Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 960: Identity

At 4:30 p.m. on that day, all the important issues of the London Conference were resolved, and the Global Mysterious Organization "" was officially established after a brief speech on the fire. There was no difference between the division of important seats and the original plan. There are a total of seven permanent members, six of which are cyberballs, torchlight, sunstriders, black nest, mercenary associations and whispers, and finally the "Crusade" launched by a small mysterious organization-this is the meaning of justice. Takagawa is very familiar with the mysterious organization, with the mysterious creature "Qiubi" as the core, which can mass-produce the mysterious individual called "Magic Girl", and its biggest feature is not this mysterious display with the same core The way is that although it is a "magic girl", the members carrying this mysterious power are not limited to women.

No matter in the previous world line or in this world line, Chubby exists, and its essence is also uncertain. It has a suspicious correlation with the night of Valpus in London. At present, Chubby is The core Crusaders have been expanded and have reached an in-depth cooperation agreement with the Netball. They have the authority to operate in the Valpus Night, and their activities are more similar to a kind of "gendarmerie" that protects the Valpus Night.

The origin of the Magical Girl Crusader is London, and it must have close ties with the British government and the royal family. This organization was able to be "publicized" as the last permanent member of the board, and naturally the operation of the British government and the royal family is indispensable. Although compared to the whisperers, the Magic Girl Crusade lacks depth in terms of establishment time, location, popularity, and international influence. However, the advantage of "public referral" is that as long as most people agree. You can ignore seniority.

Of course, there are more organizations on the scene, which are more popular than the magical girl in terms of ability and scope of activities and even reputation. The London Conference is not so much a democratic union, but the essence is only to fill and integrate the existing framework. The opinions expressed at the conference alone will not have any results. The upper level of the Magic Girl Crusade is a game balance that spans the normal world and the major forces of the mysterious circle. If someone wants to suppress it, it will only ask for it. There were some oppositions on the spot, but more representatives have long been aware of the mystery, so the biggest opposition is simply voting abstention.

In the end, the Magic Girl Crusader won the last permanent board member with a vote of 53%. The accompanying clause further restricts the restrictions that they must bear for the other six permanent members, and makes the title of "permanent member" of this seat a little more subtle.

Of course, for at least three years, the seats of the Magical Girl Crusader cannot be shaken unless they are completely annihilated. Even if there is only one member left, they have a vote for the Supreme Council.

Within ten minutes after the inauguration speech delivered by Huo Huo, the United Nations responded within ten minutes. The United Nations sent a special representative to communicate with the British government. The British government also sent its own representatives. Although it will still not be disclosed to the general public on official occasions, the cooperation between the United Nations and the United Nations is immediately on the agenda, and the problems that need to be coordinated with each other have been logged on the settlement list long before the London meeting. As a regular organization recognized by the United Nations. Set up the headquarters in London, and before all mysterious organizations integrate resources and contact with special government agencies within their own activities, representatives of all parties involved in the London meeting still need to stay in London to solve the existing unstable factors in London- Doomsday Truth. To be precise, it was Father Edward.

Father Edward ’s power, the traps he laid out in London, and even the scale of the Armageddonian army of the Doomsday and the annihilation battle last night are no secret to the representatives of various mysterious organizations in London. Although there was some dissatisfaction with the network ball at that time, and the final result, but the establishment of the psychological disputes no longer suitable for moving to the table, this cooperative action was initiated in the name of, and there will be more cooperation The plan is yet to be developed, so this eradication operation against Father Edward is a more attempt to break in, which will inevitably produce more contradictions to be resolved. On the contrary, whether Father Edward can really be resolved, but not so Important-Prostitute Gao Chuan estimates that as long as Father Edward can be expelled from London, the minimum goal of this cooperative operation has been reached.

In terms of scale and energy, the real opponents are organized doomsday truth and Nazis, not a member of these organized enemies.

Fire escaped the relevant information collected and sorted out by the network ball to the hands of various representatives. The prosthetic body Gaochuan naturally also had a copy, which included an evaluation of the curse of blood and flesh that appeared last night. The report said that Father Edward may have made a huge deviation from the current Doomsday Truth in its subject matter, but based on his identity and years of incubation, it is theoretically possible to use the channels of Doomsday Truth The curse spread to more countries in the world, and it is assumed that this flesh curse is likely similar to a spreading viral mystery. If the malignant degree of this curse curse in the assessment is true, then this will be a more imminent disaster than the Nazi invasion.

"Daily passengers traveling to and from London ’s red light districts all over the world, with a flow of at least 100,000 or more people, relying on the red light district operators, especially the front-line staff, are covered by 'specialties' and 'gifts' daily I do n’t know how many of the cursed items were distributed. Although, through preliminary tests, we could n’t find the suspicious objects, we still have reason to be convinced that as long as Father Edward is willing, the disaster in London is not simply a British one. At present, there is still a gap between the erosive effect of this flesh curse and the theoretical height, but I personally feel that Father Edward already has a finished product that can be put into use, at least, in the shortest time, There is a finished product that is very close to the theoretical level. The world is under great threat. This threat is not only normal to human society, but also ours. What ’s more, even the doomsday truth and the Nazis cannot be avoided. " Talked about. The voice is full of a power to mobilize people's hearts.

"We can't sit back and watch this threat, even if it will make Doomsday and Nazis ask for bitter bitterness. We can't send it to enemy dogs to bite dogs, not only because our self-esteem and position are not allowed, but also because, in person When it is a danger to the world. We have a responsibility to protect this world, not just because one or two worms will also die in this danger, and ignore the destruction of this world by this danger. This world belongs to Yours also belongs to me, but in a larger sense. It belongs to us all. "

In the applause of all participants, this first cooperative action plan was unanimously approved. Even so, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan is still not sure that Father Edward will easily bow his head, even. There has been information from the riverside-the network ball has not yet fully formed a repeater, and some functions can be put into use. Now, the entire London has been completely monitored, and the previous one just hides in temporary data hedging The possibility that space can escape is gone. Father Edward and his men are called Joni's Mageweaver. The coordinates have been locked, and, apart from the two of them, the city has no more doomsday truth forces hidden in the temporary data hedge space.

These two men are at a time when they are weak.

"Let the people in the Black Nest send the thing that Dorothy planned." Omi's voice rang in the ear of Gao Yi, the prostitute. The prostitute Gao Chuan has already learned from the mouths of the fire escape and Father Sisen that they got the spoils in the trap fight last night. Although it has already been decided to hand it to the netball, for various reasons, the fire escape has kept them safe. End of the meeting. Black Nest has established its status in the present.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan relayed the notification of Omi to Firewalker and Father Sisen, who are laying out a specific action plan. Although neither the network ball nor the Black Nest, it is impossible to withdraw at this time. However, those who need to take a trip to the Prostitute Gaochuan with the Dorothy Planning Laboratory only need to be the person responsible for keeping the items, and the current situation of the prosthesis Gaochuan has already been excluded from this operation. There is no possibility that a person who was jammed in the life-sustaining cabin by Omi and could only perform activities through photorealistic projections for the time being.

So, before the meeting ended, Catwoman took the two people out of the meeting room and drove to the Dorothy Planning Lab. The prosthetic body Gaochuan can naturally cut off the projection and return directly to the body of the Omi laboratory. However, for some personal reasons, he still sits in the back seat of the car with L. L is very clear about the situation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan at this time. Although the artificial and false images are realistic, for people like him, they can be seen through at a glance, which in turn proves that Omi has not projected on this. It takes too much time to cover up. However, even if L sees through the current situation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan and realizes that the other party's choice is a bit unusual, he still hasn't expected the other party's first sentence after getting on the bus.

"Are you Long Aotian !?" said Gao Chuan, the prostitute, calmly watching him.

L's body has some unnatural small movements that are difficult for ordinary people to see clearly, but it is very obvious in the eyes of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. He knew he was right. Although the L in front of him was quite different from the Long Aotian he knew in terms of appearance, height and temperament, his instincts still proved his correctness.

After a long silence, L smiled and asked in the same calm tone: "How do you know?" The catwoman sitting beside seemed to be surprised by L's answer and could not help but examine the man again. L is Long Aotian. This fact is not even seen by her. Long Aotian disguised it very well, his identity was originally a mystery, but now, it has become more complicated.

Prostitute Gao Chuan realized early on that the man of Long Aotian was not only his name, but also his behavior—whether on the previous world line or on this world line, whether it was Lasvi Gas, still in London, he is always the same as Chubby, who seems to have an inexplicable, mysterious and profound relationship with the night of Val Pugetz. Either Chubby or Long Aotian, since they appeared in the night of the last world line in Las Vegas Valpus, they have shown an unusual character in the eyes of the prostitute Gao Chuan ---- Unlike those who walk through fire and file, they are closer to Gao Chuan himself. If they want to describe it, that is "the protagonist."

In this intricate world, confirming that someone is the "protagonist" of the world's fate is actually a very ridiculous idea. For most people, they are the main characters in their stories. It is the common consensus, but Qubei and Long Aotian give the sense of Gaochuan to the prostitute as if they were "existences selected by the destiny of this world." This is a strong sense of existence in a macro sense.

Long Aotian has a mystery that is no less than the mysterious creature of Chubby, even in the night of the Valpus on the previous world line. It is not clearly shown, but, in this world line, he is the terrible and mysterious master of "Death Note", and it can be presumed from this. His age is definitely much larger than his appearance-it may be much longer than the wheelchair person, because the wheelchair person has participated in the past, and that scene changed the extent of the mysterious forces in Europe and America at that time. Fight fiercely. The battle was triggered by the "Death Note", and the culprit who held the "Death Note" at the time was not the real owner of the "Death Note". Of course, another situation is that "Death Note" only fell into the hands of L after that battle. However, in Omi, there is sufficient intelligence to prove that L, Long Aotian, was the original real owner of "Death Note".

It looks like a handsome young man. Although he is involved in the mystery, he does not have the truly powerful and mysterious Long Aotian. Its true identity is an old monster that has spanned the century-although Catwoman does not know so deeply, but. When L's "Death Note" master identity and Long Aotian's identity overlapped, Catwoman was still shocked. She even felt that the guess of the prostitute Gao Chuan was a little far-fetched, but after all, even the parties had admitted.

"I have seen you. More than once." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "My intuition has always been accurate. Although I don't know how you pretend to be two irrelevant people, but this intuition never needs substance. Reason. "

"It's just a little trick." Long Aotian smiled, didn't refute, but just calmly replied: "In addition to killing the enemy consciously, Death Note has many ingenious rules, I just use it as much as possible. Just get up. "

The catwoman on the side had a cold face, and even the driver of the car showed a clear sense of hostility. Prostitute Gao Chuan knows the reason, the power of death note has caused tremendous damage to many European and American mysterious organizations, including the network ball, just two or three days ago, even the allies of the network ball were killed in the network ball. On the protective site, although the matter did not shake the prestige of the network ball, it was indeed a hostile act. Since Long Aotian, the holder of the death note, is a Black Nest person, his targeted killing behavior is undoubtedly contradictory to the current Black Nest move. Among them, what happened to Long Aotian and Father Xi Sen? For consideration, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan couldn't think about it at all.

However, no matter what happened in the past, it can only be cancelled by one lump sum, at least not on the bright side, otherwise it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the newly established. The internal contradictions cannot be smoothed out. Then, in future actions, it will cause even worse influences. Moreover, as the highest commander of the network ball, the fire has already recognized the existence of the black nest, and Catwoman can't immediately break the rules.

Therefore, in addition to glaring, the network ball members in this car cannot do more to Long Aotian.

Judging from the current situation, the retreat of the online ball is correct, necessary, and successful, only because it is too rushed and has defects in details. However, the prostitute Gao Chuan also understands that this is something that has long been understood ~ ~ and is willing to bear it.

The hostile consciousness did not affect Long Aotian's freedom at all. He also thought through it thoroughly. If he was not smart enough, he could not live to the present. Although in the eyes of Father Sisen, this action was suspected of walking a tightrope, but agreeing to maintain a pace with Father Sisen is not because Long Aotian himself blindly follows this nominal leader, but because he has the same , But a more confident judgment.

"It takes everyone to work together, and of course I want to be an indispensable piece of jigsaw. The disguise I made before is just the need for the environment. Mr. Gao Chuan, you can understand that a person is like a mouse crossing the street and has to change his identity to survive. Sad? "Long Aotian said to the prostitute Gaochuan in a very sincere tone:" It is precisely because of the generosity and brilliance of the fire that I have a new life. Although I have done some things, let us There are many contradictions, but I still believe in fire escape, and believe that the network ball under his leadership has the ambition to unite all the forces that can be united. "

Both the expression and the tone are so real, but they just give people a strong sense of falsehood. This is not only the feeling of Catwoman and the driver, but also the feeling of the prosperity Gaochuan. However, he did say something awe-inspiring and beautiful, which made people unable to grasp it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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