Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 988: Meet again

When the prosthetic body Gaochuan opened his eyes again, he was still soaked in the yellowish adjustment fluid. He couldn't tell how long time had passed when he closed his eyes. He seemed to have a dream that he couldn't remember, but he always felt very long. This dream made the feeling from that distant place very blurry before closing his eyes, but he was quite sure that it was definitely not an illusion, probably because of that feeling, so he would be immersed in it afterwards Can't recall the dream. The deviation of memory and time makes the prosthetic body Gaochuan like an ordinary person who just wakes up, but this is not a normal thing that will happen to the prosthetic body. The data interface is suspended in front of the retina, and half an hour has passed than before the eyes were closed, just in the middle of the night. There was no one else in the laboratory except himself, only the indicator light of the device flashed regularly. The laboratory did not turn on special lighting fixtures, the flashing light of the equipment indicator diffused, as if the entire space was filled with ambiguous mist.

In the hazy and psychedelic light, the equipment and the shadow cast on it seem to be activated, and there is no ambiguity.

The right eye of the prosthesis Gaochuan was still a bit dry. After returning the right eye of Dorothy, Jin Jiang was immediately placed on the operating table and implanted a certain kind of artificial eye. He knows nothing about the technology and performance of Prosthetics, but Omi seems a little excited, and mentioned it roughly. This prosthetic eye is a product designed for the purpose of extreme characteristics based on the mysterious technology of the Domination Bureau, and it is the only A test product-because the network ball does not support prosthetic equipment of this design concept, the danger to the installer is one of the reasons. The more important reason is that even if you take such a large risk, it can really be The person who played this equipment does not exist, at least, it does not exist in the network ball. From the many technical characteristics, it is really suitable for its owner. It is not a human being, but a primitive life in the upper level in the ruins of the ruling bureau.

The peculiar life form of the body life can perfectly integrate the prosthetic eye designed by Omi, or, referring to the extremely personalized characteristics of the life power of the body, the prosthetic eye can be said to be, It exists specifically to provide the second combat ability to the body life.

Netball does not have people who can equip this prosthetic eye. However, the prostitute Gaochuan is okay, because 60% of the body part responsible for sustaining Gaochuan's life is prostituted, although he is self-proclaimed as a human being. However, its life form is more similar to the body life. The left eye of the prosthetic body Gaochuan has completely changed into ordinary eyes after the separation of the young Gaochuan, not only does it no longer have the unique red color, but also more than the normal eyes of ordinary people. problem. Even the normal vision ability under the naked eye can not reach the qualified level, and it is described as if it is broken on one side, but there is no dangerous mirror.

After losing his right eye, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan could no longer fight by the naked eye. Although there are chain judgments to observe the scene within a range of 50 meters without dead angle, this distance is relative to the naked eye. It's too close. In the face of such an experimental body that has a need and theoretically meets the requirements for transplantation of prosthetic eyes, even Omi who claims to be "Gao Chuan's wife" can hardly suppress the urgency in his heart.

The prosthesis Gaochuan woke up several times after the transplantation was completed, but the adaptation and integration process between the prosthesis, prosthesis and brain hardware did not allow him to support soberness for too long. Although there is no special pain. However, that kind of jerky feeling makes people feel unbearable, and they are under great pressure mentally. Had to turn into a drowsy state of varying time. Even so, the last time he was awake, he felt that the vague information that came from a very far-reaching place, beyond the concept of the position of the illusion of the end of the world, would still not make him mistaken for a side effect after transplanting the artificial eye.

Now the feeling of a person carefully ruminating, it seems like the feeling of the huge void space in which the last Gaochuan died-that space is not a doomsday illusion, but from the perspective of "reality", it is also located in Taking the super color system as the center, the spiritual world constructed by the personality consciousness of the patients with doomsday syndrome. When making this judgment, a word suddenly appeared in the mind of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, who seemed to have never heard of it, but thought it was the same: the imaginary space.

After inheriting the complex memory information of the last Gao Chuan that spans between "reality" and "doom illusion", although the imaginary space is a new term, it makes the meaning of Gao Chuan intuitively no doubt. Simply by instinct, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan felt that it was the foundation of a super tie and Super Dorothy to stop the "virus" from eroding the illusion of doomsday.

However, with the name of "imaginary space", the information conveyed to the intuition of the prosthetic body Gaochuan made him have to face a possibility that is happening-the super color and super Dorothy can no longer maintain the seal, the imaginary space is It was eroded by "viruses" and it was fast. Soon after, it was almost inevitable for the "virus" to participate in the war of doomsday illusion with a full attitude.

The brain hardware of the prosthetic body Gaochuan was running fast, and the jerky feeling of his right eye gradually became very slight. He tried to mobilize the ability of this artificial eye. Although Jin Jiang did not explain the artificial eye too much, but the brain was hard The linkage of the body immediately completed the functional docking under the mobilization of consciousness. As in the past, a three-dimensional stereoscopic full-body image is presented on the retina screen, following a 360-degree rotation in accordance with consciousness. After the self-check on the body state is initiated, a large number of pointing arrows and related data are marked on this human model. After the adjustment of Omi, the state of the prosthetic body, except for the eye part, has been completely at the peak of optimization. The performance of the left eye has been greatly reduced compared with the past, but the transfer of the prosthetic eye has once again reduced the combat effectiveness. Climbing improvement.

The total amount of data is nearly double that of the past, but the presentation and induction methods are slightly different from the past, and the efficiency of retrieval and calling alone has improved to a certain extent. Prostitute Gao Chuan did not find it strange. Omi ’s unique mystery convinced him that she had a way to interfere with the operation of the prosthesis and brain hardware, plus the return of Dorothy today. After communication, it should be a breeze to upgrade the functions of the prosthesis and brain hardware.

The larger and more detailed data volume did not make the brain hardware feel strenuous, but the prosthetic body Gao Chuan felt that the linkage between the native brain and brain hardware and the efficiency of pure data analysis are smoother than in the past. Although the operation of the maximum load is not practiced, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan believes that the results will also improve. The prosthesis Gaochuan is moving every joint. From the slight feedback, you can already feel that the current prosthesis is compared with the past prosthesis. It's like adding aviation-grade lubricants. Because of the increase in efficiency and the increase and depth of data, the degree of fine control has been significantly strengthened. Even if the ability test has not been conducted, it can be judged to a large extent, depending on the mystery of the ability of the brain hardware. It has also been considerably enhanced.

Whether it's chain judgment or pseudo-swift sweeping, without brain hardware, it can't be as powerful as it once showed. Brain hardware is not the basis of these two capabilities, but it is an essential plug-in for amplification. Although in theory, the development of the native brain is sufficient to achieve processing power comparable to that of brain hardware. However, the prostitute Gaochuan never felt that he was such a genius. Therefore, even though the brain hardware seems extremely mysterious in any way, it is essential for itself.

Without prosthetics and brain hardware, you will probably die before escaping from the ruins of the ruling bureau. The prostitute Gao Chuan thought. Suddenly there was a slight vibration next to me, the liquid in the cabin was rapidly reduced, and the sound of the flow was slightly inaudible to ordinary people, but for the sensitive prosthesis, it was as clear as the sound of a frog in the quiet night.

After the adjustment fluid was completely evacuated, the hatch opened by itself. As soon as the prosthetic body Gao Chuan went out, he noticed that the laboratory door had been opened. There was a petite figure standing there, the outline that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, but it was particularly clear in the prosthetic eyes. A large amount of data is marked for this contour, including the name, physique and strength, and there is also a mystery evaluation, but at this moment, this data is completely a question mark. More importantly, there is a summary data that highlights it—combat power: more than 5000.

"Torres, I finally saw you." Gao Chuan said with emotion. From the last Gaochuan to herself, the adventures she experienced were all interspersed with traces of Dorothy, but she was like a ghost that existed beside her all the time but was difficult to observe. Compared with the last memory of Gaochuan, she is quite different in appearance now, but the concept of "she is Dorothy" is deeply rooted in the mind of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

It was so real to see Dorothy standing in front of her eyes alive, but the prostitute Gao Chuan could not describe his mood, but, one thing he was very certain, this girl is a very important relative to himself. Even though she has experienced all kinds of changes in the world, even if she appears, in her limited life, it is like a surprise full of surprises, but at this moment, in addition to the complex and emotional emotions, there is also a kind of heart attack The peace that grows deeper is like dividing your soul into two distinct parts like oil and water.

On the calm water surface, there is boiling oil floating. Eventually, the two converge into a warm intimacy, that is without any abruptness, and there is no change of trust because of any external appearance. At this time, the prosthetic body Gaochuan still has more energy to think about. For another Gaochuan, does "Jiang" exist like Dorothy? Is everything he feels at this time, when another Gaochuan faces the "jiang", will he feel the same?

No cheering, no greetings, no long-term reunion, because, standing in front of you, not an outsider, not a friend, and never really separated, just like Sakuya and Bajing, there is no need to do these extra things In general, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan smiled heartily and calmly: "I'm back."

"Welcome back, Achuan, this time is really hard for you. Although something unexpected happened, but the foreshadowing was finally completed, and the final plan is about to start." Dorothy walked in, also without any embarrassment and long absence rusty. Prostitute Gao Chuan is very clear that for her, everything she has done so far is not a single-handedness, but the result obtained after a long time of thinking, judgment, consultation and adjustment. "Gao Chuan" is not an uninformed person, but a real participant and executor. His own existence is not small and isolated for the entire concept of "Gao Chuan". It can even be said to be special, but it is really just a Accept, willing to accept, and inevitably choose to accept the "transitional Gaochuan".

Look at everything he has experienced from the perspective of Gao Chuan's will. But it is just his own demanding requirements. Therefore, even if Doroth speaks in a tone of "both parties", this is actually the case. Even though the details of the final plan were unclear, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan felt that he had no excuses to shirk, and that he should have assumed the responsibilities.

Before Dorothy wanted to say something, the prosthetic body Gaochuan had already stepped up and hugged her in her arms. Dorothy's body did not show any rustiness. For this hug, she was not surprised at all, nor did she feel that something should be surprised or resisted. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan feels the physical touch in his arms. This body of Dorothy is just like the years it shows, soft, warm, and alive. This impression. The memory information left by the last Gaochuan was a strong stimulus. The prosthetic body Gaochuan could not help crying. In the "reality", this girl has become what is called "super Dorothy". I don't know if it is What it looks like, what kind of "thing" it is.

Even in the illusion of doomsday, but. The human form manifested from the spiritual level, more or less means that the ideology in her heart still retains the human posture. At this moment, even if you can only hug her so truly in this world and feel her existence, it also makes the prostitute Gaochuan feel the pressure and pain she has accumulated so far, and she is released.

"If ... if it could be earlier ..." Yichuan Gaochuan choked with sobs. Although he knows clearly, even today's hugs can only be rewarded after passing through countless difficulties. Wanting to achieve salvation earlier, such as the one-time success when the serum was first made, is a delusion that has long been judged by a "past past." Even if it has a logic and cold arithmetic device like brain hardware. He still couldn't help but imagine the impossible.

"Don't cry, Achuan." It's obviously a 13-year-old girl, but Dorothy is like her sister. Hugging the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, patting his back gently: "It's such a big man, how ugly is coquettish."

"I, I'm not coquettish." The body style Gao Chuan choked back and wanted to be more serious, but couldn't help but burst into laughter, because, seeing this girl-like Dorothy, is indeed a happy thing. Although in the past Gaochuan's memory information, there are different girl-like impressions of Dorothy, but in the time of his own existence, there is no such memory, which makes people feel a kind of incompleteness. Now, regret How much has been compensated.

"It seems that the brain hardware did not allow you to change too much," Dorothy said quietly. "In calculations, you will retain the chance of this emotional state, not even one percent."

"Sure enough, although I don't know why I must maintain a completely rational state, but the fieryness in my heart is impossible to be erased by a brain hardware." When the body style Gaochuan said, his face was hanging With a proud smile, though, he understood that in the plan, Gao Chuan, a prostitute who maintained the ultimate rationality, might be the better choice. And producing such an ultimate rational self is also what Gao Gao himself agrees with. However, as far as the prosthetic body Gaochuan is concerned, he does not feel that it is a necessary state.

When the prostitute Gaochuan decided not to risk the personality consciousness, but also forced to suppress the brain hardware and retrieve the sensibility, he was ready to face the blame of Dorothy and the tie, and the plan to improve suddenly Difficulty, the possibility of plan failure. He knew very well, at that time, in the face of extremely low probability, he still made this decision, what kind of consciousness he was full of.

However, when actually facing Dorothy, the imagination of the other party's complaints and blame did not come, and even a little surprised emotion did not appear. More like, even if there is only a very low probability, even if you spend a lot of energy and move a lot of hands and feet, setting all kinds of restrictions, Dorothy is also more inclined, "Gaochuan implanted in brain hardware will not eventually become the ultimate rationalized action machine "The result.

"Forget it, it's no big deal." Dorothy said: "Although the reason is very complicated and there are some accidents that are no longer expected, in general, all accidents must be included in the plan. . "Dorothy's tone is full of meaning, and the story behind it must be as complicated as she said, and it is difficult to explain it for a few days and nights. However, the body style Gaochuan does not care about these," Jiang "and The existence of "virus" is enough to turn any unimaginable things into reality.

"Some accidents have occurred. I don't know if it's in your plan." The prostitute Gao Chuan became serious. "A Gao Chuan who has died appears, that Gao Chuan is very special, he and Jiang ..." He stopped suddenly because, This is also a thing that cannot be explained comprehensively and meticulously. Even with brain hardware, it is difficult to sort out the strange situation in which Gaochuan, who was supposed to die, recovered under the power of Jiang. The accident that Dorothy said, to a large extent, should also refer to this thing, but even if Dorothy has become a super Dorothy, even if he is constantly monitoring changes in his body, can this situation be resolved? , Is still an unknown. Because "Jiang" itself is an unknown number, and the result of adding it to her is naturally difficult to parse.

"I know that Gao Chuan is under the monitoring of me and my color from birth to death. To be precise, in fact, his appearance was originally thought by us, it is possible to end everything. However, we probably all made a mistake." Dorothy frowned, showing an extremely contradictory emotion about the situation of the young Gaochuan, "He used to be closer to success than any other Achuan in the past, but in the end he failed, and failed him. After analyzing the reasons, I and I have a speculative conclusion that is completely opposite to the original expectation-although he is on the surface, it is the result of the natural evolution of personality, and his subsequent growth also has traces of our deliberate cultivation in the script , But from a deeper nature, it may be the result of the "virus". That is to say, the "virus" needs such an Achuan. "

"Then Jiang ..." Gao Sichuan's words were interrupted by Dorothy: "Achuan, Jiang doesn't exist, it's just the illusion created by the virus against that special Achuan. The existence of Jiang, Just disguise the virus ~ ~ to get Achuan's approval. You may say why the virus should do this, but I can only answer according to my own judgment, the virus does not have emotions and Human nature has strong survival instincts and evolutionary instincts. It has only one reason to do so, that is, survival instincts and evolutionary instincts to guide it to do this. I do n’t know if the final answer is this way, but, compared to other Any guesses, including the conclusion that "Jiang is the influence of Zhenjiang's sister's personality residue", I believe in the cruel answer of "this is a virus instinct." Because this guess is enough to prove that you really have a virus against Achuan Things, that is to say, the possibility of making serum is indeed on you. Because, your possibility is enough to cause damage to the virus And the growth and evolution of the virus, with the objective of stimulating, so that the virus needs to river morphology, to guide the growth direction of Agawa. "

"You mean ..." The prosthetic body Gaochuan chewed Dorothy carefully, "For the virus, Gaochuan is both a poison and a growth promoter?"

"Yes, it is not strange that the opposite nature appears on the same individual." Dorothy said: "This is an answer in line with rational thinking. I am willing to believe this answer. So, another Achuan appeared, It is a complicated but inevitable thing. However, judging from your current performance, it has overturned another assumption of mine. "(Unfinished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

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