Metkai had only opened the third gate, and his chakra was already no weaker than that of an ordinary jounin.

Coupled with its superb physical skills, there is really no suspense against a wild ninja leopard.

Ninbao was kicked directly into the sky by a series of kicks.

If Kimura Takuno hadn't said that he wanted to save it, Metkai would have been kicked to death by it.

The three people at the back also fought against the Ninja Pig.

He didn't even notice that Kai was done.

"Teacher Kai, that was the Eight Gate Armor Formation just now, right?"

"Oh? Tuoye-kun, do you also know? Yes, it is the Eight Door Dunjia Formation."

"I heard that this is the most powerful taijutsu secret in the ninja world. It turns out to be really powerful!"

"Ahaha, the Eight Door Dunjia Formation is indeed very powerful, but using it also comes at a high cost. This is the limitation of liberating one's own body. The technique of bursting out huge chakra actually has a great impact on the body every time it is released. burden."

Seeing that Kimura Takuno was quite interested, Kai said a few more words.

The latter climbed directly along the pole.

"Will it cause any damage to your body every time? Let me check your body, Teacher Kai."

"Well, it doesn't matter. As long as you don't open the wound door, I'll be fine. Xiao Li and the others are still fighting, and I have to ensure their safety. Now is really not a good time to do a physical examination."

Metkai shook his head and rejected Kimura Takuno's proposal.

He turned around and continued to pay attention to the battle between Xiao Li and the three of them.

Kimura Takuno secretly thought it was a pity. He originally wanted to see the physical condition of Metkai who had just finished opening the Eight Gate Dunjia.

The data may not be accurate later. The body of a taijutsu type ninja is exercised all year round, and its body's recovery ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. The results will be different after a while.

However, Metkay disagreed, and he could not force people to inspect them, so he had to give up.

He turned around and began to look at the leopard.

The leopard was all black, and its body was larger than that of a cow. It looked like it weighed more than a thousand kilograms.

Its limbs are as thick as an elephant's legs, and one leg weighs nearly a hundred kilograms.

It is directly the weight of an adult.

These legs are enough.

"Teacher Kai, I want to buy a leg for this leopard."

"Takuno-kun, what are you talking about? We are planning to have a barbecue party tonight. If you want to eat, just eat."

"No, Teacher Kai, I'm here to save people."

Then Kimura Takuno and Metkai discussed the idea of ​​using leopard legs to save people.

"Nani? Is this really okay? Takuno-kun, a leopard's legs are different from human arms, right? And this leopard is so big, one leg is thicker than a human waist?"

"Okay, just a little plastic surgery and it'll be fine."

Although Metkai was shocked, he still believed Kimura Takuno's words. After all, people are professionals in medical ninjutsu.

Kimura Takuno said yes, so be it.

If it could really succeed, wouldn't it be possible for many of Konoha's ninjas who retired due to broken limbs to be saved?

Thinking of this, Metkai looked at Kimura Takuno and suddenly felt moved.

Then he screamed and burst into tears!

"Medical ninjutsu can also make others rejuvenated!"

Looking at Metkai who was suddenly moved by himself and bursting into tears.

The corner of Kimura Takuno's mouth twitched. It turned out that Metkai was like this when watching anime. At that time, he didn't think it was anything, he just thought it was a bit funny.

But now when this scene appeared in front of him, Kimura Takuno suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with Metkai's spirit.

People with no mental problems may not be able to bear the pain of having all eight doors opened.

Well, this pain can be avoided by severing the pain-sensing nerves.

The infinite distance eight doors solved another problem. Remember to cut off the pain nerve when opening the eight doors. Kimura Takuno secretly made a note of it.

"it's over!"

Just as Kimura Takuno's thoughts were diverging, the battle between Xiao Li and the three of them was over, even though the Ninja Pig's chakra amount was not inferior to that of an ordinary jounin.

But the amount of chakra does not equal strength.

After all, that ninja pig is just a beast without intelligence.

At the beginning, he was kicked by Metkai again.

Xiao Li and the others faced it, and managed to win it without any danger after a lot of effort.

"Ah, this is youth!"

Xiao Li and Ningji cooperated with Taijutsu to defeat the Ninja Pig, but Tiantian could only occasionally shoot a shuriken from the side.

After the fight, both Xiao Li and Neji had a great time.

But Tiantian only feels that he is a redundant decoration and seems to have no role at all in this team.

She looked sideways at Xiao Li and Neji celebrating, lowering her head in frustration.

"Everyone has things they are good at and things they are not good at. Don't be discouraged if you can't help for a while. Finding your own position is the most important thing."

"Um, thank you, thank you. But what should I do to find my place?"

Tiantian looked at Kimura Takuno who suddenly appeared next to him, his face flushed slightly, and then he pretended to be calm and asked the latter.

“Everyone in the team should bring out what they are best at and make up for what others are not good at.

Such a team will not have obvious shortcomings, and everyone can play their own strengths, forming the effect of one plus one being greater than two. "

"Use what you are good at?"

"That's right. Your team obviously didn't consider this aspect. They only considered that the three of you, who are only good at physical arts, could learn more from teacher Kai, who is also good at physical arts. They didn't consider the practicality of your future team."

"The practicality of the team?"

Looking at Tian Tian, ​​who was already confused, Kimura Takuye sighed secretly.

This is how the world is. People start working after graduating from elementary school.

Only 10 people graduate from elementary school, and it's not a proper elementary school. People's comprehension ability is generally poor.

Kimura Takuye complained and decided to implement nine-year compulsory education in the ninja world in the future.

And build high schools and universities for them.

We can't let the children of the ninja world have no books to read at such a young age.

"Your team has Byakugan scouts, and Kai and Xiao Li, pure physical ninjas, physical melee double C.

It should be an assault team, suitable for rapid advances and strong attacks on important targets behind enemy lines.

Byakugan locks the enemy, and double Cs advance.

This creates some needs, requiring supplies and auxiliary treatment deep behind enemy lines, and even long-range support."

"I see, I don't know medical ninjutsu, so I can only carry supplies and give them a few shurikens. So I have to learn medical ninjutsu, right?"

Tiantian looked like he had found his goal, and was thinking about where to learn medical ninjutsu, when suddenly his eyes lit up.

Isn't the person in front of him a genius medical ninja?

"Takuye-kun, please teach me medical ninjutsu!"

"Well, medical ninjutsu is difficult, not everyone can learn it. But if you want to learn it, I can teach you, but don't hold too high hopes. Not one out of ten ninjas may be able to learn it. Even if you can't learn it, there are other ways to go."

"Hey, thank you Takuye-kun."

Looking at Tiantian's expectant eyes, Kimura Takuye broke out in a cold sweat.

In the original work, Tiantian also learned medical ninjutsu, but she has no talent for medical ninjutsu.

Let's take precautions to prevent this little girl from being too disappointed.

Anyway, there are other better ways to improve her combat effectiveness.

It will definitely not be like the original work, using high-end space-time ninjutsu but doing things like throwing garbage and scraping.

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