, which means they can use this time to uncover the necessary cards. I also never felt that this army of doomsday truth religions is just a large number of people.

At this time, it also highlighted the importance of taking the lead in solving the two third-level Mageweave messengers. If the two third-level Mageweave messengers were only seriously hit, they will definitely join these people in their actions and give them more cards. Strong power. For the doomsday truth religion, which is good at ceremonial cooperation, it brings together the powers of mystery holders with different abilities and different levels. It is no longer a rare thing to cast an extraordinary mystery. And this kind of familiarity and variety are indeed difficult for network **** and black nests. To a certain extent, doomsday truth followers like fanatics do have a more spiritual cohesion than a netball, and a black nest composed entirely of personality. Is even worse.

No matter from what point of view, there is an inevitable reason why the Doomsday Truth can spread throughout the world like cancer cells.

Everyone has a dignified expression. In the battle, they fight to kill the enemy, regardless of sacrifice, in order to win the chance of survival and victory. And at the end of the battle that will inevitably be victorious, you will survive, if only because of impulse. Just letting yourself fall to the end of your life journey is extremely regretful. At this time, it cannot be said that letting go of the enemy in order to save yourself is the wrong choice. All the people here do not come from the same organization, nor do they have the same program and goal, they just have the same enemy. How to deal with the last enemy is completely based on your own standards. No one can dispute this.

No one can blame others for their prudence, even if the final victory is in sight. Even in the last doomsday illusion, the cybersphere that unites most of the world ’s mysterious organizations with justice, ca n’t ask what their own people must do in a crisis. All the sacrifices were completely for the participants to anticipate and willingly bear. It is precisely because I have such a group that I understand what I am doing. What kind of warriors need to be carried, the network ball can fight against that crazy doomsday truth chamber. In this doomsday illusion, the situation of the online ball is not so good. Most of the mysterious holders still lack the same concept and organization. Even if there are companions, most of the time, it can only be regarded as fighting alone. Under such circumstances, the survival instincts cultivated will naturally be at an important juncture to choose a path that seems safer and more modest.

Without the support of others, even the young Gaochuan can only stop the pressing pace. The most powerful attack in the melee combat is held in the hands of the file, and the file needs to take care of her two weak companions, completely There is no reason to venture. From the "mysterious" character, unless the Doomsday Truth 7 people can get rid of their cards, it is naturally the best. However, we must also consider the circumstances that cannot be achieved. Once the hole card is revealed when the stalemate can't be stopped, the possibility of avoiding this hole card will be greatly reduced.

Pause for a while, let the enemy breathe, give yourself a chance to see what they want to do, and it ’s not a completely wrong choice-the worst-case scenario is that the enemy can take this opportunity to escape, but, in the doomsday army of truth Now that it has been completely wiped out, it is not unacceptable for four Class II Mageweavers and three elite wizards to escape successfully. The victory of this battle was already doomed with that terrible mysterious impact and the death of two Level 3 Mageweave messengers.

The four seriously wounded Doomsday survivors soon turned into fly ash in the rapid and terrible injuries. When the dark cracks continued to spread on them, the breath of death was unavoidable. For such a weird injury, it is only necessary to visually confirm the irreparable room. At least, in the surviving combat power of the other party, there is no possibility of curing this mysterious injury. When the death of these four people becomes inevitable, it is not unthinkable for them to sacrifice themselves. On the contrary, it is always the style of doomsday truth to use every force thoroughly. The flying ash of these four seriously wounded people will become the power to attract and strengthen the final hole card, and the three who are ultimately responsible for unlocking this hole card are all elite wizards, and there is nothing strange at all.

Although in the sacrificial ritual, the Mageweave messenger can also become a unified force, but when it comes to the execution of the ritual, of course, the mysterious profession of wizarding is more professional. In the sound of weird and incomprehensible spells, the gray fog on the battlefield seemed to finally get rid of the restraint of Father Sisen and others, and found the gap to get out of the whistling wind, and then turned into a gurgling stream into the three In the thin film above the head of an elite wizard. As the film ’s previous power manifests, it is absorbing power, no matter what the enemy or the self or the seemingly neutral gray mist, no matter how large this power is, dense, sharp or full of maliciousness, it will only prove that it is extremely greedy, And did not fill up the essence of a moment.

Behind the film, it no longer looks like a deep pond, giving people the feeling. More like a dark abyss with no bottom. I heard rumbling voices, and it was unclear what they were, but, judging from the expressions of other people, it was not just me who produced auditory hallucinations. And a strand of remittances into the gray fog over the doomsday trio is also creeping. More and more weirdly special. The originally organized battlefield became erratic at this moment. The distorted sounds and pictures were not conveyed through sight and hearing, but more like infiltrated directly into the soul and presented maliciously in human minds.

Goo Goo-

It seems that there are some invisible monsters swallowing. This feeling is no longer just from the three elite wizards in front. It is extremely huge. Seems to cover the entire battlefield from above. The evil whisper before was like the belly sound of this thing while it was asleep, and this thing that didn't know what seemed to be waking up.

The feeling of mysterious holders is more intuitive than the information their facial features can receive. For the weirdness that ordinary people can't observe, it can always be transformed into a more specific image through this unique feeling. This image is appalling. Subverting the craziest assumptions in people's hearts, the moment they perceive this image. It will make people feel a sudden enlightenment-it is clearly there, all the features are in front of the eyes, why can't you connect them in advance? So that I can understand how I lack the associative power of things. And this invisible weirdness is such a huge, obviously abrupt. But there is something for granted.

I can't see it, but, I know it exists. Before the three elite shamans of the doomsday truth started, I couldn't perceive its existence, simply because. The factors that constitute it are too scattered, complex and huge, just like the grass seeds scattered on a grassland. Only when they are dyed with other heavy colors and overlooked from high altitude can they perceive that they are not unrelated. Even, the patterns they constitute seem to have some profound meaning in them.

This kind of macro monster, more often, acts in a dimension that humans cannot perceive and interfere with. Every part of it is hidden between us, even, it is part of us, just, humans It is impossible to escape from its own height and overlook the dimensions of its existence. Therefore, in many cases, even if you understand the existence of each other, you will tend to a "cannot interfere", "meaningless" cognition. For this reason, what the three elite wizards of the Doomsday Truth do at this time is extremely absurd, and when they succeed, it becomes even more absurd.

However, being able to do things that cannot be done under normal theory is the power of "mystery". The Doomsday Truth has worked tirelessly on this mystery, allowing them to successfully examine a monster that has a sense of activity from a macro perspective, and pull it into this low-level battlefield.

The gap between its existence and the existence of human beings is so huge. When this hugeness is put in front of the eyes in a more definite way, the incomprehensible and unbelievable sense of oppression that existed in the congenital, suddenly we Several people in between were in a madness, and there were also a few conscious walkers, or, because they were people with conscious and mysterious power, they would even feel something that should not appear in theory, when they appeared beside themselves, The direct impact-because, they are closer to this weirdness than others. Just like seeing flowers in the fog, fear may arise because of imagination, but it is far worse than the fear caused by imagination and even beyond imagination.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could such a thing appear!" Father Sisson screamed over there.

"It's just an elite wizard, an elite wizard ..." Some people murmured like this.

The mad breath emanates from the repressed, evil whispers, and the madness emanating from the bodies of those people who seem to collapse is even more frightening. Their expressions are distorted, incoherent, and the situation makes people who do not feel so deeply feel surprised, and they even feel a kind of invisible fear deep into the bone marrow.

It is true that the other party is obviously only three elite wizards. From the strength of a single person, even the strength of the team of three, there is no theoretical possibility of summoning such weirdness, but the fact is in front of people, people have to go Look for an explanation. Thoroughly unreasonable, although it is also a manifestation of "mystery", it is difficult for most people, and even most of the mystery holders-to be "unexplainable" mystery. However, people who still need an explanation that makes them feel "possible" occupy the vast majority in this world, and the study of "mystery" is based on this cognitive behavior. Because, if you absolutely believe that "mystery" is "absolutely unexplainable, there is no need to explain". Then, "study" this rational and logical behavior, there is no possibility from the root.

Being able to recognize yourself as "mysterious" and give yourself a reason that is in line with your own cognition, or just your own acceptable, is the first step of survival for many people, otherwise, more often. Only step by step into madness.

And now, the call of the three elite shamans of the doomsday truth, and the result of the call, for those who believe in "impossible", it is definitely a blow through the soul, a cognitive breakdown, and The terrible consequences that they will have, they themselves have been unable to think. However, the instinct has been slammed. From this perspective, their crazy situation is actually a normal phenomenon of desperately saving themselves.

I don't know if these people can succeed. I can't feel their severe impact. All the people who can keep calm can't imagine and experience. What a severe shock those crazy people have suffered. Even if they can reasonably think about why they become like this, they cannot feel the same unless they are also facing a collapse. Because of this collapse. It is an extremely personal thing.

I'm just sure. The three last survivors of the Doomsday Truth did indeed open an unimaginable hole card. As for how they did it-

"Previous army! Father Edward's bastard!" Finally someone called out, and he seemed to find a reason, "They sacrificed all the dead! That's right, this must be a trap for Father Edward! He planned to sacrifice from the beginning. All people, using 666 disguise as a bridge, summoned this monster! They are lunatics, madmen who want to destroy the world regardless of themselves! What else can they not do? What else are they Dare not try it? "

This kind of argument actually allowed a few crazy conscious walkers to gradually regain their senses. As long as there is a reason that makes sense, no, it is a reason for their self-logic success, and they can maintain a foothold in the collapse of cognition.

"Yes! It must be so!" Someone immediately echoed: "Damn bastard, he must not have been killed! This is a trap. If someone from the netball comes, it must be more in line with his wishes. I finally understand Why don't the cyberball guys move anymore! Those **** hypocrites, they took advantage of us! "

Many more people have also spoken a lot of radical words involving cyberballs. In a sense, they are intentional and necessary, because if they do n’t think so, they may fall into madness and collapse. Under the survival instinct, they have no time or opportunity to think. No matter what happens afterwards, they must now grasp this life-saving straw. I watched them with cold eyes, and found that the black nest and other people headed by Father Sisen were indifferent and calm. I feel that this calm attitude will inevitably let these crazy guys choose to join the black nest. Medium-Sometimes, when comparisons occur and cognitions also deviate, some things that were dismissed by oneself in the past and even unacceptable ~ ~ will somehow have a strong appeal.

What is happening nowadays, this weird and invisible weirdness does make people feel throbbing, but I still don't think it is a threat that can destroy us. I even think that it cannot be destroyed by Father Sisson and others. Because it is such a macroscopic thing, it should not be in contact with us in terms of dimensions, so even if it is summoned at a huge cost, it is difficult to maintain. Those lunatics who seem to have found a chance to survive have said something that I agree with. This battlefield is originally a trap, but it is not the army of Doomsday Truth that is full of aggression and lethality, but their madness, Father Edward Maybe even this huge army was actually used as bait-perhaps, the only thing he didn't expect was that the guys who swallowed this bait were not a big force of cyberballs, but only fifty Temporary group of people.

However, if this macroscopic high latitude exists, it is the goal of Father Edward, even if its appearance is just a glimpse, and it is useless, it has already achieved its goal theoretically. As long as Father Edward is still alive and still observing the battlefield, then he has the opportunity to expand this achievement.

From a certain point of view, this weirdness manifested in the state of macroscopic high latitude in the illusion of doomsday may be, in essence, closer to the essence of "jiang" and "virus" than any existence. (To be continued ...)

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